import Service from "@ember/service"; import { getOwner } from "@ember/application"; import { action } from "@ember/object"; import DMenuInstance from "float-kit/lib/d-menu-instance"; import { guidFor } from "@ember/object/internals"; import { tracked } from "@glimmer/tracking"; import { updatePosition } from "float-kit/lib/update-position"; export default class Menu extends Service { @tracked activeMenu; @tracked portalOutletElement; /** * Render a menu * * @param {Element | DMenuInstance} * - trigger - the element that triggered the menu, can also be an object implementing `getBoundingClientRect` * - menu - an instance of a menu * @param {Object} [options] - options * @param {String | Element | Component} [options.content] - Specifies the content of the menu * @param {Integer} [options.maxWidth] - Specifies the maximum width of the content * @param {Object} [] - An object which will be passed as the `@data` argument when content is a `Component` * @param {Boolean} [options.arrow] - Determines if the menu has an arrow * @param {Boolean} [options.offset] - Displaces the content from its reference trigger in pixels * @param {String} [options.identifier] - Add a data-identifier attribute to the trigger and the content * @param {Boolean} [options.inline] - Improves positioning for trigger that spans over multiple lines * * @returns {Promise} */ @action async show() { let instance; if (arguments[0] instanceof DMenuInstance) { instance = arguments[0]; if (this.activeMenu === instance && this.activeMenu.expanded) { return; } } else { const trigger = arguments[0]; if ( this.activeMenu && === (trigger?.id?.length ? : guidFor(trigger)) && this.activeMenu.expanded ) { this.activeMenu?.close(); return; } instance = new DMenuInstance(getOwner(this), trigger, arguments[1]); } await this.replace(instance); instance.expanded = true; return instance; } /** * Replaces any active menu- */ @action async replace(menu) { await this.activeMenu?.close(); this.activeMenu = menu; } /** * Closes the active menu * @param {DMenuInstance} [menu] - the menu to close, if not provider will close any active menu */ @action async close(menu) { if (this.activeMenu && menu && !== { return; } await this.activeMenu?.close(); this.activeMenu = null; } /** * Update the menu position * @param {DMenuInstance} [menu] - the menu to update, if not provider will update any active menu */ @action async update(menu) { const instance = menu || this.activeMenu; if (!instance) { return; } await updatePosition(instance.trigger, instance.content, instance.options); await; } /** * Register event listeners on a trigger to show a menu * * @param {Element} trigger - the element that triggered the menu, can also be an object implementing `getBoundingClientRect` * @param {Object} [options] - @see `show` * * @returns {DMenuInstance} An instance of the menu */ @action register(trigger, options = {}) { return new DMenuInstance(getOwner(this), trigger, { ...options, listeners: true, beforeTrigger: async (menu) => { await this.replace(menu); }, }); } @action registerPortalOutletElement(element) { this.portalOutletElement = element; } }