require_dependency "new_post_manager" require_dependency "post_action_creator" require_dependency "email/html_cleaner" module Email class Receiver class ProcessingError < StandardError; end class EmptyEmailError < ProcessingError; end class NoMessageIdError < ProcessingError; end class AutoGeneratedEmailError < ProcessingError; end class NoBodyDetectedError < ProcessingError; end class InactiveUserError < ProcessingError; end class BadDestinationAddress < ProcessingError; end class StrangersNotAllowedError < ProcessingError; end class InsufficientTrustLevelError < ProcessingError; end class ReplyUserNotMatchingError < ProcessingError; end class TopicNotFoundError < ProcessingError; end class TopicClosedError < ProcessingError; end class InvalidPost < ProcessingError; end class InvalidPostAction < ProcessingError; end def initialize(mail_string) raise EmptyEmailError if mail_string.blank? @raw_email = mail_string @mail = raise NoMessageIdError if @mail.message_id.blank? end def process @incoming_email = find_or_create_incoming_email process_internal rescue => e @incoming_email.update_columns(error: e.to_s) raise end def find_or_create_incoming_email IncomingEmail.find_or_create_by(message_id: @mail.message_id) do |incoming_email| incoming_email.raw = @raw_email incoming_email.subject = @mail.subject incoming_email.from_address = @mail.from.first.downcase incoming_email.to_addresses =";") if incoming_email.cc_addresses =";") if end end def process_internal raise AutoGeneratedEmailError if is_auto_generated? body = select_body || "" raise NoBodyDetectedError if body.blank? && !@mail.has_attachments? user = find_or_create_user(from) @incoming_email.update_columns(user_id: raise InactiveUserError if ! && !user.staged if action = subscription_action_for(body, @mail.subject) message = SubscriptionMailer.send(action, user), :subscription).send elsif post = find_related_post create_reply(user: user, raw: body, post: post, topic: post.topic) else destination = destinations.first raise BadDestinationAddress if destination.blank? case destination[:type] when :group group = destination[:obj] create_topic(user: user, raw: body, title: @mail.subject, archetype: Archetype.private_message, target_group_names: [], skip_validations: true) when :category category = destination[:obj] raise StrangersNotAllowedError if user.staged? && !category.email_in_allow_strangers raise InsufficientTrustLevelError if !user.has_trust_level?(SiteSetting.email_in_min_trust) create_topic(user: user, raw: body, title: @mail.subject, category: when :reply email_log = destination[:obj] raise ReplyUserNotMatchingError if email_log.user_id != create_reply(user: user, raw: body, post:, topic: end end end def is_auto_generated? @mail.return_path.blank? || @mail[:precedence].to_s[/list|junk|bulk|auto_reply/] || @mail.header.to_s[/auto-(submitted|replied|generated)/] end def select_body text = nil html = nil if @mail.multipart? text = fix_charset(@mail.text_part) html = fix_charset(@mail.html_part) elsif @mail.content_type.to_s["text/html"] html = fix_charset(@mail) else text = fix_charset(@mail) end # prefer text over html if text.present? text_encoding = text.encoding text = DiscourseEmailParser.parse_reply(text) text = try_to_encode(text, text_encoding) return text if text.present? end # clean the html if that's all we've got if html.present? html_encoding = html.encoding html = html = DiscourseEmailParser.parse_reply(html) html = try_to_encode(html, html_encoding) return html if html.present? end end def fix_charset(mail_part) return nil if mail_part.blank? || mail_part.body.blank? string = mail_part.body.to_s # TODO (use charlock_holmes to properly detect encoding) # 1) use the charset provided if mail_part.charset.present? fixed = try_to_encode(string, mail_part.charset) return fixed if fixed.present? end # 2) default to UTF-8 try_to_encode(string, "UTF-8") end def try_to_encode(string, encoding) string.encode("UTF-8", encoding) rescue Encoding::InvalidByteSequenceError, Encoding::UndefinedConversionError nil end def from @from ||= @mail[:from].address_list.addresses.first end def find_or_create_user(address_field) # decode the address field address_field.decoded # extract email and name email = address_field.address.downcase name = address_field.display_name.try(:to_s) username = UserNameSuggester.sanitize_username(name) if name.present? User.find_or_create_by(email: email) do |user| user.username = UserNameSuggester.suggest(username.presence || email) = name.presence || User.suggest_name(email) user.staged = true end end def destinations [ @mail.destinations, [@mail[:x_forwarded_to]], [@mail[:delivered_to]], ].flatten .select(&:present?) .uniq .lazy .map { |d| check_address(d) } .drop_while(&:blank?) end def check_address(address) # only check for a group/category when 'email_in' is enabled if SiteSetting.email_in group = Group.find_by_email(address) return { type: :group, obj: group } if group category = Category.find_by_email(address) return { type: :category, obj: category } if category end # reply match = reply_by_email_address_regex.match(address) if match && match[1].present? email_log = EmailLog.for(match[1]) return { type: :reply, obj: email_log } if email_log end end def reply_by_email_address_regex @reply_by_email_address_regex ||= Regexp.escape(SiteSetting.reply_by_email_address) .gsub(Regexp.escape("%{reply_key}"), "([[:xdigit:]]{32})") end def find_related_post message_ids = [@mail.in_reply_to, extract_references] message_ids.flatten!!(&:present?) message_ids.uniq! return if message_ids.empty? IncomingEmail.where.not(post_id: nil) .where(message_id: message_ids) .first .try(:post) end def extract_references if Array === @mail.references @mail.references elsif @mail.references.present? @mail.references.split(/[\s,]/).map { |r| r.sub(/^$/, "") } end end def likes @likes ||= ["+1", I18n.t('').downcase] end def subscription_action_for(body, subject) return unless SiteSetting.unsubscribe_via_email if ([subject, body] & ['unsubscribe']).any? :confirm_unsubscribe end end def post_action_for(body) if likes.include?(body.strip.downcase) PostActionType.types[:like] end end def create_topic(options={}) create_post_with_attachments(options) end def create_reply(options={}) raise TopicNotFoundError if options[:topic].nil? || options[:topic].trashed? raise TopicClosedError if options[:topic].closed? if post_action_type = post_action_for(options[:raw]) create_post_action(options[:user], options[:post], post_action_type) else options[:topic_id] = options[:post].try(:topic_id) options[:reply_to_post_number] = options[:post].try(:post_number) create_post_with_attachments(options) end end def create_post_action(user, post, type), post).perform(type) rescue PostAction::AlreadyActed # it's cool, don't care rescue Discourse::InvalidAccess => e raise end def create_post_with_attachments(options={}) # deal with attachments @mail.attachments.each do |attachment| tmp ="discourse-email-attachment") begin # read attachment, "w+b") { |f| f.write attachment.body.decoded } # create the upload for the user upload = Upload.create_for(options[:user].id, tmp, attachment.filename, tmp.size) if upload && upload.errors.empty? # try to inline images if attachment.content_type.start_with?("image/") && options[:raw][/\[image: .+ \d+\]/] options[:raw].sub!(/\[image: .+ \d+\]/, attachment_markdown(upload)) else options[:raw] << "\n#{attachment_markdown(upload)}\n" end end ensure tmp.try(:close!) rescue nil end end post_options = { cooking_options: { traditional_markdown_linebreaks: true }, }.merge(options) create_post(post_options) end def attachment_markdown(upload) if FileHelper.is_image?(upload.original_filename) "" else "#{upload.original_filename} (#{number_to_human_size(upload.filesize)})" end end def create_post(options={}) options[:via_email] = true options[:raw_email] = @raw_email # ensure posts aren't created in the future options[:created_at] = [,].min manager =[:user], options) result = manager.perform raise InvalidPost, result.errors.full_messages.join("\n") if result.errors.any? if @incoming_email.update_columns(topic_id:, post_id: if && add_other_addresses(, options[:user]) end end end def add_other_addresses(topic, sender) %i(to cc bcc).each do |d| if @mail[d] && @mail[d].address_list && @mail[d].address_list.addresses @mail[d].address_list.addresses.each do |address_field| begin email = address_field.address.downcase if email !~ reply_by_email_address_regex user = find_or_create_user(address_field) if can_invite?(topic, user) topic.topic_allowed_users.create!(user_id: topic.add_small_action(sender, "invited_user", user.username) end end rescue ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid # don't care if user already allowed end end end end end def can_invite?(topic, user) !topic.topic_allowed_users.where(user_id: && !topic.topic_allowed_groups.where("group_id IN (SELECT group_id FROM group_users WHERE user_id = ?)", end end end