import { set } from "@ember/object"; import componentTest, { setupRenderingTest, } from "discourse/tests/helpers/component-test"; import { exists } from "discourse/tests/helpers/qunit-helpers"; import hbs from "htmlbars-inline-precompile"; import { CHATABLE_TYPES } from "discourse/plugins/chat/discourse/models/chat-channel"; import { module } from "qunit"; const directMessageChannel = { id: 1, chatable_type: CHATABLE_TYPES.directMessageChannel, chatable: { users: [{ id: 1 }], }, }; const topicChannel = { id: 2, chatable_type: CHATABLE_TYPES.topicChannel, chatable: { users: [{ id: 1 }], }, }; module( "Discourse Chat | Component | chat-channel-unread-indicator", function (hooks) { setupRenderingTest(hooks); componentTest("has no unread", { template: hbs`{{chat-channel-unread-indicator channel=channel}}`, beforeEach() { set(this.currentUser, "chat_channel_tracking_state", { unread_count: 0, }); this.set("channel", topicChannel); }, async test(assert) { assert.notOk(exists(".chat-channel-unread-indicator")); }, }); componentTest("has unread and no mentions", { template: hbs`{{chat-channel-unread-indicator channel=channel}}`, beforeEach() { set(this.currentUser, "chat_channel_tracking_state", { []: { unread_count: 1 }, }); this.set("channel", topicChannel); }, async test(assert) { assert.ok(exists(".chat-channel-unread-indicator:not(.urgent)")); }, }); componentTest("has unread and mentions", { template: hbs`{{chat-channel-unread-indicator channel=channel}}`, beforeEach() { set(this.currentUser, "chat_channel_tracking_state", { []: { unread_count: 1, unread_mentions: 1 }, }); this.set("channel", topicChannel); }, async test(assert) { assert.ok(exists(".chat-channel-unread-indicator.urgent")); }, }); componentTest("direct message channel | has unread", { template: hbs`{{chat-channel-unread-indicator channel=channel}}`, beforeEach() { set(this.currentUser, "chat_channel_tracking_state", { []: { unread_count: 1 }, }); this.set("channel", directMessageChannel); }, async test(assert) { assert.ok(exists(".chat-channel-unread-indicator.urgent")); }, }); } );