# frozen_string_literal: true class AdminDashboardData include StatsCacheable cattr_reader :problem_messages, default: [] # kept for backward compatibility GLOBAL_REPORTS = [] PROBLEM_MESSAGE_PREFIX = "admin-problem:" SCHEDULED_PROBLEM_STORAGE_KEY = "admin-found-scheduled-problems-list" def initialize(opts = {}) @opts = opts end def get_json {} end def as_json(_options = nil) @json ||= get_json end def problems problems = [] self.class.problem_messages.each do |i18n_key| message = self.class.problem_message_check(i18n_key) problems << ProblemCheck::Problem.new(message) if message.present? end problems.concat(ProblemCheck.realtime.flat_map { |c| c.call(@opts).map(&:to_h) }) problems.compact! if problems.empty? self.class.clear_problems_started else self.class.set_problems_started end problems end def self.add_problem_check(*syms, &blk) Discourse.deprecate( "`AdminDashboardData#add_problem_check` is deprecated. Implement a class that inherits `ProblemCheck` instead.", drop_from: "3.3", ) end ## # We call this method in the class definition below # so all of the problem checks in this class are registered on # boot. These problem checks are run when the problems are loaded in # the admin dashboard controller. # # This method also can be used in testing to reset checks between # tests. It will also fire multiple times in development mode because # classes are not cached. def self.reset_problem_checks @@problem_messages = [] end def self.fetch_stats new.as_json end def self.reports(source) source.map { |type| Report.find(type).as_json } end def self.stats_cache_key "dashboard-data-#{Report::SCHEMA_VERSION}" end def self.problems_started_key "dash-problems-started-at" end def self.set_problems_started existing_time = Discourse.redis.get(problems_started_key) Discourse.redis.setex(problems_started_key, 14.days.to_i, existing_time || Time.zone.now.to_s) end def self.clear_problems_started Discourse.redis.del problems_started_key end def self.problems_started_at s = Discourse.redis.get(problems_started_key) s ? Time.zone.parse(s) : nil end def self.fetch_problems(opts = {}) new(opts).problems end def self.problem_message_check(i18n_key) if Discourse.redis.get(problem_message_key(i18n_key)) I18n.t(i18n_key, base_path: Discourse.base_path) else nil end end ## # Arbitrary messages cannot be added here, they must already be defined # in the @problem_messages array which is defined in reset_problem_checks. # The array is iterated over and each key that exists in redis will be added # to the final problems output in #problems. def self.add_problem_message(i18n_key, expire_seconds = nil) if expire_seconds.to_i > 0 Discourse.redis.setex problem_message_key(i18n_key), expire_seconds.to_i, 1 else Discourse.redis.set problem_message_key(i18n_key), 1 end end def self.clear_problem_message(i18n_key) Discourse.redis.del problem_message_key(i18n_key) end def self.problem_message_key(i18n_key) "#{PROBLEM_MESSAGE_PREFIX}#{i18n_key}" end end