import { setupRenderingTest } from "discourse/tests/helpers/component-test"; import { exists, query } from "discourse/tests/helpers/qunit-helpers"; import hbs from "htmlbars-inline-precompile"; import fabricators from "../helpers/fabricators"; import MockPresenceChannel from "../helpers/mock-presence-channel"; import { module, test } from "qunit"; import { render } from "@ember/test-helpers"; module( "Discourse Chat | Component | chat-replying-indicator", function (hooks) { setupRenderingTest(hooks); test("not displayed when no one is replying", async function (assert) { this.set("chatChannel", fabricators.chatChannel()); this.set( "presenceChannel", MockPresenceChannel.create({ name: `/chat-reply/${}`, }) ); await render( hbs`` ); assert.false(exists(".chat-replying-indicator__text")); }); test("displays indicator when user is replying", async function (assert) { this.set("chatChannel", fabricators.chatChannel()); this.set( "presenceChannel", MockPresenceChannel.create({ name: `/chat-reply/${}`, }) ); await render( hbs`` ); const sam = { id: 1, username: "sam" }; this.set("presenceChannel.users", [sam]); assert.strictEqual( query(".chat-replying-indicator__text").innerText, `${sam.username} is typing` ); }); test("displays indicator when 2 or 3 users are replying", async function (assert) { this.set("chatChannel", fabricators.chatChannel()); this.set( "presenceChannel", MockPresenceChannel.create({ name: `/chat-reply/${}`, }) ); await render( hbs`` ); const sam = { id: 1, username: "sam" }; const mark = { id: 2, username: "mark" }; this.set("presenceChannel.users", [sam, mark]); assert.strictEqual( query(".chat-replying-indicator__text").innerText, `${sam.username} and ${mark.username} are typing` ); }); test("displays indicator when 3 users are replying", async function (assert) { this.set("chatChannel", fabricators.chatChannel()); this.set( "presenceChannel", MockPresenceChannel.create({ name: `/chat-reply/${}`, }) ); await render( hbs`` ); const sam = { id: 1, username: "sam" }; const mark = { id: 2, username: "mark" }; const joffrey = { id: 3, username: "joffrey" }; this.set("presenceChannel.users", [sam, mark, joffrey]); assert.strictEqual( query(".chat-replying-indicator__text").innerText, `${sam.username}, ${mark.username} and ${joffrey.username} are typing` ); }); test("displays indicator when more than 3 users are replying", async function (assert) { this.set("chatChannel", fabricators.chatChannel()); this.set( "presenceChannel", MockPresenceChannel.create({ name: `/chat-reply/${}`, }) ); await render( hbs`` ); const sam = { id: 1, username: "sam" }; const mark = { id: 2, username: "mark" }; const joffrey = { id: 3, username: "joffrey" }; const taylor = { id: 4, username: "taylor" }; this.set("presenceChannel.users", [sam, mark, joffrey, taylor]); assert.strictEqual( query(".chat-replying-indicator__text").innerText, `${sam.username}, ${mark.username} and 2 others are typing` ); }); test("filters current user from list of repliers", async function (assert) { this.set("chatChannel", fabricators.chatChannel()); this.set( "presenceChannel", MockPresenceChannel.create({ name: `/chat-reply/${}`, }) ); await render( hbs`` ); const sam = { id: 1, username: "sam" }; this.set("presenceChannel.users", [sam, this.currentUser]); assert.strictEqual( query(".chat-replying-indicator__text").innerText, `${sam.username} is typing` ); }); test("resets presence when channel is draft", async function (assert) { this.set("chatChannel", fabricators.chatChannel()); this.set( "presenceChannel", MockPresenceChannel.create({ name: `/chat-reply/${}`, subscribed: true, }) ); await render( hbs`` ); assert.true(this.presenceChannel.subscribed); this.set("chatChannel", fabricators.chatChannel({ isDraft: true })); assert.false(this.presenceChannel.subscribed); }); } );