# fix any bust caches post initial migration ActiveRecord::Base.send(:subclasses).each { |m| m.reset_column_information } SiteSetting.refresh! uncat_id = SiteSetting.uncategorized_category_id uncat_id = -1 unless Numeric === uncat_id if uncat_id == -1 || !Category.exists?(uncat_id) puts "Seeding uncategorized category!" result = Category.exec_sql "SELECT 1 FROM categories WHERE lower(name) = 'uncategorized'" name = 'Uncategorized' name << SecureRandom.hex if result.count > 0 result = Category.exec_sql "INSERT INTO categories (name,color,slug,description,text_color, user_id, created_at, updated_at, position, name_lower) VALUES ('#{name}', 'AB9364', 'uncategorized', '', 'FFFFFF', -1, now(), now(), 1, '#{name.downcase}' ) RETURNING id " category_id = result[0]["id"].to_i Category.exec_sql "DELETE FROM site_settings where name = 'uncategorized_category_id'" Category.exec_sql "INSERT INTO site_settings(name, data_type, value, created_at, updated_at) VALUES ('uncategorized_category_id', 3, #{category_id}, now(), now())" end # 60 minutes after our migration runs we need to exectue this code... duration = Rails.env.production? ? 60 : 0 if Category.exec_sql(" SELECT 1 FROM schema_migration_details WHERE EXISTS( SELECT 1 FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE table_schema = 'public' AND table_name = 'categories' AND column_name = 'uploaded_logo_id' ) AND name = 'AddUploadsToCategories' AND created_at < (current_timestamp at time zone 'UTC' - interval '#{duration} minutes') ").to_a.length > 0 Category.transaction do STDERR.puts "Removing superflous category columns!" %w[ logo_url background_url ].each do |column| Category.exec_sql("ALTER TABLE categories DROP column IF EXISTS #{column}") end end end