# frozen_string_literal: true require 'zip' module ThemeStore; end class ThemeStore::TgzImporter attr_reader :url def initialize(filename) @temp_folder = "#{Pathname.new(Dir.tmpdir).realpath}/discourse_theme_#{SecureRandom.hex}" @filename = filename end def import! FileUtils.mkdir(@temp_folder) if @filename.include?('.zip') name = @filename.split('/').last.gsub('.zip', '') Dir.chdir(@temp_folder) do Zip::File.open(@filename) do |zip_file| zip_file.each { |entry| entry.extract(name) } end Discourse::Utils.execute_command("tar", "-xvf", name, "--strip", "1") end else Dir.chdir(@temp_folder) do Discourse::Utils.execute_command("tar", "-xzvf", @filename, "--strip", "1") end end rescue RuntimeError raise RemoteTheme::ImportError, I18n.t("themes.import_error.unpack_failed") end def cleanup! FileUtils.rm_rf(@temp_folder) end def version "" end def real_path(relative) fullpath = "#{@temp_folder}/#{relative}" return nil unless File.exist?(fullpath) # careful to handle symlinks here, don't want to expose random data fullpath = Pathname.new(fullpath).realpath.to_s if fullpath && fullpath.start_with?(@temp_folder) fullpath else nil end end def all_files Dir.chdir(@temp_folder) do Dir.glob("**/*").reject { |f| File.directory?(f) } end end def [](value) fullpath = real_path(value) return nil unless fullpath File.read(fullpath) end end