class UserAction < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :user belongs_to :target_post, class_name: "Post" belongs_to :target_topic, class_name: "Topic" attr_accessible :acting_user_id, :action_type, :target_topic_id, :target_post_id, :target_user_id, :user_id validates_presence_of :action_type validates_presence_of :user_id LIKE = 1 WAS_LIKED = 2 BOOKMARK = 3 NEW_TOPIC = 4 POST = 5 RESPONSE= 6 MENTION = 7 QUOTE = 9 STAR = 10 EDIT = 11 NEW_PRIVATE_MESSAGE = 12 GOT_PRIVATE_MESSAGE = 13 ORDER = Hash[*[ NEW_PRIVATE_MESSAGE, GOT_PRIVATE_MESSAGE, BOOKMARK, NEW_TOPIC, POST, RESPONSE, LIKE, WAS_LIKED, MENTION, QUOTE, STAR, EDIT ].each_with_index.to_a.flatten] def self.stats(user_id, guardian) results ="action_type, COUNT(*) count, '' AS description") .joins(:target_topic) .where(user_id: user_id) .group('action_type') # We apply similar filters in stream, might consider trying to consolidate somehow unless guardian.can_see_private_messages?(user_id) results = results.where('topics.archetype <> ?', Archetype::private_message) end unless guardian.user && == user_id results = results.where("action_type <> ?", BOOKMARK) end results = results.to_a results.sort! { |a,b| ORDER[a.action_type] <=> ORDER[b.action_type] } results.each do |row| row.description = self.description(row.action_type, detailed: true) end results end def self.stream_item(action_id, guardian) stream(action_id: action_id, guardian: guardian).first end def{}) user_id = opts[:user_id] offset = opts[:offset] || 0 limit = opts[:limit] || 60 action_id = opts[:action_id] action_types = opts[:action_types] guardian = opts[:guardian] ignore_private_messages = opts[:ignore_private_messages] # The weird thing is that target_post_id can be null, so it makes everything # ever so more complex. Should we allow this, not sure. builder =" SELECT t.title, a.action_type, a.created_at, topic_id, coalesce(p.post_number, 1) post_number, p.reply_to_post_number, ,pu.username,, user_id, acting_email, u.username acting_username, acting_name, acting_user_id, coalesce(p.cooked, p2.cooked) cooked FROM user_actions as a JOIN topics t on = a.target_topic_id LEFT JOIN posts p on = a.target_post_id JOIN posts p2 on p2.topic_id = a.target_topic_id and p2.post_number = 1 JOIN users u on = a.acting_user_id JOIN users pu on = COALESCE(p.user_id, t.user_id) /*where*/ /*order_by*/ /*offset*/ /*limit*/ ") unless guardian.can_see_deleted_posts? builder.where("p.deleted_at is null and p2.deleted_at is null") end unless guardian.user && == user_id builder.where("a.action_type not in (#{BOOKMARK})") end if !guardian.can_see_private_messages?(user_id) || ignore_private_messages builder.where("t.archetype != :archetype", archetype: Archetype::private_message) end if action_id builder.where(" = :id", id: action_id.to_i) data = builder.exec.to_a else builder.where("a.user_id = :user_id", user_id: user_id.to_i) builder.where("a.action_type in (:action_types)", action_types: action_types) if action_types && action_types.length > 0 builder.order_by("a.created_at desc") builder.offset(offset.to_i) builder.limit(limit.to_i) data = builder.exec.to_a end data.each do |row| row["action_type"] = row["action_type"].to_i row["description"] = self.description(row["action_type"]) row["created_at"] = DateTime.parse(row["created_at"]) # we should probably cache the excerpts in the db at some point row["excerpt"] = PrettyText.excerpt(row["cooked"],300) if row["cooked"] row["cooked"] = nil row["avatar_template"] = User.avatar_template(row["email"]) row["acting_avatar_template"] = User.avatar_template(row["acting_email"]) row.delete("email") row.delete("acting_email") row["slug"] = Slug.for(row["title"]) end data end def self.description(row, opts = {}) t = I18n.t('user_action_descriptions') if opts[:detailed] # will localize as soon as we stablize the names here desc = case row.to_i when BOOKMARK t[:bookmarks] when NEW_TOPIC t[:topics] when WAS_LIKED t[:likes_received] when LIKE t[:likes_given] when RESPONSE t[:responses] when POST t[:posts] when MENTION t[:mentions] when QUOTE t[:quotes] when EDIT t[:edits] when STAR t[:favorites] when NEW_PRIVATE_MESSAGE t[:sent_items] when GOT_PRIVATE_MESSAGE t[:inbox] end else desc = case row.to_i when NEW_TOPIC then t[:posted] when LIKE,WAS_LIKED then t[:liked] when RESPONSE,POST then t[:responded_to] when BOOKMARK then t[:bookmarked] when MENTION then t[:mentioned] when QUOTE then t[:quoted] when STAR then t[:favorited] when EDIT then t[:edited] end end desc end def self.log_action!(hash) require_parameters(hash, :action_type, :user_id, :acting_user_id, :target_topic_id, :target_post_id) transaction(requires_new: true) do begin action = new(hash) if hash[:created_at] action.created_at = hash[:created_at] end! action_type = hash[:action_type] user_id = hash[:user_id] if action_type == LIKE User.update_all('likes_given = likes_given + 1', id: user_id) elsif action_type == WAS_LIKED User.update_all('likes_received = likes_received + 1', id: user_id) end rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique # can happen, don't care already logged raise ActiveRecord::Rollback end end end def self.remove_action!(hash) require_parameters(hash, :action_type, :user_id, :acting_user_id, :target_topic_id, :target_post_id) if action = UserAction.where(hash).first action.destroy MessageBus.publish("/user/#{hash[:user_id]}", {user_action_id:, remove: true}) end action_type = hash[:action_type] user_id = hash[:user_id] if action_type == LIKE User.update_all('likes_given = likes_given - 1', id: user_id) elsif action_type == WAS_LIKED User.update_all('likes_received = likes_received - 1', id: user_id) end end protected def self.require_parameters(data, *params) params.each do |p| raise if data[p].nil? end end end