import { h } from "virtual-dom"; import attributeHook from "discourse-common/lib/attribute-hook"; import deprecated from "discourse-common/lib/deprecated"; const SVG_NAMESPACE = ""; let _renderers = []; const REPLACEMENTS = { "d-tracking": "circle", "d-muted": "times-circle", "d-regular": "far-circle", "d-watching": "exclamation-circle", "d-watching-first": "far-dot-circle", "d-drop-expanded": "caret-down", "d-drop-collapsed": "caret-right", "d-unliked": "far-heart", "d-liked": "heart", "notification.mentioned": "at", "notification.group_mentioned": "at", "notification.quoted": "quote-right", "notification.replied": "reply", "notification.posted": "reply", "notification.edited": "pencil-alt", "notification.liked": "heart", "notification.liked_2": "heart", "notification.liked_many": "heart", "notification.private_message": "far-envelope", "notification.invited_to_private_message": "far-envelope", "notification.invited_to_topic": "far-hand-point-right", "notification.invitee_accepted": "user", "notification.moved_post": "sign-out", "notification.linked": "link", "notification.granted_badge": "certificate", "notification.topic_reminder": "hand-o-right", "notification.watching_first_post": "far-dot-circle", "notification.group_message_summary": "group" }; const fa4Replacements = { "area-chart": "chart-area", "bar-chart": "far-chart-bar", "bar-chart-o": "far-chart-bar", "chain-broken": "unlink", "circle-thin": "far-circle", "code-fork": "code-branch", "commenting-o": "far-comment-dots", "credit-card": "far-credit-card", "drivers-license": "id-card", "drivers-license-o": "far-id-card", "external-link": "external-link-alt", "external-link-square": "external-link-square-alt", "eye-slash": "far-eye-slash", "facebook-square": "fab-facebook-square", "file-sound-o": "far-file-audio", "file-text": "file-alt", "file-text-o": "far-file-alt", "files-o": "far-copy", "floppy-o": "far-save", "github-alt": "fab-github-alt", "github-square": "fab-github-square", "hacker-news": "fab-hacker-news", "hand-grab-o": "far-hand-rock", "id-badge": "far-id-badge", "internet-explorer": "fab-internet-explorer", "line-chart": "chart-line", "linkedin-square": "fab-linkedin", "list-alt": "far-list-alt", "mail-forward": "share", "mail-reply": "reply", "mail-reply-all": "reply-all", "map-marker": "map-marker-alt", "mobile-phone": "mobile-alt", "object-group": "far-object-group", "object-ungroup": "far-object-ungroup", "pencil-square": "pen-square", "pencil-square-o": "far-edit", "picture-o": "far-image", "pie-chart": "chart-pie", "rotate-left": "undo", "rotate-right": "redo", "send-o": "far-paper-plane", "sign-in": "sign-in-alt", "sign-out": "sign-out-alt", "soccer-ball-o": "far-futbol", "sort-alpha-asc": "sort-alpha-down", "sort-alpha-desc": "sort-alpha-up", "sort-amount-asc": "sort-amount-down", "sort-amount-desc": "sort-amount-up", "sort-asc": "sort-up", "sort-desc": "sort-down", "sort-numeric-asc": "sort-numeric-down", "sort-numeric-desc": "sort-numeric-up", "star-half-empty": "far-star-half", "star-half-full": "far-star-half", "thumb-tack": "thumbtack", "thumbs-o-down": "far-thumbs-down", "thumbs-o-up": "far-thumbs-up", "times-rectangle": "window-close", "times-rectangle-o": "far-window-close", "toggle-down": "far-caret-square-down", "toggle-left": "far-caret-square-left", "toggle-right": "far-caret-square-right", "toggle-up": "far-caret-square-up", "trash-o": "far-trash-alt", "twitter-square": "fab-twitter-square", "vcard-o": "far-address-card", "video-camera": "video", "vimeo-square": "fab-vimeo-square", "wheelchair-alt": "fab-accessible-icon", "window-maximize": "far-window-maximize", "window-restore": "far-window-restore", "youtube-play": "fab-youtube", "youtube-square": "fab-youtube-square", apple: "fab-apple", bank: "university", cab: "taxi", calendar: "calendar-alt", chain: "link", clipboard: "far-clipboard", clone: "far-clone", close: "times", cny: "yen-sign", commenting: "far-comment-dots", compass: "far-compass", copyright: "far-copyright", cutlery: "utensils", dashboard: "tachometer-alt", deafness: "deaf", dedent: "outdent", diamond: "far-gem", discord: "fab-discord", dollar: "dollar-sign", exchange: "exchange-alt", eye: "far-eye", eyedropper: "eye-dropper", facebook: "fab-facebook-f", feed: "rss", flash: "bolt", gbp: "pound-sign", gear: "cog", gears: "cogs", github: "fab-github", glass: "glass-martini", glass: "glass-martini", google: "fab-google", group: "users", header: "heading", hotel: "bed", ils: "shekel-sign", image: "far-image", inr: "rupee-sign", instagram: "fab-instagram", institution: "university", intersex: "transgender", jpy: "yen-sign", legal: "gavel", linkedin: "fab-linkedin-in", linode: "fab-linode", linux: "fab-linux", meetup: "fab-meetup", mobile: "mobile-alt", navicon: "bars", paste: "far-clipboard", pencil: "pencil-alt", photo: "far-image", refresh: "sync", registered: "far-registered", remove: "times", remove: "times", reorder: "bars", repeat: "redo", rmb: "yen-sign", rouble: "ruble-sign", ruble: "ruble-sign", rupee: "rupee-sign", s15: "bath", scissors: "cut", send: "paper-plane", shekel: "shekel-sign", shield: "shield-alt", signing: "sign-language", support: "far-life-ring", tablet: "tablet-alt", tachometer: "tachometer-alt", television: "tv", ticket: "ticket-alt", trash: "trash-alt", twitter: "fab-twitter", unsorted: "sort", vcard: "address-card", vimeo: "fab-vimeo-v", warning: "exclamation-triangle", whatsapp: "fab-whatsapp", windows: "fab-windows", yahoo: "fab-yahoo", youtube: "fab-youtube" }; export function replaceIcon(source, destination) { REPLACEMENTS[source] = destination; } export function renderIcon(renderType, id, params) { for (let i = 0; i < _renderers.length; i++) { let renderer = _renderers[i]; let rendererForType = renderer[renderType]; if (rendererForType) { const icon = { id, replacementId: REPLACEMENTS[id] }; let result = rendererForType(icon, params || {}); if (result) { return result; } } } } export function iconHTML(id, params) { return renderIcon("string", id, params); } export function iconNode(id, params) { return renderIcon("node", id, params); } export function convertIconClass(icon) { return icon .replace("far fa-", "far-") .replace("fab fa-", "fab-") .replace("fa-", ""); } // TODO: Improve how helpers are registered for vdom compliation if (typeof Discourse !== "undefined") { Discourse.__widget_helpers.iconNode = iconNode; } export function registerIconRenderer(renderer) { _renderers.unshift(renderer); } function iconClasses(icon, params) { // "notification." is invalid syntax for classes, use replacement instead const dClass = icon.replacementId &&"notification.") > -1 ? icon.replacementId :; let classNames = `fa d-icon d-icon-${dClass} svg-icon`; if (params && params["class"]) { classNames += " " + params["class"]; } return classNames; } function warnIfMissing(id) { if ( typeof Discourse !== "undefined" && Discourse.Environment === "development" && Discourse.SvgIconList && Discourse.SvgIconList.indexOf(id) === -1 ) { console.warn(`The icon "${id}" is missing from the SVG subset.`); } } function warnIfDeprecated(oldId, newId) { if ( typeof Discourse !== "undefined" && Discourse.Environment === "development" && !Ember.testing ) { deprecated(`Icon "${oldId}" is now "${newId}".`); } } function handleIconId(icon) { let id = icon.replacementId || || ""; if (fa4Replacements.hasOwnProperty(id)) { warnIfDeprecated(id, fa4Replacements[id]); id = fa4Replacements[id]; } else if (id.substr(id.length - 2) === "-o") { let newId = "far-" + id.replace("-o", ""); warnIfDeprecated(id, newId); id = newId; } // TODO: clean up "thumbtack unpinned" at source instead of here id = id.replace(" unpinned", ""); warnIfMissing(id); return id; } // default resolver is font awesome registerIconRenderer({ name: "font-awesome", string(icon, params) { const id = handleIconId(icon); let html = ``; if (params.label) { html += `${params.label}`; } if (params.title) { html = `${html}`; } return html; }, node(icon, params) { const id = handleIconId(icon); const classes = iconClasses(icon, params) + " svg-node"; const svg = h( "svg", { attributes: { class: classes, "aria-hidden": true }, namespace: SVG_NAMESPACE }, [ h("use", { "xlink:href": attributeHook("", `#${id}`), namespace: SVG_NAMESPACE }) ] ); if (params.title) { return h( "span", { title: params.title, attributes: { class: "svg-icon-title" } }, [svg] ); } else { return svg; } } });