import { selectedText } from 'discourse/lib/utilities'; export default Ember.Component.extend({ classNames: ['quote-button'], classNameBindings: ['visible'], visible: false, _isMouseDown: false, _reselected: false, _hideButton() { this.get('quoteState').clear(); this.set('visible', false); }, _selectionChanged() { const quoteState = this.get('quoteState'); const selection = window.getSelection(); if (selection.isCollapsed) { if (this.get("visible")) { this._hideButton(); } return; } // ensure we selected content inside 1 post *only* let firstRange, postId; for (let r = 0; r < selection.rangeCount; r++) { const range = selection.getRangeAt(r); if ($(range.startContainer.parentNode).closest('.cooked').length === 0) return; const $ancestor = $(range.commonAncestorContainer); firstRange = firstRange || range; postId = postId || $ancestor.closest('.boxed, .reply').data('post-id'); if ($ancestor.closest(".contents").length === 0 || !postId) { if (this.get("visible")) { this._hideButton(); } return; } } const _selectedText = selectedText(); quoteState.selected(postId, _selectedText); this.set('visible', quoteState.buffer.length > 0); // avoid hard loops in quote selection unconditionally // this can happen if you triple click text in firefox if (this._prevSelection === _selectedText) { return; } this._prevSelection = _selectedText; // on Desktop, shows the button at the beginning of the selection // on Mobile, shows the button at the end of the selection const isMobileDevice =; const { isIOS, isAndroid, isSafari } = this.capabilities; const showAtEnd = isMobileDevice || isIOS || isAndroid; // Don't mess with the original range as it results in weird behaviours // where certain browsers will deselect the selection const clone = firstRange.cloneRange(); // create a marker element containing a single invisible character const markerElement = document.createElement("span"); markerElement.appendChild(document.createTextNode("\ufeff")); // on mobile, collapse the range at the end of the selection if (showAtEnd) { clone.collapse(); } // insert the marker clone.insertNode(markerElement); // retrieve the position of the marker const $markerElement = $(markerElement); const markerOffset = $markerElement.offset(); const parentScrollLeft = $markerElement.parent().scrollLeft(); const $quoteButton = this.$(); // remove the marker markerElement.parentNode.removeChild(markerElement); // work around Safari that would sometimes lose the selection if (isSafari) { this._reselected = true; selection.removeAllRanges(); selection.addRange(clone); } // change the position of the button"afterRender", () => { let top =; let left = markerOffset.left + Math.max(0, parentScrollLeft); if (showAtEnd) { top = top + 20; left = Math.min(left + 10, $(window).width() - $quoteButton.outerWidth()); } else { top = top - $quoteButton.outerHeight() - 5; } $quoteButton.offset({ top, left }); }); }, didInsertElement() { const { isWinphone, isAndroid } = this.capabilities; const wait = (isWinphone || isAndroid) ? 250 : 25; const onSelectionChanged = _.debounce(() => this._selectionChanged(), wait); $(document).on("mousedown.quote-button", e => { this._prevSelection = null; this._isMouseDown = true; this._reselected = false; if ($('.quote-button, .create, .share, .reply-new').length === 0) { this._hideButton(); } }).on("mouseup.quote-button", () => { this._prevSelection = null; this._isMouseDown = false; onSelectionChanged(); }).on("selectionchange.quote-button", () => { if (!this._isMouseDown && !this._reselected) { onSelectionChanged(); } }); }, willDestroyElement() { $(document).off("mousedown.quote-button") .off("mouseup.quote-button") .off("selectionchange.quote-button"); }, click() { const { postId, buffer } = this.get('quoteState'); this.attrs.selectText(postId, buffer).then(() => this._hideButton()); return false; } });