import { warn } from "@ember/debug"; import { action, computed } from "@ember/object"; import { alias, oneWay } from "@ember/object/computed"; import Mixin from "@ember/object/mixin"; import { service } from "@ember/service"; import { htmlSafe } from "@ember/template"; import { isNone } from "@ember/utils"; import { Promise } from "rsvp"; import JsonSchemaEditorModal from "discourse/components/modal/json-schema-editor"; import { ajax } from "discourse/lib/ajax"; import { fmt, propertyNotEqual } from "discourse/lib/computed"; import { SITE_SETTING_REQUIRES_CONFIRMATION_TYPES } from "discourse/lib/constants"; import { deepEqual } from "discourse/lib/object"; import { splitString } from "discourse/lib/utilities"; import { i18n } from "discourse-i18n"; import SiteSettingDefaultCategoriesModal from "../components/modal/site-setting-default-categories"; const CUSTOM_TYPES = [ "bool", "integer", "enum", "list", "url_list", "host_list", "category_list", "value_list", "category", "uploaded_image_list", "compact_list", "secret_list", "upload", "group_list", "tag_list", "tag_group_list", "color", "simple_list", "emoji_list", "named_list", "file_size_restriction", "file_types_list", "font_list", ]; const AUTO_REFRESH_ON_SAVE = ["logo", "logo_small", "large_icon"]; const DEFAULT_USER_PREFERENCES = [ "default_email_digest_frequency", "default_include_tl0_in_digests", "default_email_level", "default_email_messages_level", "default_email_mailing_list_mode", "default_email_mailing_list_mode_frequency", "default_email_previous_replies", "default_email_in_reply_to", "default_hide_profile", "default_hide_presence", "default_other_new_topic_duration_minutes", "default_other_auto_track_topics_after_msecs", "default_other_notification_level_when_replying", "default_other_external_links_in_new_tab", "default_other_enable_quoting", "default_other_enable_smart_lists", "default_other_enable_defer", "default_other_dynamic_favicon", "default_other_like_notification_frequency", "default_other_skip_new_user_tips", "default_topics_automatic_unpin", "default_categories_watching", "default_categories_tracking", "default_categories_muted", "default_categories_watching_first_post", "default_categories_normal", "default_tags_watching", "default_tags_tracking", "default_tags_muted", "default_tags_watching_first_post", "default_text_size", "default_title_count_mode", "default_navigation_menu_categories", "default_navigation_menu_tags", "default_sidebar_link_to_filtered_list", "default_sidebar_show_count_of_new_items", ]; const ACRONYMS = new Set([ "acl", "ai", "api", "bg", "cdn", "cors", "cta", "dm", "eu", "faq", "fg", "ga", "gb", "gtm", "hd", "http", "https", "iam", "id", "imap", "ip", "jpg", "json", "kb", "mb", "oidc", "pm", "png", "pop3", "s3", "smtp", "svg", "tl", "tl0", "tl1", "tl2", "tl3", "tl4", "tld", "txt", "url", "ux", ]); const MIXED_CASE = [ ["adobe analytics", "Adobe Analytics"], ["android", "Android"], ["chinese", "Chinese"], ["discord", "Discord"], ["discourse", "Discourse"], ["discourse connect", "Discourse Connect"], ["discourse discover", "Discourse Discover"], ["discourse narrative bot", "Discourse Narrative Bot"], ["facebook", "Facebook"], ["github", "GitHub"], ["google", "Google"], ["gravatar", "Gravatar"], ["gravatars", "Gravatars"], ["ios", "iOS"], ["japanese", "Japanese"], ["linkedin", "LinkedIn"], ["oauth2", "OAuth2"], ["opengraph", "OpenGraph"], ["powered by discourse", "Powered by Discourse"], ["tiktok", "TikTok"], ["tos", "ToS"], ["twitter", "Twitter"], ["vimeo", "Vimeo"], ["wordpress", "WordPress"], ["youtube", "YouTube"], ]; export default Mixin.create({ modal: service(), router: service(), site: service(), dialog: service(), attributeBindings: ["setting.setting:data-setting"], classNameBindings: [":row", ":setting", "overridden", "typeClass"], validationMessage: null, setting: null, content: alias("setting"), isSecret: oneWay("setting.secret"), componentName: fmt("typeClass", "site-settings/%@"), overridden: propertyNotEqual("setting.default", "buffered.value"), didInsertElement() { this._super(...arguments); this.element.addEventListener("keydown", this._handleKeydown); }, willDestroyElement() { this._super(...arguments); this.element.removeEventListener("keydown", this._handleKeydown); }, displayDescription: computed("componentType", function () { return this.componentType !== "bool"; }), dirty: computed("buffered.value", "setting.value", function () { let bufferVal = this.get("buffered.value"); let settingVal = this.setting?.value; if (isNone(bufferVal)) { bufferVal = ""; } if (isNone(settingVal)) { settingVal = ""; } return !deepEqual(bufferVal, settingVal); }), preview: computed("setting", "buffered.value", function () { const setting = this.setting; const value = this.get("buffered.value"); const preview = setting.preview; if (preview) { const escapedValue = preview.replace(/\{\{value\}\}/g, value); return htmlSafe(`
`); } }), typeClass: computed("componentType", function () { const componentType = this.componentType; return componentType.replace(/\_/g, "-"); }), settingName: computed("setting.setting", "setting.label", function () { const setting = this.setting?.setting; const label = this.setting?.label; const name = label || setting.replace(/\_/g, " "); const formattedName = (name.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + name.slice(1)) .split(" ") .map((word) => ACRONYMS.has(word.toLowerCase()) ? word.toUpperCase() : word ) .map((word) => { if (word.endsWith("s")) { const singular = word.slice(0, -1).toLowerCase(); return ACRONYMS.has(singular) ? singular.toUpperCase() + "s" : word; } return word; }) .join(" "); return MIXED_CASE.reduce( (acc, [key, value]) => acc.replaceAll(new RegExp(`\\b${key}\\b`, "gi"), value), formattedName ); }), componentType: computed("type", function () { const type = this.type; return CUSTOM_TYPES.includes(type) ? type : "string"; }), type: computed("setting", function () { const setting = this.setting; if (setting.type === "list" && setting.list_type) { return `${setting.list_type}_list`; } return setting.type; }), allowAny: computed("setting.anyValue", function () { const anyValue = this.setting?.anyValue; return anyValue !== false; }), bufferedValues: computed("buffered.value", function () { const value = this.get("buffered.value"); return splitString(value, "|"); }), defaultValues: computed("setting.defaultValues", function () { const value = this.setting?.defaultValues; return splitString(value, "|"); }), defaultIsAvailable: computed("defaultValues", "bufferedValues", function () { const defaultValues = this.defaultValues; const bufferedValues = this.bufferedValues; return ( defaultValues.length > 0 && !defaultValues.every((value) => bufferedValues.includes(value)) ); }), settingEditButton: computed("setting", function () { const setting = this.setting; if (setting.json_schema) { return { action: () => {, { model: { updateValue: (value) => { this.buffered.set("value", value); }, value: this.buffered.get("value"), settingName: setting.setting, jsonSchema: setting.json_schema, }, }); }, label: "admin.site_settings.json_schema.edit", icon: "pencil", }; } else if (setting.objects_schema) { return { action: () => { this.router.transitionTo( "", setting.setting ); }, label: "admin.customize.theme.edit_objects_theme_setting", icon: "pencil", }; } }), disableSaveButton: computed("validationMessage", function () { return !!this.validationMessage; }), confirmChanges(settingKey) { return new Promise((resolve) => { // Fallback is needed in case the setting does not have a custom confirmation // prompt/confirm defined. this.dialog.alert({ message: i18n( `admin.site_settings.requires_confirmation_messages.${settingKey}.prompt`, { translatedFallback: i18n( "admin.site_settings.requires_confirmation_messages.default.prompt" ), } ), buttons: [ { label: i18n( `admin.site_settings.requires_confirmation_messages.${settingKey}.confirm`, { translatedFallback: i18n( "admin.site_settings.requires_confirmation_messages.default.confirm" ), } ), class: "btn-primary", action: () => resolve(true), }, { label: i18n("no_value"), class: "btn-default", action: () => resolve(false), }, ], }); }); }, update: action(async function () { const key = this.buffered.get("setting"); let confirm = true; if ( this.buffered.get("requires_confirmation") === SITE_SETTING_REQUIRES_CONFIRMATION_TYPES.simple ) { confirm = await this.confirmChanges(key); } if (!confirm) { this.cancel(); return; } if (!DEFAULT_USER_PREFERENCES.includes(key)) { await; return; } const data = { [key]: this.buffered.get("value"), }; const result = await ajax(`/admin/site_settings/${key}/user_count.json`, { type: "PUT", data, }); const count = result.user_count; if (count > 0) { await, { model: { siteSetting: { count, key: key.replaceAll("_", " ") }, setUpdateExistingUsers: this.setUpdateExistingUsers, }, });; } else { await; } }), setUpdateExistingUsers: action(function (value) { this.updateExistingUsers = value; }), save: action(async function () { try { await this._save(); this.set("validationMessage", null); this.commitBuffer(); if (AUTO_REFRESH_ON_SAVE.includes(this.setting.setting)) { this.afterSave(); } } catch (e) { const json = e.jqXHR?.responseJSON; if (json?.errors) { let errorString = json.errors[0]; if (json.html_message) { errorString = htmlSafe(errorString); } this.set("validationMessage", errorString); } else { this.set("validationMessage", i18n("generic_error")); } } }), changeValueCallback: action(function (value) { this.set("buffered.value", value); }), setValidationMessage: action(function (message) { this.set("validationMessage", message); }), cancel: action(function () { this.rollbackBuffer(); this.set("validationMessage", null); }), resetDefault: action(function () { this.set("buffered.value", this.setting.default); this.set("validationMessage", null); }), toggleSecret: action(function () { this.toggleProperty("isSecret"); }), setDefaultValues: action(function () { this.set( "buffered.value", this.bufferedValues.concat(this.defaultValues).uniq().join("|") ); this.set("validationMessage", null); return false; }), _handleKeydown: action(function (event) { if ( event.key === "Enter" &&"input-setting-string") ) {; } }), async _save() { warn("You should define a `_save` method", { id: "discourse.setting-component.missing-save", }); }, });