require 'rails_helper' require 'pretty_text' describe PrettyText do before do SiteSetting.enable_markdown_typographer = false end def n(html) html.strip end def cook(*args) PrettyText.cook(*args) end let(:wrapped_image) { "<div class=\"lightbox-wrapper\"><a href=\"//localhost:3000/uploads/default/4399/33691397e78b4d75.png\" class=\"lightbox\" title=\"Screen Shot 2014-04-14 at 9.47.10 PM.png\"><img src=\"//localhost:3000/uploads/default/_optimized/bd9/b20/bbbcd6a0c0_655x500.png\" width=\"655\" height=\"500\"><div class=\"meta\">\n<span class=\"filename\">Screen Shot 2014-04-14 at 9.47.10 PM.png</span><span class=\"informations\">966x737 1.47 MB</span><span class=\"expand\"></span>\n</div></a></div>" } let(:wrapped_image_excerpt) {} describe "Quoting" do describe "with avatar" do let(:default_avatar) { "//test.localhost/uploads/default/avatars/42d/57c/46ce7ee487/{size}.png" } let(:user) { Fabricate(:user) } before do User.stubs(:default_template).returns(default_avatar) end it "do off topic quoting with emoji unescape" do topic = Fabricate(:topic, title: "this is a test topic :slight_smile:") expected = <<~HTML <aside class="quote no-group" data-post="2" data-topic="#{}"> <div class="title"> <div class="quote-controls"></div> <a href="http://test.localhost/t/this-is-a-test-topic/#{}/2">This is a test topic <img src="/images/emoji/twitter/slight_smile.png?v=#{Emoji::EMOJI_VERSION}" title="slight_smile" alt="slight_smile" class="emoji"></a> </div> <blockquote> <p>ddd</p> </blockquote> </aside> HTML expect(cook("[quote=\"EvilTrout, post:2, topic:#{}\"]\nddd\n[/quote]", topic_id: 1)).to eq(n(expected)) end it "do off topic quoting of posts from secure categories" do category = Fabricate(:category, read_restricted: true) topic = Fabricate(:topic, title: "this is topic with secret category", category: category) expected = <<~HTML <aside class="quote no-group" data-post="3" data-topic="#{}"> <div class="title"> <div class="quote-controls"></div> <a href="http://test.localhost/t/#{}/3">#{I18n.t("on_another_topic")}</a> </div> <blockquote> <p>I have nothing to say.</p> </blockquote> </aside> HTML expect(cook("[quote=\"maja, post:3, topic:#{}\"]\nI have nothing to say.\n[/quote]", topic_id: 1)).to eq(n(expected)) end it "indifferent about missing quotations" do md = <<~MD [quote=#{user.username}, post:123, topic:456, full:true] ddd [/quote] MD html = <<~HTML <aside class="quote no-group" data-post="123" data-topic="456" data-full="true"> <div class="title"> <div class="quote-controls"></div> <img alt width="20" height="20" src="//test.localhost/uploads/default/avatars/42d/57c/46ce7ee487/40.png" class="avatar"> #{user.username}:</div> <blockquote> <p>ddd</p> </blockquote> </aside> HTML expect(PrettyText.cook(md)).to eq(html.strip) end it "indifferent about curlies and no curlies" do md = <<~MD [quote=“#{user.username}, post:123, topic:456, full:true”] ddd [/quote] MD html = <<~HTML <aside class="quote no-group" data-post="123" data-topic="456" data-full="true"> <div class="title"> <div class="quote-controls"></div> <img alt width="20" height="20" src="//test.localhost/uploads/default/avatars/42d/57c/46ce7ee487/40.png" class="avatar"> #{user.username}:</div> <blockquote> <p>ddd</p> </blockquote> </aside> HTML expect(PrettyText.cook(md)).to eq(html.strip) end it "trims spaces on quote params" do md = <<~MD [quote="#{user.username}, post:555, topic: 666"] ddd [/quote] MD html = <<~HTML <aside class="quote no-group" data-post="555" data-topic="666"> <div class="title"> <div class="quote-controls"></div> <img alt width="20" height="20" src="//test.localhost/uploads/default/avatars/42d/57c/46ce7ee487/40.png" class="avatar"> #{user.username}:</div> <blockquote> <p>ddd</p> </blockquote> </aside> HTML expect(PrettyText.cook(md)).to eq(html.strip) end end describe "with primary user group" do let(:default_avatar) { "//test.localhost/uploads/default/avatars/42d/57c/46ce7ee487/{size}.png" } let(:group) { Fabricate(:group) } let!(:user) { Fabricate(:user, primary_group: group) } before do User.stubs(:default_template).returns(default_avatar) end it "adds primary group class to referenced users quote" do topic = Fabricate(:topic, title: "this is a test topic") expected = <<~HTML <aside class="quote group-#{}" data-post="2" data-topic="#{}"> <div class="title"> <div class="quote-controls"></div> <img alt width="20" height="20" src="//test.localhost/uploads/default/avatars/42d/57c/46ce7ee487/40.png" class="avatar"><a href="http://test.localhost/t/this-is-a-test-topic/#{}/2">This is a test topic</a> </div> <blockquote> <p>ddd</p> </blockquote> </aside> HTML expect(cook("[quote=\"#{user.username}, post:2, topic:#{}\"]\nddd\n[/quote]", topic_id: 1)).to eq(n(expected)) end end it "can handle inline block bbcode" do cooked = PrettyText.cook("[quote]te **s** t[/quote]") html = <<~HTML <aside class="quote no-group"> <blockquote> <p>te <strong>s</strong> t</p> </blockquote> </aside> HTML expect(cooked).to eq(html.strip) end it "handles bbcode edge cases" do expect(PrettyText.cook "[constructor]\ntest").to eq("<p>[constructor]<br>\ntest</p>") end it "can handle quote edge cases" do expect(PrettyText.cook("[quote]abc\ntest\n[/quote]")).not_to include('aside') expect(PrettyText.cook("[quote] \ntest\n[/quote] ")).to include('aside') expect(PrettyText.cook("a\n[quote]\ntest\n[/quote]\n\n\na")).to include('aside') expect(PrettyText.cook("- a\n[quote]\ntest\n[/quote]\n\n\na")).to include('aside') expect(PrettyText.cook("[quote]\ntest")).not_to include('aside') expect(PrettyText.cook("[quote]\ntest\n[/quote]z")).not_to include('aside') nested = <<~QUOTE [quote] a [quote] b [/quote] c [/quote] QUOTE cooked = PrettyText.cook(nested) expect(cooked.scan('aside').length).to eq(4) expect(cooked.scan('quote]').length).to eq(0) end describe "with letter avatar" do let(:user) { Fabricate(:user) } context "subfolder" do before do GlobalSetting.stubs(:relative_url_root).returns("/forum") Discourse.stubs(:base_uri).returns("/forum") end it "should have correct avatar url" do md = <<~MD [quote="#{user.username}, post:123, topic:456, full:true"] ddd [/quote] MD expect(PrettyText.cook(md)).to include("/forum/letter_avatar_proxy") end end end end describe "Mentions" do it "can handle mentions after abbr" do expect(PrettyText.cook("test <abbr>test</abbr>\n\n@bob")).to eq("<p>test <abbr>test</abbr></p>\n<p><span class=\"mention\">@bob</span></p>") end it "should handle 3 mentions in a row" do expect(PrettyText.cook('@hello @hello @hello')).to match_html "<p><span class=\"mention\">@hello</span> <span class=\"mention\">@hello</span> <span class=\"mention\">@hello</span></p>" end it "can handle mention edge cases" do expect(PrettyText.cook("hi\n@s")).to eq("<p>hi<br>\n<span class=\"mention\">@s</span></p>") expect(PrettyText.cook("hi\n@ss")).to eq("<p>hi<br>\n<span class=\"mention\">@ss</span></p>") expect(PrettyText.cook("hi\n@s.")).to eq("<p>hi<br>\n<span class=\"mention\">@s</span>.</p>") expect(PrettyText.cook("hi\n@s.s")).to eq("<p>hi<br>\n<span class=\"mention\">@s.s</span></p>") expect(PrettyText.cook("hi\n@.s.s")).to eq("<p>hi<br>\n@.s.s</p>") end it "handles user and group mentions correctly" do ['User', 'user2'].each do |username | Fabricate(:user, username: username) end ['Group', 'group2'].each do |name| Fabricate(:group, name: name, mentionable_level: Group::ALIAS_LEVELS[:everyone] ) end [ [ 'hi @uSer! @user2 hi', '<p>hi <a class="mention" href="/u/user">@uSer</a>! <a class="mention" href="/u/user2">@user2</a> hi</p>' ], [ "hi\n@user. @GROUP @somemention @group2", %Q|<p>hi<br>\n<a class="mention" href="/u/user">@user</a>. <a class="mention-group" href="/groups/group">@GROUP</a> <span class="mention">@somemention</span> <a class="mention-group" href="/groups/group2">@group2</a></p>| ] ].each do |input, expected| expect(PrettyText.cook(input)).to eq(expected) end end context 'subfolder' do before do GlobalSetting.stubs(:relative_url_root).returns('/forum') Discourse.stubs(:base_uri).returns("/forum") end it "handles user and group mentions correctly" do Fabricate(:user, username: 'user1') Fabricate(:group, name: 'groupA', mentionable_level: Group::ALIAS_LEVELS[:everyone]) input = 'hi there @user1 and @groupA' expected = '<p>hi there <a class="mention" href="/forum/u/user1">@user1</a> and <a class="mention-group" href="/forum/groups/groupa">@groupA</a></p>' expect(PrettyText.cook(input)).to eq(expected) end end it "does not create mention for a non mentionable group" do group = Fabricate(:group, mentionable_level: Group::ALIAS_LEVELS[:nobody]) expect(PrettyText.cook("test @#{} test")).to eq( %Q|<p>test <span class="mention">@#{}</span> test</p>| ) end it 'does not mention staged users' do user = Fabricate(:user, staged: true) expect(PrettyText.cook("something @#{user.username} something")).to eq( %Q|<p>something <span class="mention">@#{user.username}</span> something</p>| ) end describe 'when mentions are disabled' do before do SiteSetting.enable_mentions = false end it 'should not convert mentions to links' do _user = Fabricate(:user) expect(PrettyText.cook('hi @user')).to eq('<p>hi @user</p>') end end it "can handle mentions inside a hyperlink" do expect(PrettyText.cook("<a> @inner</a> ")).to match_html '<p><a> @inner</a></p>' end it "can handle mentions inside a hyperlink" do expect(PrettyText.cook("[link @inner](")).to match_html '<p><a href="" rel="nofollow noopener">link @inner</a></p>' end it "can handle a list of mentions" do expect(PrettyText.cook("@a,@b")).to match_html('<p><span class="mention">@a</span>,<span class="mention">@b</span></p>') end it "should handle group mentions with a hyphen and without" do expect(PrettyText.cook('@hello @hello-hello')).to match_html "<p><span class=\"mention\">@hello</span> <span class=\"mention\">@hello-hello</span></p>" end it 'should allow for @mentions to have punctuation' do expect(PrettyText.cook("hello @bob's @bob,@bob; @bob\"")).to match_html( "<p>hello <span class=\"mention\">@bob</span>'s <span class=\"mention\">@bob</span>,<span class=\"mention\">@bob</span>; <span class=\"mention\">@bob</span>\"</p>" ) end it 'should not treat a medium link as a mention' do expect(PrettyText.cook(". http://test/@sam")).not_to include('mention') end end describe "code fences" do it 'indents code correctly' do code = <<~MD X ``` # x ``` MD cooked = PrettyText.cook(code) html = <<~HTML <p>X</p> <pre><code class="lang-auto"> # x </code></pre> HTML expect(cooked).to eq(html.strip) end it "doesn't replace emoji in code blocks with our emoji sets if emoji is enabled" do expect(PrettyText.cook("```\n💣`\n```\n")).not_to match(/\:bomb\:/) end it 'can include code class correctly' do # keep in mind spaces should be trimmed per spec expect(PrettyText.cook("``` ruby the mooby\n`````")).to eq('<pre><code class="lang-ruby"></code></pre>') expect(PrettyText.cook("```cpp\ncpp\n```")).to match_html("<pre><code class='lang-cpp'>cpp\n</code></pre>") expect(PrettyText.cook("```\ncpp\n```")).to match_html("<pre><code class='lang-auto'>cpp\n</code></pre>") expect(PrettyText.cook("```text\ncpp\n```")).to match_html("<pre><code class='lang-nohighlight'>cpp\n</code></pre>") end it 'indents code correctly' do code = "X\n```\n\n #\n x\n```" cooked = PrettyText.cook(code) expect(cooked).to match_html("<p>X</p>\n<pre><code class=\"lang-auto\">\n #\n x\n</code></pre>") end it 'does censor code fences' do begin ['apple', 'banana'].each { |w| Fabricate(:watched_word, word: w, action: WatchedWord.actions[:censor]) } expect(PrettyText.cook("# banana")).not_to include('banana') ensure $redis.flushall end end end describe "rel nofollow" do before do SiteSetting.add_rel_nofollow_to_user_content = true SiteSetting.exclude_rel_nofollow_domains = "|" end it "should inject nofollow in all user provided links" do expect(PrettyText.cook('<a href="">cnn</a>')).to match(/nofollow noopener/) end it "should not inject nofollow in all local links" do expect(PrettyText.cook("<a href='#{Discourse.base_url}/test.html'>cnn</a>") !~ /nofollow/).to eq(true) end it "should not inject nofollow in all subdomain links" do expect(PrettyText.cook("<a href='#{Discourse.base_url.sub('http://', 'http://bla.')}/test.html'>cnn</a>") !~ /nofollow/).to eq(true) end it "should inject nofollow in all non subdomain links" do expect(PrettyText.cook("<a href='#{Discourse.base_url.sub('http://', 'http://bla')}/test.html'>cnn</a>")).to match(/nofollow/) end it "should not inject nofollow for" do expect(PrettyText.cook("<a href=''>cnn</a>") !~ /nofollow/).to eq(true) end it "should inject nofollow for" do expect(PrettyText.cook("<a href=''>cnn</a>")).to match(/nofollow/) end it "should not inject nofollow for" do expect(PrettyText.cook("<a href=''>cnn</a>") !~ /nofollow/).to eq(true) end it "should not inject nofollow if omit_nofollow option is given" do expect(PrettyText.cook('<a href="">cnn</a>', omit_nofollow: true) !~ /nofollow/).to eq(true) end end describe "Excerpt" do it "sanitizes attempts to inject invalid attributes" do spinner = "<a href=\"\" data-bbcode=\"' class='fa fa-spin\">WTF</a>" expect(PrettyText.excerpt(spinner, 20)).to match_html spinner spinner = %q{<a href="" title="' class="fa fa-spin"><img src='"></a>} expect(PrettyText.excerpt(spinner, 20)).to match_html spinner end context "images" do it "should dump images" do expect(PrettyText.excerpt("<img src=''>", 100)).to eq("[image]") end context 'alt tags' do it "should keep alt tags" do expect(PrettyText.excerpt("<img src='' alt='car' title='my big car'>", 100)).to eq("[car]") end describe 'when alt tag is empty' do it "should not keep alt tags" do expect(PrettyText.excerpt("<img src='' alt>", 100)).to eq("[#{I18n.t('excerpt_image')}]") end end end context 'title tags' do it "should keep title tags" do expect(PrettyText.excerpt("<img src='' title='car'>", 100)).to eq("[car]") end describe 'when title tag is empty' do it "should not keep title tags" do expect(PrettyText.excerpt("<img src='' title>", 100)).to eq("[#{I18n.t('excerpt_image')}]") end end end it "should convert images to markdown if the option is set" do expect(PrettyText.excerpt("<img src='' title='car'>", 100, markdown_images: true)).to eq("![car](") end it "should keep spoilers" do expect(PrettyText.excerpt("<div class='spoiler'><img src=''></div>", 100)).to match_html "<span class='spoiler'>[image]</span>" expect(PrettyText.excerpt("<span class='spoiler'>spoiler</div>", 100)).to match_html "<span class='spoiler'>spoiler</span>" end it "should keep details if too long" do expect(PrettyText.excerpt("<details><summary>expand</summary><p>hello</p></details>", 6)).to match_html "<details class='disabled'><summary>expand</summary></details>" end it "doesn't disable details if short enough" do expect(PrettyText.excerpt("<details><summary>expand</summary><p>hello</p></details>", 60)).to match_html "<details><summary>expand</summary>hello</details>" end it "should remove meta informations" do expect(PrettyText.excerpt(wrapped_image, 100)).to match_html "<a href='//localhost:3000/uploads/default/4399/33691397e78b4d75.png' class='lightbox' title='Screen Shot 2014-04-14 at 9.47.10 PM.png'>[image]</a>" end it "should strip images when option is set" do expect(PrettyText.excerpt("<img src=''>", 100, strip_images: true)).to be_blank expect(PrettyText.excerpt("<img src=''> Hello world!", 100, strip_images: true)).to eq("Hello world!") end it "should strip images, but keep emojis when option is set" do emoji_image = "<img src='/images/emoji/twitter/heart.png?v=#{Emoji::EMOJI_VERSION}' title=':heart:' class='emoji' alt='heart'>" html = "<img src=''> Hello world #{emoji_image}" expect(PrettyText.excerpt(html, 100, strip_images: true)).to eq("Hello world heart") expect(PrettyText.excerpt(html, 100, strip_images: true, keep_emoji_images: true)).to match_html("Hello world #{emoji_image}") end end it "should have an option to strip links" do expect(PrettyText.excerpt("<a href=''>cnn</a>", 100, strip_links: true)).to eq("cnn") end it "should preserve links" do expect(PrettyText.excerpt("<a href=''>cnn</a>", 100)).to match_html "<a href=''>cnn</a>" end it "should deal with special keys properly" do expect(PrettyText.excerpt("<pre><b></pre>", 100)).to eq("") end it "should truncate stuff properly" do expect(PrettyText.excerpt("hello world", 5)).to eq("hello…") expect(PrettyText.excerpt("<p>hello</p><p>world</p>", 6)).to eq("hello w…") end it "should insert a space between to Ps" do expect(PrettyText.excerpt("<p>a</p><p>b</p>", 5)).to eq("a b") end it "should strip quotes" do expect(PrettyText.excerpt("<aside class='quote'><p>a</p><p>b</p></aside>boom", 5)).to eq("boom") end it "should not count the surrounds of a link" do expect(PrettyText.excerpt("<a href=''>cnn</a>", 3)).to match_html "<a href=''>cnn</a>" end it "uses an ellipsis instead of html entities if provided with the option" do expect(PrettyText.excerpt("<a href=''>cnn</a>", 2, text_entities: true)).to match_html "<a href=''>cn...</a>" end it "should truncate links" do expect(PrettyText.excerpt("<a href=''>cnn</a>", 2)).to match_html "<a href=''>cn…</a>" end it "doesn't extract empty quotes as links" do expect(PrettyText.extract_links("<aside class='quote'>not a linked quote</aside>\n").to_a).to be_empty end it "doesn't extract links from elided parts" do expect(PrettyText.extract_links("<details class='elided'><a href=''>cnn</a></details>\n").to_a).to be_empty end def extract_urls(text) PrettyText.extract_links(text).map(&:url).to_a end it "should be able to extract links" do expect(extract_urls("<a href=''></a>")).to eq([""]) end it "should extract links to topics" do expect(extract_urls("<aside class=\"quote\" data-topic=\"321\">aside</aside>")).to eq(["/t/topic/321"]) end it "should lazyYT videos" do expect(extract_urls("<div class=\"lazyYT\" data-youtube-id=\"yXEuEUQIP3Q\" data-youtube-title=\"Mister Rogers defending PBS to the US Senate\" data-width=\"480\" data-height=\"270\" data-parameters=\"feature=oembed&wmode=opaque\"></div>")).to eq([""]) end it "should extract links to posts" do expect(extract_urls("<aside class=\"quote\" data-topic=\"1234\" data-post=\"4567\">aside</aside>")).to eq(["/t/topic/1234/4567"]) end it "should not extract links to anchors" do expect(extract_urls("<a href='#tos'>TOS</a>")).to eq([]) end it "should not extract links inside quotes" do links = PrettyText.extract_links(" <a href=''></a> <aside class=\"quote\" data-topic=\"1234\"> <a href=''></a> <a href=''></a> </aside> <a href=''></a> ") expect( { |l| [l.url, l.is_quote] }.sort).to eq([ ["", false], ["", false], ["/t/topic/1234", true], ].sort) end it "should not preserve tags in code blocks" do expect(PrettyText.excerpt("<pre><code class='handlebars'><h3>Hours</h3></code></pre>", 100)).to eq("<h3>Hours</h3>") end it "should handle nil" do expect(PrettyText.excerpt(nil, 100)).to eq('') end it "handles custom bbcode excerpt" do raw = <<~RAW [excerpt] hello [site]( [/excerpt] more stuff RAW post = Fabricate(:post, raw: raw) expect(post.excerpt).to eq("hello <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\">site</a>") end it "handles span excerpt at the beginning of a post" do expect(PrettyText.excerpt("<span class='excerpt'>hi</span> test", 100)).to eq('hi') post = Fabricate(:post, raw: "<span class='excerpt'>hi</span> test") expect(post.excerpt).to eq("hi") end it "ignores max excerpt length if a span excerpt is specified" do two_hundred = "123456789 " * 20 + "." text = two_hundred + "<span class='excerpt'>#{two_hundred}</span>" + two_hundred expect(PrettyText.excerpt(text, 100)).to eq(two_hundred) post = Fabricate(:post, raw: text) expect(post.excerpt).to eq(two_hundred) end it "unescapes html entities when we want text entities" do expect(PrettyText.excerpt("'", 500, text_entities: true)).to eq("'") end it "should have an option to preserve emoji images" do emoji_image = "<img src='/images/emoji/twitter/heart.png?v=#{Emoji::EMOJI_VERSION}' title=':heart:' class='emoji' alt='heart'>" expect(PrettyText.excerpt(emoji_image, 100, keep_emoji_images: true)).to match_html(emoji_image) end it "should have an option to remap emoji to code points" do emoji_image = "I <img src='/images/emoji/twitter/heart.png?v=#{Emoji::EMOJI_VERSION}' title=':heart:' class='emoji' alt=':heart:'> you <img src='/images/emoji/twitter/heart.png?v=#{Emoji::EMOJI_VERSION}' title=':unknown:' class='emoji' alt=':unknown:'> " expect(PrettyText.excerpt(emoji_image, 100, remap_emoji: true)).to match_html("I ❤ you :unknown:") end it "should have an option to preserve emoji codes" do emoji_code = "<img src='/images/emoji/twitter/heart.png?v=#{Emoji::EMOJI_VERSION}' title=':heart:' class='emoji' alt=':heart:'>" expect(PrettyText.excerpt(emoji_code, 100)).to eq(":heart:") end context 'option to preserve onebox source' do it "should return the right excerpt" do onebox = "<aside class=\"onebox whitelistedgeneric\">\n <header class=\"source\">\n <a href=\"\"></a>\n </header>\n <article class=\"onebox-body\">\n <img src=\"\" width=\"\" height=\"\" class=\"thumbnail\">\n\n<h3><a href=\"\">Infrequent translation updates in stable branch</a></h3>\n\n<p>Well, there's an Italian translation for \"New Topic\" in beta, it's been there since November 2014 and it works here on meta. Do you have any plugins installed? Try disabling them. I'm quite confident that it's either a plugin or a site...</p>\n\n </article>\n <div class=\"onebox-metadata\">\n \n \n </div>\n <div style=\"clear: both\"></div>\n</aside>\n\n\n" expected = "<a href=\"\"></a>" expect(PrettyText.excerpt(onebox, 100, keep_onebox_source: true)) .to eq(expected) expect(PrettyText.excerpt("#{onebox}\n \n \n \n\n\n #{onebox}", 100, keep_onebox_source: true)) .to eq("#{expected}\n\n#{expected}") end it 'should continue to strip quotes' do expect(PrettyText.excerpt( "<aside class='quote'><p>a</p><p>b</p></aside>boom", 100, keep_onebox_source: true )).to eq("boom") end end end describe "strip links" do it "returns blank for blank input" do expect(PrettyText.strip_links("")).to be_blank end it "does nothing to a string without links" do expect(PrettyText.strip_links("I'm the <b>batman</b>")).to eq("I'm the <b>batman</b>") end it "strips links but leaves the text content" do expect(PrettyText.strip_links("I'm the linked <a href=''>batman</a>")).to eq("I'm the linked batman") end it "escapes the text content" do expect(PrettyText.strip_links("I'm the linked <a href=''><batman></a>")).to eq("I'm the linked <batman>") end end describe "strip_image_wrapping" do def strip_image_wrapping(html) doc = Nokogiri::HTML.fragment(html) described_class.strip_image_wrapping(doc) doc.to_html end it "doesn't change HTML when there's no wrapped image" do html = "<img src=\"wat.png\">" expect(strip_image_wrapping(html)).to eq(html) end it "strips the metadata" do expect(strip_image_wrapping(wrapped_image)).to match_html "<div class=\"lightbox-wrapper\"><a href=\"//localhost:3000/uploads/default/4399/33691397e78b4d75.png\" class=\"lightbox\" title=\"Screen Shot 2014-04-14 at 9.47.10 PM.png\"><img src=\"//localhost:3000/uploads/default/_optimized/bd9/b20/bbbcd6a0c0_655x500.png\" width=\"655\" height=\"500\"></a></div>" end end describe 'format_for_email' do let(:base_url) { "" } let(:post) { Fabricate(:post) } before do Discourse.stubs(:base_url).returns(base_url) end it 'does not crash' do PrettyText.format_for_email('<a href="">test</a>', post) end it "adds base url to relative links" do html = "<p><a class=\"mention\" href=\"/u/wiseguy\">@wiseguy</a>, <a class=\"mention\" href=\"/u/trollol\">@trollol</a> what do you guys think? </p>" output = described_class.format_for_email(html, post) expect(output).to eq("<p><a class=\"mention\" href=\"#{base_url}/u/wiseguy\">@wiseguy</a>, <a class=\"mention\" href=\"#{base_url}/u/trollol\">@trollol</a> what do you guys think? </p>") end it "doesn't change external absolute links" do html = "<p>Check out <a href=\"\">this guy</a>.</p>" expect(described_class.format_for_email(html, post)).to eq(html) end it "doesn't change internal absolute links" do html = "<p>Check out <a href=\"#{base_url}/users/boss\">this guy</a>.</p>" expect(described_class.format_for_email(html, post)).to eq(html) end it "can tolerate invalid URLs" do html = "<p>Check out <a href=\"not a real url\">this guy</a>.</p>" expect { described_class.format_for_email(html, post) }.to_not raise_error end it "doesn't change mailto" do html = "<p>Contact me at <a href=\"\">this address</a>.</p>" expect(PrettyText.format_for_email(html, post)).to eq(html) end end it 'Is smart about linebreaks and IMG tags' do raw = <<~MD a <img> <img> <img> <img> <img> a <img> - li <img> ``` test ``` ``` test ``` MD html = <<~HTML <p>a <img><br> <img></p> <p><img><br> <img></p> <p><img></p> <p>a</p> <p><img></p> <ul> <li>li</li> </ul> <p><img></p> <pre><code class="lang-auto">test </code></pre> <pre><code class="lang-auto">test </code></pre> HTML expect(PrettyText.cook(raw)).to eq(html.strip) end describe "emoji" do it "replaces unicode emoji with our emoji sets if emoji is enabled" do expect(PrettyText.cook("💣")).to match(/\:bomb\:/) end it "doesn't replace emoji in inline code blocks with our emoji sets if emoji is enabled" do expect(PrettyText.cook("`💣`")).not_to match(/\:bomb\:/) end it "replaces some glyphs that are not in the emoji range" do expect(PrettyText.cook("☺")).to match(/\:slight_smile\:/) end it "doesn't replace unicode emoji if emoji is disabled" do SiteSetting.enable_emoji = false expect(PrettyText.cook("💣")).not_to match(/\:bomb\:/) end it "doesn't replace emoji if emoji is disabled" do SiteSetting.enable_emoji = false expect(PrettyText.cook(":bomb:")).to eq("<p>:bomb:</p>") end it "doesn't replace shortcuts if disabled" do SiteSetting.enable_emoji_shortcuts = false expect(PrettyText.cook(":)")).to eq("<p>:)</p>") end it "does replace shortcuts if enabled" do expect(PrettyText.cook(":)")).to match("smile") end it "replaces skin toned emoji" do expect(PrettyText.cook("hello 👱🏿♀️")).to eq("<p>hello <img src=\"/images/emoji/twitter/blonde_woman/6.png?v=#{Emoji::EMOJI_VERSION}\" title=\":blonde_woman:t6:\" class=\"emoji\" alt=\":blonde_woman:t6:\"></p>") expect(PrettyText.cook("hello 👩🎤")).to eq("<p>hello <img src=\"/images/emoji/twitter/woman_singer.png?v=#{Emoji::EMOJI_VERSION}\" title=\":woman_singer:\" class=\"emoji\" alt=\":woman_singer:\"></p>") expect(PrettyText.cook("hello 👩🏾🎓")).to eq("<p>hello <img src=\"/images/emoji/twitter/woman_student/5.png?v=#{Emoji::EMOJI_VERSION}\" title=\":woman_student:t5:\" class=\"emoji\" alt=\":woman_student:t5:\"></p>") expect(PrettyText.cook("hello 🤷♀️")).to eq("<p>hello <img src=\"/images/emoji/twitter/woman_shrugging.png?v=#{Emoji::EMOJI_VERSION}\" title=\":woman_shrugging:\" class=\"emoji\" alt=\":woman_shrugging:\"></p>") end it "correctly strips VARIATION SELECTOR-16 character (ufe0f) from some emojis" do expect(PrettyText.cook("❤️💣")).to match(/<img src[^>]+bomb[^>]+>/) end end describe "custom emoji" do it "replaces the custom emoji" do CustomEmoji.create!(name: 'trout', upload: Fabricate(:upload)) Emoji.clear_cache expect(PrettyText.cook("hello :trout:")).to match(/<img src[^>]+trout[^>]+>/) end end it "replaces skin toned emoji" do expect(PrettyText.cook("hello 👱🏿♀️")).to eq("<p>hello <img src=\"/images/emoji/twitter/blonde_woman/6.png?v=#{Emoji::EMOJI_VERSION}\" title=\":blonde_woman:t6:\" class=\"emoji\" alt=\":blonde_woman:t6:\"></p>") expect(PrettyText.cook("hello 👩🎤")).to eq("<p>hello <img src=\"/images/emoji/twitter/woman_singer.png?v=#{Emoji::EMOJI_VERSION}\" title=\":woman_singer:\" class=\"emoji\" alt=\":woman_singer:\"></p>") expect(PrettyText.cook("hello 👩🏾🎓")).to eq("<p>hello <img src=\"/images/emoji/twitter/woman_student/5.png?v=#{Emoji::EMOJI_VERSION}\" title=\":woman_student:t5:\" class=\"emoji\" alt=\":woman_student:t5:\"></p>") expect(PrettyText.cook("hello 🤷♀️")).to eq("<p>hello <img src=\"/images/emoji/twitter/woman_shrugging.png?v=#{Emoji::EMOJI_VERSION}\" title=\":woman_shrugging:\" class=\"emoji\" alt=\":woman_shrugging:\"></p>") end it "should not treat a non emoji as an emoji" do expect(PrettyText.cook(':email,class_name:')).not_to include('emoji') end it "supports href schemes" do SiteSetting.allowed_href_schemes = "macappstore|steam" cooked = cook("[Steam URL Scheme](steam://store/452530)") expected = '<p><a href="steam://store/452530" rel="nofollow noopener">Steam URL Scheme</a></p>' expect(cooked).to eq(n expected) end it "supports forbidden schemes" do SiteSetting.allowed_href_schemes = "macappstore|itunes" cooked = cook("[Steam URL Scheme](steam://store/452530)") expected = '<p><a>Steam URL Scheme</a></p>' expect(cooked).to eq(n expected) end it 'allows only tel URL scheme to start with a plus character' do SiteSetting.allowed_href_schemes = "tel|steam" cooked = cook("[Tel URL Scheme](tel://+452530579785)") expected = '<p><a href="tel://+452530579785" rel="nofollow noopener">Tel URL Scheme</a></p>' expect(cooked).to eq(n expected) cooked2 = cook("[Steam URL Scheme](steam://+store/452530)") expected2 = '<p><a>Steam URL Scheme</a></p>' expect(cooked2).to eq(n expected2) end it "produces hashtag links" do category = Fabricate(:category, name: 'testing') category2 = Fabricate(:category, name: 'known') Fabricate(:topic, tags: [Fabricate(:tag, name: 'known')]) cooked = PrettyText.cook(" #unknown::tag #known #known::tag #testing") [ "<span class=\"hashtag\">#unknown::tag</span>", "<a class=\"hashtag\" href=\"#{category2.url_with_id}\">#<span>known</span></a>", "<a class=\"hashtag\" href=\"http://test.localhost/tags/known\">#<span>known</span></a>", "<a class=\"hashtag\" href=\"#{category.url_with_id}\">#<span>testing</span></a>" ].each do |element| expect(cooked).to include(element) end cooked = PrettyText.cook("[`a` #known::tag here](") html = <<~HTML <p><a href="" rel="nofollow noopener"><code>a</code> #known::tag here</a></p> HTML expect(cooked).to eq(html.strip) cooked = PrettyText.cook("<a href=''>`a` #known::tag here</a>") expect(cooked).to eq(html.strip) cooked = PrettyText.cook("<A href='/a'>test</A> #known::tag") html = <<~HTML <p><a href="/a">test</a> <a class="hashtag" href="http://test.localhost/tags/known">#<span>known</span></a></p> HTML expect(cooked).to eq(html.strip) # ensure it does not fight with the autolinker expect(PrettyText.cook('')).not_to include('hashtag') expect(PrettyText.cook('')).not_to include('hashtag') expect(PrettyText.cook('')).not_to include('hashtag') end it "can handle mixed lists" do # known bug in old md engine cooked = PrettyText.cook("* a\n\n1. b") expect(cooked).to match_html("<ul>\n<li>a</li>\n</ul><ol>\n<li>b</li>\n</ol>") end it "can handle traditional vs non traditional newlines" do SiteSetting.traditional_markdown_linebreaks = true expect(PrettyText.cook("1\n2")).to match_html "<p>1 2</p>" SiteSetting.traditional_markdown_linebreaks = false expect(PrettyText.cook("1\n2")).to match_html "<p>1<br>\n2</p>" end it "can handle emoji by name" do expected = <<HTML <p><img src="/images/emoji/twitter/smile.png?v=#{Emoji::EMOJI_VERSION}\" title=":smile:" class="emoji" alt=":smile:"><img src="/images/emoji/twitter/sunny.png?v=#{Emoji::EMOJI_VERSION}" title=":sunny:" class="emoji" alt=":sunny:"></p> HTML expect(PrettyText.cook(":smile::sunny:")).to eq(expected.strip) end it "handles emoji boundaries correctly" do cooked = PrettyText.cook("a,:man:t2:,b") expected = "<p>a,<img src=\"/images/emoji/twitter/man/2.png?v=#{Emoji::EMOJI_VERSION}\" title=\":man:t2:\" class=\"emoji\" alt=\":man:t2:\">,b</p>" expect(cooked).to match(expected.strip) end it "can handle emoji by translation" do expected = "<p><img src=\"/images/emoji/twitter/wink.png?v=#{Emoji::EMOJI_VERSION}\" title=\":wink:\" class=\"emoji\" alt=\":wink:\"></p>" expect(PrettyText.cook(";)")).to eq(expected) end it "can handle multiple emojis by translation" do cooked = PrettyText.cook(":) ;) :)") expect(cooked.split("img").length - 1).to eq(3) end it "handles emoji boundries correctly" do expect(PrettyText.cook(",:)")).to include("emoji") expect(PrettyText.cook(":-)\n")).to include("emoji") expect(PrettyText.cook("a :)")).to include("emoji") expect(PrettyText.cook(":),")).not_to include("emoji") expect(PrettyText.cook("abcde ^:;-P")).to include("emoji") end it 'can censor words correctly' do begin ['apple', 'banana'].each { |w| Fabricate(:watched_word, word: w, action: WatchedWord.actions[:censor]) } expect(PrettyText.cook('yay banana yay')).not_to include('banana') expect(PrettyText.cook('yay `banana` yay')).not_to include('banana') expect(PrettyText.cook("# banana")).not_to include('banana') expect(PrettyText.cook("# banana")).to include("\u25a0\u25a0") ensure $redis.flushall end end it 'supports typographer' do SiteSetting.enable_markdown_typographer = true expect(PrettyText.cook('(tm)')).to eq('<p>™</p>') SiteSetting.enable_markdown_typographer = false expect(PrettyText.cook('(tm)')).to eq('<p>(tm)</p>') end it 'handles onebox correctly' do expect(PrettyText.cook("\n").split("onebox").length).to eq(3) expect(PrettyText.cook("\n\n").split("onebox").length).to eq(3) expect(PrettyText.cook("a\n")).to include('onebox') expect(PrettyText.cook(">")).not_to include('onebox') expect(PrettyText.cook("a\n a")).not_to include('onebox') expect(PrettyText.cook("a\n\na")).to include('onebox') expect(PrettyText.cook("")).to include('onebox') expect(PrettyText.cook(" ")).to include('onebox') expect(PrettyText.cook(" a")).not_to include('onebox') expect(PrettyText.cook("-")).not_to include('onebox') expect(PrettyText.cook("<>")).not_to include('onebox') expect(PrettyText.cook("")).not_to include('onebox') expect(PrettyText.cook("a\n")).not_to include('onebox') expect(PrettyText.cook("")).not_to include('onebox') expect(PrettyText.cook("<img src='a'>\n")).to include('onebox') end it "can handle bbcode" do expect(PrettyText.cook("a[b]b[/b]c")).to eq('<p>a<span class="bbcode-b">b</span>c</p>') expect(PrettyText.cook("a[i]b[/i]c")).to eq('<p>a<span class="bbcode-i">b</span>c</p>') end it "can handle bbcode after a newline" do # this is not 100% ideal cause we get an extra p here, but this is pretty rare expect(PrettyText.cook("a\n[code]code[/code]")).to eq("<p>a</p>\n<pre><code class=\"lang-auto\">code</code></pre>") # this is fine expect(PrettyText.cook("a\na[code]code[/code]")).to eq("<p>a<br>\na<code>code</code></p>") end it "can onebox local topics" do op = Fabricate(:post) reply = Fabricate(:post, topic_id: op.topic_id) url = Discourse.base_url + reply.url quote = create_post(topic_id:, raw: "This is a sample reply with a quote\n\n#{url}") quote.reload expect(quote.cooked).not_to include('[quote') end it "supports tables" do markdown = <<~MD | Tables | Are | Cool | | ------------- |:-------------:| -----:| | col 3 is | right-aligned | $1600 | MD expected = <<~HTML <div class="md-table"> <table> <thead> <tr> <th>Tables</th> <th style="text-align:center">Are</th> <th style="text-align:right">Cool</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>col 3 is</td> <td style="text-align:center">right-aligned</td> <td style="text-align:right">$1600</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> HTML expect(PrettyText.cook(markdown)).to eq(expected.strip) end it "supports img bbcode" do cooked = PrettyText.cook "[img]http://www.image/test.png[/img]" html = "<p><img src=\"http://www.image/test.png\" alt></p>" expect(cooked).to eq(html) end it "provides safety for img bbcode" do cooked = PrettyText.cook "[img]<script>alert(1);</script>[/img]" html = '<p><img src="<script>alert(1);</script>" alt></p>' expect(cooked).to eq(html) end it "supports email bbcode" do cooked = PrettyText.cook "[email][/email]" html = '<p><a href="" data-bbcode="true"></a></p>' expect(cooked).to eq(html) end it "supports url bbcode" do cooked = PrettyText.cook "[url][/url]" html = '<p><a href="" data-bbcode="true" rel="nofollow noopener"></a></p>' expect(cooked).to eq(html) end it "supports nesting tags in url" do cooked = PrettyText.cook("[url=][b]I am sam[/b][/url]") html = '<p><a href="" data-bbcode="true" rel="nofollow noopener"><span class="bbcode-b">I am sam</span></a></p>' expect(cooked).to eq(html) end it "supports query params in bbcode url" do cooked = PrettyText.cook("[url=]BBcode link[/url]") html = '<p><a href="" data-bbcode="true" rel="nofollow noopener">BBcode link</a></p>' expect(cooked).to eq(html) end it "supports inline code bbcode" do cooked = PrettyText.cook "Testing [code]codified **stuff** and `more` stuff[/code]" html = "<p>Testing <code>codified **stuff** and `more` stuff</code></p>" expect(cooked).to eq(html) end it "supports block code bbcode" do cooked = PrettyText.cook "[code]\ncodified\n\n\n **stuff** and `more` stuff\n[/code]" html = "<pre><code class=\"lang-auto\">codified\n\n\n **stuff** and `more` stuff</code></pre>" expect(cooked).to eq(html) end it "support special handling for space in urls" do cooked = PrettyText.cook "" html = '<p><a href="" class="onebox" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener"></a></p>' expect(cooked).to eq(html) end it "supports onebox for decoded urls" do cooked = PrettyText.cook "" html = '<p><a href="" class="onebox" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener"></a></p>' expect(cooked).to eq(html) end it "should sanitize the html" do expect(PrettyText.cook("<test>alert(42)</test>")).to eq "<p>alert(42)</p>" end it "should not onebox magically linked urls" do expect(PrettyText.cook('[url][/url]')).not_to include('onebox') end it "should sanitize the html" do expect(PrettyText.cook("<p class='hi'>hi</p>")).to eq "<p>hi</p>" end it "should strip SCRIPT" do expect(PrettyText.cook("<script>alert(42)</script>")).to eq "" end it "should allow sanitize bypass" do expect(PrettyText.cook("<test>alert(42)</test>", sanitize: false)).to eq "<p><test>alert(42)</test></p>" end # custom rule used to specify image dimensions via alt tags describe "image dimensions" do it "allows title plus dimensions" do cooked = PrettyText.cook <<~MD ![title with | title|220x100]( ![]( ![|220x100]( ![stuff]( ![|220x100,50%]( MD html = <<~HTML <p><img src="" alt="title with | title" width="220" height="100"><br> <img src="" alt><br> <img src="" alt width="220" height="100"><br> <img src="" alt="stuff"><br> <img src="" alt width="110" height="50"></p> HTML expect(cooked).to eq(html.strip) end it "ignores whitespace and allows scaling by percent, width, height" do cooked = PrettyText.cook <<~MD ![|220x100, 50%]( ![|220x100 , 50%]( ![|220x100 ,50%]( ![|220x100,150x]( ![|220x100, x50]( MD html = <<~HTML <p><img src="" alt width="110" height="50"><br> <img src="" alt width="110" height="50"><br> <img src="" alt width="110" height="50"><br> <img src="" alt width="150" height="68"><br> <img src="" alt width="110" height="50"></p> HTML expect(cooked).to eq(html.strip) end end describe "image decoding" do it "can decode upload:// for default setup" do upload = Fabricate(:upload) raw = <<~RAW ![upload](#{upload.short_url}) - ![upload](#{upload.short_url}) - test - ![upload](#{upload.short_url}) ![upload](#{upload.short_url.gsub!(".png", "")}) RAW cooked = <<~HTML <p><img src="#{upload.url}" alt="upload"></p> <ul> <li> <p><img src="#{upload.url}" alt="upload"></p> </li> <li> <p>test</p> <ul> <li><img src="#{upload.url}" alt="upload"></li> </ul> </li> </ul> <p><img src="#{upload.url}" alt="upload"></p> HTML expect(PrettyText.cook(raw)).to eq(cooked.strip) end it "can place a blank image if we can not find the upload" do raw = "![upload](upload://abcABC.png)" cooked = <<~HTML <p><img src="/images/transparent.png" alt="upload" data-orig-src="upload://abcABC.png"></p> HTML expect(PrettyText.cook(raw)).to eq(cooked.strip) end end it "can properly whitelist iframes" do SiteSetting.allowed_iframes = "|" raw = <<~IFRAMES <iframe src=''></iframe> <iframe src=''></iframe> <iframe src='HTTP://SILLY.COM?EMBED=111'></iframe> IFRAMES # we require explicit HTTPS here html = <<~IFRAMES <iframe src=""></iframe> <iframe src="HTTP://SILLY.COM?EMBED=111"></iframe> IFRAMES cooked = PrettyText.cook(raw).strip expect(cooked).to eq(html.strip) end it "You can disable linkify" do md = " https://test.ab https://a" cooked = PrettyText.cook(md) html = <<~HTML <p><a href="" rel="nofollow noopener"></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow noopener"></a> <a href="https://test.ab" rel="nofollow noopener">https://test.ab</a> <a href="https://a" rel="nofollow noopener">https://a</a></p> HTML expect(cooked).to eq(html.strip) # notice how is no longer linked but it is SiteSetting.markdown_linkify_tlds = "not_com|it" cooked = PrettyText.cook(md) html = <<~HTML <p> <a href="" rel="nofollow noopener"></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow noopener"></a> <a href="https://test.ab" rel="nofollow noopener">https://test.ab</a> <a href="https://a" rel="nofollow noopener">https://a</a></p> HTML expect(cooked).to eq(html.strip) # no tlds anymore SiteSetting.markdown_linkify_tlds = "" cooked = PrettyText.cook(md) html = <<~HTML <p> <a href="" rel="nofollow noopener"></a> <a href="https://test.ab" rel="nofollow noopener">https://test.ab</a> <a href="https://a" rel="nofollow noopener">https://a</a></p> HTML expect(cooked).to eq(html.strip) # lastly ... what about no linkify SiteSetting.enable_markdown_linkify = false cooked = PrettyText.cook(md) html = <<~HTML <p> https://test.ab https://a</p> HTML end it "has a proper data whitlist on div" do cooked = PrettyText.cook("<div data-theme-a='a'>test</div>") expect(cooked).to include("data-theme-a") end it "whitelists lang attribute" do cooked = PrettyText.cook("<p lang='fr'>tester</p><div lang='fr'>tester</div><span lang='fr'>tester</span>") expect(cooked).to eq("<p lang=\"fr\">tester</p><div lang=\"fr\">tester</div><span lang=\"fr\">tester</span>") end it "whitelists ruby tags" do # read all about ruby chars at: # basically it is super hard to remember every single rare letter when there are # so many, so ruby tags provide a hint. # html = (<<~MD).strip <ruby lang="je"> <rb lang="je">X</rb> 漢 <rp>(</rp><rt lang="je"> ㄏㄢˋ </rt><rp>)</rp> </ruby> MD cooked = PrettyText.cook html expect(cooked).to eq(html) end end