import componentTest from "helpers/component-test"; moduleForComponent("d-button", { integration: true }); componentTest("icon only button", { template: '{{d-button icon="plus" tabindex="3"}}', test(assert) { assert.ok( this.$("").length, "it has all the classes" ); assert.ok(this.$("button .d-icon.d-icon-plus").length, "it has the icon"); assert.equal(this.$("button").attr("tabindex"), "3", "it has the tabindex"); } }); componentTest("icon and text button", { template: '{{d-button icon="plus" label="topic.create"}}', test(assert) { assert.ok( this.$("button.btn.btn-icon-text").length, "it has all the classes" ); assert.ok(this.$("button .d-icon.d-icon-plus").length, "it has the icon"); assert.ok(this.$("button span.d-button-label").length, "it has the label"); } }); componentTest("text only button", { template: '{{d-button label="topic.create"}}', test(assert) { assert.ok(this.$("button.btn.btn-text").length, "it has all the classes"); assert.ok(this.$("button span.d-button-label").length, "it has the label"); } });