# frozen_string_literal: true DATE_REGEX = /\A\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}/ CHANGE_TYPES = [ { pattern: /\AFEATURE:/, heading: "New Features" }, { pattern: /\AFIX:/, heading: "Bug Fixes" }, { pattern: /\AUX:/, heading: "UX Changes" }, { pattern: /\ASECURITY:/, heading: "Security Changes" }, { pattern: /\APERF:/, heading: "Performance" }, { pattern: /\AA11Y:/, heading: "Accessibility" }, ] desc "generate a release note from the important commits" task "release_note:generate", :from, :to, :repo do |t, args| repo = args[:repo] || "." changes = find_changes(repo, args[:from], args[:to]) CHANGE_TYPES.each { |ct| print_changes(ct[:heading], changes[ct], "###") } puts "(no changes)", "" if changes.values.all?(&:empty?) end # To use with all-the-plugins: # 1. Make sure you have a local, up-to-date clone of https://github.com/discourse/all-the-plugins # 2. In all-the-plugins, `git submodule update --init --recursive --remote` # 3. Change back to your discourse directory # 4. rake "release_note:plugins:generate[ 2021-06-01 , 2021-07-01 , /path/to/all-the-plugins/plugins/* , discourse ]" desc "generate release notes for all official plugins in a directory" task "release_note:plugins:generate", :from, :to, :plugin_glob, :org do |t, args| from = args[:from] to = args[:to] plugin_glob = args[:plugin_glob] || "./plugins/*" git_org = args[:org] all_repos = Dir.glob(plugin_glob).filter { |f| File.directory?(f) && File.exist?("#{f}/.git") } if git_org all_repos = all_repos.filter do |dir| `git -C #{dir} remote get-url origin`.match?(%r{github.com[/:]#{git_org}/}) end end no_changes_repos = [] all_repos.each do |dir| name = File.basename(dir) changes = find_changes(dir, from, to) if changes.values.all?(&:empty?) no_changes_repos << name next end puts "### #{name}\n\n" CHANGE_TYPES.each { |ct| print_changes(ct[:heading], changes[ct], "####") } end puts "(No changes found in #{no_changes_repos.join(", ")})" end def find_changes(repo, from, to) dates = from&.match?(DATE_REGEX) || to&.match?(DATE_REGEX) if !dates from ||= `git -C #{repo} describe --tags --abbrev=0`.strip to ||= "HEAD" end cmd = "git -C #{repo} log --pretty='tformat:%s' " if dates cmd += "--after '#{from}' " if from cmd += "--before '#{to}' " if to else cmd += "#{from}..#{to}" end out = `#{cmd}` raise "Status #{$?.exitstatus} running git log\n#{out}" if !$?.success? changes = {} CHANGE_TYPES.each { |ct| changes[ct] = Set.new } repo_path = `git -C #{repo} remote get-url origin`.match(%r{github.com[/:](?(?:(?!\.git).)*)}).try( :[], :repo, ) out.each_line do |comment| next if comment =~ /\A\s*Revert/ split_comments(comment).each do |line| ct = CHANGE_TYPES.find { |t| line =~ t[:pattern] } changes[ct] << better(line, repo_path) if ct end end changes end def print_changes(heading, changes, importance) return if changes.length == 0 puts "#{importance} #{heading}", "" puts changes.to_a, "" end def better(line, repo_path) line = remove_prefix(line) line = escape_brackets(line) line = link_to_pull_request(line, repo_path) line[0] = '\#' if line[0] == "#" if line[0] line[0] = line[0].capitalize "- " + line else nil end end def remove_prefix(line) line.gsub(/\A(FIX|FEATURE|UX|SECURITY|PERF|A11Y):/, "").strip end def escape_brackets(line) line.gsub("<", "`<").gsub(">", ">`").gsub("[", "`[").gsub("]", "]`") end def link_to_pull_request(line, repo_path) line.gsub(/ \(\#(?\d+)\)\z/, " ([\\k](https://github.com/#{repo_path}/pull/\\k))") end def split_comments(text) text = normalize_terms(text) terms = %w[FIX: FEATURE: UX: SECURITY: PERF: A11Y:] terms.each do |term| text = text.gsub(/(#{term})+/i, term) text = newlines_at_term(text, term) end text.split("\n") end def normalize_terms(text) text = text.gsub(/(BUGFIX|FIX|BUG):/i, "FIX:") text = text.gsub(/FEATURE:/i, "FEATURE:") text = text.gsub(/(UX|UI):/i, "UX:") text = text.gsub(/(SECURITY):/i, "SECURITY:") text = text.gsub(/(PERF):/i, "PERF:") text = text.gsub(/(A11Y):/i, "A11Y:") end def newlines_at_term(text, term) text = text.split(term).map { |l| l.strip }.join("\n#{term} ") if text.include?(term) text end