en: js: discourse_automation: title: Automation create: Create update: Update select_script: Select a script select_trigger: Select a trigger confirm_automation_reset: This action will reset script and trigger options, new state will be saved, do you want to proceed? confirm_automation_trigger: This action will trigger the automation, do you want to proceed? no_automation_yet: You haven’t created any automation yet. edit_automation: trigger_section: forced: This trigger is forced by script. next_pending_automation: "Next automation will trigger at: %{date}" trigger_now: "Trigger now" title: When/What... fields_section: title: Script options destroy_automation: confirm: "Are you sure you want to delete `%{name}`?" fields: key_value: label_without_count: "Configure" label_with_count: one: "Edit Configuration (%{count})" other: "Edit Configuration (%{count})" user: label: User pm: title: label: Title raw: label: Body pms: confirm_remove_pm: "Are you sure you want to remove this PM?" placeholder_title: PM title add_pm: Add PM no_pm_created: You haven’t created any PM yet. PMs will be sent once your automation is triggered. title: label: Title raw: label: Body delay: label: Delay (minutes) prefers_encrypt: label: Encrypts PM if available group: label: Group text: label: Text triggerables: not_found: Couldn’t find trigger `%{trigger}` for automation `%{automation}`, ensure the associated plugin is installed user_badge_granted: fields: badge: label: Badge only_first_grant: label: Only on first grant stalled_topic: durations: PT1H: "One hour" P1D: "One day" P1W: "One week" P2W: "Two weeks" P1M: "One month" P3M: "Three months" P6M: "Six months" P1Y: "One year" fields: categories: label: Limited to categories tags: label: Limited to tags stalled_after: label: Stalled after recurring: every: Every frequencies: minute: minute hour: hour day: day weekday: weekday week: week month: month year: year fields: recurrence: label: Recurrence start_date: label: Start date stalled_wiki: durations: PT1H: "One hour" P1D: "One day" P1W: "One week" P2W: "Two weeks" P1M: "One month" P3M: "Three months" P6M: "Six months" P1Y: "One year" fields: restricted_category: label: Restricted to category stalled_after: label: Trigger delay description: Defines delay between last wiki edit and automation’s trigger retriggered_after: label: Re-trigger delay description: Defines delay between first trigger and next trigger, if wiki has still not been edited after first trigger user_added_to_group: fields: joined_group: label: Tracked group user_removed_from_group: fields: left_group: label: Tracked group user_promoted: fields: restricted_group: label: Restrict to group trust_level_transition: label: Trust level transition trust_levels: ALL: "All trust levels" TL01: "TL0 to TL1" TL12: "TL1 to TL2" TL23: "TL2 to TL3" TL34: "TL3 to TL4" point_in_time: fields: execute_at: label: Execute at topic: fields: restricted_topic: label: Topic ID post_created_edited: fields: action_type: label: Action type description: "Optional, limit triggering to only created or edited events" valid_trust_levels: label: Valid trust levels description: Will trigger only if post is created by user in these trust levels, defaults to any trust level restricted_category: label: Category description: Optional, will trigger only if the post's topic is in this category restricted_group: label: Group description: Optional, will trigger only if the post's topic is a private message in this group's inbox ignore_group_members: label: Ignore group members description: Skip the trigger if sender is a member of the Group specified above ignore_automated: label: Ignore automated description: Skip the trigger if the sender has a noreply email or is from an automated source. Only applies to posts created via email first_post_only: label: First post only description: Will trigger only if the post is the first post a user created first_topic_only: label: First topic only description: Will trigger only if the topic is the first topic a user created created: Created edited: Edited user_updated: fields: user_profile: label: User profile fields description: Will trigger only if the user has filled all these fields custom_fields: label: User custom fields description: Will trigger only if the user has filled all these fields once_per_user: label: Once per user description: Will trigger only once per user category_created_edited: fields: restricted_category: label: Parent Category description: Optional, allows to limit trigger execution to this category pm_created: fields: restricted_user: label: Users description: Will trigger only for PMs sent to this user restricted_group: label: Group description: Will trigger only for PMs sent to this group ignore_staff: label: Ignore staff description: Skip the trigger if sender is a staff user ignore_group_members: label: Ignore group members description: Skip the trigger if sender is a member of the Group specified above ignore_automated: label: Ignore automated description: Skip the trigger if the sender has a noreply email or is from an automated source. Only applies to PMs created via email valid_trust_levels: label: Valid trust levels description: Will trigger only if post is created by user in these trust levels, defaults to any trust level after_post_cook: fields: valid_trust_levels: label: Valid trust levels description: Will trigger only if post is created by user in these trust levels, defaults to any trust level restricted_category: label: Category description: Optional, will trigger only if the post's topic is in this category restricted_tags: label: Tags description: Optional, will trigger only if the post has any of these tags scriptables: not_found: Couldn’t find script `%{script}` for automation `%{automation}`, ensure the associated plugin is installed zapier_webhook: fields: webhook_url: label: Webhook URL description: "Expects a valid Zapier webhook URL, eg: https://hooks.zapier.com/hooks/catch/xxx/yyy/" auto_responder: fields: once: label: Once description: Only responds once by topic word_answer_list: label: List of word/answer pairs description: "Defines a list of key/value groups, where the `key` is the searched term, and `value` the text of the reply. The `key` can be left blank to respond to all triggers, regardless of content. Note that `value` accepts `{{key}}` as a placeholder to be replaced by the value of `key` in the reply. Note that `key` will be evaluated as a regex, and special chars like `.` should be escaped if you actually mean a dot, eg: `\\.`" answering_user: label: Answering user description: Defaults to System user auto_tag_topic: fields: tags: label: Tags description: List of tags to add to the topic. post: fields: creator: label: Creator post_creator_context: The creator of the post updated_user_context: The updated user topic: label: Topic ID post: label: Post content topic: fields: creator: label: Creator updated_user_context: The updated user body: label: Topic body title: label: Topic title category: label: Topic category tags: label: Topic tags group_category_notification_default: fields: group: label: Group notification_level: label: Notification level update_existing_members: label: Update existing members description: Updates the notification level for existing group members user_global_notice: fields: level: label: Level notice: label: Notice description: Accepts HTML, do not fill this with untrusted input! levels: warning: Warning info: Info success: Success error: Error user_group_membership_through_badge: fields: badge_name: label: Badge Name group: label: Group description: Target group. Users with the specified badge will be added to this group update_user_title_and_flair: label: Update user title and flair description: Optional, Update user title and flair remove_members_without_badge: label: Remove existing members without badge description: Optional, Remove existing group members without the specified badge badge: label: Badge description: Select badge suspend_user_by_email: fields: suspend_until: label: Suspend until (default) reason: label: Reason (default) actor: label: User description: "The user responsible for the suspension (default: system)" pin_topic: fields: pinnable_topic: label: Topic ID pinned_globally: label: Pinned globally pinned_until: label: Pinned until banner_topic: fields: topic_id: label: Topic ID banner_until: label: Make banner until user: label: User description: "The user creating the banner (default: system)" flag_post_on_words: fields: words: label: Checked words topic_required_words: fields: words: label: Required words list gift_exchange: fields: gift_exchangers_group: label: Group name of participants giftee_assignment_messages: label: Messages sent to gifter send_pms: add_a_pm_btn: label: Add a PM fields: receiver: label: PM receiver sendable_pms: label: PMs sender: label: PMs sender close_topic: fields: topic: label: Topic ID message: label: Closing message description: "Optional message to show on the Topic Closed record" user: label: User description: "The user closing the topic (default: system)" add_user_to_group_through_custom_field: fields: custom_field_name: label: "User Custom Field name" models: script: name: label: Script trigger: name: label: Trigger automation: name: label: Name trigger: label: Trigger script: label: Script version: label: Version enabled: label: Enabled disabled: label: Disabled placeholders: label: Placeholders last_updated_at: label: Last update last_updated_by: label: Updated by