# frozen_string_literal: true require "excerpt_parser" RSpec.describe ExcerptParser do it "handles nested <details> blocks" do html = <<~HTML.strip <details> <summary> FOO</summary> <details> <summary> BAR</summary> <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce ultrices, ex bibendum vestibulum vestibulum, mi velit pulvinar risus, sed consequat eros libero in eros. Fusce luctus mattis mauris, vitae semper lorem sodales quis. Donec pellentesque lacus ac ante aliquam, tincidunt iaculis risus interdum. In ullamcorper cursus massa ut lacinia. Donec quis diam finibus, rutrum odio eu, maximus leo. Nulla facilisi. Nullam suscipit quam et bibendum sagittis. Praesent sollicitudin neque at luctus ornare. Maecenas tristique dapibus risus, ac dictum ipsum gravida aliquam. Phasellus vehicula eu arcu sed imperdiet. Vestibulum ornare eros a nisi faucibus vehicula. Quisque congue placerat nulla, nec finibus nulla ultrices vitae. Quisque ac mi sem. Curabitur eu porttitor justo. Etiam dignissim in orci iaculis congue. Donec tempus cursus orci, a placerat elit varius nec.</p> </details> </details> HTML expect(ExcerptParser.get_excerpt(html, 50, {})).to match_html <<~HTML <details><summary>FOO</summary>BAR Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adi…</details> HTML expect(ExcerptParser.get_excerpt(html, 6, {})).to match_html( "<details><summary>FOO</summary>BAR…</details>", ) expect(ExcerptParser.get_excerpt(html, 3, {})).to match_html( '<details class="disabled"><summary>FOO</summary></details>', ) end it "respects length parameter for <details> block" do html = "<details><summary>foo</summary><p>bar</p></details>" expect(ExcerptParser.get_excerpt(html, 100, {})).to match_html( "<details><summary>foo</summary>bar</details>", ) expect(ExcerptParser.get_excerpt(html, 5, {})).to match_html( "<details><summary>foo</summary>ba…</details>", ) expect(ExcerptParser.get_excerpt(html, 3, {})).to match_html( '<details class="disabled"><summary>foo</summary></details>', ) expect(ExcerptParser.get_excerpt(html, 2, {})).to match_html( '<details class="disabled"><summary>fo…</summary></details>', ) end it "allows <svg> with <use> inside for icons when keep_svg is true" do html = '<svg class="fa d-icon d-icon-folder svg-icon svg-node"><use href="#folder"></use></svg>' expect(ExcerptParser.get_excerpt(html, 100, { keep_svg: true })).to match_html( '<svg class="fa d-icon d-icon-folder svg-icon svg-node"><use href="#folder"></use></svg>', ) expect(ExcerptParser.get_excerpt(html, 100, {})).to match_html("") html = '<svg class="blah"><use href="#folder"></use></svg>' expect(ExcerptParser.get_excerpt(html, 100, { keep_svg: true })).to match_html("") html = '<svg><use href="#folder"></use></svg>' expect(ExcerptParser.get_excerpt(html, 100, { keep_svg: true })).to match_html("") html = '<use href="#user"></use><svg class="fa d-icon d-icon-folder svg-icon svg-node"><use href="#folder"></use></svg>' expect(ExcerptParser.get_excerpt(html, 100, { keep_svg: true })).to match_html( '<svg class="fa d-icon d-icon-folder svg-icon svg-node"><use href="#folder"></use></svg>', ) end describe "keep_onebox_body parameter" do it "keeps the body content for external oneboxes" do html = <<~HTML.strip <aside class="onebox"> <header class="source"> <img src="https://github.githubassets.com/favicon.ico" class="site-icon" width="32" height="32"> <a href="https://github.com/discourse/discourse" target="_blank">GitHub</a> </header> <article class="onebox-body"> <img src="/uploads/default/original/1X/10c0f1565ee5b6ca3fe43f3183529bc0afd26003.jpeg" class="thumbnail"> <h3> <a href="https://github.com/discourse/discourse" target="_blank">discourse/discourse</a> </h3> <p>A platform for community discussion. Free, open, simple. - discourse/discourse</p> </article> </aside> HTML expect(ExcerptParser.get_excerpt(html, 100, keep_onebox_body: true)).to eq(<<~HTML.strip) [image] <a href="https://github.com/discourse/discourse" target="_blank">discourse/discourse</a> A platform for community discussion. Free, o… HTML end it "keeps the content for internal oneboxes" do html = <<~HTML.strip <aside class="quote" data-post="1" data-topic="8"> <div class="title"> <div class="quote-controls"></div> <img width="20" height="20" src="/user_avatar/localhost/system/40/2_2.png" class="avatar"> <a href="/t/welcome-to-discourse/8/1">Welcome to Discourse</a> </div> <blockquote>The first paragraph of this pinned topic will be visible as a welcome message to all new visitors on your homepage.</blockquote> </aside> HTML expect(ExcerptParser.get_excerpt(html, 100, keep_onebox_body: true)).to eq(<<~HTML.strip) [image] <a href="/t/welcome-to-discourse/8/1">Welcome to Discourse</a> The first paragraph of this pinned topic will be … HTML end it "keeps the content for internal oneboxes that contain github oneboxes" do html = <<~HTML.strip <p>Another commit to test out.</p> <p>This time this commit has a longer commit message.</p> <aside class="onebox githubcommit" data-onebox-src="https://github.com/discourse/discourse/commit/90f395a11895e9cfb7edd182b0bf5ec3d51d7892"> <header class="source"> <a href="https://github.com/discourse/discourse/commit/90f395a11895e9cfb7edd182b0bf5ec3d51d7892" target="_blank" rel="noopener">github.com/discourse/discourse</a> </header> <article class="onebox-body"> <div class="github-row"> <div class="github-icon-container" title="Commit"> <svg width="60" height="60" class="github-icon" viewBox="0 0 14 16" aria-hidden="true"><path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M10.86 7c-.45-1.72-2-3-3.86-3-1.86 0-3.41 1.28-3.86 3H0v2h3.14c.45 1.72 2 3 3.86 3 1.86 0 3.41-1.28 3.86-3H14V7h-3.14zM7 10.2c-1.22 0-2.2-.98-2.2-2.2 0-1.22.98-2.2 2.2-2.2 1.22 0 2.2.98 2.2 2.2 0 1.22-.98 2.2-2.2 2.2z"></path></svg> </div> <div class="github-info-container"> <h4> <a href="https://github.com/discourse/discourse/commit/90f395a11895e9cfb7edd182b0bf5ec3d51d7892" target="_blank" rel="noopener">DEV: Skip srcset for onebox thumbnails (#22621)</a> </h4> <div class="github-info"> <div class="date"> committed <span class="discourse-local-date" data-format="ll" data-date="2023-07-19" data-time="18:21:34" data-timezone="UTC">06:21PM - 19 Jul 23 UTC (UTC)</span> </div> <div class="user"> <a href="https://github.com/oblakeerickson" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> <img alt="oblakeerickson" src="//localhost:3000/uploads/default/original/1X/741ac99d6a66d71cdd46dd99fb5156506e13fdf2.jpeg" class="onebox-avatar-inline" width="20" height="20" data-dominant-color="3C3C3C"> oblakeerickson </a> </div> <div class="lines" title="changed 2 files with 24 additions and 15 deletions"> <a href="https://github.com/discourse/discourse/commit/90f395a11895e9cfb7edd182b0bf5ec3d51d7892" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> <span class="added">+24</span> <span class="removed">-15</span> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="github-row"> <p class="github-body-container">* DEV: Test commit message This is a longer commit message <span class="show-more-container"><a href="https://github.com/discourse/discourse/commit/90f395a11895e9cfb7edd182b0bf5ec3d51d7892" target="_blank" rel="noopener" class="show-more">…</a></span><span class="excerpt hidden">that has the show-more class along with the exerpt hidden class</span></p> </div> </article> <div class="onebox-metadata"> </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> </aside> HTML expect(ExcerptParser.get_excerpt(html, 100, keep_onebox_body: false)).to eq(<<~HTML.strip) Another commit to test out. \nThis time this commit has a longer commit message. HTML end end describe "keep_quotes parameter" do it "should keep the quoted content in html" do html = <<~HTML.strip <aside class="quote"> <blockquote> This is a quoted text. </blockquote> </aside> HTML expect(ExcerptParser.get_excerpt(html, 100, keep_quotes: true)).to eq( "This is a quoted text.", ) end end end