# frozen_string_literal: true def list_files(base_dir, pattern = "*") Dir[File.join("#{base_dir}", pattern)] end def list_js_files(base_dir) list_files(base_dir, "**/*.es6") end def grep_files(files, regex) files.select { |file| grep_file(file, regex) } end def grep_file(file, regex) lines = File.open(file).grep(regex) lines.count > 0 ? file : nil end RSpec.describe "Coding style" do describe "Javascript" do it 'prevents this.get("foo") pattern' do js_files = list_js_files("app/assets/javascripts") offenses = grep_files(js_files, /this\.get\("\w+"\)/) expect(offenses).to be_empty, <<~TEXT Do not use this.get("foo") accessor for single property, instead prefer to use this.foo Offenses: #{offenses.join("\n")} TEXT end end describe "Post Migrations" do def check_offenses(files, method_name, constant_name) method_name_regex = /#{Regexp.escape(method_name)}/ constant_name_regex = /#{Regexp.escape(constant_name)}/ offenses = files.reject { |file| is_valid?(file, method_name_regex, constant_name_regex) } expect(offenses).to be_empty, <<~TEXT You need to use the constant #{constant_name} when you use #{method_name} in order to help with restoring backups. Please take a look at existing migrations to see how to use it correctly. Offenses: #{offenses.join("\n")} TEXT end def is_valid?(file, method_name_regex, constant_name_regex) contains_method_name = File.open(file).grep(method_name_regex).any? contains_constant_name = File.open(file).grep(constant_name_regex).any? contains_method_name ? contains_constant_name : true end it "ensures dropped tables and columns are stored in constants" do migration_files = list_files("db/post_migrate", "**/*.rb") check_offenses(migration_files, "ColumnDropper.execute_drop", "DROPPED_COLUMNS") check_offenses(migration_files, "TableDropper.execute_drop", "DROPPED_TABLES") end end end