# frozen_string_literal: true describe Search do fab!(:admin) { Fabricate(:admin) } fab!(:topic) { Fabricate(:topic) } before do SearchIndexer.enable Jobs.run_immediately! end context "#ts_config" do it "maps locales to correct Postgres dictionaries" do expect(Search.ts_config).to eq("english") expect(Search.ts_config("en")).to eq("english") expect(Search.ts_config("en_GB")).to eq("english") expect(Search.ts_config("pt_BR")).to eq("portuguese") expect(Search.ts_config("tr")).to eq("turkish") expect(Search.ts_config("xx")).to eq("simple") end end context "#GroupedSearchResults.blurb_for" do it "strips audio and video URLs from search blurb" do cooked = <<~RAW link to an external page: https://google.com/?u=bar link to an audio file: https://somesite.com/content/file123.m4a link to a video file: https://somesite.com/content/somethingelse.MOV RAW result = Search::GroupedSearchResults.blurb_for(cooked: cooked) expect(result).to eq("link to an external page: https://google.com/?u=bar link to an audio file: #{I18n.t("search.audio")} link to a video file: #{I18n.t("search.video")}") end it "strips URLs correctly when blurb is longer than limit" do cooked = <<~RAW Here goes a test cooked with enough characters to hit the blurb limit. Something is very interesting about this audio file. http://localhost/uploads/default/original/1X/90adc0092b30c04b761541bc0322d0dce3d896e7.m4a RAW result = Search::GroupedSearchResults.blurb_for(cooked: cooked) expect(result).to eq("Here goes a test cooked with enough characters to hit the blurb limit. Something is very interesting about this audio file. #{I18n.t("search.audio")}") end it "does not fail on bad URLs" do cooked = <<~RAW invalid URL: http:error] should not trip up blurb generation. RAW result = Search::GroupedSearchResults.blurb_for(cooked: cooked) expect(result).to eq("invalid URL: http:error] should not trip up blurb generation.") end end context "#execute" do before do SiteSetting.tagging_enabled = true end context "staff tags" do fab!(:hidden_tag) { Fabricate(:tag) } let!(:staff_tag_group) { Fabricate(:tag_group, permissions: { "staff" => 1 }, tag_names: [hidden_tag.name]) } fab!(:topic) { Fabricate(:topic, tags: [hidden_tag]) } fab!(:post) { Fabricate(:post, topic: topic) } before do SiteSetting.tagging_enabled = true SearchIndexer.enable SearchIndexer.index(hidden_tag, force: true) SearchIndexer.index(topic, force: true) end it "are visible to staff users" do result = Search.execute(hidden_tag.name, guardian: Guardian.new(Fabricate(:admin))) expect(result.tags).to contain_exactly(hidden_tag) end it "are hidden to regular users" do result = Search.execute(hidden_tag.name, guardian: Guardian.new(Fabricate(:user))) expect(result.tags).to contain_exactly() end end context "accents" do fab!(:post_1) { Fabricate(:post, raw: "Cette ****** d'art n'est pas une œuvre") } fab!(:post_2) { Fabricate(:post, raw: "Cette oeuvre d'art n'est pas une *****") } before do SearchIndexer.enable end after do SearchIndexer.disable end it "removes them if search_ignore_accents" do SiteSetting.search_ignore_accents = true [post_1, post_2].each { |post| SearchIndexer.index(post.topic, force: true) } expect(Search.execute("oeuvre").posts).to contain_exactly(post_1, post_2) expect(Search.execute("œuvre").posts).to contain_exactly(post_1, post_2) end it "does not remove them if not search_ignore_accents" do SiteSetting.search_ignore_accents = false [post_1, post_2].each { |post| SearchIndexer.index(post.topic, force: true) } expect(Search.execute("œuvre").posts).to contain_exactly(post_1) expect(Search.execute("oeuvre").posts).to contain_exactly(post_2) end end end context "custom_eager_load" do fab!(:topic) { Fabricate(:topic) } fab!(:post) { Fabricate(:post, topic: topic) } before do SearchIndexer.enable SearchIndexer.index(topic, force: true) end it "includes custom tables" do begin SiteSetting.tagging_enabled = false expect(Search.execute("test").posts[0].topic.association(:category).loaded?).to be true expect(Search.execute("test").posts[0].topic.association(:tags).loaded?).to be false SiteSetting.tagging_enabled = true Search.custom_topic_eager_load([:topic_users]) Search.custom_topic_eager_load() do [:bookmarks] end expect(Search.execute("test").posts[0].topic.association(:tags).loaded?).to be true expect(Search.execute("test").posts[0].topic.association(:topic_users).loaded?).to be true expect(Search.execute("test").posts[0].topic.association(:bookmarks).loaded?).to be true ensure SiteSetting.tagging_enabled = false Search.instance_variable_set(:@custom_topic_eager_loads, []) end end end context "users" do fab!(:user) { Fabricate(:user, username: "DonaldDuck") } fab!(:user2) { Fabricate(:user) } before do SearchIndexer.enable SearchIndexer.index(user, force: true) end it "finds users by their names or custom fields" do result = Search.execute("donaldduck", guardian: Guardian.new(user2)) expect(result.users).to contain_exactly(user) user_field = Fabricate(:user_field, name: "custom field") UserCustomField.create!(user: user, value: "test", name: "user_field_#{user_field.id}") Jobs::ReindexSearch.new.execute({}) result = Search.execute("test", guardian: Guardian.new(user2)) expect(result.users).to be_empty user_field.update!(searchable: true) Jobs::ReindexSearch.new.execute({}) result = Search.execute("test", guardian: Guardian.new(user2)) expect(result.users).to contain_exactly(user) user_field2 = Fabricate(:user_field, name: "another custom field", searchable: true) UserCustomField.create!(user: user, value: "longer test", name: "user_field_#{user_field2.id}") UserCustomField.create!(user: user2, value: "second user test", name: "user_field_#{user_field2.id}") SearchIndexer.index(user, force: true) SearchIndexer.index(user2, force: true) result = Search.execute("test", guardian: Guardian.new(user2)) expect(result.users.find { |u| u.id == user.id }.custom_data).to eq([ { name: "custom field", value: "test" }, { name: "another custom field", value: "longer test" } ]) expect(result.users.find { |u| u.id == user2.id }.custom_data).to eq([ { name: "another custom field", value: "second user test" } ]) end context "when using SiteSetting.enable_listing_suspended_users_on_search" do fab!(:suspended_user) { Fabricate(:user, username: 'revolver_ocelot', suspended_at: Time.now, suspended_till: 5.days.from_now) } before { SearchIndexer.index(suspended_user, force: true) } it "should list suspended users to regular users if the setting is enabled" do SiteSetting.enable_listing_suspended_users_on_search = true result = Search.execute("revolver_ocelot", guardian: Guardian.new(user)) expect(result.users).to contain_exactly(suspended_user) end it "shouldn't list suspended users to regular users if the setting is disabled" do SiteSetting.enable_listing_suspended_users_on_search = false result = Search.execute("revolver_ocelot", guardian: Guardian.new(user)) expect(result.users).to be_empty end it "should list suspended users to admins regardless of the setting" do SiteSetting.enable_listing_suspended_users_on_search = false result = Search.execute("revolver_ocelot", guardian: Guardian.new(Fabricate(:admin))) expect(result.users).to contain_exactly(suspended_user) end end end context "categories" do it "finds topics in sub-sub-categories" do SiteSetting.max_category_nesting = 3 category = Fabricate(:category_with_definition) subcategory = Fabricate(:category_with_definition, parent_category_id: category.id) subsubcategory = Fabricate(:category_with_definition, parent_category_id: subcategory.id) topic = Fabricate(:topic, category: subsubcategory) post = Fabricate(:post, topic: topic) SearchIndexer.enable SearchIndexer.index(post, force: true) expect(Search.execute("test ##{category.slug}").posts).to contain_exactly(post) expect(Search.execute("test ##{category.slug}:#{subcategory.slug}").posts).to contain_exactly(post) expect(Search.execute("test ##{subcategory.slug}").posts).to contain_exactly(post) expect(Search.execute("test ##{subcategory.slug}:#{subsubcategory.slug}").posts).to contain_exactly(post) expect(Search.execute("test ##{subsubcategory.slug}").posts).to contain_exactly(post) expect(Search.execute("test #=#{category.slug}").posts).to be_empty expect(Search.execute("test #=#{category.slug}:#{subcategory.slug}").posts).to be_empty expect(Search.execute("test #=#{subcategory.slug}").posts).to be_empty expect(Search.execute("test #=#{subcategory.slug}:#{subsubcategory.slug}").posts).to contain_exactly(post) expect(Search.execute("test #=#{subsubcategory.slug}").posts).to contain_exactly(post) end end context 'post indexing' do fab!(:category) { Fabricate(:category_with_definition, name: 'america') } fab!(:topic) { Fabricate(:topic, title: 'sam saffron test topic', category: category) } let!(:post) { Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, raw: 'this <b>fun test</b> <img src="bla" title="my image">') } let!(:post2) { Fabricate(:post, topic: topic) } it "should index correctly" do search_data = post.post_search_data.search_data expect(search_data).to match(/fun/) expect(search_data).to match(/sam/) expect(search_data).to match(/america/) expect do topic.update!(title: "harpi is the new title") end.to change { post2.reload.post_search_data.version }.from(SearchIndexer::POST_INDEX_VERSION).to(SearchIndexer::REINDEX_VERSION) expect(post.post_search_data.reload.search_data).to match(/harpi/) end it 'should update posts index when topic category changes' do expect do topic.update!(category: Fabricate(:category)) end.to change { post.reload.post_search_data.version }.from(SearchIndexer::POST_INDEX_VERSION).to(SearchIndexer::REINDEX_VERSION) .and change { post2.reload.post_search_data.version }.from(SearchIndexer::POST_INDEX_VERSION).to(SearchIndexer::REINDEX_VERSION) end it 'should update posts index when topic tags changes' do SiteSetting.tagging_enabled = true tag = Fabricate(:tag) expect do DiscourseTagging.tag_topic_by_names(topic, Guardian.new(admin), [tag.name]) topic.save! end.to change { post.reload.post_search_data.version }.from(SearchIndexer::POST_INDEX_VERSION).to(SearchIndexer::REINDEX_VERSION) .and change { post2.reload.post_search_data.version }.from(SearchIndexer::POST_INDEX_VERSION).to(SearchIndexer::REINDEX_VERSION) expect(topic.tags).to eq([tag]) end end context 'user indexing' do before do @user = Fabricate(:user, username: 'fred', name: 'bob jones') @indexed = @user.user_search_data.search_data end it "should pick up on data" do expect(@indexed).to match(/fred/) expect(@indexed).to match(/jone/) end end context 'category indexing' do let!(:category) { Fabricate(:category_with_definition, name: 'america') } let!(:topic) { Fabricate(:topic, category: category) } let!(:post) { Fabricate(:post, topic: topic) } let!(:post2) { Fabricate(:post, topic: topic) } let!(:post3) { Fabricate(:post) } it "should index correctly" do expect(category.category_search_data.search_data).to match(/america/) end it 'should update posts index when category name changes' do expect do category.update!(name: 'some new name') end.to change { post.reload.post_search_data.version }.from(SearchIndexer::POST_INDEX_VERSION).to(SearchIndexer::REINDEX_VERSION) .and change { post2.reload.post_search_data.version }.from(SearchIndexer::POST_INDEX_VERSION).to(SearchIndexer::REINDEX_VERSION) expect(post3.post_search_data.version).to eq(SearchIndexer::POST_INDEX_VERSION) end end it 'strips zero-width characters from search terms' do term = "\u0063\u0061\u0070\u0079\u200b\u200c\u200d\ufeff\u0062\u0061\u0072\u0061".encode("UTF-8") expect(term == 'capybara').to eq(false) search = Search.new(term) expect(search.valid?).to eq(true) expect(search.term).to eq('capybara') expect(search.clean_term).to eq('capybara') end it 'replaces curly quotes to regular quotes in search terms' do term = '“discourse”' expect(term == '"discourse"').to eq(false) search = Search.new(term) expect(search.valid?).to eq(true) expect(search.term).to eq('"discourse"') expect(search.clean_term).to eq('"discourse"') end it 'does not search when the search term is too small' do search = Search.new('evil', min_search_term_length: 5) search.execute expect(search.valid?).to eq(false) expect(search.term).to eq('') end it 'needs at least one term that hits the length' do search = Search.new('a b c d', min_search_term_length: 5) search.execute expect(search.valid?).to eq(false) expect(search.term).to eq('') end it 'searches for quoted short terms' do search = Search.new('"a b c d"', min_search_term_length: 5) search.execute expect(search.valid?).to eq(true) expect(search.term).to eq('"a b c d"') end it 'searches for short terms if one hits the length' do search = Search.new('a b c okaylength', min_search_term_length: 5) search.execute expect(search.valid?).to eq(true) expect(search.term).to eq('a b c okaylength') end context 'query sanitization' do let!(:post) { Fabricate(:post, raw: 'hello world') } it 'escapes backslash' do expect(Search.execute('hello\\').posts).to contain_exactly(post) end it 'escapes single quote' do expect(Search.execute("hello'").posts).to contain_exactly(post) end it 'escapes non-alphanumeric characters' do expect(Search.execute('hello :!$);}]>@\#\"\'').posts).to contain_exactly(post) end end it 'works when given two terms with spaces' do expect { Search.execute('evil trout') }.not_to raise_error end context 'users' do let!(:user) { Fabricate(:user) } let(:result) { Search.execute('bruce', type_filter: 'user') } it 'returns a result' do expect(result.users.length).to eq(1) expect(result.users[0].id).to eq(user.id) end context 'hiding user profiles' do before { SiteSetting.hide_user_profiles_from_public = true } it 'returns no result for anon' do expect(result.users.length).to eq(0) end it 'returns a result for logged in users' do result = Search.execute('bruce', type_filter: 'user', guardian: Guardian.new(user)) expect(result.users.length).to eq(1) end end end context 'inactive users' do let!(:inactive_user) { Fabricate(:inactive_user, active: false) } let(:result) { Search.execute('bruce') } it 'does not return a result' do expect(result.users.length).to eq(0) end end context 'staged users' do let(:staged) { Fabricate(:staged) } let(:result) { Search.execute(staged.username) } it 'does not return a result' do expect(result.users.length).to eq(0) end end context 'private messages' do let!(:post) { Fabricate(:private_message_post) } let(:topic) { post.topic } let!(:reply) do Fabricate(:private_message_post, topic: post.topic, raw: 'hello from mars, we just landed', user: post.user ) end let!(:post2) do Fabricate(:private_message_post, raw: 'another secret pm from mars, testing' ) end it 'searches correctly as an admin' do results = Search.execute( 'mars', type_filter: 'private_messages', guardian: Guardian.new(admin) ) expect(results.posts).to eq([]) end it "searches correctly as an admin given another user's context" do results = Search.execute( 'mars', type_filter: 'private_messages', search_context: reply.user, guardian: Guardian.new(admin) ) expect(results.posts).to contain_exactly(reply) end it "raises the right error when a normal user searches for another user's context" do expect do Search.execute( 'mars', search_context: reply.user, type_filter: 'private_messages', guardian: Guardian.new(Fabricate(:user)) ) end.to raise_error(Discourse::InvalidAccess) end it 'searches correctly as a user' do results = Search.execute( 'mars', type_filter: 'private_messages', guardian: Guardian.new(reply.user) ) expect(results.posts).to contain_exactly(reply) end it 'searches correctly for a user with no private messages' do results = Search.execute( 'mars', type_filter: 'private_messages', guardian: Guardian.new(Fabricate(:user)) ) expect(results.posts).to eq([]) end it 'searches correctly' do expect do Search.execute('mars', type_filter: 'private_messages') end.to raise_error(Discourse::InvalidAccess) results = Search.execute( 'mars', type_filter: 'private_messages', guardian: Guardian.new(reply.user) ) expect(results.posts).to contain_exactly(reply) results = Search.execute( 'mars', search_context: topic, guardian: Guardian.new(reply.user) ) expect(results.posts).to contain_exactly(reply) # can search group PMs as well as non admin user = Fabricate(:user) group = Fabricate.build(:group) group.add(user) group.save! TopicAllowedGroup.create!(group_id: group.id, topic_id: topic.id) ["mars in:personal", "mars IN:PERSONAL", "in:messages mars", "IN:MESSAGES mars"].each do |query| results = Search.execute(query, guardian: Guardian.new(user)) expect(results.posts).to contain_exactly(reply) end end context 'personal_messages filter' do it 'does not allow a normal user to search for personal messages of another user' do expect do Search.execute( "mars personal_messages:#{post.user.username}", guardian: Guardian.new(Fabricate(:user)) ) end.to raise_error(Discourse::InvalidAccess) end it 'searches correctly for the PM of the given user' do results = Search.execute( "mars personal_messages:#{post.user.username}", guardian: Guardian.new(admin) ) expect(results.posts).to contain_exactly(reply) end it 'returns the right results if username is invalid' do results = Search.execute( "mars personal_messages:random_username", guardian: Guardian.new(admin) ) expect(results.posts).to eq([]) end end context 'all-pms flag' do it 'returns matching PMs if the user is an admin' do results = Search.execute('mars in:all-pms', guardian: Guardian.new(admin)) expect(results.posts).to include(reply, post2) end it 'returns nothing if the user is not an admin' do results = Search.execute('mars in:all-pms', guardian: Guardian.new(Fabricate(:user))) expect(results.posts).to be_empty end it 'returns nothing if the user is a moderator' do results = Search.execute('mars in:all-pms', guardian: Guardian.new(Fabricate(:moderator))) expect(results.posts).to be_empty end end context 'personal-direct and group_messages flags' do let(:current) { Fabricate(:user, admin: true, username: "current_user") } let(:participant) { Fabricate(:user, username: "participant_1") } let(:participant_2) { Fabricate(:user, username: "participant_2") } let(:non_participant) { Fabricate(:user, username: "non_participant") } let(:group) do group = Fabricate(:group, has_messages: true) group.add(current) group.add(participant) group end def create_pm(users:, group: nil) pm = Fabricate(:private_message_post_one_user, user: users.first).topic users[1..-1].each do |u| pm.invite(users.first, u.username) Fabricate(:post, user: u, topic: pm) end if group pm.invite_group(users.first, group) group.users.each do |u| Fabricate(:post, user: u, topic: pm) end end pm.reload end context "personal-direct flag" do it 'can find all direct PMs of the current user' do pm = create_pm(users: [current, participant]) _pm_2 = create_pm(users: [participant_2, participant]) pm_3 = create_pm(users: [participant, current]) pm_4 = create_pm(users: [participant_2, current]) ["in:personal-direct", "In:PeRsOnAl-DiReCt"].each do |query| results = Search.execute(query, guardian: Guardian.new(current)) expect(results.posts.size).to eq(3) expect(results.posts.map(&:topic_id)).to eq([pm_4.id, pm_3.id, pm.id]) end end it 'can filter direct PMs by @username' do pm = create_pm(users: [current, participant]) pm_2 = create_pm(users: [participant, current]) pm_3 = create_pm(users: [participant_2, current]) [ "@#{participant.username} in:personal-direct", "@#{participant.username} iN:pErSoNaL-dIrEcT", ].each do |query| results = Search.execute(query, guardian: Guardian.new(current)) expect(results.posts.size).to eq(2) expect(results.posts.map(&:topic_id)).to contain_exactly(pm_2.id, pm.id) expect(results.posts.map(&:user_id).uniq).to eq([participant.id]) end results = Search.execute("@me in:personal-direct", guardian: Guardian.new(current)) expect(results.posts.size).to eq(3) expect(results.posts.map(&:topic_id)).to contain_exactly(pm_3.id, pm_2.id, pm.id) expect(results.posts.map(&:user_id).uniq).to eq([current.id]) end it "doesn't include PMs that have more than 2 participants" do _pm = create_pm(users: [current, participant, participant_2]) results = Search.execute("@#{participant.username} in:personal-direct", guardian: Guardian.new(current)) expect(results.posts.size).to eq(0) end it "doesn't include PMs that have groups" do _pm = create_pm(users: [current, participant], group: group) results = Search.execute("@#{participant.username} in:personal-direct", guardian: Guardian.new(current)) expect(results.posts.size).to eq(0) end end context "group_messages flag" do it 'returns results correctly for a PM in a given group' do pm = create_pm(users: [participant, participant_2], group: group) results = Search.execute("group_messages:#{group.name}", guardian: Guardian.new(current)) expect(results.posts).to contain_exactly(pm.first_post) results = Search.execute("secret group_messages:#{group.name}", guardian: Guardian.new(current)) expect(results.posts).to contain_exactly(pm.first_post) end it 'returns nothing if user is not a group member' do pm = create_pm(users: [current, participant], group: group) results = Search.execute("group_messages:#{group.name}", guardian: Guardian.new(non_participant)) expect(results.posts.size).to eq(0) # even for admins results = Search.execute("group_messages:#{group.name}", guardian: Guardian.new(admin)) expect(results.posts.size).to eq(0) end it 'returns nothing if group has messages disabled' do pm = create_pm(users: [current, participant], group: group) group.update!(has_messages: false) results = Search.execute("group_messages:#{group.name}", guardian: Guardian.new(current)) expect(results.posts.size).to eq(0) end it 'is correctly scoped to a given group' do wrong_group = Fabricate(:group, has_messages: true) pm = create_pm(users: [current, participant], group: group) results = Search.execute("group_messages:#{group.name}", guardian: Guardian.new(current)) expect(results.posts).to contain_exactly(pm.first_post) results = Search.execute("group_messages:#{wrong_group.name}", guardian: Guardian.new(current)) expect(results.posts.size).to eq(0) end end end context 'all topics' do let!(:u1) { Fabricate(:user, username: 'fred', name: 'bob jones', email: 'foo+1@bar.baz') } let!(:u2) { Fabricate(:user, username: 'bob', name: 'fred jones', email: 'foo+2@bar.baz') } let!(:u3) { Fabricate(:user, username: 'jones', name: 'bob fred', email: 'foo+3@bar.baz') } let!(:u4) { Fabricate(:user, username: 'alice', name: 'bob fred', email: 'foo+4@bar.baz', admin: true) } let!(:public_topic) { Fabricate(:topic, user: u1) } let!(:public_post1) { Fabricate(:post, topic: public_topic, raw: "what do you want for breakfast? ham and eggs?", user: u1) } let!(:public_post2) { Fabricate(:post, topic: public_topic, raw: "ham and spam", user: u2) } let!(:private_topic) { Fabricate(:topic, user: u1, category_id: nil, archetype: 'private_message') } let!(:private_post1) { Fabricate(:post, topic: private_topic, raw: "what do you want for lunch? ham and cheese?", user: u1) } let!(:private_post2) { Fabricate(:post, topic: private_topic, raw: "cheese and spam", user: u2) } it 'finds private messages' do TopicAllowedUser.create!(user_id: u1.id, topic_id: private_topic.id) TopicAllowedUser.create!(user_id: u2.id, topic_id: private_topic.id) # case insensitive only results = Search.execute('iN:aLL cheese', guardian: Guardian.new(u1)) expect(results.posts).to contain_exactly(private_post1) # private only results = Search.execute('in:all cheese', guardian: Guardian.new(u1)) expect(results.posts).to contain_exactly(private_post1) # public only results = Search.execute('in:all eggs', guardian: Guardian.new(u1)) expect(results.posts).to contain_exactly(public_post1) # both results = Search.execute('in:all spam', guardian: Guardian.new(u1)) expect(results.posts).to contain_exactly(public_post2, private_post2) # for anon results = Search.execute('in:all spam', guardian: Guardian.new) expect(results.posts).to contain_exactly(public_post2) # nonparticipatory user results = Search.execute('in:all cheese', guardian: Guardian.new(u3)) expect(results.posts.empty?).to eq(true) results = Search.execute('in:all eggs', guardian: Guardian.new(u3)) expect(results.posts).to contain_exactly(public_post1) results = Search.execute('in:all spam', guardian: Guardian.new(u3)) expect(results.posts).to contain_exactly(public_post2) # Admin doesn't see private topic results = Search.execute('in:all spam', guardian: Guardian.new(u4)) expect(results.posts).to contain_exactly(public_post2) # same keyword for different users results = Search.execute('in:all ham', guardian: Guardian.new(u1)) expect(results.posts).to contain_exactly(public_post1, private_post1) results = Search.execute('in:all ham', guardian: Guardian.new(u2)) expect(results.posts).to contain_exactly(public_post1, private_post1) results = Search.execute('in:all ham', guardian: Guardian.new(u3)) expect(results.posts).to contain_exactly(public_post1) end end end context 'posts' do fab!(:post) do SearchIndexer.enable Fabricate(:post) end let(:topic) { post.topic } let!(:reply) do Fabricate(:post_with_long_raw_content, topic: topic, user: topic.user, ).tap { |post| post.update!(raw: "#{post.raw} elephant") } end let(:expected_blurb) do "#{Search::GroupedSearchResults::OMISSION}hundred characters to satisfy any test conditions that require content longer than the typical test post raw content. It really is some long content, folks. <span class=\"#{Search::HIGHLIGHT_CSS_CLASS}\">elephant</span>" end it 'returns the post' do SiteSetting.use_pg_headlines_for_excerpt = true result = Search.execute('elephant', type_filter: 'topic', include_blurbs: true ) expect(result.posts.map(&:id)).to contain_exactly(reply.id) post = result.posts.first expect(result.blurb(post)).to eq(expected_blurb) expect(post.topic_title_headline).to eq(topic.fancy_title) end it "only applies highlighting to the first #{Search::MAX_LENGTH_FOR_HEADLINE} characters" do SiteSetting.use_pg_headlines_for_excerpt = true reply.update!(raw: "#{'a' * Search::MAX_LENGTH_FOR_HEADLINE} #{reply.raw}") result = Search.execute('elephant') expect(result.posts.map(&:id)).to contain_exactly(reply.id) post = result.posts.first expect(post.headline.include?('elephant')).to eq(false) end it "does not truncate topic title when applying highlights" do SiteSetting.use_pg_headlines_for_excerpt = true topic = reply.topic topic.update!(title: "#{'very ' * 7}long topic title with our search term in the middle of the title") result = Search.execute('search term') expect(result.posts.first.topic_title_headline).to eq(<<~HTML.chomp) Very very very very very very very long topic title with our <span class=\"#{Search::HIGHLIGHT_CSS_CLASS}\">search</span> <span class=\"#{Search::HIGHLIGHT_CSS_CLASS}\">term</span> in the middle of the title HTML end it "limits the search headline to #{Search::GroupedSearchResults::BLURB_LENGTH} characters" do SiteSetting.use_pg_headlines_for_excerpt = true reply.update!(raw: "#{'a' * Search::GroupedSearchResults::BLURB_LENGTH} elephant") result = Search.execute('elephant') expect(result.posts.map(&:id)).to contain_exactly(reply.id) post = result.posts.first expect(result.blurb(post)).to eq("#{'a' * Search::GroupedSearchResults::BLURB_LENGTH}#{Search::GroupedSearchResults::OMISSION}") end it 'returns the right post and blurb for searches with phrase' do SiteSetting.use_pg_headlines_for_excerpt = true result = Search.execute('"elephant"', type_filter: 'topic', include_blurbs: true ) expect(result.posts.map(&:id)).to contain_exactly(reply.id) expect(result.blurb(result.posts.first)).to eq(expected_blurb) end it 'applies a small penalty to closed topic when ranking' do post = Fabricate(:post, raw: "My weekly update", topic: Fabricate(:topic, title: "A topic that will be closed", closed: true ) ) post2 = Fabricate(:post, raw: "My weekly update", topic: Fabricate(:topic, title: "A topic that will be open" ) ) result = Search.execute('weekly update') expect(result.posts.pluck(:id)).to eq([post2.id, post.id]) end it 'aggregates searches in a topic by returning the post with the lowest post number' do post = Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, raw: "this is a play post") post2 = Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, raw: "play play playing played play") post3 = Fabricate(:post, raw: "this is a play post") 5.times do Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, raw: "play playing played") end results = Search.execute('play') expect(results.posts.map(&:id)).to eq([ post.id, post3.id ]) end it "is able to search with an offset when configured" do post_1 = Fabricate(:post, raw: "this is a play post") SiteSetting.search_recent_regular_posts_offset_post_id = post_1.id + 1 results = Search.execute('play post') expect(results.posts).to eq([post_1]) post_2 = Fabricate(:post, raw: "this is another play post") SiteSetting.search_recent_regular_posts_offset_post_id = post_2.id results = Search.execute('play post') expect(results.posts.map(&:id)).to eq([ post_2.id, post_1.id ]) end it 'allows staff to search for whispers' do post.update!(post_type: Post.types[:whisper], raw: 'this is a tiger') results = Search.execute('tiger') expect(results.posts).to eq([]) results = Search.execute('tiger', guardian: Guardian.new(admin)) expect(results.posts).to eq([post]) end end context 'topics' do let(:post) { Fabricate(:post) } let(:topic) { post.topic } context 'search within topic' do def new_post(raw, topic = nil, created_at: nil) topic ||= Fabricate(:topic) Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, topic_id: topic.id, user: topic.user, raw: raw, created_at: created_at) end it 'works in Chinese' do SiteSetting.search_tokenize_chinese_japanese_korean = true post = new_post('I am not in English 何点になると思いますか') results = Search.execute('何点になると思', search_context: post.topic) expect(results.posts.map(&:id)).to eq([post.id]) end it 'displays multiple results within a topic' do topic2 = Fabricate(:topic) new_post('this is the other post I am posting', topic2, created_at: 6.minutes.ago) new_post('this is my fifth post I am posting', topic2, created_at: 5.minutes.ago) post1 = new_post('this is the other post I am posting', topic, created_at: 4.minutes.ago) post2 = new_post('this is my first post I am posting', topic, created_at: 3.minutes.ago) post3 = new_post('this is a real long and complicated bla this is my second post I am Posting birds with more stuff bla bla', topic, created_at: 2.minutes.ago) post4 = new_post('this is my fourth post I am posting', topic, created_at: 1.minute.ago) # update posts_count topic.reload results = Search.execute('posting', search_context: post1.topic) expect(results.posts.map(&:id)).to eq([post1.id, post2.id, post3.id, post4.id]) results = Search.execute('posting l', search_context: post1.topic) expect(results.posts.map(&:id)).to eq([post4.id, post3.id, post2.id, post1.id]) # stop words should work results = Search.execute('this', search_context: post1.topic) expect(results.posts.length).to eq(4) # phrase search works as expected results = Search.execute('"fourth post I am posting"', search_context: post1.topic) expect(results.posts.length).to eq(1) end it "works for unlisted topics" do topic.update(visible: false) _post = new_post('discourse is awesome', topic) results = Search.execute('discourse', search_context: topic) expect(results.posts.length).to eq(1) end end context 'searching the OP' do let!(:post) { Fabricate(:post_with_long_raw_content) } let(:result) { Search.execute('hundred', type_filter: 'topic') } it 'returns a result correctly' do expect(result.posts.length).to eq(1) expect(result.posts[0].id).to eq(post.id) end end context 'searching for quoted title' do it "can find quoted title" do create_post(raw: "this is the raw body", title: "I am a title yeah") result = Search.execute('"a title yeah"') expect(result.posts.length).to eq(1) end end context "search for a topic by id" do let(:result) { Search.execute(topic.id, type_filter: 'topic', search_for_id: true, min_search_term_length: 1) } it 'returns the topic' do expect(result.posts.length).to eq(1) expect(result.posts.first.id).to eq(post.id) end end context "search for a topic by url" do it 'returns the topic' do result = Search.execute(topic.relative_url, search_for_id: true, type_filter: 'topic') expect(result.posts.length).to eq(1) expect(result.posts.first.id).to eq(post.id) end context 'restrict_to_archetype' do let(:personal_message) { Fabricate(:private_message_topic) } let!(:p1) { Fabricate(:post, topic: personal_message, post_number: 1) } it 'restricts result to topics' do result = Search.execute(personal_message.relative_url, search_for_id: true, type_filter: 'topic', restrict_to_archetype: Archetype.default) expect(result.posts.length).to eq(0) result = Search.execute(topic.relative_url, search_for_id: true, type_filter: 'topic', restrict_to_archetype: Archetype.default) expect(result.posts.length).to eq(1) end it 'restricts result to messages' do result = Search.execute(topic.relative_url, search_for_id: true, type_filter: 'private_messages', guardian: Guardian.new(admin), restrict_to_archetype: Archetype.private_message) expect(result.posts.length).to eq(0) result = Search.execute(personal_message.relative_url, search_for_id: true, type_filter: 'private_messages', guardian: Guardian.new(admin), restrict_to_archetype: Archetype.private_message) expect(result.posts.length).to eq(1) end end end context 'security' do def result(current_user) Search.execute('hello', guardian: Guardian.new(current_user)) end it 'secures results correctly' do category = Fabricate(:category_with_definition) topic.category_id = category.id topic.save category.set_permissions(staff: :full) category.save expect(result(nil).posts).not_to be_present expect(result(Fabricate(:user)).posts).not_to be_present expect(result(admin).posts).to be_present end end end context 'cyrillic topic' do let!(:cyrillic_topic) do Fabricate(:topic) do user title { sequence(:title) { |i| "Тестовая запись #{i}" } } end end let!(:post) { Fabricate(:post, topic: cyrillic_topic, user: cyrillic_topic.user) } let(:result) { Search.execute('запись') } it 'finds something when given cyrillic query' do expect(result.posts).to contain_exactly(post) end end it 'does not tokenize search term' do Fabricate(:post, raw: 'thing is canned should still be found!') expect(Search.execute('canned').posts).to be_present end context 'categories' do let(:category) { Fabricate(:category_with_definition, name: "monkey Category 2") } let(:topic) { Fabricate(:topic, category: category) } let!(:post) { Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, raw: "snow monkey") } let!(:ignored_category) do Fabricate(:category_with_definition, name: "monkey Category 1", slug: "test", search_priority: Searchable::PRIORITIES[:ignore] ) end it "should return the right categories" do search = Search.execute("monkey") expect(search.categories).to contain_exactly( category, ignored_category ) expect(search.posts).to eq([category.topic.first_post, post]) search = Search.execute("monkey #test") expect(search.posts).to eq([ignored_category.topic.first_post]) end describe "with child categories" do let!(:child_of_ignored_category) do Fabricate(:category_with_definition, name: "monkey Category 3", parent_category: ignored_category ) end let!(:post2) do Fabricate(:post, topic: Fabricate(:topic, category: child_of_ignored_category), raw: "snow monkey park" ) end it 'returns the right results' do search = Search.execute("monkey") expect(search.categories).to contain_exactly( category, ignored_category, child_of_ignored_category ) expect(search.posts.map(&:id)).to eq([ child_of_ignored_category.topic.first_post, category.topic.first_post, post2, post ].map(&:id)) search = Search.execute("snow") expect(search.posts.map(&:id)).to eq([post2.id, post.id]) category.set_permissions({}) category.save! search = Search.execute("monkey") expect(search.categories).to contain_exactly( ignored_category, child_of_ignored_category ) expect(search.posts.map(&:id)).to eq([ child_of_ignored_category.topic.first_post, post2 ].map(&:id)) end end describe 'categories with different priorities' do let(:category2) { Fabricate(:category_with_definition) } it "should return posts in the right order" do raw = "The pure genuine evian" post = Fabricate(:post, topic: category.topic, raw: raw) post2 = Fabricate(:post, topic: category2.topic, raw: raw) post2.topic.update!(bumped_at: 10.seconds.from_now) search = Search.execute(raw) expect(search.posts.map(&:id)).to eq([post2.id, post.id]) category.update!(search_priority: Searchable::PRIORITIES[:high]) search = Search.execute(raw) expect(search.posts.map(&:id)).to eq([post.id, post2.id]) end end end context 'groups' do def search(user = Fabricate(:user)) Search.execute(group.name, guardian: Guardian.new(user)) end let!(:group) { Group[:trust_level_0] } it 'shows group' do expect(search.groups.map(&:name)).to eq([group.name]) end context 'group visibility' do let!(:group) { Fabricate(:group) } before do group.update!(visibility_level: 3) end context 'staff logged in' do it 'shows group' do expect(search(admin).groups.map(&:name)).to eq([group.name]) end end context 'non staff logged in' do it 'shows doesn’t show group' do expect(search.groups.map(&:name)).to be_empty end end end end context 'tags' do def search Search.execute(tag.name) end let!(:tag) { Fabricate(:tag) } let!(:uppercase_tag) { Fabricate(:tag, name: "HeLlO") } let(:tag_group) { Fabricate(:tag_group) } let(:category) { Fabricate(:category_with_definition) } context 'post searching' do before do SiteSetting.tagging_enabled = true DiscourseTagging.tag_topic_by_names(post.topic, Guardian.new(Fabricate.build(:admin)), [tag.name, uppercase_tag.name]) post.topic.save end let(:post) { Fabricate(:post, raw: 'I am special post') } it 'can find posts with tags' do # we got to make this index (it is deferred) Jobs::ReindexSearch.new.rebuild_posts result = Search.execute(tag.name) expect(result.posts.length).to eq(1) result = Search.execute("hElLo") expect(result.posts.length).to eq(1) SiteSetting.tagging_enabled = false result = Search.execute(tag.name) expect(result.posts.length).to eq(0) end it 'can find posts with tag synonyms' do synonym = Fabricate(:tag, name: 'synonym', target_tag: tag) Jobs::ReindexSearch.new.rebuild_posts result = Search.execute(synonym.name) expect(result.posts.length).to eq(1) end end context 'tagging is disabled' do before { SiteSetting.tagging_enabled = false } it 'does not include tags' do expect(search.tags).to_not be_present end end context 'tagging is enabled' do before { SiteSetting.tagging_enabled = true } it 'returns the tag in the result' do expect(search.tags).to eq([tag]) end it 'shows staff tags' do create_staff_only_tags(["#{tag.name}9"]) expect(Search.execute(tag.name, guardian: Guardian.new(admin)).tags.map(&:name)).to eq([tag.name, "#{tag.name}9"]) expect(search.tags.map(&:name)).to eq([tag.name, "#{tag.name}9"]) end it 'includes category-restricted tags' do category_tag = Fabricate(:tag, name: "#{tag.name}9") tag_group.tags = [category_tag] category.set_permissions(admins: :full) category.allowed_tag_groups = [tag_group.name] category.save! expect(Search.execute(tag.name, guardian: Guardian.new(admin)).tags).to eq([tag, category_tag]) expect(search.tags).to eq([tag, category_tag]) end end end context 'type_filter' do let!(:user) { Fabricate(:user, username: 'amazing', email: 'amazing@amazing.com') } let!(:category) { Fabricate(:category_with_definition, name: 'amazing category', user: user) } context 'user filter' do let(:results) { Search.execute('amazing', type_filter: 'user') } it "returns a user result" do expect(results.categories.length).to eq(0) expect(results.posts.length).to eq(0) expect(results.users.length).to eq(1) end end context 'category filter' do let(:results) { Search.execute('amazing', type_filter: 'category') } it "returns a category result" do expect(results.categories.length).to eq(1) expect(results.posts.length).to eq(0) expect(results.users.length).to eq(0) end end end context 'search_context' do it 'can find a user when using search context' do coding_horror = Fabricate(:coding_horror) post = Fabricate(:post) Fabricate(:post, user: coding_horror) result = Search.execute('hello', search_context: post.user) result.posts.first.topic_id = post.topic_id expect(result.posts.length).to eq(1) end it 'can use category as a search context' do category = Fabricate(:category_with_definition, search_priority: Searchable::PRIORITIES[:ignore] ) topic = Fabricate(:topic, category: category) topic_no_cat = Fabricate(:topic) # includes subcategory in search subcategory = Fabricate(:category_with_definition, parent_category_id: category.id) sub_topic = Fabricate(:topic, category: subcategory) post = Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, user: topic.user) Fabricate(:post, topic: topic_no_cat, user: topic.user) sub_post = Fabricate(:post, raw: 'I am saying hello from a subcategory', topic: sub_topic, user: topic.user) search = Search.execute('hello', search_context: category) expect(search.posts.map(&:id)).to match_array([post.id, sub_post.id]) expect(search.posts.length).to eq(2) end it 'can use tag as a search context' do tag = Fabricate(:tag, name: 'important-stuff') topic_no_tag = Fabricate(:topic) Fabricate(:topic_tag, tag: tag, topic: topic) post = Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, user: topic.user, raw: 'This is my hello') Fabricate(:post, topic: topic_no_tag, user: topic.user) search = Search.execute('hello', search_context: tag) expect(search.posts.map(&:id)).to contain_exactly(post.id) expect(search.posts.length).to eq(1) end end context 'Japanese search' do let!(:topic) { Fabricate(:topic) } let!(:post) { Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, raw: 'This is some japanese text 日本が大好きです。') } let!(:topic_2) { Fabricate(:topic, title: '日本の話題、 more japanese text') } let!(:post_2) { Fabricate(:post, topic: topic_2) } describe '.prepare_data' do it 'removes punctuations' do SiteSetting.search_tokenize_japanese = true expect(Search.prepare_data(post.raw)).to eq("This is some japanese text 日本 が 大好き です") end end describe '.execute' do before do @old_default = SiteSetting.defaults.get(:min_search_term_length) SiteSetting.defaults.set_regardless_of_locale(:min_search_term_length, 1) SiteSetting.refresh! end after do SiteSetting.defaults.set_regardless_of_locale(:min_search_term_length, @old_default) SiteSetting.refresh! end it 'finds posts containing Japanese text if tokenization is forced' do SiteSetting.search_tokenize_japanese = true expect(Search.execute('日本').posts.map(&:id)).to eq([post_2.id, post.id]) expect(Search.execute('日').posts.map(&:id)).to eq([post_2.id, post.id]) end it "find posts containing search term when site's locale is set to Japanese" do SiteSetting.default_locale = 'ja' expect(Search.execute('日本').posts.map(&:id)).to eq([post_2.id, post.id]) expect(Search.execute('日').posts.map(&:id)).to eq([post_2.id, post.id]) end it 'does not include superfluous spaces in blurbs' do SiteSetting.default_locale = 'ja' post.update!(raw: '場サアマネ織企ういかせ竹域ヱイマ穂基ホ神3予読ずねいぱ松査ス禁多サウ提懸イふ引小43改こょドめ。深とつぐ主思料農ぞかル者杯検める活分えほづぼ白犠') results = Search.execute('ういかせ竹域', type_filter: 'topic') expect(results.posts.length).to eq(1) expect(results.blurb(results.posts.first)).to include('ういかせ竹域') end end end describe 'Chinese search' do let(:sentence) { 'Discourse is a software company 中国的基础设施网络正在组装。' } let(:sentence_t) { 'Discourse is a software company 太平山森林遊樂區。' } it 'splits English / Chinese and filter out Chinese stop words' do SiteSetting.default_locale = 'zh_CN' data = Search.prepare_data(sentence) expect(data).to eq("Discourse is a software company 中国 基础设施 网络 正在 组装") end it 'splits for indexing and filter out stop words' do SiteSetting.default_locale = 'zh_CN' data = Search.prepare_data(sentence, :index) expect(data).to eq("Discourse is a software company 中国 基础设施 网络 正在 组装") end it 'splits English / Traditional Chinese and filter out stop words' do SiteSetting.default_locale = 'zh_TW' data = Search.prepare_data(sentence_t) expect(data).to eq("Discourse is a software company 太平山 森林 遊樂區") end it 'does not split strings beginning with numeric chars into different segments' do SiteSetting.default_locale = 'zh_TW' data = Search.prepare_data("#{sentence} 123abc") expect(data).to eq("Discourse is a software company 中国 基础设施 网络 正在 组装 123abc") end it 'finds chinese topic based on title' do SiteSetting.default_locale = 'zh_TW' SiteSetting.min_search_term_length = 1 topic = Fabricate(:topic, title: 'My Title Discourse社區指南') post = Fabricate(:post, topic: topic) expect(Search.execute('社區指南').posts.first.id).to eq(post.id) expect(Search.execute('指南').posts.first.id).to eq(post.id) end it 'finds chinese topic based on title if tokenization is forced' do begin SiteSetting.search_tokenize_chinese = true default_min_search_term_length = SiteSetting.defaults.get(:min_search_term_length) SiteSetting.defaults.set_regardless_of_locale(:min_search_term_length, 1) SiteSetting.refresh! topic = Fabricate(:topic, title: 'My Title Discourse社區指南') post = Fabricate(:post, topic: topic) expect(Search.execute('社區指南').posts.first.id).to eq(post.id) expect(Search.execute('指南').posts.first.id).to eq(post.id) ensure if default_min_search_term_length SiteSetting.defaults.set_regardless_of_locale(:min_search_term_length, default_min_search_term_length) SiteSetting.refresh! end end end end describe 'Advanced search' do describe "bookmarks" do fab!(:user) { Fabricate(:user) } let!(:bookmark_post1) { Fabricate(:post, raw: 'boom this is a bookmarked post') } let!(:bookmark_post2) { Fabricate(:post, raw: 'wow some other cool thing') } def search_with_bookmarks Search.execute('boom in:bookmarks', guardian: Guardian.new(user)) end it "can filter by posts in the user's bookmarks" do expect(search_with_bookmarks.posts.map(&:id)).to eq([]) Fabricate(:bookmark, user: user, post: bookmark_post1) expect(search_with_bookmarks.posts.map(&:id)).to match_array([bookmark_post1.id]) end context "using polymorphic bookmarks" do before do SiteSetting.use_polymorphic_bookmarks = true end it "can filter by posts in the user's bookmarks" do expect(search_with_bookmarks.posts.map(&:id)).to eq([]) bm = Fabricate(:bookmark, user: user, bookmarkable: bookmark_post1) expect(search_with_bookmarks.posts.map(&:id)).to match_array([bookmark_post1.id]) end end end it 'supports pinned' do Fabricate(:post, raw: 'hi this is a test 123 123', topic: topic) _post = Fabricate(:post, raw: 'boom boom shake the room', topic: topic) topic.update_pinned(true) expect(Search.execute('boom in:pinned').posts.length).to eq(1) expect(Search.execute('boom IN:PINNED').posts.length).to eq(1) end it 'supports wiki' do topic_2 = Fabricate(:topic) post = Fabricate(:post, raw: 'this is a test 248', wiki: true, topic: topic) Fabricate(:post, raw: 'this is a test 248', wiki: false, topic: topic_2) expect(Search.execute('test 248').posts.length).to eq(2) expect(Search.execute('test 248 in:wiki').posts.first).to eq(post) expect(Search.execute('test 248 IN:WIKI').posts.first).to eq(post) end it 'supports searching for posts that the user has seen/unseen' do topic_2 = Fabricate(:topic) post = Fabricate(:post, raw: 'logan is longan', topic: topic) post_2 = Fabricate(:post, raw: 'longan is logan', topic: topic_2) [post.user, topic.user].each do |user| PostTiming.create!( post_number: post.post_number, topic: topic, user: user, msecs: 1 ) end expect(post.seen?(post.user)).to eq(true) expect(Search.execute('longan').posts.sort).to eq([post, post_2]) expect(Search.execute('longan in:seen', guardian: Guardian.new(post.user)).posts) .to eq([post]) expect(Search.execute('longan IN:SEEN', guardian: Guardian.new(post.user)).posts) .to eq([post]) expect(Search.execute('longan in:seen').posts.sort).to eq([post, post_2]) expect(Search.execute('longan in:seen', guardian: Guardian.new(post_2.user)).posts) .to eq([]) expect(Search.execute('longan', guardian: Guardian.new(post_2.user)).posts.sort) .to eq([post, post_2]) expect(Search.execute('longan in:unseen', guardian: Guardian.new(post_2.user)).posts.sort) .to eq([post, post_2]) expect(Search.execute('longan in:unseen', guardian: Guardian.new(post.user)).posts) .to eq([post_2]) expect(Search.execute('longan IN:UNSEEN', guardian: Guardian.new(post.user)).posts) .to eq([post_2]) end it 'supports before and after filters' do time = Time.zone.parse('2001-05-20 2:55') freeze_time(time) post_1 = Fabricate(:post, raw: 'hi this is a test 123 123', created_at: time.months_ago(2)) post_2 = Fabricate(:post, raw: 'boom boom shake the room test') expect(Search.execute('test before:1').posts).to contain_exactly(post_1) expect(Search.execute('test before:2001-04-20').posts).to contain_exactly(post_1) expect(Search.execute('test before:2001').posts).to eq([]) expect(Search.execute('test after:2001').posts).to contain_exactly(post_1, post_2) expect(Search.execute('test before:monday').posts).to contain_exactly(post_1) expect(Search.execute('test after:jan').posts).to contain_exactly(post_1, post_2) end it 'supports in:first, user:, @username' do post_1 = Fabricate(:post, raw: 'hi this is a test 123 123', topic: topic) post_2 = Fabricate(:post, raw: 'boom boom shake the room test', topic: topic) expect(Search.execute('test in:first').posts).to contain_exactly(post_1) expect(Search.execute('test IN:FIRST').posts).to contain_exactly(post_1) expect(Search.execute('boom').posts).to contain_exactly(post_2) expect(Search.execute('boom in:first').posts).to eq([]) expect(Search.execute('boom f').posts).to eq([]) expect(Search.execute('123 in:first').posts).to contain_exactly(post_1) expect(Search.execute('123 f').posts).to contain_exactly(post_1) expect(Search.execute('user:nobody').posts).to eq([]) expect(Search.execute("user:#{post_1.user.username}").posts).to contain_exactly(post_1) expect(Search.execute("user:#{post_1.user_id}").posts).to contain_exactly(post_1) expect(Search.execute("@#{post_1.user.username}").posts).to contain_exactly(post_1) end context "searching for posts made by users of a group" do fab!(:topic) { Fabricate(:topic, created_at: 3.months.ago) } fab!(:user) { Fabricate(:user) } fab!(:user_2) { Fabricate(:user) } fab!(:user_3) { Fabricate(:user) } fab!(:group) { Fabricate(:group, name: "Like_a_Boss").tap { |g| g.add(user) } } fab!(:group_2) { Fabricate(:group).tap { |g| g.add(user_2) } } let!(:post) { Fabricate(:post, raw: 'hi this is a test 123 123', topic: topic, user: user) } let!(:post_2) { Fabricate(:post, user: user_2) } it 'should not return any posts if group does not exist' do group.update!( visibility_level: Group.visibility_levels[:public], members_visibility_level: Group.visibility_levels[:public] ) expect(Search.execute('group:99999').posts).to eq([]) end it 'should return the right posts for a public group' do group.update!( visibility_level: Group.visibility_levels[:public], members_visibility_level: Group.visibility_levels[:public] ) expect(Search.execute('group:like_a_boss').posts).to contain_exactly(post) expect(Search.execute("group:#{group.id}").posts).to contain_exactly(post) end it "should return the right posts for a public group with members' visibility restricted to logged on users" do group.update!( visibility_level: Group.visibility_levels[:public], members_visibility_level: Group.visibility_levels[:logged_on_users] ) expect(Search.execute("group:#{group.id}").posts).to eq([]) expect(Search.execute("group:#{group.id}", guardian: Guardian.new(user_3)).posts).to contain_exactly(post) end it "should return the right posts for a group with visibility restricted to logged on users with members' visibility restricted to members" do group.update!( visibility_level: Group.visibility_levels[:logged_on_users], members_visibility_level: Group.visibility_levels[:members] ) expect(Search.execute("group:#{group.id}").posts).to eq([]) expect(Search.execute("group:#{group.id}", guardian: Guardian.new(user_3)).posts).to eq([]) expect(Search.execute("group:#{group.id}", guardian: Guardian.new(user)).posts).to contain_exactly(post) end end it 'supports badge' do topic = Fabricate(:topic, created_at: 3.months.ago) post = Fabricate(:post, raw: 'hi this is a test 123 123', topic: topic) badge = Badge.create!(name: "Like a Boss", badge_type_id: 1) UserBadge.create!(user_id: post.user_id, badge_id: badge.id, granted_at: 1.minute.ago, granted_by_id: -1) expect(Search.execute('badge:"like a boss"').posts.length).to eq(1) expect(Search.execute('BADGE:"LIKE A BOSS"').posts.length).to eq(1) expect(Search.execute('badge:"test"').posts.length).to eq(0) end it 'can match exact phrases' do post = Fabricate(:post, raw: %{this is a test post with 'a URL https://some.site.com/search?q=test.test.test some random text I have to add}) post2 = Fabricate(:post, raw: 'test URL post with') expect(Search.execute("test post with 'a URL).posts").posts).to eq([post2, post]) expect(Search.execute(%{"test post with 'a URL"}).posts).to eq([post]) expect(Search.execute(%{"https://some.site.com/search?q=test.test.test"}).posts).to eq([post]) expect(Search.execute(%{" with 'a URL https://some.site.com/search?q=test.test.test"}).posts).to eq([post]) end it 'can search numbers correctly, and match exact phrases' do post = Fabricate(:post, raw: '3.0 eta is in 2 days horrah') post2 = Fabricate(:post, raw: '3.0 is eta in 2 days horrah') expect(Search.execute('3.0 eta').posts).to eq([post, post2]) expect(Search.execute("'3.0 eta'").posts).to eq([post, post2]) expect(Search.execute("\"3.0 eta\"").posts).to contain_exactly(post) expect(Search.execute('"3.0, eta is"').posts).to eq([]) end it 'can find by status' do public_category = Fabricate(:category, read_restricted: false) post = Fabricate(:post, raw: 'hi this is a test 123 123') topic = post.topic topic.update(category: public_category) private_category = Fabricate(:category, read_restricted: true) post2 = Fabricate(:post, raw: 'hi this is another test 123 123') second_topic = post2.topic second_topic.update(category: private_category) _post3 = Fabricate(:post, raw: "another test!", user: topic.user, topic: second_topic) expect(Search.execute('test status:public').posts.length).to eq(1) expect(Search.execute('test status:closed').posts.length).to eq(0) expect(Search.execute('test status:open').posts.length).to eq(1) expect(Search.execute('test STATUS:OPEN').posts.length).to eq(1) expect(Search.execute('test posts_count:1').posts.length).to eq(1) expect(Search.execute('test min_post_count:1').posts.length).to eq(1) expect(Search.execute('test min_posts:1').posts.length).to eq(1) expect(Search.execute('test max_posts:2').posts.length).to eq(1) topic.update(closed: true) second_topic.update(category: public_category) expect(Search.execute('test status:public').posts.length).to eq(2) expect(Search.execute('test status:closed').posts.length).to eq(1) expect(Search.execute('status:closed').posts.length).to eq(1) expect(Search.execute('test status:open').posts.length).to eq(1) topic.update(archived: true, closed: false) second_topic.update(closed: true) expect(Search.execute('test status:archived').posts.length).to eq(1) expect(Search.execute('test status:open').posts.length).to eq(0) expect(Search.execute('test status:noreplies').posts.length).to eq(1) expect(Search.execute('test in:likes', guardian: Guardian.new(topic.user)).posts.length).to eq(0) expect(Search.execute('test in:posted', guardian: Guardian.new(topic.user)).posts.length).to eq(2) expect(Search.execute('test In:PoStEd', guardian: Guardian.new(topic.user)).posts.length).to eq(2) in_created = Search.execute('test in:created', guardian: Guardian.new(topic.user)).posts created_by_user = Search.execute("test created:@#{topic.user.username}", guardian: Guardian.new(topic.user)).posts expect(in_created.length).to eq(1) expect(created_by_user.length).to eq(1) expect(in_created).to eq(created_by_user) expect(Search.execute("test created:@#{second_topic.user.username}", guardian: Guardian.new(topic.user)).posts.length).to eq(1) new_user = Fabricate(:user) expect(Search.execute("test created:@#{new_user.username}", guardian: Guardian.new(topic.user)).posts.length).to eq(0) TopicUser.change(topic.user.id, topic.id, notification_level: TopicUser.notification_levels[:tracking]) expect(Search.execute('test in:watching', guardian: Guardian.new(topic.user)).posts.length).to eq(0) expect(Search.execute('test in:tracking', guardian: Guardian.new(topic.user)).posts.length).to eq(1) end it 'can find posts with images' do post_uploaded = Fabricate(:post_with_uploaded_image) Fabricate(:post) CookedPostProcessor.new(post_uploaded).update_post_image expect(Search.execute('with:images').posts.map(&:id)).to contain_exactly(post_uploaded.id) end it 'can find by latest' do topic1 = Fabricate(:topic, title: 'I do not like that Sam I am') post1 = Fabricate(:post, topic: topic1, created_at: 10.minutes.ago) post2 = Fabricate(:post, raw: 'that Sam I am, that Sam I am', created_at: 5.minutes.ago) expect(Search.execute('sam').posts.map(&:id)).to eq([post1.id, post2.id]) expect(Search.execute('sam ORDER:LATEST').posts.map(&:id)).to eq([post2.id, post1.id]) expect(Search.execute('sam l').posts.map(&:id)).to eq([post2.id, post1.id]) expect(Search.execute('l sam').posts.map(&:id)).to eq([post2.id, post1.id]) end it 'can order by topic creation' do today = Date.today yesterday = 1.day.ago two_days_ago = 2.days.ago category = Fabricate(:category_with_definition) old_topic = Fabricate(:topic, title: 'First Topic, testing the created_at sort', created_at: two_days_ago, category: category ) latest_topic = Fabricate(:topic, title: 'Second Topic, testing the created_at sort', created_at: yesterday, category: category ) old_relevant_topic_post = Fabricate(:post, topic: old_topic, created_at: yesterday, raw: 'Relevant Relevant Topic' ) latest_irrelevant_topic_post = Fabricate(:post, topic: latest_topic, created_at: today, raw: 'Not Relevant' ) # Expecting the default results expect(Search.execute('Topic').posts.map(&:id)).to eq([ old_relevant_topic_post.id, latest_irrelevant_topic_post.id, category.topic.first_post.id ]) # Expecting the ordered by topic creation results expect(Search.execute('Topic order:latest_topic').posts.map(&:id)).to eq([ category.topic.first_post.id, latest_irrelevant_topic_post.id, old_relevant_topic_post.id ]) end it 'can order by topic views' do topic = Fabricate(:topic, views: 1) topic2 = Fabricate(:topic, views: 2) post = Fabricate(:post, raw: 'Topic', topic: topic) post2 = Fabricate(:post, raw: 'Topic', topic: topic2) expect(Search.execute('Topic order:views').posts.map(&:id)).to eq([ post2.id, post.id ]) end it 'can filter by topic views' do topic = Fabricate(:topic, views: 100) topic2 = Fabricate(:topic, views: 200) post = Fabricate(:post, raw: 'Topic', topic: topic) post2 = Fabricate(:post, raw: 'Topic', topic: topic2) expect(Search.execute('Topic min_views:150').posts.map(&:id)).to eq([post2.id]) expect(Search.execute('Topic max_views:150').posts.map(&:id)).to eq([post.id]) end it 'can search for terms with dots' do post = Fabricate(:post, raw: 'Will.2000 Will.Bob.Bill...') expect(Search.execute('bill').posts.map(&:id)).to eq([post.id]) expect(Search.execute('bob').posts.map(&:id)).to eq([post.id]) expect(Search.execute('2000').posts.map(&:id)).to eq([post.id]) end it 'can search URLS correctly' do post = Fabricate(:post, raw: 'i like http://wb.camra.org.uk/latest#test so yay') expect(Search.execute('http://wb.camra.org.uk/latest#test').posts.map(&:id)).to eq([post.id]) expect(Search.execute('camra').posts.map(&:id)).to eq([post.id]) expect(Search.execute('http://wb').posts.map(&:id)).to eq([post.id]) expect(Search.execute('wb.camra').posts.map(&:id)).to eq([post.id]) expect(Search.execute('wb.camra.org').posts.map(&:id)).to eq([post.id]) expect(Search.execute('org.uk').posts.map(&:id)).to eq([post.id]) expect(Search.execute('camra.org.uk').posts.map(&:id)).to eq([post.id]) expect(Search.execute('wb.camra.org.uk').posts.map(&:id)).to eq([post.id]) expect(Search.execute('wb.camra.org.uk/latest').posts.map(&:id)).to eq([post.id]) expect(Search.execute('/latest#test').posts.map(&:id)).to eq([post.id]) end it 'supports category slug and tags' do # main category category = Fabricate(:category_with_definition, name: 'category 24', slug: 'cateGory-24') topic = Fabricate(:topic, created_at: 3.months.ago, category: category) post = Fabricate(:post, raw: 'Sams first post', topic: topic) expect(Search.execute('sams post #categoRy-24').posts.length).to eq(1) expect(Search.execute("sams post category:#{category.id}").posts.length).to eq(1) expect(Search.execute('sams post #categoRy-25').posts.length).to eq(0) sub_category = Fabricate(:category_with_definition, name: 'sub category', slug: 'sub-category', parent_category_id: category.id) second_topic = Fabricate(:topic, created_at: 3.months.ago, category: sub_category) Fabricate(:post, raw: 'sams second post', topic: second_topic) expect(Search.execute("sams post category:categoRY-24").posts.length).to eq(2) expect(Search.execute("sams post category:=cAtegory-24").posts.length).to eq(1) expect(Search.execute("sams post #category-24").posts.length).to eq(2) expect(Search.execute("sams post #=category-24").posts.length).to eq(1) expect(Search.execute("sams post #sub-category").posts.length).to eq(1) expect(Search.execute("sams post #categoRY-24:SUB-category").posts.length) .to eq(1) # tags topic.tags = [Fabricate(:tag, name: 'alpha'), Fabricate(:tag, name: 'привет'), Fabricate(:tag, name: 'HeLlO')] expect(Search.execute('this is a test #alpha').posts.map(&:id)).to eq([post.id]) expect(Search.execute('this is a test #привет').posts.map(&:id)).to eq([post.id]) expect(Search.execute('this is a test #hElLo').posts.map(&:id)).to eq([post.id]) expect(Search.execute('this is a test #beta').posts.size).to eq(0) end it 'supports sub-sub category slugs' do SiteSetting.max_category_nesting = 3 category = Fabricate(:category, name: 'top', slug: 'top') sub = Fabricate(:category, name: 'middle', slug: 'middle', parent_category_id: category.id) leaf = Fabricate(:category, name: 'leaf', slug: 'leaf', parent_category_id: sub.id) topic = Fabricate(:topic, created_at: 3.months.ago, category: leaf) _post = Fabricate(:post, raw: 'Sams first post', topic: topic) expect(Search.execute('#Middle:leaf first post').posts.size).to eq(1) end it 'correctly handles #symbol when no tag or category match' do Fabricate(:post, raw: 'testing #1 #9998') results = Search.new('testing #1').execute expect(results.posts.length).to eq(1) results = Search.new('#9998').execute expect(results.posts.length).to eq(1) results = Search.new('#777').execute expect(results.posts.length).to eq(0) results = Search.new('xxx #:').execute expect(results.posts.length).to eq(0) end context 'tags' do fab!(:tag1) { Fabricate(:tag, name: 'lunch') } fab!(:tag2) { Fabricate(:tag, name: 'eggs') } fab!(:tag3) { Fabricate(:tag, name: 'sandwiches') } fab!(:tag_group) do group = TagGroup.create!(name: 'mid day') TagGroupMembership.create!(tag_id: tag1.id, tag_group_id: group.id) TagGroupMembership.create!(tag_id: tag3.id, tag_group_id: group.id) group end fab!(:topic1) { Fabricate(:topic, tags: [tag2, Fabricate(:tag)]) } fab!(:topic2) { Fabricate(:topic, tags: [tag2]) } fab!(:topic3) { Fabricate(:topic, tags: [tag1, tag2]) } fab!(:topic4) { Fabricate(:topic, tags: [tag1, tag2, tag3]) } fab!(:topic5) { Fabricate(:topic, tags: [tag2, tag3]) } def indexed_post(*args) SearchIndexer.enable Fabricate(:post, *args) end fab!(:post1) { indexed_post(topic: topic1) } fab!(:post2) { indexed_post(topic: topic2) } fab!(:post3) { indexed_post(topic: topic3) } fab!(:post4) { indexed_post(topic: topic4) } fab!(:post5) { indexed_post(topic: topic5) } it 'can find posts by tag group' do expect(Search.execute('#mid-day').posts.map(&:id)).to eq([ post5, post4, post3 ].map(&:id)) end it 'can find posts with tag' do post4 = Fabricate(:post, topic: topic3, raw: "It probably doesn't help that they're green...") expect(Search.execute('green tags:eggs').posts.map(&:id)).to eq([post4.id]) expect(Search.execute('tags:plants').posts.size).to eq(0) end it 'can find posts with non-latin tag' do topic.tags = [Fabricate(:tag, name: 'さようなら')] post = Fabricate(:post, raw: 'Testing post', topic: topic) expect(Search.execute('tags:さようなら').posts.map(&:id)).to eq([post.id]) end it 'can find posts with thai tag' do topic.tags = [Fabricate(:tag, name: 'เรซิ่น')] post = Fabricate(:post, raw: 'Testing post', topic: topic) expect(Search.execute('tags:เรซิ่น').posts.map(&:id)).to eq([post.id]) end it 'can find posts with any tag from multiple tags' do expect(Search.execute('tags:eggs,lunch').posts.map(&:id).sort).to eq([post1.id, post2.id, post3.id, post4.id, post5.id].sort) end it 'can find posts which contains all provided tags' do expect(Search.execute('tags:lunch+eggs+sandwiches').posts.map(&:id)).to eq([post4.id].sort) expect(Search.execute('tags:eggs+lunch+sandwiches').posts.map(&:id)).to eq([post4.id].sort) end it 'can find posts which contains provided tags and does not contain selected ones' do expect(Search.execute('tags:eggs -tags:lunch').posts.map(&:id)) .to eq([post5, post2, post1].map(&:id)) expect(Search.execute('tags:eggs -tags:lunch+sandwiches').posts.map(&:id)) .to eq([post5, post3, post2, post1].map(&:id)) expect(Search.execute('tags:eggs -tags:lunch,sandwiches').posts.map(&:id)) .to eq([post2, post1].map(&:id)) end it 'orders posts correctly when combining tags with categories or terms' do cat1 = Fabricate(:category_with_definition, name: 'food') topic6 = Fabricate(:topic, tags: [tag1, tag2], category: cat1) topic7 = Fabricate(:topic, tags: [tag1, tag2, tag3], category: cat1) post7 = Fabricate(:post, topic: topic6, raw: "Wakey, wakey, eggs and bakey.", like_count: 5, created_at: 2.minutes.ago) post8 = Fabricate(:post, topic: topic7, raw: "Bakey, bakey, eggs to makey.", like_count: 2, created_at: 1.minute.ago) expect(Search.execute('bakey tags:lunch order:latest').posts.map(&:id)) .to eq([post8.id, post7.id]) expect(Search.execute('#food tags:lunch order:latest').posts.map(&:id)) .to eq([post8.id, post7.id]) expect(Search.execute('#food tags:lunch order:likes').posts.map(&:id)) .to eq([post7.id, post8.id]) end end it "can find posts which contains filetypes" do post1 = Fabricate(:post, raw: "http://example.com/image.png") post2 = Fabricate(:post, raw: "Discourse logo\n"\ "http://example.com/logo.png\n"\ "http://example.com/vector_image.svg" ) post_with_upload = Fabricate(:post, uploads: [Fabricate(:upload)]) Fabricate(:post) TopicLink.extract_from(post1) TopicLink.extract_from(post2) expect(Search.execute('filetype:svg').posts).to eq([post2]) expect(Search.execute('filetype:png').posts.map(&:id)).to eq([ post_with_upload, post2, post1 ].map(&:id)) expect(Search.execute('logo filetype:png').posts).to eq([post2]) end end context '#ts_query' do it 'can parse complex strings using ts_query helper' do str = +" grigio:babel deprecated? " str << "page page on Atmosphere](https://atmospherejs.com/grigio/babel)xxx: aaa.js:222 aaa'\"bbb" ts_query = Search.ts_query(term: str, ts_config: "simple") expect { DB.exec(+"SELECT to_tsvector('bbb') @@ " << ts_query) }.to_not raise_error ts_query = Search.ts_query(term: "foo.bar/'&baz", ts_config: "simple") expect { DB.exec(+"SELECT to_tsvector('bbb') @@ " << ts_query) }.to_not raise_error expect(ts_query).to include("baz") end it 'escapes the term correctly' do expect(Search.ts_query(term: 'Title with trailing backslash\\')) .to eq("TO_TSQUERY('english', '''Title with trailing backslash\\\\\\\\'':*')") expect(Search.ts_query(term: "Title with trailing quote'")) .to eq("TO_TSQUERY('english', '''Title with trailing quote'''''':*')") end end context '#word_to_date' do it 'parses relative dates correctly' do time = Time.zone.parse('2001-02-20 2:55') freeze_time(time) expect(Search.word_to_date('yesterday')).to eq(time.beginning_of_day.yesterday) expect(Search.word_to_date('suNday')).to eq(Time.zone.parse('2001-02-18')) expect(Search.word_to_date('thursday')).to eq(Time.zone.parse('2001-02-15')) expect(Search.word_to_date('deCember')).to eq(Time.zone.parse('2000-12-01')) expect(Search.word_to_date('deC')).to eq(Time.zone.parse('2000-12-01')) expect(Search.word_to_date('january')).to eq(Time.zone.parse('2001-01-01')) expect(Search.word_to_date('jan')).to eq(Time.zone.parse('2001-01-01')) expect(Search.word_to_date('100')).to eq(time.beginning_of_day.days_ago(100)) expect(Search.word_to_date('invalid')).to eq(nil) end it 'parses absolute dates correctly' do expect(Search.word_to_date('2001-1-20')).to eq(Time.zone.parse('2001-01-20')) expect(Search.word_to_date('2030-10-2')).to eq(Time.zone.parse('2030-10-02')) expect(Search.word_to_date('2030-10')).to eq(Time.zone.parse('2030-10-01')) expect(Search.word_to_date('2030')).to eq(Time.zone.parse('2030-01-01')) expect(Search.word_to_date('2030-01-32')).to eq(nil) expect(Search.word_to_date('10000')).to eq(nil) end end context "#min_post_id" do it "returns 0 when prefer_recent_posts is disabled" do SiteSetting.search_prefer_recent_posts = false expect(Search.min_post_id_no_cache).to eq(0) end it "returns a value when prefer_recent_posts is enabled" do SiteSetting.search_prefer_recent_posts = true SiteSetting.search_recent_posts_size = 1 Fabricate(:post) p2 = Fabricate(:post) expect(Search.min_post_id_no_cache).to eq(p2.id) end end context "search_log_id" do it "returns an id when the search succeeds" do s = Search.new( 'indiana jones', search_type: :header, ip_address: '' ) results = s.execute expect(results.search_log_id).to be_present end it "does not log search if search_type is not present" do s = Search.new('foo bar', ip_address: '') results = s.execute expect(results.search_log_id).not_to be_present end end context 'in:title' do it 'allows for search in title' do topic = Fabricate(:topic, title: 'I am testing a title search') _post2 = Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, raw: 'this is the second post', post_number: 2) post = Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, raw: 'this is the first post', post_number: 1) results = Search.execute('title in:title') expect(results.posts.map(&:id)).to eq([post.id]) results = Search.execute('title iN:tItLe') expect(results.posts.map(&:id)).to eq([post.id]) results = Search.execute('first in:title') expect(results.posts).to eq([]) end it 'works irrespective of the order' do topic = Fabricate(:topic, title: "A topic about Discourse") Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, raw: "This is another post") topic2 = Fabricate(:topic, title: "This is another topic") Fabricate(:post, topic: topic2, raw: "Discourse is awesome") results = Search.execute('Discourse in:title status:open') expect(results.posts.length).to eq(1) results = Search.execute('in:title status:open Discourse') expect(results.posts.length).to eq(1) end end context 'ignore_diacritics' do before { SiteSetting.search_ignore_accents = true } let!(:post1) { Fabricate(:post, raw: 'สวัสดี Rágis hello') } it ('allows strips correctly') do results = Search.execute('hello', type_filter: 'topic') expect(results.posts.length).to eq(1) results = Search.execute('ragis', type_filter: 'topic') expect(results.posts.length).to eq(1) results = Search.execute('Rágis', type_filter: 'topic') expect(results.posts.length).to eq(1) # TODO: this is a test we need to fix! #expect(results.blurb(results.posts.first)).to include('Rágis') results = Search.execute('สวัสดี', type_filter: 'topic') expect(results.posts.length).to eq(1) end end context 'include_diacritics' do before { SiteSetting.search_ignore_accents = false } let!(:post1) { Fabricate(:post, raw: 'สวัสดี Régis hello') } it ('allows strips correctly') do results = Search.execute('hello', type_filter: 'topic') expect(results.posts.length).to eq(1) results = Search.execute('regis', type_filter: 'topic') expect(results.posts.length).to eq(0) results = Search.execute('Régis', type_filter: 'topic') expect(results.posts.length).to eq(1) expect(results.blurb(results.posts.first)).to include('Régis') results = Search.execute('สวัสดี', type_filter: 'topic') expect(results.posts.length).to eq(1) end end context 'pagination' do let(:number_of_results) { 2 } let!(:post1) { Fabricate(:post, raw: 'hello hello hello hello hello') } let!(:post2) { Fabricate(:post, raw: 'hello hello hello hello') } let!(:post3) { Fabricate(:post, raw: 'hello hello hello') } let!(:post4) { Fabricate(:post, raw: 'hello hello') } let!(:post5) { Fabricate(:post, raw: 'hello') } before do Search.stubs(:per_filter).returns(number_of_results) end it 'returns more results flag' do results = Search.execute('hello', type_filter: 'topic') results2 = Search.execute('hello', type_filter: 'topic', page: 2) expect(results.posts.length).to eq(number_of_results) expect(results.posts.map(&:id)).to eq([post1.id, post2.id]) expect(results.more_full_page_results).to eq(true) expect(results2.posts.length).to eq(number_of_results) expect(results2.posts.map(&:id)).to eq([post3.id, post4.id]) expect(results2.more_full_page_results).to eq(true) end it 'correctly search with page parameter' do search = Search.new('hello', type_filter: 'topic', page: 3) results = search.execute expect(search.offset).to eq(2 * number_of_results) expect(results.posts.length).to eq(1) expect(results.posts).to eq([post5]) expect(results.more_full_page_results).to eq(nil) end end context 'in:tagged' do it 'allows for searching by presence of any tags' do topic = Fabricate(:topic, title: 'I am testing a tagged search') _post = Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, raw: 'this is the first post') tag = Fabricate(:tag) _topic_tag = Fabricate(:topic_tag, topic: topic, tag: tag) results = Search.execute('in:untagged') expect(results.posts.length).to eq(0) results = Search.execute('in:tagged') expect(results.posts.length).to eq(1) results = Search.execute('In:TaGgEd') expect(results.posts.length).to eq(1) end end context 'in:untagged' do it 'allows for searching by presence of no tags' do topic = Fabricate(:topic, title: 'I am testing a untagged search') _post = Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, raw: 'this is the first post') results = Search.execute('iN:uNtAgGeD') expect(results.posts.length).to eq(1) results = Search.execute('in:tagged') expect(results.posts.length).to eq(0) end end context 'plugin extensions' do let!(:post0) { Fabricate(:post, raw: 'this is the first post about advanced filter with length more than 50 chars') } let!(:post1) { Fabricate(:post, raw: 'this is the second post about advanced filter') } it 'allows to define custom filter' do expect(Search.new("advanced").execute.posts).to eq([post1, post0]) Search.advanced_filter(/^min_chars:(\d+)$/) do |posts, match| posts.where("(SELECT LENGTH(p2.raw) FROM posts p2 WHERE p2.id = posts.id) >= ?", match.to_i) end expect(Search.new("advanced min_chars:50").execute.posts).to eq([post0]) end it 'allows to define custom order' do expect(Search.new("advanced").execute.posts).to eq([post1, post0]) Search.advanced_order(:chars) do |posts| posts.reorder("MAX(LENGTH(posts.raw)) DESC") end expect(Search.new("advanced order:chars").execute.posts).to eq([post0, post1]) end end context 'exclude_topics filter' do before { SiteSetting.tagging_enabled = true } let!(:user) { Fabricate(:user) } fab!(:group) { Fabricate(:group, name: 'bruce-world-fans') } fab!(:topic) { Fabricate(:topic, title: 'Bruce topic not a result') } it 'works' do category = Fabricate(:category_with_definition, name: 'bruceland', user: user) tag = Fabricate(:tag, name: 'brucealicious') result = Search.execute('bruce', type_filter: 'exclude_topics') expect(result.users.map(&:id)).to contain_exactly(user.id) expect(result.categories.map(&:id)).to contain_exactly(category.id) expect(result.groups.map(&:id)).to contain_exactly(group.id) expect(result.tags.map(&:id)).to contain_exactly(tag.id) expect(result.posts.length).to eq(0) end it 'does not fail when parsed term is empty' do result = Search.execute('#cat ', type_filter: 'exclude_topics') expect(result.categories.length).to eq(0) end end end