# NOTE: only doing this in development as some production environments (Heroku)
# NOTE: are sensitive to local FS writes, and besides -- it's just not proper
# NOTE: to have a dev-mode tool do its thing in production.
if (Rails.env.development? || Rails.env.test?)
  task :set_annotation_options do
    # You can override any of these by setting an environment variable of the
    # same name.
    Annotate.set_defaults('position_in_routes' => "before",
                          'position_in_class'    => "after",
                          'position_in_test'     => "before",
                          'position_in_fixture'  => "before",
                          'position_in_factory'  => "before",
                          'show_indexes'         => "true",
                          'simple_indexes'       => "false",
                          'model_dir'            => "app/models",
                          'include_version'      => "false",
                          'require'              => "",
                          'exclude_tests'        => "true",
                          'exclude_fixtures'     => "true",
                          'exclude_helpers'      => "true",
                          'exclude_factories'    => "true",
                          'exclude_serializers'  => "true",
                          'exclude_controllers'  => "true",
                          'ignore_model_sub_dir' => "false",
                          'skip_on_db_migrate'   => "true",
                          'format_bare'          => "true",
                          'format_rdoc'          => "false",
                          'format_markdown'      => "false",
                          'sort'                 => "false",
                          'force'                => "false",
                          'trace'                => "false")
