import DiscourseURL from "discourse/lib/url"; var testMouseTrap; import KeyboardShortcuts from "discourse/lib/keyboard-shortcuts"; QUnit.module("lib:keyboard-shortcuts", { beforeEach() { var _bindings = {}; testMouseTrap = { bind: function (bindings, callback) { var registerBinding = function (binding) { _bindings[binding] = callback; }.bind(this); if (Array.isArray(bindings)) { bindings.forEach(registerBinding, this); } else { registerBinding(bindings); } }, trigger: function (binding) { _bindings[binding].call(); }, }; sandbox.stub(DiscourseURL, "routeTo"); $("#qunit-fixture").html( [ "
", "" + "
", "
", " ", "
", "", " ", "
", " ", "
", "", "
", "", "
", "
", "
", "
", "
", ].join("\n") ); }, afterEach() { $("#qunit-scratch").html(""); testMouseTrap = undefined; }, }); var pathBindings = KeyboardShortcuts.PATH_BINDINGS || {}; Object.keys(pathBindings).forEach((path) => { const binding = pathBindings[path]; var testName = binding + " goes to " + path; test(testName, function (assert) { KeyboardShortcuts.bindEvents(); testMouseTrap.trigger(binding); assert.ok(DiscourseURL.routeTo.calledWith(path)); }); }); var clickBindings = KeyboardShortcuts.CLICK_BINDINGS || {}; Object.keys(clickBindings).forEach((selector) => { const binding = clickBindings[selector]; var bindings = binding.split(","); var testName = binding + " clicks on " + selector; test(testName, function (assert) { KeyboardShortcuts.bindEvents(); $(selector).on("click", function () { assert.ok(true, selector + " was clicked"); }); bindings.forEach(function (b) { testMouseTrap.trigger(b); }, this); }); }); var functionBindings = KeyboardShortcuts.FUNCTION_BINDINGS || {}; Object.keys(functionBindings).forEach((func) => { const binding = functionBindings[func]; var testName = binding + " calls " + func; test(testName, function (assert) { sandbox.stub(KeyboardShortcuts, func, function () { assert.ok(true, func + " is called when " + binding + " is triggered"); }); KeyboardShortcuts.bindEvents(); testMouseTrap.trigger(binding); }); }); QUnit.test("selectDown calls _moveSelection with 1", (assert) => { var stub = sandbox.stub(KeyboardShortcuts, "_moveSelection"); KeyboardShortcuts.selectDown(); assert.ok(stub.calledWith(1), "_moveSelection is called with 1"); }); QUnit.test("selectUp calls _moveSelection with -1", (assert) => { var stub = sandbox.stub(KeyboardShortcuts, "_moveSelection"); KeyboardShortcuts.selectUp(); assert.ok(stub.calledWith(-1), "_moveSelection is called with -1"); }); QUnit.test("goBack calls history.back", (assert) => { var called = false; sandbox.stub(history, "back").callsFake(function () { called = true; }); KeyboardShortcuts.goBack(); assert.ok(called, "history.back is called"); }); QUnit.test("nextSection calls _changeSection with 1", (assert) => { var spy = sandbox.spy(KeyboardShortcuts, "_changeSection"); KeyboardShortcuts.nextSection(); assert.ok(spy.calledWith(1), "_changeSection is called with 1"); }); QUnit.test("prevSection calls _changeSection with -1", (assert) => { var spy = sandbox.spy(KeyboardShortcuts, "_changeSection"); KeyboardShortcuts.prevSection(); assert.ok(spy.calledWith(-1), "_changeSection is called with -1"); });