import { emojiSearch } from "pretty-text/emoji"; import { IMAGE_VERSION as v } from "pretty-text/emoji/version"; import { emojiUnescape } from "discourse/lib/text"; import { discourseModule } from "helpers/qunit-helpers"; discourseModule("lib:emoji"); QUnit.test("emojiUnescape", function(assert) { const testUnescape = (input, expected, description, settings = {}) => { const originalSettings = {}; for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(settings)) { originalSettings[key] = this.siteSettings[key]; this.siteSettings[key] = value; } assert.equal(emojiUnescape(input), expected, description); for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(originalSettings)) { this.siteSettings[key] = value; } }; testUnescape( "Not emoji :O) :frog) :smile)", "Not emoji :O) :frog) :smile)", "title without emoji" ); testUnescape( "Not emoji :frog :smile", "Not emoji :frog :smile", "end colon is not optional" ); testUnescape( "emoticons :)", `emoticons slight_smile`, "emoticons are still supported" ); testUnescape( "With emoji :O: :frog: :smile:", `With emoji O frog smile`, "title with emoji" ); testUnescape( "a:smile:a", "a:smile:a", "word characters not allowed next to emoji" ); testUnescape( "(:frog:) :)", `(frog) slight_smile`, "non-word characters allowed next to emoji" ); testUnescape( ":smile: hi", `smile hi`, "start of line" ); testUnescape( "hi :smile:", `hi smile`, "end of line" ); testUnescape( "hi :blonde_woman:t4:", `hi blonde_woman:t4`, "support for skin tones" ); testUnescape( "hi :blonde_woman:t4: :blonde_man:t6:", `hi blonde_woman:t4 blonde_man:t6`, "support for multiple skin tones" ); testUnescape( "hi :blonde_man:t6", "hi :blonde_man:t6", "end colon not optional for skin tones" ); testUnescape( "emoticons :)", "emoticons :)", "no emoticons when emojis are disabled", { enable_emoji: false } ); testUnescape( "emoji :smile:", "emoji :smile:", "no emojis when emojis are disabled", { enable_emoji: false } ); testUnescape( "emoticons :)", "emoticons :)", "no emoticons when emoji shortcuts are disabled", { enable_emoji_shortcuts: false } ); testUnescape( "Hello 😊 World", `Hello blush World`, "emoji from Unicode emoji" ); testUnescape( "Hello😊World", "Hello😊World", "keeps Unicode emoji when inline translation disabled", { enable_inline_emoji_translation: false } ); testUnescape( "Hello😊World", `HelloblushWorld`, "emoji from Unicode emoji when inline translation enabled", { enable_inline_emoji_translation: true } ); testUnescape( "hi:smile:", "hi:smile:", "no emojis when inline translation disabled", { enable_inline_emoji_translation: false } ); testUnescape( "hi:smile:", `hismile`, "emoji when inline translation enabled", { enable_inline_emoji_translation: true } ); }); QUnit.test("Emoji search", assert => { // able to find an alias assert.equal(emojiSearch("+1").length, 1); // able to find middle of line search assert.equal(emojiSearch("check", { maxResults: 3 }).length, 3); });