# == Schema Information # # Table name: topics # # id :integer not null, primary key # title :string(255) not null # last_posted_at :datetime # created_at :datetime not null # updated_at :datetime not null # views :integer default(0), not null # posts_count :integer default(0), not null # user_id :integer not null # last_post_user_id :integer not null # reply_count :integer default(0), not null # featured_user1_id :integer # featured_user2_id :integer # featured_user3_id :integer # avg_time :integer # deleted_at :datetime # highest_post_number :integer default(0), not null # image_url :string(255) # off_topic_count :integer default(0), not null # like_count :integer default(0), not null # incoming_link_count :integer default(0), not null # bookmark_count :integer default(0), not null # star_count :integer default(0), not null # category_id :integer # visible :boolean default(TRUE), not null # moderator_posts_count :integer default(0), not null # closed :boolean default(FALSE), not null # archived :boolean default(FALSE), not null # bumped_at :datetime not null # has_best_of :boolean default(FALSE), not null # meta_data :hstore # vote_count :integer default(0), not null # archetype :string(255) default("regular"), not null # featured_user4_id :integer # notify_moderators_count :integer default(0), not null # spam_count :integer default(0), not null # illegal_count :integer default(0), not null # inappropriate_count :integer default(0), not null # pinned_at :datetime # score :float # percent_rank :float default(1.0), not null # notify_user_count :integer default(0), not null # subtype :string(255) # slug :string(255) # auto_close_at :datetime # auto_close_user_id :integer # require_dependency 'slug' require_dependency 'avatar_lookup' require_dependency 'topic_view' require_dependency 'rate_limiter' require_dependency 'text_sentinel' require_dependency 'text_cleaner' require_dependency 'trashable' class Topic < ActiveRecord::Base include ActionView::Helpers include RateLimiter::OnCreateRecord include Trashable def self.max_sort_order 2**31 - 1 end def self.featured_users_count 4 end versioned if: :new_version_required? def trash! super update_flagged_posts_count end def recover! super update_flagged_posts_count end rate_limit :default_rate_limiter rate_limit :limit_topics_per_day rate_limit :limit_private_messages_per_day before_validation :sanitize_title validates :title, :presence => true, :length => { :in => SiteSetting.topic_title_length, :allow_blank => true }, :quality_title => { :unless => :private_message? }, :unique_among => { :unless => Proc.new { |t| (SiteSetting.allow_duplicate_topic_titles? || t.private_message?) }, :message => :has_already_been_used, :allow_blank => true, :case_sensitive => false, :collection => Proc.new{ Topic.listable_topics } } after_validation do self.title = TextCleaner.clean_title(TextSentinel.title_sentinel(title).text) if errors[:title].empty? end serialize :meta_data, ActiveRecord::Coders::Hstore belongs_to :category has_many :posts has_many :topic_allowed_users has_many :topic_allowed_groups has_many :allowed_group_users, through: :allowed_groups, source: :users has_many :allowed_groups, through: :topic_allowed_groups, source: :group has_many :allowed_users, through: :topic_allowed_users, source: :user has_one :hot_topic belongs_to :user belongs_to :last_poster, class_name: 'User', foreign_key: :last_post_user_id belongs_to :featured_user1, class_name: 'User', foreign_key: :featured_user1_id belongs_to :featured_user2, class_name: 'User', foreign_key: :featured_user2_id belongs_to :featured_user3, class_name: 'User', foreign_key: :featured_user3_id belongs_to :featured_user4, class_name: 'User', foreign_key: :featured_user4_id belongs_to :auto_close_user, class_name: 'User', foreign_key: :auto_close_user_id has_many :topic_users has_many :topic_links has_many :topic_invites has_many :invites, through: :topic_invites, source: :invite # When we want to temporarily attach some data to a forum topic (usually before serialization) attr_accessor :user_data attr_accessor :posters # TODO: can replace with posters_summary once we remove old list code attr_accessor :topic_list # The regular order scope :topic_list_order, lambda { order('topics.bumped_at desc') } # Return private message topics scope :private_messages, lambda { where(archetype: Archetype::private_message) } scope :listable_topics, lambda { where('topics.archetype <> ?', [Archetype.private_message]) } scope :by_newest, order('topics.created_at desc, topics.id desc') # Helps us limit how many favorites can be made in a day class FavoriteLimiter < RateLimiter def initialize(user) super(user, "favorited:#{Date.today.to_s}", SiteSetting.max_favorites_per_day, 1.day.to_i) end end before_create do self.bumped_at ||= Time.now self.last_post_user_id ||= user_id if !@ignore_category_auto_close and self.category and self.category.auto_close_days and self.auto_close_at.nil? self.auto_close_at = self.category.auto_close_days.days.from_now self.auto_close_user = (self.user.staff? ? self.user : Discourse.system_user) end end after_create do changed_to_category(category) TopicUser.change(user_id, id, notification_level: TopicUser.notification_levels[:watching], notifications_reason_id: TopicUser.notification_reasons[:created_topic]) if archetype == Archetype.private_message DraftSequence.next!(user, Draft::NEW_PRIVATE_MESSAGE) else DraftSequence.next!(user, Draft::NEW_TOPIC) end end before_save do if (auto_close_at_changed? and !auto_close_at_was.nil?) or (auto_close_user_id_changed? and auto_close_at) Jobs.cancel_scheduled_job(:close_topic, {topic_id: id}) true end end after_save do if auto_close_at and (auto_close_at_changed? or auto_close_user_id_changed?) Jobs.enqueue_at(auto_close_at, :close_topic, {topic_id: id, user_id: auto_close_user_id || user_id}) end end # all users (in groups or directly targetted) that are going to get the pm def all_allowed_users # TODO we should probably change this from 3 queries to 1 User.where('id in (?)', allowed_users.select('users.id').to_a + allowed_group_users.select('users.id').to_a) end # Additional rate limits on topics: per day and private messages per day def limit_topics_per_day RateLimiter.new(user, "topics-per-day:#{Date.today.to_s}", SiteSetting.max_topics_per_day, 1.day.to_i) end def limit_private_messages_per_day return unless private_message? RateLimiter.new(user, "pms-per-day:#{Date.today.to_s}", SiteSetting.max_private_messages_per_day, 1.day.to_i) end def fancy_title return title unless SiteSetting.title_fancy_entities? # We don't always have to require this, if fancy is disabled # see: http://meta.discourse.org/t/pattern-for-defer-loading-gems-and-profiling-with-perftools-rb/4629 require 'redcarpet' unless defined? Redcarpet Redcarpet::Render::SmartyPants.render(title) end def sanitize_title if self.title.present? self.title = sanitize(title, tags: [], attributes: []) self.title.strip! end end def new_version_required? title_changed? || category_id_changed? end # Returns new topics since a date for display in email digest. def self.new_topics(since) Topic .visible .where(closed: false, archived: false) .created_since(since) .listable_topics .topic_list_order .includes(:user) .limit(5) end def update_meta_data(data) self.meta_data = (self.meta_data || {}).merge(data.stringify_keys) save end def reload(options=nil) @post_numbers = nil super(options) end def post_numbers @post_numbers ||= posts.order(:post_number).pluck(:post_number) end def has_meta_data_boolean?(key) meta_data_string(key) == 'true' end def meta_data_string(key) return unless meta_data.present? meta_data[key.to_s] end def self.visible where(visible: true) end def self.created_since(time_ago) where("created_at > ?", time_ago) end def self.listable_count_per_day(sinceDaysAgo=30) listable_topics.where('created_at > ?', sinceDaysAgo.days.ago).group('date(created_at)').order('date(created_at)').count end def private_message? self.archetype == Archetype.private_message end def links_grouped exec_sql("SELECT ftl.url, ft.title, ftl.link_topic_id, ftl.reflection, ftl.internal, MIN(ftl.user_id) AS user_id, SUM(clicks) AS clicks FROM topic_links AS ftl LEFT OUTER JOIN topics AS ft ON ftl.link_topic_id = ft.id WHERE ftl.topic_id = ? GROUP BY ftl.url, ft.title, ftl.link_topic_id, ftl.reflection, ftl.internal ORDER BY clicks DESC", id).to_a end # Search for similar topics def self.similar_to(title, raw) return [] unless title.present? return [] unless raw.present? # For now, we only match on title. We'll probably add body later on, hence the API hook Topic.select(sanitize_sql_array(["topics.*, similarity(topics.title, :title) AS similarity", title: title])) .visible .where(closed: false, archived: false) .listable_topics .limit(SiteSetting.max_similar_results) .order('similarity desc') .all end def update_status(property, status, user) Topic.transaction do # Special case: if it's pinned, update that if property.to_sym == :pinned update_pinned(status) else # otherwise update the column update_column(property == 'autoclosed' ? 'closed' : property, status) end key = "topic_statuses.#{property}_" key << (status ? 'enabled' : 'disabled') opts = {} # We don't bump moderator posts except for the re-open post. opts[:bump] = true if (property == 'closed' or property == 'autoclosed') and (!status) message = property != 'autoclosed' ? I18n.t(key) : I18n.t(key, count: (((self.auto_close_at||Time.zone.now) - self.created_at) / 86_400).round ) add_moderator_post(user, message, opts) end end # Atomically creates the next post number def self.next_post_number(topic_id, reply = false) highest = exec_sql("select coalesce(max(post_number),0) as max from posts where topic_id = ?", topic_id).first['max'].to_i reply_sql = reply ? ", reply_count = reply_count + 1" : "" result = exec_sql("UPDATE topics SET highest_post_number = ? + 1#{reply_sql} WHERE id = ? RETURNING highest_post_number", highest, topic_id) result.first['highest_post_number'].to_i end # If a post is deleted we have to update our highest post counters def self.reset_highest(topic_id) result = exec_sql "UPDATE topics SET highest_post_number = (SELECT COALESCE(MAX(post_number), 0) FROM posts WHERE topic_id = :topic_id AND deleted_at IS NULL), posts_count = (SELECT count(*) FROM posts WHERE deleted_at IS NULL AND topic_id = :topic_id) WHERE id = :topic_id RETURNING highest_post_number", topic_id: topic_id highest_post_number = result.first['highest_post_number'].to_i # Update the forum topic user records exec_sql "UPDATE topic_users SET last_read_post_number = CASE WHEN last_read_post_number > :highest THEN :highest ELSE last_read_post_number END, seen_post_count = CASE WHEN seen_post_count > :highest THEN :highest ELSE seen_post_count END WHERE topic_id = :topic_id", highest: highest_post_number, topic_id: topic_id end # This calculates the geometric mean of the posts and stores it with the topic def self.calculate_avg_time exec_sql("UPDATE topics SET avg_time = x.gmean FROM (SELECT topic_id, round(exp(avg(ln(avg_time)))) AS gmean FROM posts GROUP BY topic_id) AS x WHERE x.topic_id = topics.id") end def changed_to_category(cat) return if cat.blank? return if Category.where(topic_id: id).first.present? Topic.transaction do old_category = category if category_id.present? && category_id != cat.id Category.update_all 'topic_count = topic_count - 1', ['id = ?', category_id] end self.category_id = cat.id save CategoryFeaturedTopic.feature_topics_for(old_category) Category.update_all 'topic_count = topic_count + 1', id: cat.id CategoryFeaturedTopic.feature_topics_for(cat) unless old_category.try(:id) == cat.try(:id) end end def add_moderator_post(user, text, opts={}) new_post = nil Topic.transaction do creator = PostCreator.new(user, raw: text, post_type: Post.types[:moderator_action], no_bump: opts[:bump].blank?, topic_id: self.id) new_post = creator.create increment!(:moderator_posts_count) new_post end if new_post.present? # If we are moving posts, we want to insert the moderator post where the previous posts were # in the stream, not at the end. new_post.update_attributes(post_number: opts[:post_number], sort_order: opts[:post_number]) if opts[:post_number].present? # Grab any links that are present TopicLink.extract_from(new_post) end new_post end # Changes the category to a new name def change_category(name) # If the category name is blank, reset the attribute if name.blank? if category_id.present? CategoryFeaturedTopic.feature_topics_for(category) Category.update_all 'topic_count = topic_count - 1', id: category_id end self.category_id = nil save return end cat = Category.where(name: name).first return if cat == category changed_to_category(cat) end def featured_user_ids [featured_user1_id, featured_user2_id, featured_user3_id, featured_user4_id].uniq.compact end # Invite a user to the topic by username or email. Returns success/failure def invite(invited_by, username_or_email) if private_message? # If the user exists, add them to the topic. user = User.find_by_username_or_email(username_or_email).first if user.present? if topic_allowed_users.create!(user_id: user.id) # Notify the user they've been invited user.notifications.create(notification_type: Notification.types[:invited_to_private_message], topic_id: id, post_number: 1, data: { topic_title: title, display_username: invited_by.username }.to_json) return true end elsif username_or_email =~ /^.+@.+$/ # If the user doesn't exist, but it looks like an email, invite the user by email. return invite_by_email(invited_by, username_or_email) end else # Success is whether the invite was created return invite_by_email(invited_by, username_or_email).present? end false end # Invite a user by email and return the invite. Return the previously existing invite # if already exists. Returns nil if the invite can't be created. def invite_by_email(invited_by, email) lower_email = Email.downcase(email) invite = Invite.with_deleted.where('invited_by_id = ? and email = ?', invited_by.id, lower_email).first if invite.blank? invite = Invite.create(invited_by: invited_by, email: lower_email) unless invite.valid? # If the email already exists, grant permission to that user if invite.email_already_exists and private_message? user = User.where(email: lower_email).first topic_allowed_users.create!(user_id: user.id) end return end end # Recover deleted invites if we invite them again invite.recover if invite.deleted_at.present? topic_invites.create(invite_id: invite.id) Jobs.enqueue(:invite_email, invite_id: invite.id) invite end def move_posts_to_topic(moved_by, post_ids, destination_topic) to_move = posts.where(id: post_ids).order(:created_at) raise Discourse::InvalidParameters.new(:post_ids) if to_move.blank? first_post_number = nil Topic.transaction do # Find the max post number in the topic max_post_number = destination_topic.posts.maximum(:post_number) || 0 to_move.each_with_index do |post, i| if post.post_number == 1 # We have a special case for the OP, we copy it instead of deleting it. result = PostCreator.new(post.user, raw: post.raw, topic_id: destination_topic.id, acting_user: moved_by).create else first_post_number ||= post.post_number # Move the post and raise an error if it couldn't be moved row_count = Post.update_all ["post_number = :post_number, topic_id = :topic_id, sort_order = :post_number", post_number: max_post_number+i+1, topic_id: destination_topic.id], id: post.id, topic_id: id raise Discourse::InvalidParameters.new(:post_ids) if row_count == 0 end end end first_post_number end def move_posts(moved_by, post_ids, opts) topic = nil first_post_number = nil if opts[:title].present? # If we're moving to a new topic... Topic.transaction do topic = Topic.create(user: moved_by, title: opts[:title], category: category) first_post_number = move_posts_to_topic(moved_by, post_ids, topic) end elsif opts[:destination_topic_id].present? # If we're moving to an existing topic... topic = Topic.where(id: opts[:destination_topic_id]).first Guardian.new(moved_by).ensure_can_see!(topic) first_post_number = move_posts_to_topic(moved_by, post_ids, topic) end # Add a moderator post explaining that the post was moved if topic.present? topic_url = "#{Discourse.base_url}#{topic.relative_url}" topic_link = "[#{topic.title}](#{topic_url})" add_moderator_post(moved_by, I18n.t("move_posts.moderator_post", count: post_ids.size, topic_link: topic_link), post_number: first_post_number) Jobs.enqueue(:notify_moved_posts, post_ids: post_ids, moved_by_id: moved_by.id) topic.update_statistics update_statistics end topic end # Updates the denormalized statistics of a topic including featured posters. They shouldn't # go out of sync unless you do something drastic live move posts from one topic to another. # this recalculates everything. def update_statistics feature_topic_users update_action_counts Topic.reset_highest(id) end def update_flagged_posts_count PostAction.update_flagged_posts_count end def update_action_counts PostActionType.types.keys.each do |type| count_field = "#{type}_count" update_column(count_field, Post.where(topic_id: id).sum(count_field)) end end # Chooses which topic users to feature def feature_topic_users(args={}) reload to_feature = posts # Don't include the OP or the last poster to_feature = to_feature.where('user_id NOT IN (?, ?)', user_id, last_post_user_id) # Exclude a given post if supplied (in the case of deletes) to_feature = to_feature.where("id <> ?", args[:except_post_id]) if args[:except_post_id].present? # Clear the featured users by default Topic.featured_users_count.times do |i| send("featured_user#{i+1}_id=", nil) end # Assign the featured_user{x} columns to_feature = to_feature.group(:user_id).order('count_all desc').limit(Topic.featured_users_count) to_feature.count.keys.each_with_index do |user_id, i| send("featured_user#{i+1}_id=", user_id) end save end # Create the summary of the interesting posters in a topic. Cheats to avoid # many queries. def posters_summary(topic_user = nil, current_user = nil, opts={}) return @posters_summary if @posters_summary.present? descriptions = {} # Use an avatar lookup object if we have it, otherwise create one just for this forum topic al = opts[:avatar_lookup] if al.blank? al = AvatarLookup.new([user_id, last_post_user_id, featured_user1_id, featured_user2_id, featured_user3_id]) end # Helps us add a description to a poster add_description = lambda do |u, desc| if u.present? descriptions[u.id] ||= [] descriptions[u.id] << I18n.t(desc) end end add_description.call(al[user_id], :original_poster) add_description.call(al[featured_user1_id], :most_posts) add_description.call(al[featured_user2_id], :frequent_poster) add_description.call(al[featured_user3_id], :frequent_poster) add_description.call(al[featured_user4_id], :frequent_poster) add_description.call(al[last_post_user_id], :most_recent_poster) @posters_summary = [al[user_id], al[last_post_user_id], al[featured_user1_id], al[featured_user2_id], al[featured_user3_id], al[featured_user4_id] ].compact.uniq[0..4] unless @posters_summary[0] == al[last_post_user_id] # shuffle last_poster to back @posters_summary.reject!{|u| u == al[last_post_user_id]} @posters_summary << al[last_post_user_id] end @posters_summary.map! do |p| if p result = TopicPoster.new result.user = p result.description = descriptions[p.id].join(', ') result.extras = "latest" if al[last_post_user_id] == p result else nil end end.compact! @posters_summary end # Enable/disable the star on the topic def toggle_star(user, starred) Topic.transaction do TopicUser.change(user, id, {starred: starred}.merge( starred ? {starred_at: DateTime.now, unstarred_at: nil} : {unstarred_at: DateTime.now})) # Update the star count exec_sql "UPDATE topics SET star_count = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM topic_users AS ftu WHERE ftu.topic_id = topics.id AND ftu.starred = true) WHERE id = ?", id if starred FavoriteLimiter.new(user).performed! else FavoriteLimiter.new(user).rollback! end end end def self.starred_counts_per_day(sinceDaysAgo=30) TopicUser.where('starred_at > ?', sinceDaysAgo.days.ago).group('date(starred_at)').order('date(starred_at)').count end # Enable/disable the mute on the topic def toggle_mute(user, muted) TopicUser.change(user, self.id, notification_level: muted?(user) ? TopicUser.notification_levels[:regular] : TopicUser.notification_levels[:muted] ) end def slug unless slug = read_attribute(:slug) return '' unless title.present? slug = Slug.for(title).presence || "topic" if new_record? write_attribute(:slug, slug) else update_column(:slug, slug) end end slug end def title=(t) slug = "" slug = (Slug.for(t).presence || "topic") if t.present? write_attribute(:slug, slug) write_attribute(:title,t) end def last_post_url "/t/#{slug}/#{id}/#{posts_count}" end def self.url(id, slug, post_number=nil) url = "#{Discourse.base_url}/t/#{slug}/#{id}" url << "/#{post_number}" if post_number.to_i > 1 url end def relative_url(post_number=nil) url = "/t/#{slug}/#{id}" url << "/#{post_number}" if post_number.to_i > 1 url end def muted?(user) return false unless user && user.id tu = topic_users.where(user_id: user.id).first tu && tu.notification_level == TopicUser.notification_levels[:muted] end def clear_pin_for(user) return unless user.present? TopicUser.change(user.id, id, cleared_pinned_at: Time.now) end def update_pinned(status) update_column(:pinned_at, status ? Time.now : nil) end def draft_key "#{Draft::EXISTING_TOPIC}#{id}" end # notification stuff def notify_watch!(user) TopicUser.change(user, id, notification_level: TopicUser.notification_levels[:watching]) end def notify_tracking!(user) TopicUser.change(user, id, notification_level: TopicUser.notification_levels[:tracking]) end def notify_regular!(user) TopicUser.change(user, id, notification_level: TopicUser.notification_levels[:regular]) end def notify_muted!(user) TopicUser.change(user, id, notification_level: TopicUser.notification_levels[:muted]) end def auto_close_days=(num_days) @ignore_category_auto_close = true self.auto_close_at = (num_days and num_days.to_i > 0.0 ? num_days.to_i.days.from_now : nil) end def secure_category? category && category.secure end end