# frozen_string_literal: true

require "rails_helper"

describe Jobs::OldKeysReminder do
  let!(:google_secret) { SiteSetting.create!(name: 'google_oauth2_client_secret', value: '123', data_type: 1) }
  let!(:instagram_secret) { SiteSetting.create!(name: 'instagram_consumer_secret', value: '123', data_type: 1) }
  let!(:api_key) { Fabricate(:api_key, description: 'api key description') }
  let!(:admin) { Fabricate(:admin) }
  let!(:another_admin) { Fabricate(:admin) }

  let!(:recent_twitter_secret) { SiteSetting.create!(name: 'twitter_consumer_secret', value: '123', data_type: 1, updated_at: 2.years.from_now) }
  let!(:recent_api_key) { Fabricate(:api_key, description: 'recent api key description', created_at: 2.years.from_now, user_id: admin.id) }

  it 'is disabled be default' do
    freeze_time 2.years.from_now
    expect { described_class.new.execute({}) }.not_to change { Post.count }

  it 'sends message to admin with old credentials' do
    SiteSetting.send_old_credential_reminder_days = '365'
    freeze_time 2.years.from_now
    expect { described_class.new.execute({}) }.to change { Post.count }.by(1)
    post = Post.last
    expect(post.archetype).to eq(Archetype.private_message)
    expect(post.topic.topic_allowed_users.map(&:user_id).sort).to eq([Discourse.system_user.id, admin.id, another_admin.id].sort)
    expect(post.topic.title).to eq('Reminder about old credentials')
    expect(post.raw).to eq(<<-MSG.rstrip)
Hello! This is a routine yearly security reminder from your Discourse instance.

As a courtesy, we wanted to let you know that the following credentials used on your Discourse instance have not been updated in more than two years:

google_oauth2_client_secret - #{google_secret.updated_at.to_date.to_s(:db)}
instagram_consumer_secret - #{instagram_secret.updated_at.to_date.to_s(:db)}
api key description - #{api_key.created_at.to_date.to_s(:db)}

No action is required at this time, however, it is considered good security practice to cycle all your important credentials every few years.

    freeze_time 4.years.from_now
    post = Post.last
    expect(post.topic.title).to eq('Reminder about old credentials')
    expect(post.raw).to eq(<<-MSG.rstrip)
Hello! This is a routine yearly security reminder from your Discourse instance.

As a courtesy, we wanted to let you know that the following credentials used on your Discourse instance have not been updated in more than two years:

google_oauth2_client_secret - #{google_secret.updated_at.to_date.to_s(:db)}
instagram_consumer_secret - #{instagram_secret.updated_at.to_date.to_s(:db)}
twitter_consumer_secret - #{recent_twitter_secret.updated_at.to_date.to_s(:db)}
api key description - #{api_key.created_at.to_date.to_s(:db)}
recent api key description - #{admin.username} - #{recent_api_key.created_at.to_date.to_s(:db)}

No action is required at this time, however, it is considered good security practice to cycle all your important credentials every few years.

  it 'does not send message when send_old_credential_reminder_days is set to 0 or no old keys' do
    expect { described_class.new.execute({}) }.to change { Post.count }.by(0)
    SiteSetting.send_old_credential_reminder_days = '0'
    freeze_time 2.years.from_now
    expect { described_class.new.execute({}) }.to change { Post.count }.by(0)

  it 'does not send a message if already exists' do
    SiteSetting.send_old_credential_reminder_days = '367'
    freeze_time 2.years.from_now
    expect { described_class.new.execute({}) }.to change { Post.count }.by(1)
    expect { described_class.new.execute({}) }.to change { Post.count }.by(0)
    freeze_time 1.years.from_now
    expect { described_class.new.execute({}) }.to change { Post.count }.by(0)
    freeze_time 3.days.from_now
    expect { described_class.new.execute({}) }.to change { Post.count }.by(1)