# encoding: utf-8 # This file contains content for the client portion of Discourse, sent out # to the Javascript app. # # To validate this YAML file after you change it, please paste it into # http://yamllint.com/ zh_CN: js: number: human: storage_units: format: ! '%n %u' units: byte: one: Byte other: Bytes gb: GB kb: KB mb: MB tb: TB dates: short_date_no_year: "D MMM" short_date: "D MMM, YYYY" long_date: "MMMM D, YYYY h:mma" tiny: half_a_minute: "刚刚" less_than_x_seconds: one: "< 1秒" other: "< %{count}秒" x_seconds: one: "1秒" other: "%{count}秒" less_than_x_minutes: one: "< 1分钟" other: "< %{count}分钟" x_minutes: one: "1分钟" other: "%{count}分钟" about_x_hours: one: "1小时" other: "%{count}小时" x_days: one: "1天" other: "%{count}天" about_x_months: one: "1个月" other: "%{count}个月" x_months: one: "1个月" other: "%{count}个月" about_x_years: one: "1年" other: "%{count}年" over_x_years: one: "> 1年" other: "> %{count}年" almost_x_years: one: "1年" other: "%{count}年" medium: x_minutes: one: "1分钟" other: "%{count}分钟" x_hours: one: "1小时" other: "%{count}小时" x_days: one: "1天" other: "%{count}天" medium_with_ago: x_minutes: one: "1分钟前" other: "%{count}分钟前" x_hours: one: "1小时之前" other: "%{count}小时之前" x_days: one: "1天前" other: "%{count}天前" share: topic: '分享一个到本主题的链接' post: '分享一个到本帖的链接' close: '关闭' twitter: '分享这个链接到 Twitter' facebook: '分享这个链接到 Facebook' google+: '分享这个链接到 Google+' email: '用电子邮件发送这个链接' edit: '编辑本主题的标题和分类' not_implemented: "非常抱歉,此功能暂时尚未实现!" no_value: "否" yes_value: "是" of_value: "之于" generic_error: "抱歉,发生了一个错误。" generic_error_with_reason: "发生一个错误:%{error}" log_in: "登录" age: "寿命" last_post: "最后一帖" admin_title: "管理员" flags_title: "投诉" show_more: "显示更多" links: 链接 faq: "常见问答(FAQ)" privacy_policy: "隐私政策" you: "你" or: "或" now: "刚刚" read_more: '阅读更多' in_n_seconds: one: "一秒内" other: "{{count}}秒内" in_n_minutes: one: "一分钟内" other: "{{count}}分钟内" in_n_hours: one: "一小时内" other: "{{count}}小时内" in_n_days: one: "一天内" other: "{{count}}天内" suggested_topics: title: "推荐主题" bookmarks: not_logged_in: "抱歉,要给帖子加书签,你必须先登录。" created: "你给此帖的书签已加上。" not_bookmarked: "你已经阅读过此帖,点此给它加上书签。" last_read: "这是你阅读过的最后一帖。" new_topics_inserted: "{{count}} 个新主题。" show_new_topics: "点此显示。" preview: "预览" cancel: "取消" save: "保存修改" saving: "保存中……" saved: "已保存!" choose_topic: none_found: "没有找到主题" title: search: "通过名称、url或者id,搜索主题:" placeholder: "在此输入主题标题" user_action: user_posted_topic: "{{user}} 发起 本主题" you_posted_topic: " 发起 本主题" user_replied_to_post: "{{user}} 回复 {{post_number}}" you_replied_to_post: " 回复 {{post_number}}" user_replied_to_topic: "{{user}} 回复 本主题" you_replied_to_topic: " 回复 本主题" user_mentioned_user: "{{user}} 提到 {{another_user}}" user_mentioned_you: "{{user}} 提到 " you_mentioned_user: " 提到 {{user}}" posted_by_user: "发起人 {{user}}" posted_by_you: "发起人 " sent_by_user: "发送人 {{user}}" sent_by_you: "发送人 " user_action_groups: "1": "给出的赞" "2": "收到的赞" "3": "书签" "4": "主题" "5": "回复" "6": "回应" "7": "提到" "9": "引用" "10": "喜爱" "11": "编辑" "12": "发送条目" "13": "收件箱" user: said: "{{username}} 说:" profile: 介绍信息 title: "用户" mute: 防打扰 edit: 修改参数 download_archive: "下载我的帖子的存档" private_message: "私信" private_messages: "消息" activity_stream: "活动" preferences: "设置" bio: "关于我" invited_by: "邀请者为" trust_level: "用户级别" notifications: "通知" dynamic_favicon: "在标签页图标上动态显示未读消息提醒" external_links_in_new_tab: "始终在新的标签页打开外部链接" enable_quoting: "在高亮选择文字时启用引用回复" moderator: "{{user}} 是版主" admin: "{{user}} 是管理员" change_password: action: "修改" success: "(电子邮件已发送)" in_progress: "(正在发送电子邮件)" error: "(错误)" change_username: action: "修改" title: "修改用户名" confirm: "修改你的用户名可能会导致一些相关后果,你真的确定要这么做么?" taken: "抱歉此用户名已经有人使用了。" error: "在修改你的用户名时发生了错误。" invalid: "此用户名不合法,用户名只能包含字母和数字" change_email: action: '修改' title: "修改电子邮箱" taken: "抱歉此电子邮箱不可用。" error: "抱歉在修改你的电子邮箱时发生了错误,可能此邮箱已经被使用了?" success: "我们发送了一封确认信到此邮箱地址,请按照邮箱内指示完成确认。" email: title: "电子邮箱" instructions: "你的电子邮箱绝不会公开给他人。" ok: "不错哦,我们会发送电子邮件让你确认。" invalid: "请填写正确的电子邮箱地址。" authenticated: "你的电子邮箱已经被 {{provider}} 确认有效。" frequency: "只有当你最近一段时间没有访问时,我们才会把你未读过的内容发送到你的电子邮箱。" name: title: "名字" instructions: "你的名字,不要求独一无二(可以与他人的名字重复)。用于在@name匹配你时参考,只在你的用户页面显示。" too_short: "你设置的名字太短了。" ok: "你的名字符合要求。" username: title: "用户名" instructions: "必须是独一无二的,中间不能有空格。其他人可以使用 @{{username}} 来提及你。" short_instructions: "其他人可以用 @{{username}} 来提及你。" available: "你的用户名可用。" global_match: "电子邮箱与注册用户名相匹配。" global_mismatch: "已被人注册。试试 {{suggestion}} ?" not_available: "不可用。试试 {{suggestion}} ?" too_short: "你设置的用户名太短了。" too_long: "你设置的用户名太长了。" checking: "查看用户名是否可用……" enter_email: '找到用户名,请输入对应电子邮箱。' password_confirmation: title: "请再次输入密码" last_posted: "最后一帖" last_emailed: "最后一次邮寄" last_seen: "最后一次见到" created: "创建时间" log_out: "登出" website: "网站" email_settings: "电子邮箱" email_digests: title: "当我不访问此站时,向我的邮箱发送最新摘要" daily: "每天" weekly: "每周" bi_weekly: "每两周" email_direct: "当有人引用你、回复你或提及你 @username 时发送一封邮件给你" email_private_messages: "当有人给你发私信时发送一封邮件给你" other_settings: "其它" new_topic_duration: label: "认为主题是新主题,当" not_viewed: "我还没有浏览它们" last_here: "它们是在我最近一次访问这里之后发表的" after_n_days: one: "它们是昨天发表的" other: "它们是之前 {{count}} 天发表的" after_n_weeks: one: "它们是上周发表的" other: "它们是之前 {{count}} 周发表的" auto_track_topics: "自动追踪我进入的主题" auto_track_options: never: "从不" always: "始终" after_n_seconds: one: "1 秒之后" other: "{{count}} 秒之后" after_n_minutes: one: "1 分钟之后" other: "{{count}} 分钟之后" invited: title: "邀请" user: "邀请用户" none: "{{username}} 尚未邀请任何用户到本站。" redeemed: "确认邀请" redeemed_at: "确认时间" pending: "待定邀请" topics_entered: "已进入的主题" posts_read_count: "已阅的帖子" rescind: "删除邀请" rescinded: "邀请已删除" time_read: "阅读时间" days_visited: "访问天数" account_age_days: "帐号存在天数" password: title: "密码" too_short: "你设置的密码太短了。" ok: "你设置的密码符合要求。" ip_address: title: "最后使用的IP地址" avatar: title: "头像" instructions: gravatar: "我们目前使用 Gravatar 来基于你的邮箱生成头像" title: title: "头衔" filters: all: "全部" stream: posted_by: "发帖人" sent_by: "发送时间" private_message: "私信" the_topic: "本主题" loading: "载入中……" close: "关闭" learn_more: "了解更多……" year: '年' year_desc: '365天以前发表的主题' month: '月' month_desc: '30天以前发表的主题' week: '周' week_desc: '7天以前发表的主题' first_post: 第一帖 mute: 防打扰 unmute: 解除防打扰 last_post: 最后一帖 best_of: title: "优秀" enabled_description: 你现在正在浏览本主题的“优秀”视图。 description: "此主题中有 {{count}} 个帖子,是不是有点多哦!你愿意切换到只显示最多交互和回复的帖子视图么?" enable: '切换到“优秀”视图' disable: '取消“优秀”' private_message_info: title: "私下交流" invite: "邀请其他人……" email: '电子邮箱' username: '用户名' last_seen: '最后一次见到' created: '创建时间' trust_level: '用户级别' create_account: title: "创建帐号" action: "现在就创建一个!" invite: "还没有帐号吗?" failed: "出问题了,有可能这个电子邮箱已经被注册了。试试忘记密码链接" forgot_password: title: "忘记密码" action: "我忘记了我的密码" invite: "输入你的用户名和电子邮箱地址,我们会发送密码重置邮件给你。" reset: "重置密码" complete: "你很快会收到一封电子邮件,告诉你如何重置密码。" login: title: "登录" username: "登录" password: "密码" email_placeholder: "电子邮箱地址或用户名" error: "未知错误" reset_password: '重置密码' logging_in: "登录中……" or: "或" authenticating: "验证中……" awaiting_confirmation: "你的帐号尚未激活,点击忘记密码链接来重新发送激活邮件。" awaiting_approval: "你的帐号尚未被论坛版主批准。一旦你的帐号获得批准,你会收到一封电子邮件。" not_activated: "你还不能登录。我们之前在{{sentTo}}发送了一封激活邮件给你。请按照邮件中的介绍来激活你的帐号。" resend_activation_email: "点击此处来重新发送激活邮件。" sent_activation_email_again: "我们在{{currentEmail}}又发送了一封激活邮件给你,邮件送达可能需要几分钟,有的电子邮箱服务商可能会认为此邮件为垃圾邮件,请检查一下你邮箱的垃圾邮件文件夹。" google: title: "使用谷歌帐号登录" message: "使用谷歌(Google)帐号验证登录(请确保没有禁止浏览器弹出对话框)" twitter: title: "使用推特帐号登录" message: "使用推特(Twitter)帐号验证登录(请确保没有禁止浏览器弹出对话框)" facebook: title: "使用脸书帐号登录" message: "使用脸书(Facebook)帐号验证登录(请确保没有禁止浏览器弹出对话框)" cas: title: "使用CAS登录" message: "使用CAS(单点登录)帐号验证登录(请确保没有禁止浏览器弹出对话框)" yahoo: title: "使用雅虎帐号登录" message: "使用雅虎(Yahoo)帐号验证登录(请确保没有禁止浏览器弹出对话框)" github: title: "使用 GitHub 帐号登录" message: "使用 GitHub 帐号验证登录(请确保没有禁止浏览器弹出对话框)" persona: title: "使用 Persona 帐号登录" message: "使用 Mozilla Persona 帐号验证登录(请确保没有禁止浏览器弹出对话框)" composer: posting_not_on_topic: "你正在回复主题 \"{{title}}\",但是当前你正在浏览的是另外一个主题。" saving_draft_tip: "保存中" saved_draft_tip: "已保存" saved_local_draft_tip: "已本地保存" similar_topics: "你的主题与此有些类似..." drafts_offline: "离线草稿" min_length: need_more_for_title: "请给标题再输入至少 {{n}} 个字符" need_more_for_reply: "请给正文内容再输入至少 {{n}} 个字符" error: title_missing: "缺少标题。" title_too_short: "标题太短,至少{{min}}个字符。" title_too_long: "标题太长,至多{{max}}个字符。" post_missing: "内容不能为空。" post_length: "内容太少,至少{{min}}个字符。" category_missing: "必须要选择一个分类。" save_edit: "保存编辑" reply_original: "回复原始帖" reply_here: "在此回复" reply: "回复" cancel: "取消" create_topic: "创建主题" create_pm: "创建私信" users_placeholder: "添加一个用户" title_placeholder: "在此输入你的标题,简明扼要的用一句话说明讨论的内容。" reply_placeholder: "在此输入你的内容。你可以使用 Markdown(参考 http://wowubuntu.com/markdown/) 或 BBCode(参考 http://www.bbcode.org/reference.php) 来格式化内容。拖拽或粘贴一幅图片到这儿即可将它上传。" view_new_post: "浏览你的新帖子。" saving: "保存中……" saved: "已保存!" saved_draft: "你有一个帖子草稿尚发表。在框中任意处点击即可接着编辑。" uploading: "上传中……" show_preview: '显示预览 »' hide_preview: '« 隐藏预览' quote_post_title: "引用整个帖子" bold_title: "加粗" bold_text: "加粗文字" italic_title: "斜体" italic_text: "斜体文字" link_title: "链接" link_description: "在此输入链接描述" link_dialog_title: "插入链接" link_optional_text: "可选标题" quote_title: "引用" quote_text: "引用" code_title: "代码" code_text: "在此输入代码" upload_title: "图片" upload_description: "在此输入图片描述" olist_title: "数字列表" ulist_title: "符号列表" list_item: "列表条目" heading_title: "标题" heading_text: "标题头" hr_title: "分割线" undo_title: "撤销" redo_title: "重做" help: "Markdown 编辑帮助" toggler: "隐藏或显示编辑面板" admin_options_title: "本主题可选设置" auto_close_label: "自动关闭主题,过:" auto_close_units: "天" notifications: title: "使用 @name 提及到你,回复你的帖子和主题,私信等等的通知消息" none: "你当前没有任何通知。" more: "浏览以前的通知" mentioned: "@ {{username}} {{link}}" quoted: " {{username}} {{link}}" replied: " {{username}} {{link}}" posted: " {{username}} {{link}}" edited: " {{username}} {{link}}" liked: " {{username}} {{link}}" private_message: " {{username}} 发送给你一条私信:{{link}}" invited_to_private_message: "{{username}} 邀请你进行私下交流:{{link}}" invitee_accepted: " {{username}} 已接受你的邀请" moved_post: " {{username}} 已将帖子移动到 {{link}}" total_flagged: "被投诉帖子的总数" upload_selector: title: "插入图片" from_my_computer: "来自我的设备" from_the_web: "来自网络" add_title: "添加图片" remote_title: "网络图片" remote_tip: "输入图片网络,格式为:http://example.com/image.jpg" local_title: "本地图片" local_tip: "点击从你的设备中选择一张图片。" upload_title: "上传" uploading: "上传图片中" search: title: "搜索主题、帖子、用户或分类" placeholder: "在此输入你的搜索条件" no_results: "没有找到结果。" searching: "搜索中……" prefer: user: "优先显示 @{{username}} 的搜索结果" category: "优先显示 {{category}} 分类下的结果" site_map: "去另一个主题列表或分类" go_back: '返回' current_user: '去你的用户页面' favorite: title: '收藏' help: star: '将此主题加入你的收藏列表' unstar: '将此主题从你的收藏列表中移除' topics: none: favorited: "你尚未收藏任何主题。要收藏一个主题,点击标题旁的星星图标。" unread: "你没有未阅主题。" new: "你没有新主题可读。" read: "你尚未阅读任何主题。" posted: "你尚未在任何主题中发帖。" latest: "伤心啊,没有主题。" hot: "没有热门主题。" category: "没有 {{category}} 分类的主题。" bottom: latest: "没有更多主题可看了。" hot: "没有更多热门主题可看了。" posted: "没有更多已发布主题可看了。" read: "没有更多已阅主题可看了。" new: "没有更多新主题可看了。" unread: "没有更多未阅主题可看了。" favorited: "没有更多收藏主题可看了。" category: "没有更多 {{category}} 分类的主题了。" rank_details: toggle: 切换主题排名详细 show: 显示主题排名详细信息 title: 主题排名详细 topic: create_in: '创建一个 {{categoryName}} 分类的主题' create: '创建主题' create_long: '创建一个新主题' private_message: '开启一段私下交流' list: '主题' new: '新主题' title: '主题' loading_more: "载入更多主题中……" loading: '载入主题中……' invalid_access: title: "这是私密主题" description: "抱歉,你没有访问此主题的权限!" server_error: title: "载入主题失败" description: "抱歉,无法载入此主题。有可能是网络连接问题导致的,请重试。如果问题始终存在,请告诉我们。" not_found: title: "未找到主题" description: "抱歉,无法找到此主题。有可能它被论坛版主删掉了?" unread_posts: one: "此主题中你有一个帖子未阅" other: "此主题中你有 {{unread}} 个帖子未阅" new_posts: other: "从你最近一次阅读此主题后,又有一个新帖子发表" other: "从你最近一次阅读此主题后,又有 {{new_posts}} 个新帖子发表" likes: one: "此主题得到了一个赞" other: "此主题得到了 {{count}} 个赞" back_to_list: "返回主题列表" options: "主题选项" show_links: "显示此主题中的链接" toggle_information: "切换主题详细" read_more_in_category: "想阅读更多内容?浏览 {{catLink}} 或 {{latestLink}} 里的其它主题。" read_more: "想阅读更多内容?{{catLink}} 或 {{latestLink}}。" # keys ending with _MF use message format, see /spec/components/js_local_helper_spec.rb for samples read_more_MF: "There { UNREAD, plural, =0 {} one { is 1 unread } other { are # unread } } { NEW, plural, =0 {} one { {BOTH, select, true{and } false {is } other{}} 1 new topic} other { {BOTH, select, true{and } false {are } other{}} # new topics} } remaining, or {CATEGORY, select, true {browse other topics in {catLink}} false {{latestLink}} other {}} " browse_all_categories: 浏览所有分类 view_latest_topics: 浏览热门主题 suggest_create_topic: 这就创建一个主题吧! read_position_reset: "你的阅读位置已经被重置。" jump_reply_up: 跳转至更早的回复 jump_reply_down: 跳转至更晚的回复 deleted: "此主题已被删除" auto_close_notice: "本主题将在%{timeLeft}后自动关闭" auto_close_title: '自动关闭设置' auto_close_save: "保存" auto_close_cancel: "取消" auto_close_remove: "不自动关闭该主题" progress: title: 主题进度 jump_top: 跳转到第一帖 jump_bottom: 跳转到最后一帖 total: 全部帖子 current: 当前帖 notifications: title: '' reasons: "3_2": '因为你在关注此主题,所以你将收到相关通知。' "3_1": '因为你创建了此主题,所以你将收到相关通知。' "3": '因为你在关注此主题,所以你将收到相关通知。' "2_4": '因为你在此主题内发表了回复,所以你将收到相关通知。' "2_2": '因为你在追踪此主题,所以你将收到相关通知。' "2": '因为你阅读了此主题,所以你将收到相关通知。' "1": '因为有人 @name 提及了你或回复了你的帖子,所以你将收到相关通知。' "1_2": '仅当有人 @name 提及了你或回复了你的帖子,你才会收到相关通知。' "0": '你将忽略关于此主题的所有通知。' "0_2": '你将忽略关于此主题的所有通知。' watching: title: "关注" description: "与追踪一样,额外的是一旦有新帖子发表,你都会收到通知。" tracking: title: "追踪" description: "关于你的未阅帖子、@name 提及与对你的帖子的回复,你都会收到通知。" regular: title: "常规" description: "只有当有人 @name 提及你或者回复你的帖子时,你才会收到通知。" muted: title: "防打扰" description: "你不会收到关于此主题的任何通知,也不会在你的未阅选项卡中显示。" actions: recover: "撤销删除主题" delete: "删除主题" open: "打开主题" close: "关闭主题" auto_close: "自动关闭" unpin: "解除主题置顶" pin: "置顶主题" unarchive: "解除主题存档" archive: "存档主题" invisible: "使不可见" visible: "使可见" reset_read: "重置阅读数据" multi_select: "选择将被合并/拆分的帖子" convert_to_topic: "转换到常规主题" reply: title: '回复' help: '开始给本主题撰写回复' clear_pin: title: "清除置顶" help: "将本主题的置顶状态清除,这样它将不再始终显示在主题列表顶部" share: title: '分享' help: '分享一个到本帖的链接' inviting: "邀请中……" invite_private: title: '邀请进行私下交流' email_or_username: "受邀人的电子邮箱或用户名" email_or_username_placeholder: "电子邮箱地址或用户名" action: "邀请" success: "谢谢!我们已经邀请该用户参与此私下交流。" error: "抱歉,在邀请该用户时发生了错误。" invite_reply: title: '邀请朋友来回复' action: '邮件邀请' help: '向你的朋友发送邀请,他们只需要一个点击就能回复这个主题' email: "我们会给你的朋友发送一封邮件,他们只需要点击其中的一个链接就可以回复这个主题了。" email_placeholder: '电子邮箱地址' success: "谢谢!我们已发送一个邀请邮件到{{email}}。当他们确认的时候我们会通知你。你也可以在你的用户页面的邀请选项卡下查看邀请状态。" error: "抱歉,我们不能邀请此人,可能他/她已经是本站用户了?" login_reply: '登录来回复' filters: user: "你在浏览 {{n_posts}} {{by_n_users}}." n_posts: one: "一个帖子" other: "{{count}} 帖子" by_n_users: one: "一个指定用户" other: "{{count}} 个用户中的" best_of: "你在浏览 {{n_best_posts}} {{of_n_posts}}." n_best_posts: one: "一个优秀帖子" other: "{{count}} 优秀帖子" of_n_posts: one: "一个帖子中的" other: "{{count}} 个帖子中的" cancel: "再次显示本主题下的所有帖子。" split_topic: title: "拆分主题" action: "拆分主题" topic_name: "新主题名:" error: "拆分主题时发生错误。" instructions: one: "你想如何移动该帖?" other: "你想如何移动你所选择的这{{count}}篇帖子?" merge_topic: title: "合并主题" action: "合并主题" error: "合并主题时发生错误。" instructions: one: "请选择你想将那篇帖子移至其下的主题。" other: "请选择你想将那{{count}}篇帖子移至其下的主题。" multi_select: select: '选择' selected: '已选择({{count}})' delete: 删除所选 cancel: 取消选择 description: one: 你已选择了一个帖子。 other: "你已选择了{{count}}个帖子。" post: reply: "回复 {{replyAvatar}} {{username}} 发表的 {{link}}" reply_topic: "回复 {{link}}" quote_reply: "引用回复" edit: "编辑 {{link}}" post_number: "帖子 {{number}}" in_reply_to: "回复给" reply_as_new_topic: "回复为新主题" continue_discussion: "从 {{postLink}} 继续讨论:" follow_quote: "跳转至所引用的帖子" deleted_by_author: "(作者删除了帖子)" deleted_by: "删除者为" expand_collapse: "展开/收缩" has_replies: one: "回复" other: "回复" errors: create: "抱歉,在创建你的帖子时发生了错误。请重试。" edit: "抱歉,在编辑你的帖子时发生了错误。请重试。" upload: "抱歉,在上传文件时发生了错误。请重试。" image_too_large: "抱歉,你上传的文件太大了(最大不能超过 {{max_size_kb}}kb),请调整文件大小后重新上传。" too_many_uploads: "抱歉, 你只能一次上传一张图片。" upload_not_authorized: "抱歉, 你不能上传此类型文件(可上传的文件类型有: {{authorized_extensions}})。" upload_not_allowed_for_new_user: "抱歉,新用户不能上传图片。" abandon: "你确定要丢弃你的帖子吗?" archetypes: save: '保存选项' controls: reply: "开始给本帖撰写回复" like: "赞本帖" edit: "编辑本帖" flag: "投诉本帖以提醒论坛版主" delete: "删除本帖" undelete: "恢复本帖" share: "分享一个到本帖的链接" more: "更多" actions: flag: '投诉' clear_flags: one: "清除投诉" other: "清除投诉" it_too: off_topic: "也投诉" spam: "也投诉" inappropriate: "也投诉" custom_flag: "也投诉" bookmark: "也做书签" like: "也赞它" vote: "也对它投票" undo: off_topic: "撤销投诉" spam: "撤销投诉" inappropriate: "撤销投诉" bookmark: "撤销书签" like: "撤销赞" vote: "撤销投票" people: off_topic: "{{icons}} 投诉它偏离主题" spam: "{{icons}} 投诉它为垃圾信息" inappropriate: "{{icons}} 投诉它为不当内容" notify_moderators: "{{icons}} 向版主投诉它" notify_moderators_with_url: "{{icons}} 通知了版主" notify_user: "{{icons}} 发起了一个私下交流" notify_user_with_url: "{{icons}} 发送了一条私有消息" bookmark: "{{icons}} 对它做了书签" like: "{{icons}} 赞了它" vote: "{{icons}} 对它投票" by_you: off_topic: "你投诉它偏离主题" spam: "你投诉它为垃圾信息" inappropriate: "你投诉它为不当内容" notify_moderators: "你向版主投诉了它" notify_user: "你对该用户发起了一个私下交流" bookmark: "你对该帖做了书签" like: "你赞了它" vote: "你对该帖投了票" by_you_and_others: off_topic: one: "你和另一个用户投诉它偏离主题" other: "你和其他 {{count}} 个用户投诉它偏离主题" spam: one: "你和另一个用户投诉它为垃圾信息" other: "你和其他 {{count}} 个用户投诉它为垃圾信息" inappropriate: one: "你和另一个用户投诉它为不当内容" other: "你和其他 {{count}} 个用户投诉它为不当内容" notify_moderators: one: "你和另一个用户向版主投诉了它" other: "你和其他 {{count}} 个用户向版主投诉了它" notify_user: one: "你和另一个用户对该用户发起了一个私下交流" other: "你和其他 {{count}} 个用户对该用户发起了一个私下交流" bookmark: one: "你和另一个用户对该帖做了书签" other: "你和其他 {{count}} 个用户对该帖做了书签" like: one: "你和另一个用户赞了它" other: "你和其他 {{count}} 个用户赞了它" vote: one: "你和另一个用户对该帖投了票" other: "你和其他 {{count}} 个用户对该帖投了票" by_others: off_topic: one: "一个用户投诉它偏离主题" other: "{{count}} 个用户投诉它偏离主题" spam: one: "一个用户投诉它为垃圾信息" other: "{{count}} 个用户投诉它为垃圾信息" inappropriate: one: "一个用户投诉它为不当内容" other: "{{count}} 个用户投诉它为不当内容" notify_moderators: one: "一个用户向版主投诉了它" other: "{{count}} 个用户向版主投诉了它" notify_user: one: "一个用户对该用户发起了一个私下交流" other: "{{count}} 个用户对该用户发起了一个私下交流" bookmark: one: "一个用户对该帖做了书签" other: "{{count}} 个用户对该帖做了书签" like: one: "一个用户赞了它" other: "{{count}} 个用户赞了它" vote: one: "一个用户对该帖投了票" other: "{{count}} 个用户对该帖投了票" edits: one: 一次编辑 other: "{{count}}次编辑" zero: 未编辑 delete: confirm: one: "你确定要删除此帖吗?" other: "你确定要删除这些帖子吗?" category: none: '(未分类)' edit: '编辑' edit_long: "编辑分类" edit_uncategorized: "编辑未分类的" view: '浏览分类下的主题' general: '通常' settings: '设置' delete: '删除分类' create: '创建分类' save: '保存分类' creation_error: 创建此分类时发生了错误。 save_error: 在保存此分类时发生了错误。 more_posts: "浏览全部 {{posts}} ……" name: "分类名称" description: "描述" topic: "分类主题" badge_colors: "徽章颜色" background_color: "背景色" foreground_color: "前景色" name_placeholder: "应该简明扼要。" color_placeholder: "任何网络色彩" delete_confirm: "你确定要删除此分类吗?" delete_error: "在删除此分类时发生了错误。" list: "列出分类" no_description: "本分类没有描述信息。" change_in_category_topic: "访问分类主题来编辑描述信息" hotness: "热度" already_used: '此色彩已经被另一个分类使用' is_secure: "安全类型?" add_group: "添加分组" security: "安全" allowed_groups: "授权的分组:" auto_close_label: "自动关闭主题,过:" flagging: title: '为何要给投诉本帖?' action: '投诉帖子' take_action: "立即执行" notify_action: '通知' cant: "抱歉,当前你不能投诉本帖。" custom_placeholder_notify_user: "为何你要私下联系该用户?" custom_placeholder_notify_moderators: "为何本帖需要论坛版主的关注?为何本帖需要论坛版主的关注?" custom_message: at_least: "输入至少 {{n}} 个字符" more: "还差 {{n}} 个……" left: "还剩下 {{n}}" topic_summary: title: "主题概要" links_shown: "显示所有 {{totalLinks}} 个链接……" clicks: "点击" topic_link: "主题链接" topic_statuses: locked: help: "本主题已关闭,不再接受新的回复" pinned: help: "本主题已置顶,它将始终显示在它所属分类的顶部" archived: help: "本主题已归档,即已经冻结,无法修改" invisible: help: "本主题不可见,它将不被显示在主题列表中,只能通过一个直接链接来访问" posts: "帖子" posts_long: "本主题有 {{number}} 个帖子" original_post: "原始帖" views: "浏览" replies: "回复" views_long: "本主题已经被浏览过 {{number}} 次" activity: "活动" likes: "赞" likes_long: "本主题已有 {{number}} 次赞" top_contributors: "参与者" category_title: "分类" history: "历史" changed_by: "由 {{author}}" categories_list: "分类列表" filters: latest: title: "最新" help: "最新发布的帖子" hot: title: "热门" help: "最近最受欢迎的主题" favorited: title: "收藏" help: "你收藏的主题" read: title: "已阅" help: "你已经阅读过的主题" categories: title: "分类" title_in: "分类 - {{categoryName}}" help: "归属于不同分类的所有主题" unread: title: zero: "未阅" one: "1个未阅主题" other: "{{count}}个未阅主题" help: "追踪的主题中有未阅帖子的主题" new: title: zero: "新主题" one: "新主题(1)" other: "新主题({{count}})" help: "你最近一次访问后的新主题,以及你追踪的主题中有新帖子的主题" posted: title: "我的帖子" help: "你发表过帖子的主题" category: title: zero: "{{categoryName}}" one: "{{categoryName}}(1)" other: "{{categoryName}}({{count}})" help: "在 {{categoryName}} 分类中热门的主题" browser_update: '抱歉, 你的浏览器版本太低,推荐使用Chrome. 请 升级你的浏览器。' permission_types: full: "阅读,创建帖子和主题" create_post: "阅读和创建帖子" readonly: "只读" # This section is exported to the javascript for i18n in the admin section admin_js: type_to_filter: "输入过滤条件……" admin: title: '论道 管理' moderator: '版主' dashboard: title: "管理面板" version: "安装的版本" up_to_date: "你正在运行最新的论坛版本。" critical_available: "有一个关键更新可用。" updates_available: "目前有可用更新。" please_upgrade: "请升级!" no_check_performed: "检测未执行" stale_data: "最近一次检查更新未执行,请确保 clockwork 和 sidekiq 在正常运行" installed_version: "已安装" latest_version: "最新版本" problems_found: "你安装的论坛目前有以下问题:" last_checked: "上次检查" refresh_problems: "刷新" no_problems: "找不到问题." moderators: '版主:' admins: '管理员:' blocked: '禁止参与讨论:' banned: "禁止登陆" private_messages_short: "私信" private_messages_title: "私密信息" reports: today: "今天" yesterday: "昨天" last_7_days: "7 天以内" last_30_days: "30 天以内" all_time: "所有时间内" 7_days_ago: "7 天之前" 30_days_ago: "30 天之前" all: "全部" view_table: "以表格展示" view_chart: "以柱状图展示" commits: latest_changes: "最后的改动: 请经常升级!" by: "来自" flags: title: "投诉" old: "过去的" active: "活跃的" agree_hide: "批准(隐藏并发送私信)" agree_hide_title: "隐藏帖子并自动发送私信给作者使其修改" defer: "推迟" defer_title: "现在不执行任何操作,对此帖子投诉的操作推迟到晚些时候甚至永远" delete_post: "删除帖子" delete_post_title: "删除此帖,如果这是这个主题内的第一篇帖子则删除主题" disagree_unhide: "不批准(不隐藏)" disagree_unhide_title: "清除此帖的任何投诉,并使其重新可见" disagree: "不批准" disagree_title: "不批准此帖的投诉,并清除此贴的任何投诉" clear: "清除投诉" clear_title: "撤销本帖的所有投诉(已隐藏的帖子将会被取消隐藏)" delete: "删除帖子" delete_title: "删除帖子(如果它是主题第一帖,那么将删除主题)" flagged_by: "投诉者为" error: "出错了" view_message: "查看消息" no_results: "没有投诉" summary: action_type_3: one: "题外话" other: "题外话 x{{count}}" action_type_4: one: "不当内容" other: "不当内容 x{{count}}" action_type_6: one: "自定义" other: "自定义 x{{count}}" action_type_7: one: "自定义" other: "自定义 x{{count}}" action_type_8: one: "垃圾" other: "垃圾 x{{count}}" groups: title: "群组" edit: "编辑群组" selector_placeholder: "添加用户" name_placeholder: "组名,不能含有空格,与用户名规则一致" about: "在这里编辑群组的名字和成员" can_not_edit_automatic: "这是一个自动划分的群组,管理员用来分配角色和管理用户等级" delete: "删除" delete_confirm: "删除这个小组吗?" delete_failed: "Unable to delete group. If this is an automatic group, it cannot be destroyed." api: title: "应用开发接口(API)" long_title: "API信息" key: "密钥" generate: "生成API密钥" regenerate: "重新生成API密钥" info_html: "API密钥可以用来通过JSON调用创建和更新主题。" note_html: "请安全的保管好本密钥,任何拥有该密钥的用户可以使用它以论坛任何用户的名义来发帖。" customize: title: "定制" long_title: "站点定制" header: "头部" css: "层叠样式表(CSS)" override_default: "覆盖缺省值?" enabled: "启用?" preview: "预览" undo_preview: "撤销预览" save: "保存" new: "新建" new_style: "新样式" delete: "删除" delete_confirm: "删除本定制内容?" about: "站点定制允许你修改样式表和站点头部。选择或者添加一个来开始编辑。" email: title: "电子邮件" user: "用户" settings: "设置" logs: "日志" sent_at: "发送时间" email_type: "邮件类型" to_address: "目的地址" test_email_address: "测试电子邮件地址" send_test: "发送测试电子邮件" sent_test: "已发送!" delivery_method: "发送方式" preview_digest: "预览" refresh: "刷新" format: "格式" html: "html" text: "text" last_seen_user: "用户最后登录时间:" reply_key: "回复关键字" impersonate: title: "假冒用户" username_or_email: "用户名或用户电子邮件" help: "使用此工具来假冒一个用户帐号以方便调试。" not_found: "无法找到该用户。" invalid: "抱歉,你不能假冒该用户。" users: title: '用户' create: '添加管理员用户' last_emailed: "最后一次邮寄" not_found: "抱歉,在我们的系统中此用户名不存在。" active: "活跃" nav: new: "新建" active: "活跃" pending: "待定" admins: "管理员" moderators: "版主" banned: "禁止登陆" blocked: "禁止参与讨论" approved: "已批准?" approved_selected: one: "批准用户" other: "批准用户({{count}})" titles: active: '活动用户' new: '新用户' pending: '等待审核用户' newuser: '信用等级为0的用户(新用户)' basic: '信用等级为1的用户(基本用户)' regular: '信用等级为2的用户(常访问用户)' leader: '信用等级为3的用户(高级用户)' elder: '信用等级为4的用户(骨灰用户)' admins: '管理员' moderators: '版主' blocked: '被封用户' banned: '被禁用户' user: ban_failed: "禁止此用户时发生了错误 {{error}}" unban_failed: "解禁此用户时发生了错误 {{error}}" ban_duration: "你计划禁止该用户多久?(天)" delete_all_posts: "删除所有帖子" ban: "禁止" unban: "解禁" banned: "已禁止?" moderator: "版主?" admin: "管理员?" blocked: "已封?" show_admin_profile: "管理员" edit_title: "编辑头衔" save_title: "保存头衔" refresh_browsers: "强制浏览器刷新" show_public_profile: "显示公开介绍" impersonate: '假冒用户' revoke_admin: '吊销管理员资格' grant_admin: '赋予管理员资格' revoke_moderation: '吊销论坛版主资格' grant_moderation: '赋予论坛版主资格' unblock: '解封' block: '封号' reputation: 声誉 permissions: 权限 activity: 活动 like_count: 收到的赞 private_topics_count: 私有主题数量 posts_read_count: 已阅帖子数量 post_count: 创建的帖子数量 topics_entered: 进入的主题数量 flags_given_count: 所做投诉数量 flags_received_count: 收到投诉数量 approve: '批准' approved_by: "批准人" approve_success: "用户已被批准, 激活邮件已发送。" approve_bulk_success: "成功!所有选定的用户已批准并通知。" time_read: "阅读次数" delete: "删除用户" delete_forbidden: "此用户还无法删除,因为他/她还有帖子。请先删除该用户的所有帖子。" delete_confirm: "你 确定 你要永久的从本站删除此用户?该操作无法撤销!" deleted: "该用户已被删除。" delete_failed: "在删除用户时发生了错误。请确保删除该用户前删除了该用户的所有帖子。" send_activation_email: "发送激活邮件" activation_email_sent: "激活邮件已发送。" send_activation_email_failed: "在发送激活邮件时发生了错误。" activate: "激活帐号" activate_failed: "在激活用户帐号时发生了错误。" deactivate_account: "停用帐号" deactivate_failed: "在停用用户帐号时发生了错误。" unblock_failed: "在解除用户帐号封禁时发生了错误。" block_failed: "在封禁用户帐号时发生了错误。" deactivate_explanation: "已停用的用户必须重新验证他们的电子邮件。" banned_explanation: "被禁止的用户无法登录。" block_explanation: "被封禁的用户不能发表主题或者评论。" trust_level_change_failed: "改变用户等级时出现了一个问题," site_content: none: "选择内容类型以开始编辑。" title: '内容' edit: "编辑站点内容" site_settings: show_overriden: '只显示被覆盖了缺省值的' title: '设置' reset: '重置为缺省值' none: '无'