import componentTest, { setupRenderingTest, } from "discourse/tests/helpers/component-test"; import hbs from "htmlbars-inline-precompile"; import { exists } from "discourse/tests/helpers/qunit-helpers"; import { setup as setupChatStub, teardown as teardownChatStub, } from "../helpers/chat-stub"; import { module } from "qunit"; module("Discourse Chat | Component | sidebar-channels", function (hooks) { setupRenderingTest(hooks); componentTest("default", { template: hbs`{{sidebar-channels}}`, beforeEach() { setupChatStub(this); }, afterEach() { teardownChatStub(); }, async test(assert) { assert.ok(exists("[data-chat-channel-id]")); }, }); componentTest("chat is on chat page", { template: hbs`{{sidebar-channels}}`, beforeEach() { setupChatStub(this, {}); }, afterEach() { teardownChatStub(); }, async test(assert) { assert.ok(exists("[data-chat-channel-id]")); }, }); componentTest("none of the conditions are fulfilled", { template: hbs`{{sidebar-channels}}`, beforeEach() { setupChatStub(this, { userCanChat: false }); }, afterEach() { teardownChatStub(); }, async test(assert) { assert.notOk(exists("[data-chat-channel-id]")); }, }); componentTest("user cant chat", { template: hbs`{{sidebar-channels}}`, beforeEach() { setupChatStub(this, { userCanChat: false }); }, afterEach() { teardownChatStub(); }, async test(assert) { assert.notOk(exists("[data-chat-channel-id]")); }, }); });