# frozen_string_literal: true RSpec.describe Invite do fab!(:user) { Fabricate(:user, email: "existinguser@invitetest.com") } let(:xss_email) do "<b onmouseover=alert('wufff!')>email</b><script>alert('test');</script>@test.com" end let(:escaped_email) do "<b onmouseover=alert('wufff!')>email</b><script>alert('test');</script>@test.com" end describe "Validators" do it { is_expected.to validate_presence_of :invited_by_id } it { is_expected.to rate_limit } it { is_expected.to validate_length_of(:custom_message).is_at_most(1000) } it "allows invites with valid emails" do invite = Fabricate.build(:invite, email: "test@example.com", invited_by: user) expect(invite).to be_valid end it "escapes the invalid email before attaching the error message" do invite = Fabricate.build(:invite, email: xss_email) expect(invite.valid?).to eq(false) expect(invite.errors.full_messages).to include( I18n.t("invite.invalid_email", email: escaped_email), ) end it "does not allow an invite with the same email as an existing user" do invite = Fabricate.build(:invite, email: Fabricate(:user).email, invited_by: user) expect(invite).not_to be_valid invite = Fabricate.build(:invite, email: user.email, invited_by: user) expect(invite).not_to be_valid end it "does not allow an invite with blocked email" do invite = Invite.create(email: "test@mailinator.com", invited_by: user) expect(invite).not_to be_valid end it "does not allow an invalid email address" do invite = Fabricate.build(:invite, email: "asjdso") expect(invite.valid?).to eq(false) expect(invite.errors.full_messages).to include( I18n.t("invite.invalid_email", email: invite.email), ) end it "allows only valid domains" do invite = Fabricate.build(:invite, email: nil, domain: "example", invited_by: user) expect(invite).not_to be_valid invite = Fabricate.build(:invite, email: nil, domain: "example.com", invited_by: user) expect(invite).to be_valid end it "allows only email or only domain to be present" do invite = Fabricate.build(:invite, email: nil, invited_by: user) expect(invite).to be_valid invite = Fabricate.build(:invite, email: nil, domain: "example.com", invited_by: user) expect(invite).to be_valid invite = Fabricate.build(:invite, email: "test@example.com", invited_by: user) expect(invite).to be_valid invite = Fabricate.build(:invite, email: "test@example.com", domain: "example.com", invited_by: user) expect(invite).not_to be_valid expect(invite.errors.full_messages).to include(I18n.t("invite.email_xor_domain")) end it "checks if redemption_count is less or equal than max_redemptions_allowed" do invite = Fabricate.build(:invite, redemption_count: 2, max_redemptions_allowed: 1, invited_by: user) expect(invite).not_to be_valid expect(invite.errors.full_messages.first).to include( I18n.t("invite.redemption_count_less_than_max", max_redemptions_allowed: 1), ) end end describe "before_save" do it "regenerates the email token when email is changed" do invite = Fabricate(:invite, email: "test@example.com") token = invite.email_token invite.update!(email: "test@example.com") expect(invite.email_token).to eq(token) invite.update!(email: "test2@example.com") expect(invite.email_token).not_to eq(token) invite.update!(email: nil) expect(invite.email_token).to eq(nil) end end describe ".generate" do it "saves an invites" do invite = Invite.generate(user, email: "TEST@EXAMPLE.COM") expect(invite.invite_key).to be_present expect(invite.email).to eq("test@example.com") end it "can succeed for staged users emails" do Fabricate(:staged, email: "test@example.com") invite = Invite.generate(user, email: "test@example.com") expect(invite.email).to eq("test@example.com") end it "raises an error when inviting an existing user" do expect { Invite.generate(user, email: user.email) }.to raise_error(Invite::UserExists) end it "escapes the email_address when raising an existing user error" do user.email = xss_email user.save(validate: false) expect { Invite.generate(user, email: user.email) }.to raise_error( Invite::UserExists, I18n.t("invite.user_exists", email: escaped_email), ) end context "with email" do it "can be created and a job is enqueued to email the invite" do invite = Invite.generate(user, email: "test@example.com") expect(invite.email).to eq("test@example.com") expect(invite.emailed_status).to eq(Invite.emailed_status_types[:sending]) expect(invite.email_token).not_to eq(nil) expect(Jobs::InviteEmail.jobs.size).to eq(1) end it "can skip the job to email the invite" do invite = Invite.generate(user, email: "test@example.com", skip_email: true) expect(invite.emailed_status).to eq(Invite.emailed_status_types[:not_required]) expect(Jobs::InviteEmail.jobs.size).to eq(0) end it "can invite the same user after their invite was destroyed" do Invite.generate(user, email: "test@example.com").destroy! invite = Invite.generate(user, email: "test@example.com") expect(invite).to be_present end end context "with link" do it "does not enqueue a job to email the invite" do invite = Invite.generate(user, skip_email: true) expect(invite.emailed_status).to eq(Invite.emailed_status_types[:not_required]) expect(Jobs::InviteEmail.jobs.size).to eq(0) end it "can be created" do invite = Invite.generate(user, max_redemptions_allowed: 5) expect(invite.max_redemptions_allowed).to eq(5) expect(invite.expires_at.to_date).to eq( SiteSetting.invite_expiry_days.days.from_now.to_date, ) expect(invite.emailed_status).to eq(Invite.emailed_status_types[:not_required]) expect(invite.is_invite_link?).to eq(true) expect(invite.email_token).to eq(nil) end it "checks for max_redemptions_allowed range" do SiteSetting.invite_link_max_redemptions_limit_users = 3 expect { Invite.generate(user, max_redemptions_allowed: 4) }.to raise_error( ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid, ) SiteSetting.invite_link_max_redemptions_limit = 3 expect { Invite.generate(Fabricate(:admin), max_redemptions_allowed: 4) }.to raise_error( ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid, ) end end context "when sending an invite to the same user" do fab!(:invite) { Invite.generate(user, email: "test@example.com") } it "returns the original invite" do %w[test@EXAMPLE.com TEST@example.com].each do |email| expect(Invite.generate(user, email: email)).to eq(invite) end end it "updates timestamp of existing invite" do freeze_time invite.update!(created_at: 10.days.ago) resend_invite = Invite.generate(user, email: "test@example.com") expect(resend_invite).to eq(invite) expect(resend_invite.created_at).to eq_time(Time.zone.now) end it "returns a new invite if the other has expired" do SiteSetting.invite_expiry_days = 1 invite.update!(expires_at: 2.days.ago) new_invite = Invite.generate(user, email: "test@example.com") expect(new_invite).not_to eq(invite) expect(new_invite).not_to be_expired end it "returns a new invite when invited by a different user" do invite = Invite.generate(user, email: "test@example.com") expect(invite.email).to eq("test@example.com") another_invite = Invite.generate(Fabricate(:user), email: "test@example.com") expect(another_invite.email).to eq("test@example.com") expect(invite.invite_key).not_to eq(another_invite.invite_key) end context "when email is already invited 3 times" do before do RateLimiter.enable 3.times { Invite.generate(user, email: "test@example.com") } end it "raises an error" do expect { Invite.generate(user, email: "test@example.com") }.to raise_error( RateLimiter::LimitExceeded, ) end end end context "when inviting to a topic" do fab!(:topic) let(:invite) { Invite.generate(topic.user, email: "test@example.com", topic: topic) } it "belongs to the topic" do expect(topic.invites).to contain_exactly(invite) expect(invite.topics).to contain_exactly(topic) end context "when adding to another topic" do fab!(:another_topic) { Fabricate(:topic, user: topic.user) } it "should be the same invite" do new_invite = Invite.generate(topic.user, email: "test@example.com", topic: another_topic) expect(invite).to eq(new_invite) expect(invite.topics).to contain_exactly(topic, another_topic) expect(topic.invites).to contain_exactly(invite) expect(another_topic.invites).to contain_exactly(invite) end end end end describe "#redeem" do fab!(:invite) it "works" do user = invite.redeem expect(invite.invited_users.map(&:user)).to contain_exactly(user) expect(user.is_a?(User)).to eq(true) expect(user.trust_level).to eq(SiteSetting.default_invitee_trust_level) expect(user.send_welcome_message).to eq(true) expect(invite.reload.redemption_count).to eq(1) expect(invite.redeem).to be_blank end it "keeps custom fields" do user_field = Fabricate(:user_field) staged_user = Fabricate(:user, staged: true, email: invite.email) staged_user.set_user_field(user_field.id, "some value") staged_user.save_custom_fields expect(invite.redeem).to eq(staged_user) expect(staged_user.reload.user_fields[user_field.id.to_s]).to eq("some value") end it "creates a notification for the invitee" do expect { invite.redeem }.to change { Notification.count } end it "does not work with expired invites" do invite.update!(expires_at: 1.day.ago) expect(invite.redeem).to be_blank end it "does not work with deleted invites" do invite.trash! expect(invite.redeem).to be_blank end it "does not work with invalidated invites" do invite.update!(invalidated_at: 1.day.ago) expect(invite.redeem).to be_blank end it "deletes duplicate invite" do another_invite = Fabricate(:invite, email: invite.email, invited_by: Fabricate(:user)) another_redeemed_invite = Fabricate(:invite, email: invite.email, invited_by: Fabricate(:user)) Fabricate(:invited_user, invite: another_redeemed_invite) user = invite.redeem expect(user).not_to eq(nil) expect(Invite.find_by(id: another_invite.id)).to eq(nil) expect(Invite.find_by(id: another_redeemed_invite.id)).not_to eq(nil) end context "as a moderator" do it "will give the user a moderator flag" do invite.update!(moderator: true, invited_by: Fabricate(:admin)) user = invite.redeem expect(user).to be_moderator end it "will not give the user a moderator flag if the inviter is not staff" do invite.update!(moderator: true) user = invite.redeem expect(user).not_to be_moderator end end context "when inviting to groups" do fab!(:group) before do group.add_owner(invite.invited_by) invite.invited_groups.create!(group_id: group.id) end it "add the user to the correct groups" do user = invite.redeem expect(user.groups).to contain_exactly(group) end it "should not raise error when both group & site tag preferences same" do tag = Fabricate(:tag) group.tracking_tags = [tag.name] group.save! SiteSetting.default_tags_tracking = tag.name expect { invite.redeem }.not_to raise_error end end context "when inviting to a topic" do fab!(:topic) { Fabricate(:private_message_topic) } fab!(:another_topic) { Fabricate(:private_message_topic) } before { invite.topic_invites.create!(topic: topic) } it "adds the user to topic_users" do invited_user = invite.redeem expect(invited_user).not_to eq(nil) expect(topic.reload.allowed_users.include?(invited_user)).to eq(true) expect(Guardian.new(invited_user).can_see?(topic)).to eq(true) end end end describe "#redeem_for_existing_user" do fab!(:invite) { Fabricate(:invite, email: "test@example.com") } fab!(:user) { Fabricate(:user, email: invite.email) } it "redeems the invite from email" do Invite.redeem_for_existing_user(user) expect(invite.reload).to be_redeemed end it "does not redeem the invite if email does not match" do user.update!(email: "test2@example.com") Invite.redeem_for_existing_user(user) expect(invite.reload).not_to be_redeemed end it "does not work with expired invites" do invite.update!(expires_at: 1.day.ago) Invite.redeem_for_existing_user(user) expect(invite).not_to be_redeemed end it "does not work with deleted invites" do invite.trash! Invite.redeem_for_existing_user(user) expect(invite).not_to be_redeemed end it "does not work with invalidated invites" do invite.update!(invalidated_at: 1.day.ago) Invite.redeem_for_existing_user(user) expect(invite).not_to be_redeemed end end describe "scopes" do fab!(:inviter) { Fabricate(:user) } fab!(:pending_invite) { Fabricate(:invite, invited_by: inviter, email: "pending@example.com") } fab!(:pending_link_invite) do Fabricate(:invite, invited_by: inviter, email: nil, max_redemptions_allowed: 5) end fab!(:pending_invite_from_another_user) { Fabricate(:invite) } fab!(:expired_invite) do Fabricate(:invite, invited_by: inviter, email: "expired@example.com", expires_at: 1.day.ago) end fab!(:redeemed_invite) do Fabricate(:invite, invited_by: inviter, email: "redeemed@example.com") end let!(:redeemed_invite_user) { redeemed_invite.redeem } fab!(:partially_redeemed_invite) do Fabricate(:invite, invited_by: inviter, email: nil, max_redemptions_allowed: 5) end let!(:partially_redeemed_invite_user) do partially_redeemed_invite.redeem(email: "partially_redeemed_invite@example.com") end fab!(:redeemed_and_expired_invite) do Fabricate(:invite, invited_by: inviter, email: "redeemed_and_expired@example.com") end let!(:redeemed_and_expired_invite_user) do user = redeemed_and_expired_invite.redeem redeemed_and_expired_invite.update!(expires_at: 1.day.ago) user end fab!(:partially_redeemed_and_expired_invite) do Fabricate(:invite, invited_by: inviter, email: nil, max_redemptions_allowed: 5) end let!(:partially_redeemed_and_expired_invite_user) do user = partially_redeemed_and_expired_invite.redeem( email: "partially_redeemed_and_expired_invite@example.com", ) partially_redeemed_and_expired_invite.update!(expires_at: 1.day.ago) user end describe "#pending" do it "returns pending invites only" do expect(Invite.pending(inviter)).to contain_exactly( pending_invite, pending_link_invite, partially_redeemed_invite, ) end end describe "#expired" do it "returns expired invites only" do expect(Invite.expired(inviter)).to contain_exactly( expired_invite, partially_redeemed_and_expired_invite, ) end end describe "#redeemed_users" do it "returns redeemed users" do expect(Invite.redeemed_users(inviter).map(&:user)).to contain_exactly( redeemed_invite_user, partially_redeemed_invite_user, redeemed_and_expired_invite_user, partially_redeemed_and_expired_invite_user, ) end it "returns redeemed users for trashed invites" do [ redeemed_invite, partially_redeemed_invite, redeemed_and_expired_invite, partially_redeemed_and_expired_invite, ].each(&:trash!) expect(Invite.redeemed_users(inviter).map(&:user)).to contain_exactly( redeemed_invite_user, partially_redeemed_invite_user, redeemed_and_expired_invite_user, partially_redeemed_and_expired_invite_user, ) end end end describe ".invalidate_for_email" do it "returns nil if there is no invite for the given email" do invite = Invite.invalidate_for_email("test@example.com") expect(invite).to eq(nil) end it "sets the matching invite to be invalid" do invite = Fabricate(:invite, invited_by: Fabricate(:user), email: "test@example.com") result = Invite.invalidate_for_email("test@example.com") expect(result).to eq(invite) expect(result.link_valid?).to eq(false) end it "sets the matching invite to be invalid without being case-sensitive" do invite = Fabricate(:invite, invited_by: Fabricate(:user), email: "test@Example.COM") result = Invite.invalidate_for_email("test@EXAMPLE.com") expect(result).to eq(invite) expect(result.link_valid?).to eq(false) end end describe "#resend_email" do fab!(:invite) it "resets expiry of a resent invite" do invite.update!(invalidated_at: 10.days.ago, expires_at: 10.days.ago) expect(invite).to be_expired invite.resend_invite expect(invite).not_to be_expired expect(invite.invalidated_at).to be_nil end end describe "#can_be_redeemed_by?" do context "for invite links" do fab!(:invite) { Fabricate(:invite, email: nil, domain: nil, max_redemptions_allowed: 1) } it "returns false if invite is already redeemed" do invite.update!(redemption_count: 1) expect(invite.can_be_redeemed_by?(user)).to eq(false) end it "returns false if the invite is expired" do invite.update!(expires_at: 10.days.ago) expect(invite.can_be_redeemed_by?(user)).to eq(false) end it "returns false if invite is deleted" do invite.trash! expect(invite.can_be_redeemed_by?(user)).to eq(false) end it "returns false if invite is invalidated" do invite.update!(invalidated_at: 1.day.ago) expect(invite.can_be_redeemed_by?(user)).to eq(false) end it "returns false if the user already redeemed it" do InvitedUser.create(user: user, invite: invite) expect(invite.can_be_redeemed_by?(user)).to eq(false) end it "returns false if domain does not match user email" do invite.update!(domain: "zzzzz.com") expect(invite.can_be_redeemed_by?(user)).to eq(false) end it "returns true if domain does match user email" do invite.update!(domain: "invitetest.com") expect(invite.can_be_redeemed_by?(user)).to eq(true) end it "returns true by default if all other conditions are met and domain and invite are blank" do expect(invite.can_be_redeemed_by?(user)).to eq(true) end end context "for email invites" do fab!(:invite) do invite = Fabricate(:invite, email: "otherexisting@invitetest.com", domain: nil) user.update!(email: "otherexisting@invitetest.com") invite end it "returns false if invite is already redeemed" do InvitedUser.create(user: Fabricate(:user), invite: invite) expect(invite.can_be_redeemed_by?(user)).to eq(false) end it "returns false if the invite is expired" do invite.update!(expires_at: 10.days.ago) expect(invite.can_be_redeemed_by?(user)).to eq(false) end it "returns false if invite is deleted" do invite.trash! expect(invite.can_be_redeemed_by?(user)).to eq(false) end it "returns false if invite is invalidated" do invite.update!(invalidated_at: 1.day.ago) expect(invite.can_be_redeemed_by?(user)).to eq(false) end it "returns false if the user already redeemed it" do InvitedUser.create(user: user, invite: invite) expect(invite.can_be_redeemed_by?(user)).to eq(false) end it "returns false if email does not match user email" do invite.update!(email: "blahblah@test.com") expect(invite.can_be_redeemed_by?(user)).to eq(false) end it "returns true if email does match user email" do expect(invite.can_be_redeemed_by?(user)).to eq(true) end end end describe "#invalidate!" do subject(:invalidate) { invite.invalidate! } fab!(:invite) before { freeze_time } it "invalidates the invite" do expect { invalidate }.to change { invite.invalidated_at }.to Time.current end it "returns the invite" do expect(invalidate).to eq invite end context "when the invite is in an invalid state" do before { invite.update_attribute(:custom_message, "a" * 2000) } it "still invalidates the invite" do expect(invite).to be_invalid expect { invalidate }.to change { invite.invalidated_at }.to Time.current end end end end