import { translateResults, searchContextDescription, getSearchKey, isValidSearchTerm } from "discourse/lib/search"; import showModal from 'discourse/lib/show-modal'; import { default as computed, observes } from 'ember-addons/ember-computed-decorators'; import Category from 'discourse/models/category'; const SortOrders = [ {name: I18n.t('search.relevance'), id: 0}, {name: I18n.t('search.latest_post'), id: 1, term: 'order:latest'}, {name: I18n.t('search.most_liked'), id: 2, term: 'order:likes'}, {name: I18n.t('search.most_viewed'), id: 3, term: 'order:views'}, ]; export default Ember.Controller.extend({ needs: ["application"], loading: Em.computed.not("model"), queryParams: ["q", "context_id", "context", "skip_context"], q: null, selected: [], context_id: null, context: null, searching: false, sortOrder: 0, sortOrders: SortOrders, @computed('model.posts') resultCount(posts){ return posts && posts.length; }, @computed('q') hasAutofocus(q) { return Em.isEmpty(q); }, @computed('skip_context', 'context') searchContextEnabled: { get(skip,context){ return (!skip && context) || skip === "false"; }, set(val) { this.set('skip_context', val ? "false" : "true" ); } }, @computed('context', 'context_id') searchContextDescription(context, id){ var name = id; if (context === 'category') { var category = Category.findById(id); if (!category) {return;} name = category.get('name'); } return searchContextDescription(context, name); }, @computed('q') searchActive(q){ return isValidSearchTerm(q); }, @computed('searchTerm', 'searching') searchButtonDisabled(searchTerm, searching) { return !!(searching || !isValidSearchTerm(searchTerm)); }, @computed('q') noSortQ(q) { if (q) { SortOrders.forEach((order) => { if (q.indexOf(order.term) > -1){ q = q.replace(order.term, ""); q = q.trim(); } }); } return Discourse.Utilities.escapeExpression(q); }, _searchOnSortChange: true, setSearchTerm(term) { this._searchOnSortChange = false; if (term) { SortOrders.forEach((order) => { if (term.indexOf(order.term) > -1){ this.set('sortOrder',; term = term.replace(order.term, ""); term = term.trim(); } }); } this._searchOnSortChange = true; this.set('searchTerm', term); }, @observes('sortOrder') triggerSearch(){ if (this._searchOnSortChange) {; } }, @observes('model') modelChanged() { if (this.get("searchTerm") !== this.get("q")) { this.setSearchTerm(this.get("q")); } }, @computed('q') showLikeCount(q) { return q && q.indexOf("order:likes") > -1; }, @observes('q') qChanged() { const model = this.get("model"); if (model && this.get("model.q") !== this.get("q")) { this.setSearchTerm(this.get("q")); this.send("search"); } }, @observes('loading') _showFooter() { this.set("controllers.application.showFooter", !this.get("loading")); }, canBulkSelect: Em.computed.alias('currentUser.staff'), search(){ if (this.get("searching")) return; this.set("searching", true); const router = Discourse.__container__.lookup('router:main'); var args = { q: this.get("searchTerm") }; const sortOrder = this.get("sortOrder"); if (sortOrder && SortOrders[sortOrder].term) { args.q += " " + SortOrders[sortOrder].term; } this.set("q", args.q); this.set("model", null); const skip = this.get("skip_context"); if ((!skip && this.get('context')) || skip==="false"){ args.search_context = { type: this.get('context'), id: this.get('context_id') }; } const searchKey = getSearchKey(args); Discourse.ajax("/search", { data: args }).then(results => { const model = translateResults(results) || {}; router.transientCache('lastSearch', { searchKey, model }, 5); this.set("model", model); }).finally(() => { this.set("searching",false); }); }, actions: { selectAll() { this.get('selected').addObjects(this.get('model.posts').map(r => r.topic)); // Doing this the proper way is a HUGE pain, // we can hack this to work by observing each on the array // in the component, however, when we select ANYTHING, we would force // 50 traversals of the list // This hack is cheap and easy $('.fps-result input[type=checkbox]').prop('checked', true); }, clearAll() { this.get('selected').clear(); $('.fps-result input[type=checkbox]').prop('checked', false); }, toggleBulkSelect() { this.toggleProperty('bulkSelectEnabled'); this.get('selected').clear(); }, refresh() { this.set('bulkSelectEnabled', false); this.get('selected').clear();; }, showSearchHelp() { // TODO: dupe code should be centralized Discourse.ajax("/static/search_help.html", { dataType: 'html' }).then((model) => { showModal('searchHelp', { model }); }); }, search() { if (this.get("searchButtonDisabled")) return;; } } });