# frozen_string_literal: true require 'current_user' require 'canonical_url' require_dependency 'guardian' require_dependency 'unread' require_dependency 'age_words' require_dependency 'configurable_urls' require_dependency 'mobile_detection' require_dependency 'category_badge' require_dependency 'global_path' require_dependency 'emoji' module ApplicationHelper include CurrentUser include CanonicalURL::Helpers include ConfigurableUrls include GlobalPath def self.extra_body_classes @extra_body_classes ||= Set.new end def google_universal_analytics_json(ua_domain_name = nil) result = {} if ua_domain_name result[:cookieDomain] = ua_domain_name.gsub(/^http(s)?:\/\//, '') end if current_user.present? result[:userId] = current_user.id end if SiteSetting.ga_universal_auto_link_domains.present? result[:allowLinker] = true end result.to_json.html_safe end def ga_universal_json google_universal_analytics_json(SiteSetting.ga_universal_domain_name) end def google_tag_manager_json google_universal_analytics_json end def shared_session_key if SiteSetting.long_polling_base_url != '/'.freeze && current_user sk = "shared_session_key" return request.env[sk] if request.env[sk] request.env[sk] = key = (session[sk] ||= SecureRandom.hex) $redis.setex "#{sk}_#{key}", 7.days, current_user.id.to_s key end end def is_brotli_req? ENV["COMPRESS_BROTLI"] == "1" && request.env["HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING"] =~ /br/ end def preload_script(script) path = asset_path("#{script}.js") if GlobalSetting.use_s3? && GlobalSetting.s3_cdn_url if GlobalSetting.cdn_url path = path.gsub(GlobalSetting.cdn_url, GlobalSetting.s3_cdn_url) else # we must remove the subfolder path here, assets are uploaded to s3 # without it getting involved if ActionController::Base.config.relative_url_root path = path.sub(ActionController::Base.config.relative_url_root, "") end path = "#{GlobalSetting.s3_cdn_url}#{path}" end if is_brotli_req? path = path.gsub(/\.([^.]+)$/, '.br.\1') end elsif GlobalSetting.cdn_url&.start_with?("https") && is_brotli_req? path = path.gsub("#{GlobalSetting.cdn_url}/assets/", "#{GlobalSetting.cdn_url}/brotli_asset/") end if Rails.env == "development" if !path.include?("?") # cache breaker for mobile iOS path = path + "?#{Time.now.to_f}" end end " ".html_safe end def discourse_csrf_tags # anon can not have a CSRF token cause these are all pages # that may be cached, causing a mismatch between session CSRF # and CSRF on page and horrible impossible to debug login issues if current_user csrf_meta_tags end end def html_classes "#{mobile_view? ? 'mobile-view' : 'desktop-view'} #{mobile_device? ? 'mobile-device' : 'not-mobile-device'} #{rtl_class} #{current_user ? '' : 'anon'}" end def body_classes result = ApplicationHelper.extra_body_classes.to_a if @category && @category.url.present? result << "category-#{@category.url.sub(/^\/c\//, '').gsub(/\//, '-')}" end if current_user.present? && primary_group_name = current_user.primary_group&.name result << "primary-group-#{primary_group_name.downcase}" end result.join(' ') end def rtl_class rtl? ? 'rtl' : '' end def escape_unicode(javascript) if javascript javascript = javascript.scrub javascript.gsub!(/\342\200\250/u, '
') javascript.gsub!(/(<\/)/u, '\u003C/') javascript.html_safe else '' end end def format_topic_title(title) PrettyText.unescape_emoji strip_tags(title) end def with_format(format, &block) old_formats = formats self.formats = [format] block.call self.formats = old_formats nil end def age_words(secs) AgeWords.age_words(secs) end def short_date(dt) if dt.year == Time.now.year I18n.l(dt, format: :short_no_year) else I18n.l(dt, format: :date_only) end end def guardian @guardian ||= Guardian.new(current_user) end def mini_profiler_enabled? defined?(Rack::MiniProfiler) && admin? end def admin? current_user.try(:admin?) end def moderator? current_user.try(:moderator?) end def staff? current_user.try(:staff?) end def rtl? ["ar", "ur", "fa_IR", "he"].include? I18n.locale.to_s end def html_lang SiteSetting.default_locale.sub("_", "-") end # Creates open graph and twitter card meta data def crawlable_meta_data(opts = nil) opts ||= {} opts[:url] ||= "#{Discourse.base_url_no_prefix}#{request.fullpath}" if opts[:image].blank? && (SiteSetting.default_opengraph_image_url.present? || SiteSetting.twitter_summary_large_image_url.present?) opts[:twitter_summary_large_image] = SiteSetting.twitter_summary_large_image_url if SiteSetting.twitter_summary_large_image_url.present? opts[:image] = SiteSetting.default_opengraph_image_url.present? ? SiteSetting.default_opengraph_image_url : SiteSetting.twitter_summary_large_image_url elsif opts[:image].blank? && SiteSetting.apple_touch_icon_url.present? opts[:image] = SiteSetting.apple_touch_icon_url end # Use the correct scheme for open graph image if opts[:image].present? if opts[:image].start_with?("//") uri = URI(Discourse.base_url) opts[:image] = "#{uri.scheme}:#{opts[:image]}" elsif opts[:image].start_with?("/uploads/") opts[:image] = "#{Discourse.base_url}#{opts[:image]}" elsif GlobalSetting.relative_url_root && opts[:image].start_with?(GlobalSetting.relative_url_root) opts[:image] = "#{Discourse.base_url_no_prefix}#{opts[:image]}" end end # Add opengraph & twitter tags result = [] result << tag(:meta, property: 'og:site_name', content: SiteSetting.title) if opts[:twitter_summary_large_image].present? result << tag(:meta, name: 'twitter:card', content: "summary_large_image") result << tag(:meta, name: "twitter:image", content: opts[:twitter_summary_large_image]) elsif opts[:image].present? result << tag(:meta, name: 'twitter:card', content: "summary") result << tag(:meta, name: "twitter:image", content: opts[:image]) else result << tag(:meta, name: 'twitter:card', content: "summary") end result << tag(:meta, property: "og:image", content: opts[:image]) if opts[:image].present? [:url, :title, :description].each do |property| if opts[property].present? content = (property == :url ? opts[property] : gsub_emoji_to_unicode(opts[property])) result << tag(:meta, { property: "og:#{property}", content: content }, nil, true) result << tag(:meta, { name: "twitter:#{property}", content: content }, nil, true) end end if opts[:read_time] && opts[:read_time] > 0 && opts[:like_count] && opts[:like_count] > 0 result << tag(:meta, name: 'twitter:label1', value: I18n.t("reading_time")) result << tag(:meta, name: 'twitter:data1', value: "#{opts[:read_time]} mins 🕑") result << tag(:meta, name: 'twitter:label2', value: I18n.t("likes")) result << tag(:meta, name: 'twitter:data2', value: "#{opts[:like_count]} ❤") end if opts[:published_time] result << tag(:meta, property: 'article:published_time', content: opts[:published_time]) end if opts[:ignore_canonical] result << tag(:meta, property: 'og:ignore_canonical', content: true) end result.join("\n") end def render_sitelinks_search_tag json = { '@context' => 'http://schema.org', '@type' => 'WebSite', url: Discourse.base_url, potentialAction: { '@type' => 'SearchAction', target: "#{Discourse.base_url}/search?q={search_term_string}", 'query-input' => 'required name=search_term_string', } } content_tag(:script, MultiJson.dump(json).html_safe, type: 'application/ld+json'.freeze) end def gsub_emoji_to_unicode(str) Emoji.gsub_emoji_to_unicode(str) end def application_logo_url @application_logo_url ||= (mobile_view? && SiteSetting.mobile_logo_url).presence || SiteSetting.logo_url end def login_path "#{Discourse::base_uri}/login" end def mobile_view? MobileDetection.resolve_mobile_view!(request.user_agent, params, session) end def crawler_layout? controller&.use_crawler_layout? end def include_crawler_content? crawler_layout? || !mobile_view? end def mobile_device? MobileDetection.mobile_device?(request.user_agent) end def customization_disabled? request.env[ApplicationController::NO_CUSTOM] end def allow_plugins? !request.env[ApplicationController::NO_PLUGINS] end def allow_third_party_plugins? allow_plugins? && !request.env[ApplicationController::ONLY_OFFICIAL] end def normalized_safe_mode safe_mode = nil (safe_mode ||= []) << ApplicationController::NO_CUSTOM if customization_disabled? (safe_mode ||= []) << ApplicationController::NO_PLUGINS if !allow_plugins? (safe_mode ||= []) << ApplicationController::ONLY_OFFICIAL if !allow_third_party_plugins? if safe_mode safe_mode.join(",").html_safe end end def loading_admin? controller.class.name.split("::").first == "Admin" end def category_badge(category, opts = nil) CategoryBadge.html_for(category, opts).html_safe end def self.all_connectors @all_connectors = Dir.glob("plugins/*/app/views/connectors/**/*.html.erb") end def server_plugin_outlet(name) # Don't evaluate plugins in test return "" if Rails.env.test? matcher = Regexp.new("/connectors/#{name}/.*\.html\.erb$") erbs = ApplicationHelper.all_connectors.select { |c| c =~ matcher } return "" if erbs.blank? result = +"" erbs.each { |erb| result << render(file: erb) } result.html_safe end def topic_featured_link_domain(link) begin uri = URI.encode(link) uri = URI.parse(uri) uri = URI.parse("http://#{uri}") if uri.scheme.nil? host = uri.host.downcase host.start_with?('www.') ? host[4..-1] : host rescue '' end end def theme_ids if customization_disabled? nil else request.env[:resolved_theme_ids] end end def current_homepage current_user&.user_option&.homepage || SiteSetting.anonymous_homepage end def build_plugin_html(name) return "" unless allow_plugins? DiscoursePluginRegistry.build_html(name, controller) || "" end # If there is plugin HTML return that, otherwise yield to the template def replace_plugin_html(name) if (html = build_plugin_html(name)).present? html else yield nil end end def theme_lookup(name) lookup = Theme.lookup_field(theme_ids, mobile_view? ? :mobile : :desktop, name) lookup.html_safe if lookup end def discourse_stylesheet_link_tag(name, opts = {}) if opts.key?(:theme_ids) ids = opts[:theme_ids] unless customization_disabled? else ids = theme_ids end Stylesheet::Manager.stylesheet_link_tag(name, 'all', ids) end end