# frozen_string_literal: true desc "run chrome headless smoke tests on current build" task "smoke:test" do if RbConfig::CONFIG['host_os'][/darwin|mac os/] google_chrome_cli = "/Applications/Google\ Chrome.app/Contents/MacOS/Google\ Chrome" else google_chrome_cli = "google-chrome" end unless system("command -v \"#{google_chrome_cli}\" >/dev/null") abort "Chrome is not installed. Download from https://www.google.com/chrome/browser/desktop/index.html" end if Gem::Version.new(`\"#{google_chrome_cli}\" --version`.match(/[\d\.]+/)[0]) < Gem::Version.new("59") abort "Chrome 59 or higher is required to run tests in headless mode." end system("yarn install") url = ENV["URL"] if !url require "#{Rails.root}/config/environment" url = Discourse.base_url end puts "Testing: #{url}" require 'open-uri' require 'net/http' uri = URI(url) request = Net::HTTP::Get.new(uri) if ENV["AUTH_USER"] && ENV["AUTH_PASSWORD"] request.basic_auth(ENV['AUTH_USER'], ENV['AUTH_PASSWORD']) end dir = ENV["SMOKE_TEST_SCREENSHOT_PATH"] || 'tmp/smoke-test-screenshots' FileUtils.mkdir_p(dir) unless Dir.exists?(dir) wait = ENV["WAIT_FOR_URL"].to_i success = false code = nil retries = 0 loop do response = Net::HTTP.start(uri.hostname, uri.port, use_ssl: uri.scheme == 'https') do |http| http.request(request) end success = response.code == "200" code = response.code if !success && wait > 0 sleep 5 wait -= 5 retries += 1 else break end end if !success raise "TRIVIAL GET FAILED WITH #{code}: retried #{retries} times" end results = +"" node_arguments = [] node_arguments << '--inspect-brk' if ENV["DEBUG_NODE"] node_arguments << "#{Rails.root}/test/smoke_test.js" node_arguments << url IO.popen("node #{node_arguments.join(' ')}").each do |line| puts line results << line end if results !~ /ALL PASSED/ raise "FAILED" end api_key = ENV["ADMIN_API_KEY"] api_username = ENV["ADMIN_API_USERNAME"] theme_url = ENV["SMOKE_TEST_THEME_URL"] next if api_key.blank? && api_username.blank? && theme_url.blank? puts "Running QUnit tests for theme #{theme_url.inspect} using API key #{api_key[0..3]}… and username #{api_username.inspect}" query_params = { seed: Random.new.seed, theme_url: theme_url, hidepassed: 1, report_requests: 1 } url += '/' if !url.end_with?('/') full_url = "#{url}theme-qunit?#{query_params.to_query}" timeout = 1000 * 60 * 10 sh( "node", "#{Rails.root}/test/run-qunit.js", full_url, timeout.to_s ) if !$?.success? raise "THEME TESTS FAILED!" end end