:root { --d-sidebar-width: #{$d-sidebar-width}; --d-sidebar-animation-time: 0.25s; --d-sidebar-animation-ease: ease-in-out; } #main-outlet-wrapper { .sidebar-wrapper { --d-sidebar-highlight-color: var(--primary-low); grid-area: sidebar; position: sticky; top: var(--header-offset); height: calc(100vh - var(--header-offset)); align-self: start; overflow-y: auto; background-color: var(--primary-very-low); } .sidebar-container { display: flex; flex-direction: column; box-sizing: border-box; height: 100%; width: var(--d-sidebar-width); padding: 1em 0 0; overflow-x: hidden; overflow-y: auto; // custom scrollbar styling --scrollbarBg: transparent; --scrollbarThumbBg: var(--primary-low); --scrollbarWidth: 1.2em; scrollbar-color: transparent var(--scrollbarBg); transition: scrollbar-color 0.25s ease-in-out; transition-delay: 0.5s; &::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb { background-color: transparent; border-radius: calc(var(--scrollbarWidth) / 2); border: calc(var(--scrollbarWidth) / 4) solid var(--primary-very-low); } &:hover { scrollbar-color: var(--scrollbarThumbBg) var(--scrollbarBg); &::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb { background-color: var(--scrollbarThumbBg); } transition-delay: 0s; } &::-webkit-scrollbar { width: var(--scrollbarWidth); } } .sidebar-scroll-wrap { // limit the wrapper width, so when the scrollbar is added the content doesn't shift max-width: calc(var(--d-sidebar-width) - var(--scrollbarWidth)); box-sizing: border-box; flex: 1; display: flex; flex-direction: column; } .sidebar-sections { flex: 1; } }