 * bootbox.js v3.2.0
 * http://bootboxjs.com/license.txt
var bootbox =
  window.bootbox ||
  (function (document, $) {
    /*jshint scripturl:true sub:true */

    var _locale = "en",
      _defaultLocale = "en",
      _animate = true,
      _backdrop = "static",
      _defaultHref = "javascript:;",
      _classes = "",
      _btnClasses = {},
      _icons = {},
      /* last var should always be the public object we'll return */
      that = {};

     * public API
    that.setLocale = function (locale) {
      for (var i in _locales) {
        if (i == locale) {
          _locale = locale;
      throw new Error("Invalid locale: " + locale);

    that.addLocale = function (locale, translations) {
      if (typeof _locales[locale] === "undefined") {
        _locales[locale] = {};
      for (var str in translations) {
        _locales[locale][str] = translations[str];

    that.setIcons = function (icons) {
      _icons = icons;
      if (typeof _icons !== "object" || _icons === null) {
        _icons = {};

    that.setBtnClasses = function (btnClasses) {
      _btnClasses = btnClasses;
      if (typeof _btnClasses !== "object" || _btnClasses === null) {
        _btnClasses = {};

    that.alert = function (/*str, label, cb*/) {
      var str = "",
        label = _translate("OK"),
        cb = null;

      switch (arguments.length) {
        case 1:
          // no callback, default button label
          str = arguments[0];
        case 2:
          // callback *or* custom button label dependent on type
          str = arguments[0];
          if (typeof arguments[1] == "function") {
            cb = arguments[1];
          } else {
            label = arguments[1];
        case 3:
          // callback and custom button label
          str = arguments[0];
          label = arguments[1];
          cb = arguments[2];
          throw new Error("Incorrect number of arguments: expected 1-3");

      return that.dialog(
          // only button (ok)
          label: label,
          icon: _icons.OK,
          class: _btnClasses.OK,
          callback: cb,
          // ensure that the escape key works; either invoking the user's
          // callback or true to just close the dialog
          onEscape: cb || true,

    that.confirm = function (/*str, labelCancel, labelOk, cb*/) {
      var str = "",
        labelCancel = _translate("CANCEL"),
        labelOk = _translate("CONFIRM"),
        cb = null;

      switch (arguments.length) {
        case 1:
          str = arguments[0];
        case 2:
          str = arguments[0];
          if (typeof arguments[1] == "function") {
            cb = arguments[1];
          } else {
            labelCancel = arguments[1];
        case 3:
          str = arguments[0];
          labelCancel = arguments[1];
          if (typeof arguments[2] == "function") {
            cb = arguments[2];
          } else {
            labelOk = arguments[2];
        case 4:
          str = arguments[0];
          labelCancel = arguments[1];
          labelOk = arguments[2];
          cb = arguments[3];
          throw new Error("Incorrect number of arguments: expected 1-4");

      var cancelCallback = function () {
        if (typeof cb === "function") {
          return cb(false);

      var confirmCallback = function () {
        if (typeof cb === "function") {
          return cb(true);

      return that.dialog(
            // first button (cancel)
            label: labelCancel,
            icon: _icons.CANCEL,
            class: _btnClasses.CANCEL,
            callback: cancelCallback,
            // second button (confirm)
            label: labelOk,
            icon: _icons.CONFIRM,
            class: _btnClasses.CONFIRM,
            callback: confirmCallback,
          // escape key bindings
          onEscape: cancelCallback,

    that.prompt = function (/*str, labelCancel, labelOk, cb, defaultVal*/) {
      var str = "",
        labelCancel = _translate("CANCEL"),
        labelOk = _translate("CONFIRM"),
        cb = null,
        defaultVal = "";

      switch (arguments.length) {
        case 1:
          str = arguments[0];
        case 2:
          str = arguments[0];
          if (typeof arguments[1] == "function") {
            cb = arguments[1];
          } else {
            labelCancel = arguments[1];
        case 3:
          str = arguments[0];
          labelCancel = arguments[1];
          if (typeof arguments[2] == "function") {
            cb = arguments[2];
          } else {
            labelOk = arguments[2];
        case 4:
          str = arguments[0];
          labelCancel = arguments[1];
          labelOk = arguments[2];
          cb = arguments[3];
        case 5:
          str = arguments[0];
          labelCancel = arguments[1];
          labelOk = arguments[2];
          cb = arguments[3];
          defaultVal = arguments[4];
          throw new Error("Incorrect number of arguments: expected 1-5");

      var header = str;

      // let's keep a reference to the form object for later
      var form = $("<form></form>");
        "<input class='input-block-level' autocomplete=off type=text value='" +
          defaultVal +
          "' />"

      var cancelCallback = function () {
        if (typeof cb === "function") {
          // yep, native prompts dismiss with null, whereas native
          // confirms dismiss with false...
          return cb(null);

      var confirmCallback = function () {
        if (typeof cb === "function") {
          return cb(form.find("input[type=text]").val());

      var div = that.dialog(
            // first button (cancel)
            label: labelCancel,
            icon: _icons.CANCEL,
            class: _btnClasses.CANCEL,
            callback: cancelCallback,
            // second button (confirm)
            label: labelOk,
            icon: _icons.CONFIRM,
            class: _btnClasses.CONFIRM,
            callback: confirmCallback,
          // prompts need a few extra options
          header: header,
          // explicitly tell dialog NOT to show the dialog...
          show: false,
          onEscape: cancelCallback,

      // ... the reason the prompt needs to be hidden is because we need
      // to bind our own "shown" handler, after creating the modal but
      // before any show(n) events are triggered
      // @see https://github.com/makeusabrew/bootbox/issues/69

      div.on("shown", function () {

        // ensure that submitting the form (e.g. with the enter key)
        // replicates the behaviour of a normal prompt()
        form.on("submit", function (e) {


      return div;

    that.dialog = function (str, handlers, options) {
      var buttons = "",
        callbacks = [];

      if (!options) {
        options = {};

      // check for single object and convert to array if necessary
      if (typeof handlers === "undefined") {
        handlers = [];
      } else if (typeof handlers.length == "undefined") {
        handlers = [handlers];

      var i = handlers.length;
      while (i--) {
        var label = null,
          href = null,
          _class = "btn-default",
          icon = "",
          callback = null;

        if (
          typeof handlers[i]["label"] == "undefined" &&
          typeof handlers[i]["class"] == "undefined" &&
          typeof handlers[i]["callback"] == "undefined"
        ) {
          // if we've got nothing we expect, check for condensed format

          var propCount = 0, // condensed will only match if this == 1
            property = null; // save the last property we found

          // be nicer to count the properties without this, but don't think it's possible...
          for (var j in handlers[i]) {
            property = j;
            if (++propCount > 1) {
              // forget it, too many properties

          if (propCount == 1 && typeof handlers[i][j] == "function") {
            // matches condensed format of label -> function
            handlers[i]["label"] = property;
            handlers[i]["callback"] = handlers[i][j];

        if (typeof handlers[i]["callback"] == "function") {
          callback = handlers[i]["callback"];

        if (handlers[i]["class"]) {
          _class = handlers[i]["class"];
        } else if (i == handlers.length - 1 && handlers.length <= 2) {
          // always add a primary to the main option in a two-button dialog
          _class = "btn-primary";

        // See: https://github.com/makeusabrew/bootbox/pull/114
        // Upgrade to official bootbox release when it gets merged.
        if (handlers[i]["link"] !== true) {
          _class = "btn " + _class;

        if (handlers[i]["label"]) {
          label = handlers[i]["label"];
        } else {
          label = "Option " + (i + 1);

        if (handlers[i]["icon"]) {
          icon = handlers[i]["icon"];

        if (handlers[i]["href"]) {
          href = handlers[i]["href"];
        } else {
          href = _defaultHref;

        buttons =
          buttons +
          "<a data-handler='" +
          i +
          "' class='" +
          _class +
          "' href='" +
          href +
          "'>" +
          icon +
          "<span class='d-button-label'>" +
          label +

        callbacks[i] = callback;

      // @see https://github.com/makeusabrew/bootbox/issues/46#issuecomment-8235302
      // and https://github.com/twitter/bootstrap/issues/4474
      // for an explanation of the inline overflow: hidden
      // @see https://github.com/twitter/bootstrap/issues/4854
      // for an explanation of tabIndex=-1

      var parts = [
        "<div class='bootbox modal' tabindex='-1' style='overflow:hidden;'>",

      if (options["header"]) {
        var closeButton = "";
        if (
          typeof options["headerCloseButton"] == "undefined" ||
        ) {
          closeButton =
            "<a href='" + _defaultHref + "' class='close'>&times;</a>";

          "<div class='modal-header'>" +
            closeButton +
            "<h3>" +
            options["header"] +

      // push an empty body into which we'll inject the proper content later
      parts.push("<div class='modal-body'></div>");

      if (buttons) {
        parts.push("<div class='modal-footer'>" + buttons + "</div>");


      var div = $(parts.join("\n"));

      // check whether we should fade in/out
      var shouldFade =
        typeof options.animate === "undefined" ? _animate : options.animate;

      if (shouldFade) {

      var optionalClasses =
        typeof options.classes === "undefined" ? _classes : options.classes;
      if (optionalClasses) {

      // now we've built up the div properly we can inject the content whether it was a string or a jQuery object

      function onCancel(source) {
        // for now source is unused, but it will be in future
        var hideModal = null;
        if (typeof options.onEscape === "function") {
          // @see https://github.com/makeusabrew/bootbox/issues/91
          hideModal = options.onEscape();

        if (hideModal !== false) {

      // hook into the modal's keyup trigger to check for the escape key
      div.on("keyup.dismiss.modal", function (e) {
        // any truthy value passed to onEscape will dismiss the dialog
        // as long as the onEscape function (if defined) doesn't prevent it
        if (e.which === 27 && options.onEscape !== false) {

      // handle close buttons too
      div.on("click", "a.close", function (e) {

      // well, *if* we have a primary - give the first dom element focus
      div.on("shown.bs.modal", function () {

      div.on("hidden.bs.modal", function () {

      // wire up button handlers
      div.on("click", ".modal-footer a", function (e) {
        var self = this;
        Ember.run(function () {
          var handler = $(self).data("handler"),
            cb = callbacks[handler],
            hideModal = null;

          // sort of @see https://github.com/makeusabrew/bootbox/pull/68 - heavily adapted
          // if we've got a custom href attribute, all bets are off
          if (
            typeof handler !== "undefined" &&
            typeof handlers[handler]["href"] !== "undefined"
          ) {


          if (typeof cb === "function") {
            hideModal = cb(e);

          // the only way hideModal *will* be false is if a callback exists and
          // returns it as a value. in those situations, don't hide the dialog
          // @see https://github.com/makeusabrew/bootbox/pull/25
          if (hideModal !== false) {

      // stick the modal right at the bottom of the main body out of the way
      (that.$body || $("body")).append(div);

        // unless explicitly overridden take whatever our default backdrop value is
          typeof options.backdrop === "undefined"
            ? _backdrop
            : options.backdrop,
        // ignore bootstrap's keyboard options; we'll handle this ourselves (more fine-grained control)
        keyboard: false,
        // @ see https://github.com/makeusabrew/bootbox/issues/69
        // we *never* want the modal to be shown before we can bind stuff to it
        // this method can also take a 'show' option, but we'll only use that
        // later if we need to
        show: false,

      // @see https://github.com/makeusabrew/bootbox/issues/64
      // @see https://github.com/makeusabrew/bootbox/issues/60
      // ...caused by...
      // @see https://github.com/twitter/bootstrap/issues/4781
      div.on("show", function (e) {

      if (typeof options.show === "undefined" || options.show === true) {

      return div;

     * #modal is deprecated in v3; it can still be used but no guarantees are
     * made - have never been truly convinced of its merit but perhaps just
     * needs a tidyup and some TLC
    that.modal = function (/*str, label, options*/) {
      var str;
      var label;
      var options;

      var defaultOptions = {
        onEscape: null,
        keyboard: true,
        backdrop: _backdrop,

      switch (arguments.length) {
        case 1:
          str = arguments[0];
        case 2:
          str = arguments[0];
          if (typeof arguments[1] == "object") {
            options = arguments[1];
          } else {
            label = arguments[1];
        case 3:
          str = arguments[0];
          label = arguments[1];
          options = arguments[2];
          throw new Error("Incorrect number of arguments: expected 1-3");

      defaultOptions["header"] = label;

      if (typeof options == "object") {
        options = $.extend(defaultOptions, options);
      } else {
        options = defaultOptions;

      return that.dialog(str, [], options);

    that.hideAll = function () {

    that.animate = function (animate) {
      _animate = animate;

    that.backdrop = function (backdrop) {
      _backdrop = backdrop;

    that.classes = function (classes) {
      _classes = classes;

     * private API

     * standard locales. Please add more according to ISO 639-1 standard. Multiple language variants are
     * unlikely to be required. If this gets too large it can be split out into separate JS files.
    var _locales = {
      br: {
        OK: "OK",
        CANCEL: "Cancelar",
        CONFIRM: "Sim",
      da: {
        OK: "OK",
        CANCEL: "Annuller",
        CONFIRM: "Accepter",
      de: {
        OK: "OK",
        CANCEL: "Abbrechen",
        CONFIRM: "Akzeptieren",
      en: {
        OK: "OK",
        CANCEL: "Cancel",
        CONFIRM: "OK",
      es: {
        OK: "OK",
        CANCEL: "Cancelar",
        CONFIRM: "Aceptar",
      fr: {
        OK: "OK",
        CANCEL: "Annuler",
        CONFIRM: "D'accord",
      it: {
        OK: "OK",
        CANCEL: "Annulla",
        CONFIRM: "Conferma",
      nl: {
        OK: "OK",
        CANCEL: "Annuleren",
        CONFIRM: "Accepteren",
      pl: {
        OK: "OK",
        CANCEL: "Anuluj",
        CONFIRM: "Potwierdź",
      ru: {
        OK: "OK",
        CANCEL: "Отмена",
        CONFIRM: "Применить",
      zh_CN: {
        OK: "OK",
        CANCEL: "取消",
        CONFIRM: "确认",
      zh_TW: {
        OK: "OK",
        CANCEL: "取消",
        CONFIRM: "確認",

    function _translate(str, locale) {
      // we assume if no target locale is probided then we should take it from current setting
      if (typeof locale === "undefined") {
        locale = _locale;
      if (typeof _locales[locale][str] === "string") {
        return _locales[locale][str];

      // if we couldn't find a lookup then try and fallback to a default translation

      if (locale != _defaultLocale) {
        return _translate(str, _defaultLocale);

      // if we can't do anything then bail out with whatever string was passed in - last resort
      return str;

    return that;
  })(document, window.jQuery);

// @see https://github.com/makeusabrew/bootbox/issues/71
window.bootbox = bootbox;

define("bootbox", ["exports"], function (__exports__) {
  __exports__.default = window.bootbox;