import { click, fillIn, tap, triggerEvent, visit } from "@ember/test-helpers"; import { acceptance, exists, loggedInUser, publishToMessageBus, query, } from "discourse/tests/helpers/qunit-helpers"; import { test } from "qunit"; import { generateChatView } from "discourse/plugins/chat/chat-fixtures"; function buildMessage(messageId) { return { id: messageId, message: "hi", cooked: "


", excerpt: "hi", created_at: "2021-07-20T08:14:16.950Z", flag_count: 0, user: { avatar_template: "/letter_avatar_proxy/v4/letter/t/a9a28c/{size}.png", id: 1, name: "Tomtom", username: "tomtom", }, }; } acceptance( "Discourse Chat - Chat live pane - viewing old messages", function (needs) { needs.user({ username: "eviltrout", id: 1, can_chat: true, has_chat_enabled: true, }); needs.settings({ chat_enabled: true, }); let loadAllMessages = false; needs.hooks.beforeEach(() => { loadAllMessages = false; }); needs.pretender((server, helper) => { const firstPageMessages = []; for (let i = 0; i < 50; i++) { firstPageMessages.push(buildMessage(i + 1)); } server.get("/chat/:chatChannelId/messages.json", () => { if (loadAllMessages) { const updatedPage = [...firstPageMessages]; updatedPage.shift(); updatedPage.shift(); updatedPage.push(buildMessage(51)); updatedPage.push(buildMessage(52)); return helper.response({ meta: { can_load_more_future: false, }, chat_messages: updatedPage, }); } else { return helper.response({ meta: { can_flag: true, user_silenced: false, can_load_more_future: true, }, chat_messages: firstPageMessages, }); } }); server.get("/chat/chat_channels.json", () => helper.response({ public_channels: [ { id: 1, title: "something", current_user_membership: { following: true }, message_bus_last_ids: { new_mentions: 0, new_messages: 0, }, }, ], direct_message_channels: [], message_bus_last_ids: { channel_metadata: 0, channel_edits: 0, channel_status: 0, new_channel: 0, user_tracking_state: 0, }, }) ); server.get("/chat/chat_channels/:chatChannelId", () => helper.response({ id: 1, title: "something" }) );"/chat/drafts", () => { return helper.response([]); });"/chat/:chatChannelId.json", () => { return helper.response({ success: "OK" }); }); }); test("doesn't create a gap in history by adding new messages", async function (assert) { await visit("/chat/channel/1/cat"); await publishToMessageBus("/chat/1", { type: "sent", chat_message: { id: 51, cooked: "


", user: { id: 2, }, }, }); assert.notOk(exists(`.chat-message-container[data-id='${51}']`)); }); test("It continues to handle other message types", async function (assert) { await visit("/chat/channel/1/cat"); await publishToMessageBus("/chat/1", { action: "add", user: { id: 77, username: "notTomtom" }, emoji: "cat", type: "reaction", chat_message_id: 1, }); assert.ok(exists(`.chat-message-reaction[data-emoji-name="cat"]`)); }); test("Sending a new message when there are still unloaded ones will fetch them", async function (assert) { await visit("/chat/channel/1/cat"); assert.notOk(exists(`.chat-message-container[data-id='${51}']`)); loadAllMessages = true; const composerInput = query(".chat-composer-input"); await fillIn(composerInput, "test text"); await click(".send-btn"); assert.ok(exists(`.chat-message-container[data-id='${51}']`)); assert.ok(exists(`.chat-message-container[data-id='${52}']`)); }); test("Clicking the arrow button jumps to the bottom of the channel", async function (assert) { await visit("/chat/channel/1/cat"); assert.notOk(exists(`.chat-message-container[data-id='${51}']`)); const scrollerEl = document.querySelector(".chat-messages-scroll"); scrollerEl.scrollTop = -500; // Scroll up a bit const initialPosition = scrollerEl.scrollTop; await triggerEvent(".chat-messages-scroll", "scroll", { forceShowScrollToBottom: true, }); loadAllMessages = true; await click(".chat-scroll-to-bottom"); assert.ok(exists(`.chat-message-container[data-id='${51}']`)); assert.ok(exists(`.chat-message-container[data-id='${52}']`)); assert.ok( scrollerEl.scrollTop > initialPosition, "Scrolled to the bottom" ); }); } ); acceptance( "Discourse Chat - Chat live pane - handling 429 errors", function (needs) { needs.user({ username: "eviltrout", id: 1, has_chat_enabled: true, }); needs.settings({ chat_enabled: true, }); needs.pretender((server, helper) => { server.get("/chat/:chatChannelId/messages.json", () => { return helper.response(429); }); server.get("/chat/chat_channels.json", () => helper.response({ public_channels: [ { id: 1, title: "something", current_user_membership: { following: true }, message_bus_last_ids: { new_mentions: 0, new_messages: 0 }, }, ], direct_message_channels: [], message_bus_last_ids: { channel_metadata: 0, channel_edits: 0, channel_status: 0, new_channel: 0, user_tracking_state: 0, }, }) ); server.get("/chat/chat_channels/:chatChannelId", () => helper.response({ id: 1, title: "something" }) );"/chat/drafts", () => { return helper.response([]); });"/chat/:chatChannelId.json", () => { return helper.response({ success: "OK" }); }); }); test("Handles 429 errors by displaying an alert", async function (assert) { await visit("/chat/channel/1/cat"); assert.ok(exists(".dialog-content"), "We displayed a 429 error"); await click(".dialog-footer .btn-primary"); }); } ); acceptance( "Discourse Chat - Chat live pane - handling 404 errors", function (needs) { needs.user({ username: "eviltrout", id: 1, has_chat_enabled: true, }); needs.settings({ chat_enabled: true }); needs.pretender((server, helper) => { server.get("/chat/:chatChannelId/messages.json", () => { return helper.response(404); }); server.get("/chat/chat_channels.json", () => helper.response({ public_channels: [], direct_message_channels: [], message_bus_last_ids: { channel_metadata: 0, channel_edits: 0, channel_status: 0, new_channel: 0, user_tracking_state: 0, }, }) ); server.get("/chat/chat_channels/:chatChannelId", () => helper.response({ id: 1, title: "something" }) ); server.get("/chat/lookup/:messageId.json", () => { return helper.response(404); }); }); test("Handles 404 errors by displaying an alert", async function (assert) { await visit("/chat/channel/1/cat"); assert.ok(exists(".dialog-content"), "it displays a 404 error"); await click(".dialog-footer .btn-primary"); }); test("Handles 404 errors with unexisting messageId", async function (assert) { await visit("/chat/channel/1/cat?messageId=2"); assert.ok(exists(".dialog-content"), "it displays a 404 error"); await click(".dialog-footer .btn-primary"); }); } ); acceptance( "Discourse Chat - Chat live pane (mobile) - actions menu", function (needs) { needs.user({ has_chat_enabled: true }); needs.settings({ chat_enabled: true }); needs.mobileView(); needs.pretender((server, helper) => { server.get("/chat/:chatChannelId/messages.json", () => helper.response(generateChatView(loggedInUser())) ); server.get("/chat/chat_channels.json", () => helper.response({ public_channels: [], direct_message_channels: [], message_bus_last_ids: { channel_metadata: 0, channel_edits: 0, channel_status: 0, new_channel: 0, user_tracking_state: 0, }, }) ); server.get("/chat/chat_channels/:chatChannelId", () => helper.response({ id: 1, title: "something" }) ); }); test("when expanding and collapsing the actions menu", async function (assert) { await visit("/chat/channel/1/cat"); const message = query(".chat-message-container"); await tap(message); assert.ok(exists(".chat-message-actions-backdrop")); await tap(".collapse-area"); assert.notOk(exists(".chat-message-actions-backdrop")); }); } );