# frozen_string_literal: true require "global_path" module Stylesheet class Importer include GlobalPath THEME_TARGETS = %w[embedded_theme mobile_theme desktop_theme] def self.plugin_assets @plugin_assets ||= {} end def self.register_imports! Discourse.plugins.each do |plugin| plugin_directory_name = plugin.directory_name ["", "mobile", "desktop"].each do |type| asset_name = type.present? ? "#{plugin_directory_name}_#{type}" : plugin_directory_name stylesheets = ( if type.present? DiscoursePluginRegistry.send("#{type}_stylesheets") else DiscoursePluginRegistry.stylesheets end ) plugin_assets[asset_name] = stylesheets[ plugin_directory_name ] if plugin_directory_name.present? end end end register_imports! def font body_font = DiscourseFonts.fonts.find { |f| f[:key] == SiteSetting.base_font } heading_font = DiscourseFonts.fonts.find { |f| f[:key] == SiteSetting.heading_font } contents = +"" contents << <<~CSS if body_font.present? // Body font definition #{font_css(body_font)} #{render_font_special_properties(body_font, "body")} :root { --font-family: #{body_font[:stack]}; } CSS contents << <<~CSS if heading_font.present? // Heading font definition #{font_css(heading_font)} #{render_font_special_properties(heading_font, "heading")} :root { --heading-font-family: #{heading_font[:stack]}; } CSS contents end def wizard_fonts contents = +"" DiscourseFonts.fonts.each do |font| if font[:key] == "system" # Overwrite font definition because the preview canvases in the wizard require explicit @font-face definitions. # uses same technique as https://github.com/jonathantneal/system-font-css font[:variants] = [ { src: 'local(".SFNS-Regular"), local(".SFNSText-Regular"), local(".HelveticaNeueDeskInterface-Regular"), local(".LucidaGrandeUI"), local("Segoe UI"), local("Ubuntu"), local("Roboto-Regular"), local("DroidSans"), local("Tahoma")', weight: 400, }, { src: 'local(".SFNS-Bold"), local(".SFNSText-Bold"), local(".HelveticaNeueDeskInterface-Bold"), local(".LucidaGrandeUI"), local("Segoe UI Bold"), local("Ubuntu Bold"), local("Roboto-Bold"), local("DroidSans-Bold"), local("Tahoma Bold")', weight: 700, }, ] end contents << font_css(font) contents << <<~CSS .body-font-#{font[:key].tr("_", "-")} { font-family: #{font[:stack]}; } .heading-font-#{font[:key].tr("_", "-")} { font-family: #{font[:stack]}; } CSS contents << render_wizard_font_special_properties(font) end contents end def import_color_definitions contents = +"" DiscoursePluginRegistry.color_definition_stylesheets.each do |name, path| contents << "\n\n// Color definitions from #{name}\n\n" contents << File.read(path.to_s) contents << "\n\n" end theme_id = @theme_id || SiteSetting.default_theme_id resolved_ids = Theme.transform_ids(theme_id) if resolved_ids theme = Theme.find_by_id(theme_id) contents << "\n\n// Theme SCSS variables\n\n" contents << theme&.scss_variables.to_s.split(";").join(";\n") + ";\n\n" contents << "\n\n" Theme .list_baked_fields(resolved_ids, :common, :color_definitions) .each do |field| contents << "\n\n// Color definitions from #{field.theme.name}\n\n" if field.theme_id == theme.id contents << field.value else contents << field.compiled_css(prepended_scss) end contents << "\n\n" end end contents end def import_wcag_overrides if @color_scheme_id && ColorScheme.find_by_id(@color_scheme_id)&.is_wcag? return "@import \"wcag\";" end "" end def color_variables contents = +"" if @color_scheme_id colors = begin ColorScheme.find(@color_scheme_id).resolved_colors(dark: @dark) rescue StandardError ColorScheme.base_colors end elsif (@theme_id && !theme.component) colors = theme&.color_scheme&.resolved_colors(dark: @dark) || ColorScheme.base_colors else # this is a slightly ugly backwards compatibility fix, # we shouldn't be using the default theme color scheme for components # (most components use CSS custom properties which work fine without this) colors = Theme .find_by_id(SiteSetting.default_theme_id) &.color_scheme &.resolved_colors(dark: @dark) || ColorScheme.base_colors end colors.each { |n, hex| contents << "$#{n}: ##{hex} !default; " } contents end def public_image_path image_path = UrlHelper.absolute("#{Discourse.base_path}/images") "$public_image_path: \"#{image_path}\"; " end def prepended_scss "#{color_variables} #{public_image_path} @import \"common/foundation/variables\"; @import \"common/foundation/mixins\"; " end def initialize(options) @theme = options[:theme] @theme_id = options[:theme_id] @color_scheme_id = options[:color_scheme_id] @dark = options[:dark] if @theme && !@theme_id # make up an id so other stuff does not bail out @theme_id = @theme.id || -1 end end def theme_import(target) return "" if !@theme_id attr = target == :embedded_theme ? :embedded_scss : :scss target = target.to_s.gsub("_theme", "").to_sym contents = +"" fields = theme.list_baked_fields(target, attr) fields.map do |field| value = field.value if value.present? contents << <<~SCSS // Theme: #{field.theme.name} // Target: #{field.target_name} #{field.name} // Last Edited: #{field.updated_at} SCSS contents << value end end contents end def theme @theme = (@theme_id && Theme.find(@theme_id)) || :nil unless @theme @theme == :nil ? nil : @theme end def font_css(font) contents = +"" if font[:variants].present? fonts_dir = UrlHelper.absolute("#{Discourse.base_path}/fonts") font[:variants].each do |variant| src = ( if variant[:src] variant[:src] else "url(\"#{fonts_dir}/#{variant[:filename]}?v=#{DiscourseFonts::VERSION}\") format(\"#{variant[:format]}\")" end ) contents << <<~CSS @font-face { font-family: '#{font[:name]}'; src: #{src}; font-weight: #{variant[:weight]}; } CSS end end contents end def render_font_special_properties(font, font_type) contents = +"" root_elements = font_type == "body" ? "html" : "h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6" contents << "#{root_elements} {\n" contents << font_special_properties(font) contents << "}\n" end def render_wizard_font_special_properties(font) contents = +"" contents << ".wizard-container-heading-font-#{font[:key]} {\n" contents << " h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 {\n" contents << font_special_properties(font, 4) contents << " }\n" contents << "}\n" contents << ".wizard-container-body-font-#{font[:key]} {\n" contents << font_special_properties(font) contents << "}\n" end def font_special_properties(font, indent = 2) contents = +"" if font[:font_variation_settings].present? contents << "#{" " * indent}font-variation-settings: #{font[:font_variation_settings]};\n" else contents << "#{" " * indent}font-variation-settings: normal;\n" end if font[:font_feature_settings].present? contents << "#{" " * indent}font-feature-settings: #{font[:font_feature_settings]};\n" else contents << "#{" " * indent}font-feature-settings: normal;\n" end contents end end end