import { acceptance } from "helpers/qunit-helpers"; acceptance("User Preferences", { loggedIn: true }); test("update some fields", () => { visit("/users/eviltrout/preferences"); andThen(() => { ok($('body.user-preferences-page').length, "has the body class"); equal(currentURL(), '/users/eviltrout/preferences', "it doesn't redirect"); ok(exists('.user-preferences'), 'it shows the preferences'); }); fillIn("#edit-location", "Westeros"); click('.save-user'); ok(!exists('.saved-user'), "it hasn't been saved yet"); andThen(() => { ok(exists('.saved-user'), 'it displays the saved message'); }); }); test("username", () => { visit("/users/eviltrout/preferences/username"); andThen(() => { ok(exists("#change_username"), "it has the input element"); }); }); test("about me", () => { visit("/users/eviltrout/preferences/about-me"); andThen(() => { ok(exists(".raw-bio"), "it has the input element"); }); }); test("email", () => { visit("/users/eviltrout/preferences/email"); andThen(() => { ok(exists("#change_email"), "it has the input element"); }); });