module Scheduler module Deferrable def initialize @async = !Rails.env.test? @queue = @mutex = @paused = false @thread = nil end def length @queue.length end def pause stop! @paused = true end def resume @paused = false end # for test and sidekiq def async=(val) @async = val end def later(desc = nil, db = RailsMultisite::ConnectionManagement.current_db, &blk) if @async start_thread unless @thread&.alive? || @paused @queue << [db, blk, desc] else end end def stop! @thread.kill if @thread&.alive? @thread = nil end # test only def stopped? !@thread&.alive? end def do_all_work while !@queue.empty? do_work(_non_block = true) end end private def start_thread @mutex.synchronize do return if @thread&.alive? @thread = { do_work while true } end end # using non_block to match Ruby #deq def do_work(non_block = false) db, job, desc = @queue.deq(non_block) db ||= RailsMultisite::ConnectionManagement::DEFAULT RailsMultisite::ConnectionManagement.with_connection(db) do begin rescue => ex Discourse.handle_job_exception(ex, message: "Running deferred code '#{desc}'") end end rescue => ex Discourse.handle_job_exception(ex, message: "Processing deferred code queue") ensure ActiveRecord::Base.connection_handler.clear_active_connections! end end class Defer extend Deferrable initialize end end