# frozen_string_literal: true describe UserNotifications do fab!(:user) { Fabricate(:user, last_seen_at: 1.hour.ago) } fab!(:other) { Fabricate(:user) } fab!(:another) { Fabricate(:user) } fab!(:someone) { Fabricate(:user) } fab!(:group) { Fabricate(:group, users: [user, other]) } fab!(:followed_channel) { Fabricate(:category_channel) } fab!(:followed_channel_2) { Fabricate(:category_channel) } fab!(:followed_channel_3) { Fabricate(:category_channel) } fab!(:non_followed_channel) { Fabricate(:category_channel) } fab!(:muted_channel) { Fabricate(:category_channel) } fab!(:unseen_channel) { Fabricate(:category_channel) } fab!(:private_channel) { Fabricate(:private_category_channel, group:) } fab!(:direct_message) { Fabricate(:direct_message_channel, users: [user, other]) } fab!(:direct_message_2) { Fabricate(:direct_message_channel, users: [user, another]) } fab!(:direct_message_3) { Fabricate(:direct_message_channel, users: [user, someone]) } fab!(:group_message) { Fabricate(:direct_message_channel, users: [user, other, another]) } fab!(:site_name) { SiteSetting.email_prefix.presence || SiteSetting.title } before do SiteSetting.chat_enabled = true SiteSetting.chat_allowed_groups = Group::AUTO_GROUPS[:everyone] end def create_message(chat_channel, message, mention_klass = nil) chat_message = Fabricate(:chat_message, user: other, chat_channel:, message:) if mention_klass notification_type = Notification.types[:chat_mention] Fabricate( :chat_mention_notification, notification: Fabricate(:notification, user:, notification_type:), chat_mention: mention_klass.find_by(chat_message:), ) end chat_message end def no_chat_summary_email email = described_class.chat_summary(user, {}) expect(email.to).to be_blank end def chat_summary_email email = described_class.chat_summary(user, {}) expect(email.to).to contain_exactly(user.email) email end def chat_summary_with_subject(type, opts = {}) expect(chat_summary_email.subject).to eq( I18n.t("user_notifications.chat_summary.subject.#{type}", { site_name:, **opts }), ) end describe "in a followed channel" do before { followed_channel.add(user) } describe "user is mentioned" do let!(:chat_mention) do create_message(followed_channel, "hello @#{user.username}", Chat::UserMention) end it "sends a chat summary email" do chat_summary_with_subject(:chat_channel_1, channel: followed_channel.name, count: 1) end it "pluralizes the subject" do create_message(followed_channel, "how are you?") chat_summary_with_subject(:chat_channel_1, channel: followed_channel.name, count: 2) end it "sends a chat summary email with correct body" do html = chat_summary_email.html_part.body.to_s expect(html).to include(followed_channel.title(user)) expect(html).to include(chat_mention.full_url) expect(html).to include(PrettyText.format_for_email(chat_mention.cooked_for_excerpt)) expect(html).to include(chat_mention.user.small_avatar_url) expect(html).to include(chat_mention.user.username) expect(html).to include( I18n.l(UserOption.user_tzinfo(user.id).to_local(chat_mention.created_at), format: :long), ) expect(html).to include(I18n.t("user_notifications.chat_summary.view_messages", count: 1)) end it "sends a chat summary email with view more link" do create_message(followed_channel, "how are you...") create_message(followed_channel, "doing...") create_message(followed_channel, "today?") html = chat_summary_email.html_part.body.to_s expect(html).to include(I18n.t("user_notifications.chat_summary.view_more", count: 2)) end describe "SiteSetting.prioritize_username_in_ux is disabled" do before { SiteSetting.prioritize_username_in_ux = false } it "sends a chat summary email with the username instead of the name" do html = chat_summary_email.html_part.body.to_s expect(html).to include(chat_mention.user.name) expect(html).not_to include(chat_mention.user.username) end end describe "when using subfolder" do before { set_subfolder "/community" } it "sends a chat summary email with the correct URL" do html = chat_summary_email.html_part.body.to_s expect(html).to include <<~HTML.strip <a class="more-messages-link" href="#{Discourse.base_url}/chat HTML end end it "does not send an email if user can't chat" do SiteSetting.chat_allowed_groups = Group::AUTO_GROUPS[:admins] no_chat_summary_email end it "does not send an email if the user has been seen recently" do user.update!(last_seen_at: 5.minutes.ago) no_chat_summary_email end it "does not send an email if the user has disabled chat emails" do user.user_option.update!(chat_email_frequency: UserOption.chat_email_frequencies[:never]) no_chat_summary_email end it "does not send an email if the user has disabled all emails" do user.user_option.update!(email_level: UserOption.email_level_types[:never]) no_chat_summary_email end it "does not send an email if the channel has been deleted" do followed_channel.trash! no_chat_summary_email end it "does not send an email if the chat message has been deleted" do chat_mention.trash! no_chat_summary_email end it "does not send an email if the mention is more than a week old" do chat_mention.update!(created_at: 10.days.ago) no_chat_summary_email end it "does not send an email if the user isn't following the channel anymore" do followed_channel.membership_for(user).update!(following: false) no_chat_summary_email end it "does not send an email if the user has already read the message" do followed_channel.membership_for(user).update!(last_read_message_id: chat_mention.id) no_chat_summary_email end it "does not send an email if the user has already received a chat summary email" do followed_channel.membership_for(user).update!( last_unread_mention_when_emailed_id: chat_mention.id, ) no_chat_summary_email end it "does not send an email if the user has read the mention notification" do Notification.find_by( user: user, notification_type: Notification.types[:chat_mention], ).update!(read: true) no_chat_summary_email end it "does not send an email if the sender has been deleted" do other.destroy! no_chat_summary_email end describe "SiteSetting.private_email is enabled" do before { SiteSetting.private_email = true } it "sends a chat summary email with a private subject" do chat_summary_with_subject(:private_email, count: 1) end it "pluralizes the private subject" do create_message(followed_channel, "how are you?") chat_summary_with_subject(:private_email, count: 2) end it "sends a chat summary email with a private body" do html = chat_summary_email.html_part.body.to_s expect(html).to include( I18n.t("system_messages.private_channel_title", id: followed_channel.id), ) expect(html).to include(chat_mention.full_url) expect(html).to include(I18n.t("user_notifications.chat_summary.view_messages", count: 1)) expect(html).not_to include(followed_channel.title(user)) expect(html).not_to include(PrettyText.format_for_email(chat_mention.cooked_for_excerpt)) expect(html).not_to include(chat_mention.user.small_avatar_url) expect(html).not_to include(chat_mention.user.username) end end end describe "user is not mentioned" do before { create_message(followed_channel, "hello") } it "does not send a chat summary email" do no_chat_summary_email end end describe "group is mentioned" do before do group.update!(mentionable_level: Group::ALIAS_LEVELS[:everyone]) create_message(followed_channel, "hello @#{group.name}", Chat::GroupMention) end it "sends a chat summary email" do chat_summary_with_subject(:chat_channel_1, channel: followed_channel.name, count: 1) end describe "when the group is not mentionable" do before { group.update!(mentionable_level: Group::ALIAS_LEVELS[:nobody]) } it "does not send a chat summary email" do no_chat_summary_email end end end describe "channel does not allow channel wide mentions" do before { followed_channel.update!(allow_channel_wide_mentions: false) } it "does not send a chat summary email" do create_message(followed_channel, "hello @all", Chat::AllMention) no_chat_summary_email end end end describe "in two followed channels" do before do followed_channel.add(user) followed_channel_2.add(user) end describe "user is mentioned in one channel" do before do create_message(followed_channel, "hello @#{user.username}", Chat::UserMention) create_message(followed_channel_2, "hello") end it "sends a chat summary email" do chat_summary_with_subject(:chat_channel_1, channel: followed_channel.name, count: 1) end end describe "user is mentioned in both channels" do before do create_message(followed_channel, "hello @#{user.username}", Chat::UserMention) create_message(followed_channel_2, "hello @#{user.username}", Chat::UserMention) end it "sends a chat summary email" do chat_summary_with_subject( :chat_channel_2, channel_1: followed_channel.name, channel_2: followed_channel_2.name, ) end end end describe "in three followed channels" do before do followed_channel.add(user) followed_channel_2.add(user) followed_channel_3.add(user) end describe "user is mentioned in one channel" do before do create_message(followed_channel, "hello @#{user.username}", Chat::UserMention) create_message(followed_channel_2, "hello") create_message(followed_channel_3, "hello") end it "sends a chat summary email" do chat_summary_with_subject(:chat_channel_1, channel: followed_channel.name, count: 1) end end describe "user is mentioned in two channels" do before do create_message(followed_channel, "hello @#{user.username}", Chat::UserMention) create_message(followed_channel_2, "hello @#{user.username}", Chat::UserMention) create_message(followed_channel_3, "hello") end it "sends a chat summary email" do chat_summary_with_subject( :chat_channel_2, channel_1: followed_channel.name, channel_2: followed_channel_2.name, ) end end describe "user is mentioned in all channels" do before do create_message(followed_channel, "hello @#{user.username}", Chat::UserMention) create_message(followed_channel_2, "hello @#{user.username}", Chat::UserMention) create_message(followed_channel_3, "hello @#{user.username}", Chat::UserMention) end it "sends a chat summary email" do chat_summary_with_subject(:chat_channel_3_or_more, channel: followed_channel.name, count: 2) end end end describe "in a non-followed channel" do before { non_followed_channel.add(user).update!(following: false) } describe "user is mentioned" do before { create_message(non_followed_channel, "hello @#{user.username}", Chat::UserMention) } it "does not send a chat summary email" do no_chat_summary_email end end describe "user is not mentioned" do before { create_message(non_followed_channel, "hello") } it "does not send a chat summary email" do no_chat_summary_email end end end describe "in a muted channel" do before { muted_channel.add(user).update!(muted: true) } describe "user is mentioned" do before { create_message(muted_channel, "hello @#{user.username}", Chat::UserMention) } it "does not send a chat summary email" do no_chat_summary_email end end describe "user is not mentioned" do before { create_message(muted_channel, "hello") } it "does not send a chat summary email" do no_chat_summary_email end end end describe "in an unseen channel" do describe "user is mentioned" do before { create_message(unseen_channel, "hello @#{user.username}", Chat::UserMention) } it "does not send a chat summary email" do no_chat_summary_email end end describe "user is not mentioned" do before { create_message(unseen_channel, "hello") } it "does not send a chat summary email" do no_chat_summary_email end end end describe "in a private channel" do before { private_channel.add(user) } describe "user is mentioned" do before { create_message(private_channel, "hello @#{user.username}", Chat::UserMention) } it "sends a chat summary email" do chat_summary_with_subject(:chat_channel_1, channel: private_channel.name, count: 1) end it "does not send a chat summary email when the user is not member of the group anymore" do group.remove(user) no_chat_summary_email end end end describe "in a 1:1" do before { create_message(direct_message, "Hello 👋") } it "sends a chat summary email" do chat_summary_with_subject(:chat_dm_1, name: direct_message.title(user), count: 1) end it "pluralizes the subject" do create_message(direct_message, "How are you?") chat_summary_with_subject(:chat_dm_1, name: direct_message.title(user), count: 2) end it "does not send an email if the user has disabled private messages" do user.user_option.update!(allow_private_messages: false) no_chat_summary_email end it "sends a chat summary email even if the user isn't following the direct message" do direct_message.membership_for(user).update!(following: false) chat_summary_with_subject(:chat_dm_1, name: direct_message.title(user), count: 1) end end describe "in two 1:1s" do before do create_message(direct_message, "Hello 👋") create_message(direct_message_2, "Hello 👋") end it "sends a chat summary email" do chat_summary_with_subject( :chat_dm_2, name_1: direct_message.title(user), name_2: direct_message_2.title(user), ) end end describe "in three 1:1s" do before do create_message(direct_message, "Hello 👋") create_message(direct_message_2, "Hello 👋") create_message(direct_message_3, "Hello 👋") end it "sends a chat summary email" do chat_summary_with_subject(:chat_dm_3_or_more, name: direct_message.title(user), count: 2) end end describe "in a 1:many" do before { create_message(group_message, "Hello 👋") } it "sends a chat summary email" do chat_summary_with_subject(:chat_channel_1, channel: group_message.title(user), count: 1) end it "pluralizes the subject" do create_message(group_message, "How are you?") chat_summary_with_subject(:chat_channel_1, channel: group_message.title(user), count: 2) end end describe "in a followed channel and a 1:1" do before { followed_channel.add(user) } describe "user is mentioned in the channel and replied in the 1:1" do before do create_message(followed_channel, "hello @#{user.username}", Chat::UserMention) create_message(direct_message, "hello") end it "sends a chat summary email" do chat_summary_with_subject( :chat_channel_and_dm, channel: followed_channel.name, name: direct_message.title(user), ) end end describe "when another user is mentioned in the channel and user receives a 1:1" do before do create_message(direct_message, "Hello, how are you?") create_message(followed_channel, "Hey @#{another.username}", Chat::UserMention) end it "does not show the channel mention in the subject" do chat_summary_with_subject(:chat_dm_1, name: direct_message.title(user), count: 1) end it "does not show the channel mention in the body" do html = chat_summary_email.html_part.body.to_s expect(html).to include(direct_message.title(user)) expect(html).not_to include(followed_channel.title(user)) end end describe "when mentioning @all in the channel and user receives a 1:1" do before do create_message(direct_message, "Hello, how are you?") create_message(followed_channel, "Hey @all", Chat::AllMention) end it "shows both the channel mention and 1:1 in the subject" do chat_summary_with_subject( :chat_channel_and_dm, channel: followed_channel.name, name: direct_message.title(user), ) end it "shows both the channel mention and 1:1 in the body" do html = chat_summary_email.html_part.body.to_s expect(html).to include(direct_message.title(user)) expect(html).to include(followed_channel.title(user)) end end describe "when mentioning a group in the channel and user receives a 1:1" do before do group.update!(mentionable_level: Group::ALIAS_LEVELS[:everyone]) create_message(direct_message, "Hello, how are you?") create_message(followed_channel, "Hey @#{group.name}", Chat::GroupMention) end it "shows the group mention in the email subject" do chat_summary_with_subject( :chat_channel_and_dm, channel: followed_channel.name, name: direct_message.title(user), ) end it "shows the group mention in the email body" do html = chat_summary_email.html_part.body.to_s expect(html).to include(direct_message.title(user)) expect(html).to include(group.name) end describe "when the group is not mentionable" do before { group.update!(mentionable_level: Group::ALIAS_LEVELS[:nobody]) } it "does not show the group mention in the email subject" do chat_summary_with_subject(:chat_dm_1, name: direct_message.title(user), count: 1) end it "does not show the group mention in the email body" do html = chat_summary_email.html_part.body.to_s expect(html).to include(direct_message.title(user)) expect(html).not_to include(group.name) end end describe "when user is removed from group" do before { group.remove(user) } it "does not show the group mention in the email subject" do chat_summary_with_subject(:chat_dm_1, name: direct_message.title(user), count: 1) end end end end end