# WARNING: Never edit this file. # It will be overwritten when translations are pulled from Crowdin. # # To work with us on translations, join this project: # https://translate.discourse.org/ nl: chat: deleted_chat_username: verwijderd errors: not_accepting_dms: "Sorry, %{username} accepteert momenteel geen berichten." reviewables: actions: agree: title: "Akkoord..." agree_and_suspend: title: "Gebruiker schorsen" description: "Akkoord met markering en de gebruiker schorsen." agree_and_silence: title: "Gebruiker dempen" description: "Akkoord met markering en de gebruiker dempen." disagree: title: "Niet akkoord" ignore: title: "Negeren" channel: statuses: closed: "Gesloten" open: "Openen" reviewable_score_types: notify_user: chat_pm_body: "%{link}\n\n%{message}" notify_moderators: chat_pm_body: "%{link}\n\n%{message}" user_notifications: chat_summary: from: "%{site_name}" unsubscribe: chat_summary: never: Nooit