import xss from "xss"; import escape from "discourse-common/lib/escape"; function attr(name, value) { if (value) { return `${name}="${xss.escapeAttrValue(value)}"`; } return name; } export { escape }; export function hrefAllowed(href, extraHrefMatchers) { // escape single quotes href = href.replace(/'/g, "%27"); // absolute urls if (/^(https?:)?\/\/[\w\.\-]+/i.test(href)) { return href; } // relative urls if (/^\/[\w\.\-]+/i.test(href)) { return href; } // anchors if (/^#[\w\.\-]+/i.test(href)) { return href; } // mailtos if (/^mailto:[\w\.\-@]+/i.test(href)) { return href; } if (extraHrefMatchers && extraHrefMatchers.length > 0) { for (let i = 0; i < extraHrefMatchers.length; i++) { if (extraHrefMatchers[i].test(href)) { return href; } } } } function sanitizeMediaSrc(tag, attrName, value, extraHrefMatchers) { const srcAttrs = { img: ["src"], source: ["src", "srcset"], track: ["src"], }; if (!srcAttrs[tag]?.includes(attrName)) { return; } if (value.startsWith("data:image")) { return attr(attrName, value); } if (attrName === "srcset") { const srcset = value.split(",").map((v) => v.split(" ", 2)); const sanitizedValue = srcset .map((src) => { const allowedSrc = hrefAllowed(src[0], extraHrefMatchers); if (allowedSrc) { return src[1] ? `${allowedSrc} ${src[1]}` : allowedSrc; } }) .join(","); return attr(attrName, sanitizedValue); } else { const returnVal = hrefAllowed(value, extraHrefMatchers); return attr(attrName, returnVal); } } function testDataAttribute(forTag, name, value) { return Object.keys(forTag).find((k) => { const nameWithMatcher = `^${k.replace(/\*$/, "\\w+?")}`; const validValues = forTag[k]; return ( new RegExp(nameWithMatcher).test(name) && (validValues.includes("*") ? true : validValues.includes(value)) ); }); } export function sanitize(text, allowLister) { if (!text) { return ""; } // Allow things like <3 and <_< text = text.replace(/<([^A-Za-z\/\!]|$)/g, "<$1"); const allowList = allowLister.getAllowList(), allowedHrefSchemes = allowLister.getAllowedHrefSchemes(), allowedIframes = allowLister.getAllowedIframes(); let extraHrefMatchers = null; if (allowedHrefSchemes && allowedHrefSchemes.length > 0) { extraHrefMatchers = [ new RegExp("^(" + allowedHrefSchemes.join("|") + ")://[\\w\\.\\-]+", "i"), ]; if (allowedHrefSchemes.includes("tel")) { extraHrefMatchers.push(new RegExp("^tel://\\+?[\\w\\.\\-]+", "i")); } } let result = xss(text, { allowList: allowList.tagList, stripIgnoreTag: true, stripIgnoreTagBody: ["script", "table"], onIgnoreTagAttr(tag, name, value) { const forTag = allowList.attrList[tag]; if (forTag) { const forAttr = forTag[name]; if ( (forAttr && (forAttr.indexOf("*") !== -1 || forAttr.indexOf(value) !== -1)) || (name.indexOf("data-html-") === -1 && name.startsWith("data-") && (forTag["data-*"] || testDataAttribute(forTag, name, value))) || (tag === "a" && name === "href" && hrefAllowed(value, extraHrefMatchers)) || (tag === "iframe" && name === "src" && allowedIframes.some((i) => { return value.toLowerCase().startsWith((i || "").toLowerCase()); })) ) { return attr(name, value); } const sanitizedMediaSrc = sanitizeMediaSrc( tag, name, value, extraHrefMatchers ); if (sanitizedMediaSrc) { return sanitizedMediaSrc; } if (tag === "iframe" && name === "src") { return "-STRIP-"; } if (tag === "video" && name === "autoplay") { // This might give us duplicate 'muted' attributes // but they will be deduped by later processing return "autoplay muted"; } // Heading ids must begin with `heading--` if ( ["h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6"].indexOf(tag) !== -1 && value.match(/^heading\-\-[a-zA-Z0-9\-\_]+$/) ) { return attr(name, value); } const custom = allowLister.getCustom(); for (let i = 0; i < custom.length; i++) { const fn = custom[i]; if (fn(tag, name, value)) { return attr(name, value); } } } }, }); return result .replace(/\[removed\]/g, "") .replace(/\]+\-STRIP\-[^>]*>[^<]*<\/iframe>/g, "") .replace(/&(?![#\w]+;)/g, "&") .replace(/'/g, "'") .replace(/ \/>/g, ">"); }