import { computed, get, action } from "@ember/object"; import Component from "@ember/component"; import { makeArray } from "discourse-common/lib/helpers"; import UtilsMixin from "select-kit/mixins/utils"; import layout from "select-kit/templates/components/selected-name"; export default Component.extend(UtilsMixin, { tagName: "", layout, name: null, value: null, @action onSelectedNameClick() { if (this.selectKit.options.clearOnClick) { this.selectKit.deselect(this.item); return false; } }, didReceiveAttrs() { this._super(...arguments); // we can't listen on `item.nameProperty` given it's variable this.setProperties({ headerLabel: this.getProperty(this.item, "labelProperty"), headerTitle: this.getProperty(this.item, "titleProperty"), name: this.getName(this.item), value: this.item === this.selectKit.noneItem ? null : this.getValue(this.item) }); }, ariaLabel: computed("item", "sanitizedTitle", function() { return this._safeProperty("ariaLabel", this.item) || this.sanitizedTitle; }), // this might need a more advanced solution // but atm it's the only case we have to handle sanitizedTitle: computed("title", function() { return String(this.title).replace("…", ""); }), title: computed("headerTitle", "item", function() { return ( this.headerTitle || this._safeProperty("title", this.item) || || "" ); }), label: computed("headerLabel", "title", "name", function() { return ( this.headerLabel || this._safeProperty("label", this.item) || this.title || ); }), icons: computed("item.{icon,icons}", function() { const icon = makeArray(this._safeProperty("icon", this.item)); const icons = makeArray(this._safeProperty("icons", this.item)); return icon.concat(icons).filter(Boolean); }), _safeProperty(name, content) { if (!content) { return null; } return get(content, name); } });