# frozen_string_literal: true require 'post_creator' require 'topic_subtype' describe PostCreator do fab!(:user) { Fabricate(:user) } fab!(:admin) { Fabricate(:admin) } fab!(:coding_horror) { Fabricate(:coding_horror) } fab!(:evil_trout) { Fabricate(:evil_trout) } let(:topic) { Fabricate(:topic, user: user) } context "new topic" do fab!(:category) { Fabricate(:category, user: user) } let(:basic_topic_params) { { title: "hello world topic", raw: "my name is fred", archetype_id: 1, advance_draft: true } } let(:image_sizes) { { 'http://an.image.host/image.jpg' => { "width" => 111, "height" => 222 } } } let(:creator) { PostCreator.new(user, basic_topic_params) } let(:creator_with_category) { PostCreator.new(user, basic_topic_params.merge(category: category.id)) } let(:creator_with_meta_data) { PostCreator.new(user, basic_topic_params.merge(meta_data: { hello: "world" })) } let(:creator_with_image_sizes) { PostCreator.new(user, basic_topic_params.merge(image_sizes: image_sizes)) } let(:creator_with_featured_link) { PostCreator.new(user, title: "featured link topic", archetype_id: 1, featured_link: "http://www.discourse.org", raw: "http://www.discourse.org") } it "can create a topic with null byte central" do post = PostCreator.create(user, title: "hello\u0000world this is title", raw: "this is my\u0000 first topic") expect(post.raw).to eq 'this is my first topic' expect(post.topic.title).to eq 'Helloworld this is title' end it "can be created with auto tracking disabled" do p = PostCreator.create(user, basic_topic_params.merge(auto_track: false)) # must be 0 otherwise it will think we read the topic which is clearly untrue expect(TopicUser.where(user_id: p.user_id, topic_id: p.topic_id).count).to eq(0) end it "can be created with first post as wiki" do cat = Fabricate(:category) cat.all_topics_wiki = true cat.save post = PostCreator.create(user, basic_topic_params.merge(category: cat.id)) expect(post.wiki).to eq(true) end it "can be created with a hidden reason" do hri = Post.hidden_reasons[:flag_threshold_reached] post = PostCreator.create(user, basic_topic_params.merge(hidden_reason_id: hri)) expect(post.hidden).to eq(true) expect(post.hidden_at).to be_present expect(post.hidden_reason_id).to eq(hri) expect(post.topic.visible).to eq(false) expect(post.user.topic_count).to eq(0) expect(post.user.post_count).to eq(0) end it "ensures the user can create the topic" do Guardian.any_instance.expects(:can_create?).with(Topic, nil).returns(false) expect { creator.create }.to raise_error(Discourse::InvalidAccess) end it "can be created with custom fields" do post = PostCreator.create(user, basic_topic_params.merge(topic_opts: { custom_fields: { hello: "world" } })) expect(post.topic.custom_fields).to eq("hello" => "world") end context "reply to post number" do it "omits reply to post number if received on a new topic" do p = PostCreator.new(user, basic_topic_params.merge(reply_to_post_number: 3)).create expect(p.reply_to_post_number).to be_nil end end context "invalid title" do let(:creator_invalid_title) { PostCreator.new(user, basic_topic_params.merge(title: 'a')) } it "has errors" do creator_invalid_title.create expect(creator_invalid_title.errors).to be_present end end context "invalid raw" do let(:creator_invalid_raw) { PostCreator.new(user, basic_topic_params.merge(raw: '')) } it "has errors" do creator_invalid_raw.create expect(creator_invalid_raw.errors).to be_present end end context "success" do before { creator } it "is not hidden" do p = creator.create expect(p.hidden).to eq(false) expect(p.hidden_at).not_to be_present expect(p.hidden_reason_id).to eq(nil) expect(p.topic.visible).to eq(true) end it "doesn't return true for spam" do creator.create expect(creator.spam?).to eq(false) end it "triggers extensibility events" do events = DiscourseEvent.track_events { creator.create } expect(events.map { |event| event[:event_name] }).to include( :before_create_post, :validate_post, :topic_created, :post_created, :after_validate_topic, :before_create_topic, :after_trigger_post_process, :markdown_context, :topic_notification_level_changed, ) end it "does not notify on system messages" do messages = MessageBus.track_publish do p = PostCreator.create(admin, basic_topic_params.merge(post_type: Post.types[:moderator_action])) PostCreator.create(admin, basic_topic_params.merge(topic_id: p.topic_id, post_type: Post.types[:moderator_action])) end # don't notify on system messages they introduce too much noise channels = messages.map(&:channel) expect(channels.find { |s| s =~ /unread/ }).to eq(nil) expect(channels.find { |s| s =~ /new/ }).to eq(nil) end it 'enqueues job to generate messages' do p = creator.create expect(job_enqueued?(job: :post_update_topic_tracking_state, args: { post_id: p.id })).to eq(true) end it "generates the correct messages for a secure topic" do Jobs.run_immediately! UserActionManager.enable admin = Fabricate(:user) admin.grant_admin! other_admin = Fabricate(:user) other_admin.grant_admin! cat = Fabricate(:category) cat.set_permissions(admins: :full) cat.save created_post = nil other_user_tracking_topic = nil messages = MessageBus.track_publish do created_post = PostCreator.new(admin, basic_topic_params.merge(category: cat.id)).create Fabricate(:topic_user_tracking, topic: created_post.topic, user: other_admin) _reply = PostCreator.new(admin, raw: "this is my test reply 123 testing", topic_id: created_post.topic_id, advance_draft: true).create end messages.filter! { |m| m.channel != "/distributed_hash" } channels = messages.map { |m| m.channel }.sort # 3 for topic, one to notify of new topic, one for topic stats and another for tracking state expect(channels).to eq( [ "/new", "/u/#{admin.username}", "/u/#{admin.username}", "/unread", "/unread/#{admin.id}", "/latest", "/latest", "/topic/#{created_post.topic_id}", "/topic/#{created_post.topic_id}", "/topic/#{created_post.topic_id}", "/user-drafts/#{admin.id}", "/user-drafts/#{admin.id}", "/user-drafts/#{admin.id}", ].sort ) admin_ids = [Group[:admins].id] expect(messages.any? { |m| m.group_ids != admin_ids && (!m.user_ids.include?(other_admin.id) && !m.user_ids.include?(admin.id)) }).to eq(false) end it 'generates the correct messages for a normal topic' do Jobs.run_immediately! UserActionManager.enable p = nil messages = MessageBus.track_publish do p = creator.create end latest = messages.find { |m| m.channel == "/latest" } expect(latest).not_to eq(nil) latest = messages.find { |m| m.channel == "/new" } expect(latest).not_to eq(nil) read = messages.find { |m| m.channel == "/unread/#{p.user_id}" } expect(read).not_to eq(nil) user_action = messages.find { |m| m.channel == "/u/#{p.user.username}" } expect(user_action).not_to eq(nil) draft_count = messages.find { |m| m.channel == "/user-drafts/#{p.user_id}" } expect(draft_count).not_to eq(nil) topics_stats = messages.find { |m| m.channel == "/topic/#{p.topic.id}" && m.data[:type] == :stats } expect(topics_stats).to eq(nil) expect(messages.filter { |m| m.channel != "/distributed_hash" }.length).to eq(7) end it 'extracts links from the post' do create_post(raw: "this is a link to the best site at https://google.com") creator.create expect(TopicLink.count).to eq(1) end it 'queues up post processing job when saved' do creator.create post = Post.last post_id = post.id topic_id = post.topic_id process_post_args = Jobs::ProcessPost.jobs.first["args"].first expect(process_post_args["post_id"]).to eq(post_id) feature_topic_users_args = Jobs::FeatureTopicUsers.jobs.first["args"].first expect(feature_topic_users_args["topic_id"]).to eq(topic_id) post_alert_args = Jobs::PostAlert.jobs.first["args"].first expect(post_alert_args["post_id"]).to eq(post_id) notify_mailing_list_subscribers_args = Jobs::NotifyMailingListSubscribers.jobs.first["args"].first expect(notify_mailing_list_subscribers_args["post_id"]).to eq(post_id) end it 'passes the invalidate_oneboxes along to the job if present' do creator.opts[:invalidate_oneboxes] = true creator.create expect(job_enqueued?(job: :process_post, args: { invalidate_oneboxes: true })).to eq(true) end it 'passes the image_sizes along to the job if present' do image_sizes = { 'http://an.image.host/image.jpg' => { 'width' => 17, 'height' => 31 } } creator.opts[:image_sizes] = image_sizes creator.create expect(job_enqueued?(job: :process_post, args: { image_sizes: image_sizes })).to eq(true) end it 'assigns a category when supplied' do expect(creator_with_category.create.topic.category).to eq(category) end it 'adds meta data from the post' do expect(creator_with_meta_data.create.topic.meta_data['hello']).to eq('world') end it 'passes the image sizes through' do Post.any_instance.expects(:image_sizes=).with(image_sizes) creator_with_image_sizes.create end it 'sets topic excerpt if first post, but not second post' do first_post = creator.create topic = first_post.topic.reload expect(topic.excerpt).to be_present expect { PostCreator.new(first_post.user, topic_id: first_post.topic_id, raw: "this is the second post").create topic.reload }.to_not change { topic.excerpt } end it 'supports custom excerpts' do raw = <<~MD <div class='excerpt'> I am a custom excerpt </div> testing MD post = create_post(raw: raw) expect(post.excerpt).to eq("I am\na custom excerpt") end it 'creates post stats' do Draft.set(user, Draft::NEW_TOPIC, 0, "test") Draft.set(user, Draft::NEW_TOPIC, 0, "test1") expect(user.user_stat.draft_count).to eq(1) begin PostCreator.track_post_stats = true post = creator.create expect(post.post_stat.typing_duration_msecs).to eq(0) expect(post.post_stat.drafts_saved).to eq(2) expect(user.reload.user_stat.draft_count).to eq(0) ensure PostCreator.track_post_stats = false end end it 'clears the draft if advanced_draft is true' do creator = PostCreator.new(user, basic_topic_params.merge(advance_draft: true)) Draft.set(user, Draft::NEW_TOPIC, 0, 'test') expect(Draft.where(user: user).size).to eq(1) expect { creator.create }.to change { Draft.count }.by(-1) end it 'does not clear the draft if advanced_draft is false' do creator = PostCreator.new(user, basic_topic_params.merge(advance_draft: false)) Draft.set(user, Draft::NEW_TOPIC, 0, 'test') expect(Draft.where(user: user).size).to eq(1) expect { creator.create }.to change { Draft.count }.by(0) end it "updates topic stats" do first_post = creator.create topic = first_post.topic.reload expect(topic.last_posted_at).to eq_time(first_post.created_at) expect(topic.last_post_user_id).to eq(first_post.user_id) expect(topic.word_count).to eq(4) end it 'creates a post with featured link' do SiteSetting.topic_featured_link_enabled = true SiteSetting.min_first_post_length = 100 post = creator_with_featured_link.create expect(post.topic.featured_link).to eq('http://www.discourse.org') expect(post.valid?).to eq(true) end it 'allows notification email to be skipped' do user_2 = Fabricate(:user) creator = PostCreator.new(user, title: 'hi there welcome to my topic', raw: "this is my awesome message @#{user_2.username_lower}", archetype: Archetype.private_message, target_usernames: [user_2.username], post_alert_options: { skip_send_email: true } ) NotificationEmailer.expects(:process_notification).never creator.create end describe "topic's auto close" do it "doesn't update topic's auto close when it's not based on last post" do freeze_time topic = Fabricate(:topic).set_or_create_timer(TopicTimer.types[:close], 12) PostCreator.new(topic.user, topic_id: topic.id, raw: "this is a second post").create topic.reload topic_status_update = TopicTimer.last expect(topic_status_update.execute_at).to eq_time(12.hours.from_now) expect(topic_status_update.created_at).to eq_time(Time.zone.now) end describe "topic's auto close based on last post" do fab!(:topic_timer) do Fabricate(:topic_timer, based_on_last_post: true, execute_at: Time.zone.now - 12.hours, created_at: Time.zone.now - 24.hours, duration_minutes: 12 * 60 ) end let(:topic) { topic_timer.topic } fab!(:post) do Fabricate(:post, topic: topic_timer.topic) end it "updates topic's auto close date" do freeze_time post PostCreator.new( topic.user, topic_id: topic.id, raw: "this is a second post" ).create topic_timer.reload expect(topic_timer.execute_at).to eq_time(Time.zone.now + 12.hours) expect(topic_timer.created_at).to eq_time(Time.zone.now) end describe "when auto_close_topics_post_count has been reached" do before do SiteSetting.auto_close_topics_post_count = 2 end it "closes the topic and deletes the topic timer" do freeze_time post PostCreator.new( topic.user, topic_id: topic.id, raw: "this is a second post" ).create topic.reload expect(topic.posts.last.raw).to eq(I18n.t( 'topic_statuses.autoclosed_topic_max_posts', count: SiteSetting.auto_close_topics_post_count )) expect(topic.closed).to eq(true) expect(topic_timer.reload.deleted_at).to eq_time(Time.zone.now) end it "uses the system locale for the message" do post I18n.with_locale(:fr) do PostCreator.new( topic.user, topic_id: topic.id, raw: "this is a second post" ).create end topic.reload expect(topic.posts.last.raw).to eq(I18n.t( 'topic_statuses.autoclosed_topic_max_posts', count: SiteSetting.auto_close_topics_post_count, locale: :en )) end describe "auto_close_topics_create_linked_topic is enabled" do before do SiteSetting.auto_close_topics_create_linked_topic = true end it "enqueues a job to create a new linked topic" do freeze_time post post_2 = PostCreator.new( topic.user, topic_id: topic.id, raw: "this is a second post" ).create topic.reload expect(topic.closed).to eq(true) expect(topic_timer.reload.deleted_at).to eq_time(Time.zone.now) expect(job_enqueued?(job: :create_linked_topic, args: { post_id: post_2.id })).to eq(true) end end end end end context "tags" do let(:tag_names) { ['art', 'science', 'dance'] } let(:creator_with_tags) { PostCreator.new(user, basic_topic_params.merge(tags: tag_names)) } context "tagging disabled" do before do SiteSetting.tagging_enabled = false end it "doesn't create tags" do expect { @post = creator_with_tags.create }.to change { Tag.count }.by(0) expect(@post.topic&.tags&.size).to eq(nil) end end context "tagging enabled" do before do SiteSetting.tagging_enabled = true end context "can create tags" do before do SiteSetting.min_trust_to_create_tag = 0 SiteSetting.min_trust_level_to_tag_topics = 0 end it "can create all tags if none exist" do expect { @post = creator_with_tags.create }.to change { Tag.count }.by(tag_names.size) expect(@post.topic.tags.map(&:name).sort).to eq(tag_names.sort) end it "creates missing tags if some exist" do _existing_tag1 = Fabricate(:tag, name: tag_names[0]) _existing_tag1 = Fabricate(:tag, name: tag_names[1]) expect { @post = creator_with_tags.create }.to change { Tag.count }.by(tag_names.size - 2) expect(@post.topic.tags.map(&:name).sort).to eq(tag_names.sort) end end context "cannot create tags" do before do SiteSetting.min_trust_to_create_tag = 4 SiteSetting.min_trust_level_to_tag_topics = 0 end it "only uses existing tags" do existing_tag1 = Fabricate(:tag, name: tag_names[1]) expect { @post = creator_with_tags.create }.to change { Tag.count }.by(0) expect(@post.topic.tags.map(&:name)).to eq([existing_tag1.name]) end end context "automatically tags first posts" do before do SiteSetting.min_trust_to_create_tag = 0 SiteSetting.min_trust_level_to_tag_topics = 0 Fabricate(:tag, name: 'greetings') Fabricate(:tag, name: 'hey') Fabricate(:tag, name: 'about-art') Fabricate(:tag, name: 'about-artists') end context "without regular expressions" do it "works with many tags" do Fabricate(:watched_word, action: WatchedWord.actions[:tag], word: "HELLO", replacement: "greetings,hey") @post = creator.create expect(@post.topic.tags.map(&:name)).to match_array(['greetings', 'hey']) end it "works with overlapping words" do Fabricate(:watched_word, action: WatchedWord.actions[:tag], word: "art", replacement: "about-art") Fabricate(:watched_word, action: WatchedWord.actions[:tag], word: "artist*", replacement: "about-artists") post = PostCreator.new(user, title: "hello world topic", raw: "this is topic abour artists", archetype_id: 1).create expect(post.topic.tags.map(&:name)).to match_array(['about-artists']) end it "does not treat as regular expressions" do Fabricate(:watched_word, action: WatchedWord.actions[:tag], word: "he(llo|y)", replacement: "greetings,hey") @post = creator_with_tags.create expect(@post.topic.tags.map(&:name)).to match_array(tag_names) end end context "with regular expressions" do it "works" do SiteSetting.watched_words_regular_expressions = true Fabricate(:watched_word, action: WatchedWord.actions[:tag], word: "he(llo|y)", replacement: "greetings,hey") @post = creator_with_tags.create expect(@post.topic.tags.map(&:name)).to match_array(tag_names + ['greetings', 'hey']) end end end end end end context 'when auto-close param is given' do it 'ensures the user can auto-close the topic, but ignores auto-close param silently' do Guardian.any_instance.stubs(:can_moderate?).returns(false) expect { PostCreator.new(user, basic_topic_params.merge(auto_close_time: 2)).create! }.to_not change { TopicTimer.count } end end end context 'whisper' do fab!(:topic) { Fabricate(:topic, user: user) } it 'whispers do not mess up the public view' do # turns out this can fail on leap years if we don't do this freeze_time DateTime.parse('2010-01-01 12:00') first = PostCreator.new( user, topic_id: topic.id, raw: 'this is the first post' ).create freeze_time 1.year.from_now user_stat = user.user_stat whisper = PostCreator.new(user, topic_id: topic.id, reply_to_post_number: 1, post_type: Post.types[:whisper], raw: 'this is a whispered reply').create # don't count whispers in user stats expect(user_stat.reload.post_count).to eq(0) expect(whisper).to be_present expect(whisper.post_type).to eq(Post.types[:whisper]) whisper_reply = PostCreator.new(user, topic_id: topic.id, reply_to_post_number: whisper.post_number, post_type: Post.types[:regular], raw: 'replying to a whisper this time').create expect(whisper_reply).to be_present expect(whisper_reply.post_type).to eq(Post.types[:whisper]) expect(user_stat.reload.post_count).to eq(0) user.reload expect(user.last_posted_at).to eq_time(1.year.ago) # date is not precise enough in db whisper_reply.reload first.reload # does not leak into the OP expect(first.reply_count).to eq(0) topic.reload # cause whispers should not muck up that number expect(topic.highest_post_number).to eq(1) expect(topic.reply_count).to eq(0) expect(topic.posts_count).to eq(1) expect(topic.highest_staff_post_number).to eq(3) expect(topic.last_posted_at).to eq_time(first.created_at) expect(topic.last_post_user_id).to eq(first.user_id) expect(topic.word_count).to eq(5) topic.update_columns( highest_staff_post_number: 0, highest_post_number: 0, posts_count: 0, last_posted_at: 1.year.ago ) Topic.reset_highest(topic.id) topic.reload expect(topic.highest_post_number).to eq(1) expect(topic.posts_count).to eq(1) expect(topic.last_posted_at).to eq_time(first.created_at) expect(topic.highest_staff_post_number).to eq(3) end end context 'silent' do fab!(:topic) { Fabricate(:topic, user: user) } it 'silent do not mess up the public view' do freeze_time DateTime.parse('2010-01-01 12:00') first = PostCreator.new( user, topic_id: topic.id, raw: 'this is the first post' ).create freeze_time 1.year.from_now PostCreator.new(user, topic_id: topic.id, reply_to_post_number: 1, silent: true, post_type: Post.types[:regular], raw: 'this is a whispered reply').create topic.reload # silent post should not muck up that number expect(topic.last_posted_at).to eq_time(first.created_at) expect(topic.last_post_user_id).to eq(first.user_id) expect(topic.word_count).to eq(5) end end context 'uniqueness' do fab!(:topic) { Fabricate(:topic, user: user) } let(:basic_topic_params) { { raw: 'test reply', topic_id: topic.id, reply_to_post_number: 4 } } let(:creator) { PostCreator.new(user, basic_topic_params) } context "disabled" do before do SiteSetting.unique_posts_mins = 0 creator.create end it "returns true for another post with the same content" do new_creator = PostCreator.new(user, basic_topic_params) expect(new_creator.create).to be_present end end context 'enabled' do let(:new_post_creator) { PostCreator.new(user, basic_topic_params) } before do SiteSetting.unique_posts_mins = 10 end it "fails for dupe post across topic" do first = create_post(raw: "this is a test #{SecureRandom.hex}") second = create_post(raw: "this is a test #{SecureRandom.hex}") dupe = "hello 123 test #{SecureRandom.hex}" response_1 = PostCreator.create(first.user, raw: dupe, topic_id: first.topic_id) response_2 = PostCreator.create(first.user, raw: dupe, topic_id: second.topic_id) expect(response_1.errors.count).to eq(0) expect(response_2.errors.count).to eq(1) end it "returns blank for another post with the same content" do creator.create post = new_post_creator.create expect(post.errors[:raw]).to include(I18n.t(:just_posted_that)) end it "returns a post for admins" do creator.create user.admin = true new_post_creator.create expect(new_post_creator.errors).to be_blank end it "returns a post for moderators" do creator.create user.moderator = true new_post_creator.create expect(new_post_creator.errors).to be_blank end end end context "host spam" do fab!(:topic) { Fabricate(:topic, user: user) } let(:basic_topic_params) { { raw: 'test reply', topic_id: topic.id, reply_to_post_number: 4 } } let(:creator) { PostCreator.new(user, basic_topic_params) } before do Post.any_instance.expects(:has_host_spam?).returns(true) end it "does not create the post" do GroupMessage.stubs(:create) _post = creator.create expect(creator.errors).to be_present expect(creator.spam?).to eq(true) end it "sends a message to moderators" do GroupMessage.expects(:create).with do |group_name, msg_type, params| group_name == (Group[:moderators].name) && msg_type == (:spam_post_blocked) && params[:user].id == (user.id) end creator.create end it 'does not create a reviewable post if the review_every_post setting is enabled' do SiteSetting.review_every_post = true GroupMessage.stubs(:create) expect { creator.create }.to change(ReviewablePost, :count).by(0) end end # more integration testing ... maximise our testing context 'existing topic' do fab!(:topic) { Fabricate(:topic, user: user, title: 'topic title with 25 chars') } let(:creator) { PostCreator.new(user, raw: 'test reply', topic_id: topic.id, reply_to_post_number: 4) } it 'ensures the user can create the post' do Guardian.any_instance.expects(:can_create?).with(Post, topic).returns(false) post = creator.create expect(post).to be_blank expect(creator.errors.count).to eq 1 expect(creator.errors.messages[:base][0]).to match I18n.t(:topic_not_found) end context 'success' do it 'create correctly' do post = creator.create expect(Post.count).to eq(1) expect(Topic.count).to eq(1) expect(post.reply_to_post_number).to eq(4) end end context "when the user has bookmarks with auto_delete_preference on_owner_reply" do before do Fabricate(:bookmark, user: user, bookmarkable: Fabricate(:post, topic: topic), auto_delete_preference: Bookmark.auto_delete_preferences[:on_owner_reply]) Fabricate(:bookmark, user: user, bookmarkable: Fabricate(:post, topic: topic), auto_delete_preference: Bookmark.auto_delete_preferences[:on_owner_reply]) TopicUser.create!(topic: topic, user: user, bookmarked: true) end it "deletes the bookmarks, but not the ones without an auto_delete_preference" do Fabricate(:bookmark, bookmarkable: Fabricate(:post, topic: topic), user: user) Fabricate(:bookmark, user: user) creator.create expect(Bookmark.where(user: user).count).to eq(2) expect(TopicUser.find_by(topic: topic, user: user).bookmarked).to eq(true) end context "when there are no bookmarks left in the topic" do it "sets TopicUser.bookmarked to false" do creator.create expect(TopicUser.find_by(topic: topic, user: user).bookmarked).to eq(false) end end end context "topic stats" do before do PostCreator.new( coding_horror, raw: 'first post in topic', topic_id: topic.id, created_at: Time.zone.now - 24.hours ).create end it "updates topic stats" do post = creator.create topic.reload expect(topic.last_posted_at).to eq_time(post.created_at) expect(topic.last_post_user_id).to eq(post.user_id) expect(topic.word_count).to eq(6) end it "publishes updates to topic stats" do reply_timestamp = 1.day.from_now.round # tests if messages of type :stats are published and the relevant data is fetched from the topic messages = MessageBus.track_publish("/topic/#{topic.id}") do PostCreator.new( evil_trout, raw: 'other post in topic', topic_id: topic.id, created_at: reply_timestamp ).create end stats_message = messages.select { |msg| msg.data[:type] == :stats }.first expect(stats_message).to be_present expect(stats_message.data[:posts_count]).to eq(2) expect(stats_message.data[:last_posted_at]).to eq(reply_timestamp.as_json) expect(stats_message.data[:last_poster]).to eq(BasicUserSerializer.new(evil_trout, root: false).as_json) end it "updates topic stats even when topic fails validation" do topic.update_columns(title: 'below 15 chars') post = creator.create topic.reload expect(topic.last_posted_at).to eq_time(post.created_at) expect(topic.last_post_user_id).to eq(post.user_id) expect(topic.word_count).to eq(6) end end context 'when the topic is in slow mode' do before do one_day = 86400 topic.update!(slow_mode_seconds: one_day) end it 'fails if the user recently posted in this topic' do TopicUser.create!(user: user, topic: topic, last_posted_at: 10.minutes.ago) post = creator.create expect(post).to be_blank expect(creator.errors.count).to eq 1 expect(creator.errors.messages[:base][0]).to match I18n.t(:slow_mode_enabled) end it 'creates the topic if the user last post is older than the slow mode interval' do TopicUser.create!(user: user, topic: topic, last_posted_at: 5.days.ago) post = creator.create expect(post).to be_present expect(creator.errors.count).to be_zero end it 'creates the topic if the user is a staff member' do post_creator = PostCreator.new(admin, raw: 'test reply', topic_id: topic.id, reply_to_post_number: 4) TopicUser.create!(user: admin, topic: topic, last_posted_at: 10.minutes.ago) post = post_creator.create expect(post).to be_present expect(post_creator.errors.count).to be_zero end end end context 'closed topic' do fab!(:topic) { Fabricate(:topic, user: user, closed: true) } let(:creator) { PostCreator.new(user, raw: 'test reply', topic_id: topic.id, reply_to_post_number: 4) } it 'responds with an error message' do post = creator.create expect(post).to be_blank expect(creator.errors.count).to eq 1 expect(creator.errors.messages[:base][0]).to match I18n.t(:topic_not_found) end end context 'missing topic' do let(:topic) { Fabricate(:topic, user: user, deleted_at: 5.minutes.ago) } let(:creator) { PostCreator.new(user, raw: 'test reply', topic_id: topic.id, reply_to_post_number: 4) } it 'responds with an error message' do post = creator.create expect(post).to be_blank expect(creator.errors.count).to eq 1 expect(creator.errors.messages[:base][0]).to match I18n.t(:topic_not_found) end end context "cooking options" do let(:raw) { "this is my awesome message body hello world" } it "passes the cooking options through correctly" do creator = PostCreator.new(user, title: 'hi there welcome to my topic', raw: raw, cooking_options: { traditional_markdown_linebreaks: true }) Post.any_instance.expects(:cook).with(raw, has_key(:traditional_markdown_linebreaks)).returns(raw) creator.create end end # integration test ... minimise db work context 'private message' do let(:target_user1) { coding_horror } fab!(:target_user2) { Fabricate(:moderator) } fab!(:unrelated_user) { Fabricate(:user) } let(:post) do PostCreator.create!(user, title: 'hi there welcome to my topic', raw: "this is my awesome message @#{unrelated_user.username_lower}", archetype: Archetype.private_message, target_usernames: [target_user1.username, target_user2.username].join(','), category: 1 ) end it 'acts correctly' do freeze_time user.update_columns(last_posted_at: 1.year.ago) # It's not a warning expect(post.topic.user_warning).to be_blank expect(post.topic.archetype).to eq(Archetype.private_message) expect(post.topic.subtype).to eq(TopicSubtype.user_to_user) expect(post.topic.topic_allowed_users.count).to eq(3) # PMs can't have a category expect(post.topic.category).to eq(nil) # does not notify an unrelated user expect(unrelated_user.notifications.count).to eq(0) expect(post.topic.subtype).to eq(TopicSubtype.user_to_user) # PMs do not increase post count or topic count expect(post.user.user_stat.post_count).to eq(0) expect(post.user.user_stat.topic_count).to eq(0) user.reload expect(user.last_posted_at).to eq_time(1.year.ago) # archive this message and ensure archive is cleared for all users on reply UserArchivedMessage.create(user_id: target_user2.id, topic_id: post.topic_id) # if an admin replies they should be added to the allowed user list PostCreator.create!(admin, raw: 'hi there welcome topic, I am a mod', topic_id: post.topic_id ) post.topic.reload expect(post.topic.topic_allowed_users.where(user_id: admin.id).count).to eq(1) expect(UserArchivedMessage.where(user_id: target_user2.id, topic_id: post.topic_id).count).to eq(0) # if another admin replies and is already member of the group, don't add them to topic_allowed_users group = Fabricate(:group) post.topic.topic_allowed_groups.create!(group: group) admin2 = Fabricate(:admin) group.add(admin2) PostCreator.create!(admin2, raw: 'I am also an admin, and a mod', topic_id: post.topic_id) expect(post.topic.topic_allowed_users.where(user_id: admin2.id).count).to eq(0) end it 'does not add whisperers to allowed users of the topic' do SiteSetting.enable_whispers = true unrelated_user.update!(admin: true) PostCreator.create!( unrelated_user, raw: "This is a whisper that I am testing", topic_id: post.topic_id, post_type: Post.types[:whisper] ) expect(post.topic.topic_allowed_users.map(&:user_id)).to contain_exactly( target_user1.id, target_user2.id, user.id ) end it 'does not increase posts count for small actions' do topic = Fabricate(:private_message_topic, user: Fabricate(:user)) Fabricate(:post, topic: topic) 1.upto(3) do |i| user = Fabricate(:user) topic.invite(topic.user, user.username) topic.reload expect(topic.posts_count).to eq(1) expect(topic.posts.where(post_type: Post.types[:small_action]).count).to eq(i) end Fabricate(:post, topic: topic) Topic.reset_highest(topic.id) expect(topic.reload.posts_count).to eq(2) Fabricate(:post, topic: topic) Topic.reset_all_highest! expect(topic.reload.posts_count).to eq(3) end end context "warnings" do let(:target_user1) { coding_horror } fab!(:target_user2) { Fabricate(:moderator) } let(:base_args) do { title: 'you need a warning buddy!', raw: "you did something bad and I'm telling you about it!", is_warning: true, target_usernames: target_user1.username, category: 1 } end it "works as expected" do # Invalid archetype creator = PostCreator.new(user, base_args) creator.create expect(creator.errors).to be_present # Too many users creator = PostCreator.new(user, base_args.merge(archetype: Archetype.private_message, target_usernames: [target_user1.username, target_user2.username].join(','))) creator.create expect(creator.errors).to be_present # Success creator = PostCreator.new(user, base_args.merge(archetype: Archetype.private_message)) post = creator.create expect(creator.errors).to be_blank topic = post.topic expect(topic).to be_present expect(topic.user_warning).to be_present expect(topic.subtype).to eq(TopicSubtype.moderator_warning) expect(topic.user_warning.user).to eq(target_user1) expect(topic.user_warning.created_by).to eq(user) expect(target_user1.user_warnings.count).to eq(1) end end context 'auto closing' do it 'closes private messages that have more than N posts' do SiteSetting.auto_close_messages_post_count = 2 post1 = create_post(archetype: Archetype.private_message, target_usernames: [admin.username]) expect do create_post(user: post1.user, topic_id: post1.topic_id) end.to change { Post.count }.by(2) post1.topic.reload expect(post1.topic.posts.last.raw).to eq(I18n.t( 'topic_statuses.autoclosed_message_max_posts', count: SiteSetting.auto_close_messages_post_count )) expect(post1.topic.closed).to eq(true) end it 'closes topics that have more than N posts' do SiteSetting.auto_close_topics_post_count = 2 post1 = create_post expect do create_post(user: post1.user, topic_id: post1.topic_id) end.to change { Post.count }.by(2) post1.topic.reload expect(post1.topic.posts.last.raw).to eq(I18n.t( 'topic_statuses.autoclosed_topic_max_posts', count: SiteSetting.auto_close_topics_post_count )) expect(post1.topic.closed).to eq(true) end end context 'private message to group' do let(:target_user1) { coding_horror } fab!(:target_user2) { Fabricate(:moderator) } let(:group) do g = Fabricate.build(:group, messageable_level: Group::ALIAS_LEVELS[:everyone]) g.add(target_user1) g.add(target_user2) g.save g end fab!(:unrelated) { Fabricate(:user) } let(:post) do PostCreator.create!(user, title: 'hi there welcome to my topic', raw: "this is my awesome message @#{unrelated.username_lower}", archetype: Archetype.private_message, target_group_names: group.name ) end it 'can post to a group correctly' do Jobs.run_immediately! expect(post.topic.archetype).to eq(Archetype.private_message) expect(post.topic.topic_allowed_users.count).to eq(1) expect(post.topic.topic_allowed_groups.count).to eq(1) # does not notify an unrelated user expect(unrelated.notifications.count).to eq(0) expect(post.topic.subtype).to eq(TopicSubtype.user_to_user) expect(target_user1.notifications.count).to eq(1) expect(target_user2.notifications.count).to eq(1) GroupArchivedMessage.create!(group: group, topic: post.topic) message = MessageBus.track_publish( PrivateMessageTopicTrackingState.group_channel(group.id) ) do PostCreator.create!(user, raw: "this is a reply to the group message", topic_id: post.topic_id ) end.first expect(message.data["message_type"]).to eq( PrivateMessageTopicTrackingState::GROUP_ARCHIVE_MESSAGE_TYPE ) expect(message.data["payload"]["acting_user_id"]).to eq(user.id) expect(GroupArchivedMessage.exists?(group: group, topic: post.topic)) .to eq(false) end end context 'setting created_at' do it 'supports Time instances' do freeze_time post1 = PostCreator.create(user, raw: 'This is very interesting test post content', title: 'This is a very interesting test post title', created_at: 1.week.ago ) topic = post1.topic post2 = PostCreator.create(user, raw: 'This is very interesting test post content', topic_id: topic, created_at: 1.week.ago ) expect(post1.created_at).to eq_time(1.week.ago) expect(post2.created_at).to eq_time(1.week.ago) expect(topic.created_at).to eq_time(1.week.ago) end it 'supports strings' do freeze_time time = Time.zone.parse('2019-09-02') post1 = PostCreator.create(user, raw: 'This is very interesting test post content', title: 'This is a very interesting test post title', created_at: '2019-09-02' ) topic = post1.topic post2 = PostCreator.create(user, raw: 'This is very interesting test post content', topic_id: topic, created_at: '2019-09-02 00:00:00 UTC' ) expect(post1.created_at).to eq_time(time) expect(post2.created_at).to eq_time(time) expect(topic.created_at).to eq_time(time) end end context 'disable validations' do it 'can save a post' do creator = PostCreator.new(user, raw: 'q', title: 'q', skip_validations: true) creator.create expect(creator.errors).to be_blank end end describe "word_count" do it "has a word count" do creator = PostCreator.new(user, title: 'some inspired poetry for a rainy day', raw: 'mary had a little lamb, little lamb, little lamb. mary had a little lamb. Здравствуйте') post = creator.create expect(post.word_count).to eq(15) post.topic.reload expect(post.topic.word_count).to eq(15) end end describe "embed_url" do let(:embed_url) { "http://eviltrout.com/stupid-url" } it "creates the topic_embed record" do creator = PostCreator.new(user, embed_url: embed_url, title: 'Reviews of Science Ovens', raw: 'Did you know that you can use microwaves to cook your dinner? Science!') creator.create expect(creator.errors).to be_blank expect(TopicEmbed.where(embed_url: embed_url).exists?).to eq(true) # If we try to create another topic with the embed url, should fail creator = PostCreator.new(user, embed_url: embed_url, title: 'More Reviews of Science Ovens', raw: 'As if anyone ever wanted to learn more about them!') result = creator.create expect(result).to be_present expect(creator.errors).to be_present end end describe "read credit for creator" do it "should give credit to creator" do post = create_post expect(PostTiming.find_by(topic_id: post.topic_id, post_number: post.post_number, user_id: post.user_id).msecs).to be > 0 expect(TopicUser.find_by(topic_id: post.topic_id, user_id: post.user_id).last_read_post_number).to eq(1) end end describe "suspended users" do it "does not allow suspended users to create topics" do user = Fabricate(:user, suspended_at: 1.month.ago, suspended_till: 1.month.from_now) creator = PostCreator.new(user, title: "my test title 123", raw: "I should not be allowed to post") creator.create expect(creator.errors.count).to be > 0 end end it "doesn't strip starting whitespaces" do pc = PostCreator.new(user, title: "testing whitespace stripping", raw: " <-- whitespaces --> ") post = pc.create expect(post.raw).to eq(" <-- whitespaces -->") end context "events" do before do @posts_created = 0 @topics_created = 0 @increase_posts = -> (post, opts, user) { @posts_created += 1 } @increase_topics = -> (topic, opts, user) { @topics_created += 1 } DiscourseEvent.on(:post_created, &@increase_posts) DiscourseEvent.on(:topic_created, &@increase_topics) end after do DiscourseEvent.off(:post_created, &@increase_posts) DiscourseEvent.off(:topic_created, &@increase_topics) end it "fires both event when creating a topic" do pc = PostCreator.new(user, raw: 'this is the new content for my topic', title: 'this is my new topic title') _post = pc.create expect(@posts_created).to eq(1) expect(@topics_created).to eq(1) end it "fires only the post event when creating a post" do pc = PostCreator.new(user, topic_id: topic.id, raw: 'this is the new content for my post') _post = pc.create expect(@posts_created).to eq(1) expect(@topics_created).to eq(0) end end context "staged users" do fab!(:staged) { Fabricate(:staged) } it "automatically watches all messages it participates in" do post = PostCreator.create(staged, title: "this is the title of a topic created by a staged user", raw: "this is the content of a topic created by a staged user ;)" ) topic_user = TopicUser.find_by(user_id: staged.id, topic_id: post.topic_id) expect(topic_user.notification_level).to eq(TopicUser.notification_levels[:watching]) expect(topic_user.notifications_reason_id).to eq(TopicUser.notification_reasons[:auto_watch]) end end context "topic tracking" do it "automatically watches topic based on preference" do user.user_option.notification_level_when_replying = 3 topic = PostCreator.create(admin, title: "this is the title of a topic created by an admin for watching notification", raw: "this is the content of a topic created by an admin for keeping a watching notification state on a topic ;)" ) post = PostCreator.create(user, topic_id: topic.topic_id, raw: "this is a reply to set the tracking state to watching ;)" ) topic_user = TopicUser.find_by(user_id: user.id, topic_id: post.topic_id) expect(topic_user.notification_level).to eq(TopicUser.notification_levels[:watching]) end it "topic notification level remains tracking based on preference" do user.user_option.notification_level_when_replying = 2 topic = PostCreator.create(admin, title: "this is the title of a topic created by an admin for tracking notification", raw: "this is the content of a topic created by an admin for keeping a tracking notification state on a topic ;)" ) post = PostCreator.create(user, topic_id: topic.topic_id, raw: "this is a reply to set the tracking state to tracking ;)" ) topic_user = TopicUser.find_by(user_id: user.id, topic_id: post.topic_id) expect(topic_user.notification_level).to eq(TopicUser.notification_levels[:tracking]) end it "topic notification level is normal based on preference" do user.user_option.notification_level_when_replying = 1 topic = PostCreator.create(admin, title: "this is the title of a topic created by an admin for tracking notification", raw: "this is the content of a topic created by an admin for keeping a tracking notification state on a topic ;)" ) post = PostCreator.create(user, topic_id: topic.topic_id, raw: "this is a reply to set the tracking state to normal ;)" ) topic_user = TopicUser.find_by(user_id: user.id, topic_id: post.topic_id) expect(topic_user.notification_level).to eq(TopicUser.notification_levels[:regular]) end it "user preferences for notification level when replying doesn't affect PMs" do user.user_option.update!(notification_level_when_replying: 1) pm = Fabricate(:private_message_topic, user: admin) pm.invite(admin, user.username) PostCreator.create( user, topic_id: pm.id, raw: "this is a test reply 123 123 ;)" ) topic_user = TopicUser.find_by(user_id: user.id, topic_id: pm.id) expect(topic_user.notification_level).to eq(3) end it 'sets the last_posted_at timestamp to track the last time the user posted' do topic = Fabricate(:topic) PostCreator.create( user, topic_id: topic.id, raw: "this is a test reply 123 123 ;)" ) topic_user = TopicUser.find_by(user_id: user.id, topic_id: topic.id) expect(topic_user.last_posted_at).to be_present end end describe '#create!' do it "should return the post if it was successfully created" do title = "This is a valid title" raw = "This is a really awesome post" post_creator = PostCreator.new(user, title: title, raw: raw) post = post_creator.create expect(post).to eq(Post.last) expect(post.topic.title).to eq(title) expect(post.raw).to eq(raw) end it "should raise an error when post fails to be created" do post_creator = PostCreator.new(user, title: '', raw: '') expect { post_creator.create! }.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordNotSaved) end it "does not generate an alert for empty posts" do Jobs.run_immediately! user2 = Fabricate(:user) topic = Fabricate(:private_message_topic, topic_allowed_users: [ Fabricate.build(:topic_allowed_user, user: user), Fabricate.build(:topic_allowed_user, user: user2) ], ) Fabricate(:topic_user, topic: topic, user: user2, notification_level: TopicUser.notification_levels[:watching] ) expect { PostCreator.create!(user, raw: "", topic_id: topic.id, skip_validations: true) }.to change { user2.notifications.count }.by(0) expect { PostCreator.create!(user, raw: "hello world", topic_id: topic.id, skip_validations: true) }.to change { user2.notifications.count }.by(1) end end context 'private message to a user that has disabled private messages' do fab!(:another_user) { Fabricate(:user, username: 'HelloWorld') } before do another_user.user_option.update!(allow_private_messages: false) end it 'should not be valid' do post_creator = PostCreator.new( user, title: 'this message is to someone who muted me!', raw: "you will have to see this even if you muted me!", archetype: Archetype.private_message, target_usernames: "#{another_user.username}" ) expect(post_creator).to_not be_valid expect(post_creator.errors.full_messages).to include(I18n.t( "not_accepting_pms", username: another_user.username )) end it 'should not be valid if the name is downcased' do post_creator = PostCreator.new( user, title: 'this message is to someone who muted me!', raw: "you will have to see this even if you muted me!", archetype: Archetype.private_message, target_usernames: "#{another_user.username.downcase}" ) expect(post_creator).to_not be_valid end end context "private message to a muted user" do fab!(:muted_me) { evil_trout } fab!(:another_user) { Fabricate(:user) } it 'should fail' do updater = UserUpdater.new(muted_me, muted_me) updater.update_muted_users("#{user.username}") pc = PostCreator.new( user, title: 'this message is to someone who muted me!', raw: "you will have to see this even if you muted me!", archetype: Archetype.private_message, target_usernames: "#{muted_me.username},#{another_user.username}" ) expect(pc).not_to be_valid expect(pc.errors.full_messages).to contain_exactly( I18n.t(:not_accepting_pms, username: muted_me.username) ) end fab!(:staff_user) { Fabricate(:admin) } it 'succeeds if the user is staff' do updater = UserUpdater.new(muted_me, muted_me) updater.update_muted_users("#{staff_user.username}") pc = PostCreator.new( staff_user, title: 'this message is to someone who muted me!', raw: "you will have to see this even if you muted me!", archetype: Archetype.private_message, target_usernames: "#{muted_me.username}" ) expect(pc).to be_valid expect(pc.errors).to be_blank end end context "private message to an ignored user" do fab!(:ignorer) { evil_trout } fab!(:another_user) { Fabricate(:user) } context "when post author is ignored" do let!(:ignored_user) { Fabricate(:ignored_user, user: ignorer, ignored_user: user) } it 'should fail' do pc = PostCreator.new( user, title: 'this message is to someone who ignored me!', raw: "you will have to see this even if you ignored me!", archetype: Archetype.private_message, target_usernames: "#{ignorer.username},#{another_user.username}" ) expect(pc).not_to be_valid expect(pc.errors.full_messages).to contain_exactly( I18n.t(:not_accepting_pms, username: ignorer.username) ) end end context "when post author is admin who is ignored" do fab!(:staff_user) { Fabricate(:admin) } fab!(:ignored_user) { Fabricate(:ignored_user, user: ignorer, ignored_user: staff_user) } it 'succeeds if the user is staff' do pc = PostCreator.new( staff_user, title: 'this message is to someone who ignored me!', raw: "you will have to see this even if you ignored me!", archetype: Archetype.private_message, target_usernames: "#{ignorer.username}" ) expect(pc).to be_valid expect(pc.errors).to be_blank end end end context "private message to user in allow list" do fab!(:sender) { evil_trout } fab!(:allowed_user) { Fabricate(:user) } context "when post author is allowed" do let!(:allowed_pm_user) { Fabricate(:allowed_pm_user, user: allowed_user, allowed_pm_user: sender) } it 'should succeed' do allowed_user.user_option.update!(enable_allowed_pm_users: true) pc = PostCreator.new( sender, title: 'this message is to someone who is in my allow list!', raw: "you will have to see this because I'm in your allow list!", archetype: Archetype.private_message, target_usernames: "#{allowed_user.username}" ) expect(pc).to be_valid expect(pc.errors).to be_blank end end context "when personal messages are disabled" do let!(:allowed_pm_user) { Fabricate(:allowed_pm_user, user: allowed_user, allowed_pm_user: sender) } it 'should fail' do allowed_user.user_option.update!(allow_private_messages: false) allowed_user.user_option.update!(enable_allowed_pm_users: true) pc = PostCreator.new( sender, title: 'this message is to someone who is in my allow list!', raw: "you will have to see this because I'm in your allow list!", archetype: Archetype.private_message, target_usernames: "#{allowed_user.username}" ) expect(pc).not_to be_valid expect(pc.errors.full_messages).to contain_exactly( I18n.t(:not_accepting_pms, username: allowed_user.username) ) end end end context "private message to user not in allow list" do fab!(:sender) { evil_trout } fab!(:allowed_user) { Fabricate(:user) } fab!(:not_allowed_user) { Fabricate(:user) } context "when post author is not allowed" do let!(:allowed_pm_user) { Fabricate(:allowed_pm_user, user: not_allowed_user, allowed_pm_user: allowed_user) } it 'should fail' do not_allowed_user.user_option.update!(enable_allowed_pm_users: true) pc = PostCreator.new( sender, title: 'this message is to someone who is not in my allowed list!', raw: "you will have to see this even if you don't want message from me!", archetype: Archetype.private_message, target_usernames: "#{not_allowed_user.username}" ) expect(pc).not_to be_valid expect(pc.errors.full_messages).to contain_exactly( I18n.t(:not_accepting_pms, username: not_allowed_user.username) ) end it 'should succeed when not enabled' do not_allowed_user.user_option.update!(enable_allowed_pm_users: false) pc = PostCreator.new( sender, title: 'this message is to someone who is not in my allowed list!', raw: "you will have to see this even if you don't want message from me!", archetype: Archetype.private_message, target_usernames: "#{not_allowed_user.username}" ) expect(pc).to be_valid expect(pc.errors).to be_blank end end end context "private message when post author is admin who is not in allow list" do fab!(:staff_user) { Fabricate(:admin) } fab!(:allowed_user) { Fabricate(:user) } fab!(:not_allowed_user) { Fabricate(:user) } fab!(:allowed_pm_user) { Fabricate(:allowed_pm_user, user: staff_user, allowed_pm_user: allowed_user) } it 'succeeds if the user is staff' do pc = PostCreator.new( staff_user, title: 'this message is to someone who did not allow me!', raw: "you will have to see this even if you did not allow me!", archetype: Archetype.private_message, target_usernames: "#{not_allowed_user.username}" ) expect(pc).to be_valid expect(pc.errors).to be_blank end end context "private message to multiple users and one is not allowed" do fab!(:sender) { evil_trout } fab!(:allowed_user) { Fabricate(:user) } fab!(:not_allowed_user) { Fabricate(:user) } context "when post author is not allowed" do let!(:allowed_pm_user) { Fabricate(:allowed_pm_user, user: allowed_user, allowed_pm_user: sender) } it 'should fail' do allowed_user.user_option.update!(enable_allowed_pm_users: true) not_allowed_user.user_option.update!(enable_allowed_pm_users: true) pc = PostCreator.new( sender, title: 'this message is to someone who is not in my allowed list!', raw: "you will have to see this even if you don't want message from me!", archetype: Archetype.private_message, target_usernames: "#{allowed_user.username},#{not_allowed_user.username}" ) expect(pc).not_to be_valid expect(pc.errors.full_messages).to contain_exactly( I18n.t(:not_accepting_pms, username: not_allowed_user.username) ) end end end context "private message recipients limit (max_allowed_message_recipients) reached" do fab!(:target_user1) { coding_horror } fab!(:target_user2) { evil_trout } fab!(:target_user3) { Fabricate(:walter_white) } before do SiteSetting.max_allowed_message_recipients = 2 end context "for normal user" do it 'fails when sending message to multiple recipients' do pc = PostCreator.new( user, title: 'this message is for multiple recipients!', raw: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, id elitr praesent mea, ut ius facilis fierent.", archetype: Archetype.private_message, target_usernames: [target_user1.username, target_user2.username, target_user3.username].join(',') ) expect(pc).not_to be_valid expect(pc.errors).to be_present end it 'succeeds when sending message to multiple recipients if skip_validations is true' do pc = PostCreator.new( user, title: 'this message is for multiple recipients!', raw: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, id elitr praesent mea, ut ius facilis fierent.", archetype: Archetype.private_message, target_usernames: [target_user1.username, target_user2.username, target_user3.username].join(','), skip_validations: true ) expect(pc).to be_valid expect(pc.errors).to be_blank end end context "always succeeds if the user is staff" do fab!(:staff_user) { Fabricate(:admin) } it 'when sending message to multiple recipients' do pc = PostCreator.new( staff_user, title: 'this message is for multiple recipients!', raw: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, id elitr praesent mea, ut ius facilis fierent.", archetype: Archetype.private_message, target_usernames: [target_user1.username, target_user2.username, target_user3.username].join(',') ) expect(pc).to be_valid expect(pc.errors).to be_blank end end end context "#create_post_notice" do fab!(:user) { Fabricate(:user) } fab!(:staged) { Fabricate(:staged) } fab!(:anonymous) { Fabricate(:anonymous) } it "generates post notices for new users" do post = PostCreator.create!(user, title: "one of my first topics", raw: "one of my first posts") expect(post.custom_fields[Post::NOTICE]).to eq("type" => Post.notices[:new_user]) post = PostCreator.create!(user, title: "another one of my first topics", raw: "another one of my first posts") expect(post.custom_fields[Post::NOTICE]).to eq(nil) end it "generates post notices for returning users" do SiteSetting.returning_users_days = 30 old_post = Fabricate(:post, user: user, created_at: 31.days.ago) post = PostCreator.create!(user, title: "this is a returning topic", raw: "this is a post") expect(post.custom_fields[Post::NOTICE]).to eq("type" => Post.notices[:returning_user], "last_posted_at" => old_post.created_at.iso8601) post = PostCreator.create!(user, title: "this is another topic", raw: "this is my another post") expect(post.custom_fields[Post::NOTICE]).to eq(nil) end it "does not generate for non-human, staged or anonymous users" do SiteSetting.allow_anonymous_posting = true [anonymous, Discourse.system_user, staged].each do |user| expect(user.posts.size).to eq(0) post = PostCreator.create!(user, title: "#{user.username}'s first topic", raw: "#{user.name}'s first post") expect(post.custom_fields[Post::NOTICE]).to eq(nil) end end end context "secure media uploads" do fab!(:image_upload) { Fabricate(:upload, secure: true) } fab!(:user2) { Fabricate(:user) } fab!(:public_topic) { Fabricate(:topic) } before do setup_s3 SiteSetting.authorized_extensions = "png|jpg|gif|mp4" SiteSetting.secure_media = true stub_upload(image_upload) end it "links post uploads" do _public_post = PostCreator.create( user, topic_id: public_topic.id, raw: "A public post with an image.\n" ) end end context 'queue for review' do before { SiteSetting.review_every_post = true } it 'created a reviewable post after creating the post' do title = "This is a valid title" raw = "This is a really awesome post" post_creator = PostCreator.new(user, title: title, raw: raw) expect { post_creator.create }.to change(ReviewablePost, :count).by(1) end it 'does not create a reviewable post if the post is not valid' do post_creator = PostCreator.new(user, title: '', raw: '') expect { post_creator.create }.to change(ReviewablePost, :count).by(0) end end end