# frozen_string_literal: true # Represents a rule to consolidate a specific notification. # # If a consolidated notification already exists, we'll update it instead. # If it doesn't and creating a new one would match the threshold, we delete existing ones and create a consolidated one. # Otherwise, save the original one. # # Constructor arguments: # # - from: The notification type of the unconsolidated notification. e.g. `Notification.types[:private_message]` # - to: The type the consolidated notification will have. You can use the same value as from to flatten notifications or bump existing ones. # - threshold: If creating a new notification would match this number, we'll destroy existing ones and create a consolidated one. It also accepts a lambda that returns a number. # - consolidation_window: Only consolidate notifications created since this value (Pass a ActiveSupport::Duration instance, and we'll call #ago on it). # - unconsolidated_query_blk: A block with additional queries to apply when fetching for unconsolidated notifications. # - consolidated_query_blk: A block with additional queries to apply when fetching for a consolidated notification. # - bump_notification: Bump the consolidated notification to the top after updating it. # # Need to call #set_precondition to configure this: # # - precondition_blk: A block that receives the mutated data and returns true if we have everything we need to consolidate. # # Need to call #set_mutations to configure this: # # - set_data_blk: A block that receives the notification data hash and mutates it, adding additional data needed for consolidation. module Notifications class ConsolidateNotifications def initialize(from:, to:, consolidation_window: nil, unconsolidated_query_blk: nil, consolidated_query_blk: nil, threshold:, bump_notification: true) @from = from @to = to @threshold = threshold @consolidation_window = consolidation_window @consolidated_query_blk = consolidated_query_blk @unconsolidated_query_blk = unconsolidated_query_blk @precondition_blk = nil @set_data_blk = nil @bump_notification = bump_notification end def set_precondition(precondition_blk: nil) @precondition_blk = precondition_blk self end def set_mutations(set_data_blk: nil) @set_data_blk = set_data_blk self end def can_consolidate_data?(notification) return false if get_threshold.zero? || to.blank? return false if notification.notification_type != from @data = consolidated_data(notification) return true if @precondition_blk.nil? @precondition_blk.call(data) end def consolidate_or_save!(notification) @data ||= consolidated_data(notification) return unless can_consolidate_data?(notification) update_consolidated_notification!(notification) || create_consolidated_notification!(notification) || notification.tap(&:save!) end private attr_reader( :notification, :from, :to, :data, :threshold, :consolidated_query_blk, :unconsolidated_query_blk, :consolidation_window, :bump_notification ) def consolidated_data(notification) return notification.data_hash if @set_data_blk.nil? @set_data_blk.call(notification) end def update_consolidated_notification!(notification) notifications = user_notifications(notification, to) if consolidated_query_blk.present? notifications = consolidated_query_blk.call(notifications, data) end consolidated = notifications.first return if consolidated.blank? data_hash = consolidated.data_hash.merge(data) data_hash[:count] += 1 if data_hash[:count].present? # Hack: We don't want to cache the old data if we're about to update it. consolidated.instance_variable_set(:@data_hash, nil) attrs = { data: data_hash.to_json, read: false, updated_at: timestamp, } # Updating created_at may seem wrong, but it's the only way of bumping the notification. # We cannot order by updated_at because marking them as read will move them to the top. attrs[:created_at] = timestamp if bump_notification consolidated.update!(attrs) consolidated end def create_consolidated_notification!(notification) notifications = user_notifications(notification, from) if unconsolidated_query_blk.present? notifications = unconsolidated_query_blk.call(notifications, data) end # Saving the new notification would pass the threshold? Consolidate instead. count_after_saving_notification = notifications.count + 1 return if count_after_saving_notification <= get_threshold timestamp = notifications.last.created_at data[:count] = count_after_saving_notification consolidated = nil Notification.transaction do notifications.destroy_all consolidated = Notification.create!( notification_type: to, user_id: notification.user_id, data: data.to_json, updated_at: timestamp, created_at: timestamp ) end consolidated end def get_threshold threshold.is_a?(Proc) ? threshold.call : threshold end def user_notifications(notification, type) notifications = notification.user.notifications .where(notification_type: type) if consolidation_window.present? notifications = notifications.where('created_at > ?', consolidation_window.ago) end notifications end def timestamp @timestamp ||= Time.zone.now end end end