import { alias, sort } from "@ember/object/computed"; import { next } from "@ember/runloop"; import { inject } from "@ember/controller"; import Controller from "@ember/controller"; import GrantBadgeController from "discourse/mixins/grant-badge-controller"; import { popupAjaxError } from "discourse/lib/ajax-error"; import computed from "ember-addons/ember-computed-decorators"; export default Controller.extend(GrantBadgeController, { adminUser: inject(), user: alias("adminUser.model"), userBadges: alias("model"), allBadges: alias("badges"), sortedBadges: sort("model", "badgeSortOrder"), init() { this._super(...arguments); this.badgeSortOrder = ["granted_at:desc"]; }, @computed("model", "model.[]", "model.expandedBadges.[]") groupedBadges() { const allBadges = this.model; var grouped = _.groupBy(allBadges, badge => badge.badge_id); var expanded = []; const expandedBadges = allBadges.get("expandedBadges") || []; _(grouped).each(function(badges) { var lastGranted = badges[0].granted_at; badges.forEach(badge => { lastGranted = lastGranted < badge.granted_at ? badge.granted_at : lastGranted; }); if (badges.length === 1 || expandedBadges.includes(badges[0] { badges.forEach(badge => expanded.push(badge)); return; } var result = { badge: badges[0].badge, granted_at: lastGranted, badges: badges, count: badges.length, grouped: true }; expanded.push(result); }); return _(expanded) .sortBy(group => group.granted_at) .reverse() .value(); }, actions: { expandGroup: function(userBadge) { const model = this.model; model.set("expandedBadges", model.get("expandedBadges") || []); model.get("expandedBadges").pushObject(; }, grantBadge() { this.grantBadge( this.selectedBadgeId, this.get("user.username"), this.badgeReason ).then( () => { this.set("badgeReason", ""); next(() => { // Update the selected badge ID after the combobox has re-rendered. const newSelectedBadge = this.grantableBadges[0]; if (newSelectedBadge) { this.set("selectedBadgeId", newSelectedBadge.get("id")); } }); }, function(error) { popupAjaxError(error); } ); }, revokeBadge(userBadge) { return bootbox.confirm( I18n.t("admin.badges.revoke_confirm"), I18n.t("no_value"), I18n.t("yes_value"), result => { if (result) { userBadge.revoke().then(() => { this.model.removeObject(userBadge); }); } } ); } } });