import { getOwner } from "@ember/owner"; import { click, render } from "@ember/test-helpers"; import hbs from "htmlbars-inline-precompile"; import { module, test } from "qunit"; import { setupRenderingTest } from "discourse/tests/helpers/component-test"; import pretender from "discourse/tests/helpers/create-pretender"; import { queryAll } from "discourse/tests/helpers/qunit-helpers"; import { i18n } from "discourse-i18n"; import ChatFabricators from "discourse/plugins/chat/discourse/lib/fabricators"; module("Discourse Chat | Component | chat-notice", function (hooks) { setupRenderingTest(hooks); test("displays all notices for a channel", async function (assert) { = new ChatFabricators(getOwner(this)).channel(); this.manager = this.container.lookup( "service:chat-channel-notices-manager" ); this.manager.handleNotice({ channel_id:, text_content: "hello", }); this.manager.handleNotice({ channel_id:, text_content: "goodbye", }); this.manager.handleNotice({ channel_id: + 1, text_content: "N/A", }); await render(hbs``); const notices = queryAll(".chat-notices .chat-notices__notice"); assert.strictEqual(notices.length, 2, "Two notices are rendered"); assert.dom(notices[0]).includesText("hello"); assert.dom(notices[1]).includesText("goodbye"); }); test("Notices can be cleared", async function (assert) { = new ChatFabricators(getOwner(this)).channel(); this.manager = this.container.lookup( "service:chat-channel-notices-manager" ); this.manager.handleNotice({ channel_id:, text_content: "hello", }); await render(hbs``); assert.strictEqual( queryAll(".chat-notices .chat-notices__notice").length, 1, "Notice is present" ); await click(".chat-notices__notice__clear"); assert.strictEqual( queryAll(".chat-notices .chat-notices__notice").length, 0, "Notice was cleared" ); }); test("MentionWithoutMembership notice renders", async function (assert) { = new ChatFabricators(getOwner(this)).channel(); this.manager = this.container.lookup( "service:chat-channel-notices-manager" ); const text = "Joffrey can't chat, hermano"; this.manager.handleNotice({ channel_id:, notice_type: "mention_without_membership", data: { user_ids: [1], message_id: 1, text }, }); await render(hbs``); assert.strictEqual( queryAll( ".chat-notices .chat-notices__notice .mention-without-membership-notice" ).length, 1, "Notice is present" ); assert.dom(".mention-without-membership-notice__body__text").hasText(text); assert .dom(".mention-without-membership-notice__body__link") .hasText(i18n("chat.mention_warning.invite"));`/chat/api/channels/${}/invites`, () => { return [200, { "Content-Type": "application/json" }, {}]; }); await click(".mention-without-membership-notice__body__link"); // I would love to test that the invitation sent text is present here but // dismiss is called right away instead of waiting 3 seconds.. Not much we can // do about this - at least we are testing that nothing broke all the way through // clearing the notice assert.strictEqual( queryAll( ".chat-notices .chat-notices__notice .mention-without-membership-notice" ).length, 0, "Notice has been cleared" ); }); });