# frozen_string_literal: true ## # From time to time, site admins may choose to sunset a chat channel and archive # the messages within. It cannot be used for DM channels in its current iteration. # # To archive a channel, we mark it read_only first to prevent any further message # additions or changes, and create a record to track whether the archive topic # will be new or existing. When we archive the channel, messages are copied into # posts in batches using the [chat] BBCode to quote the messages. The messages are # deleted once the batch has its post made. The execute action of this class is # idempotent, so if we fail halfway through the archive process it can be run again. # # Once all of the messages have been copied then we mark the channel as archived. class Chat::ChatChannelArchiveService ARCHIVED_MESSAGES_PER_POST = 100 class ArchiveValidationError < StandardError attr_reader :errors def initialize(errors: []) super @errors = errors end end def self.create_archive_process(chat_channel:, acting_user:, topic_params:) return if ChatChannelArchive.exists?(chat_channel: chat_channel) # Only need to validate topic params for a new topic, not an existing one. if topic_params[:topic_id].blank? valid, errors = Chat::ChatChannelArchiveService.validate_topic_params( Guardian.new(acting_user), topic_params, ) raise ArchiveValidationError.new(errors: errors) if !valid end ChatChannelArchive.transaction do chat_channel.read_only!(acting_user) archive = ChatChannelArchive.create!( chat_channel: chat_channel, archived_by: acting_user, total_messages: chat_channel.chat_messages.count, destination_topic_id: topic_params[:topic_id], destination_topic_title: topic_params[:topic_title], destination_category_id: topic_params[:category_id], destination_tags: topic_params[:tags], ) Jobs.enqueue(:chat_channel_archive, chat_channel_archive_id: archive.id) archive end end def self.retry_archive_process(chat_channel:) return if !chat_channel.chat_channel_archive&.failed? Jobs.enqueue( :chat_channel_archive, chat_channel_archive_id: chat_channel.chat_channel_archive.id, ) chat_channel.chat_channel_archive end def self.validate_topic_params(guardian, topic_params) topic_creator = TopicCreator.new( Discourse.system_user, guardian, { title: topic_params[:topic_title], category: topic_params[:category_id], tags: topic_params[:tags], import_mode: true, }, ) [topic_creator.valid?, topic_creator.errors.full_messages] end attr_reader :chat_channel_archive, :chat_channel, :chat_channel_title def initialize(chat_channel_archive) @chat_channel_archive = chat_channel_archive @chat_channel = chat_channel_archive.chat_channel @chat_channel_title = chat_channel.title(chat_channel_archive.archived_by) end def execute chat_channel_archive.update(archive_error: nil) begin return if !ensure_destination_topic_exists! Rails.logger.info( "Creating posts from message batches for #{chat_channel_title} archive, #{chat_channel_archive.total_messages} messages to archive (#{chat_channel_archive.total_messages / ARCHIVED_MESSAGES_PER_POST} posts).", ) # A batch should be idempotent, either the post is created and the # messages are deleted or we roll back the whole thing. # # At some point we may want to reconsider disabling post validations, # and add in things like dynamic resizing of the number of messages per # post based on post length, but that can be done later. # # Another future improvement is to send a MessageBus message for each # completed batch, so the UI can receive updates and show a progress # bar or something similar. chat_channel .chat_messages .find_in_batches(batch_size: ARCHIVED_MESSAGES_PER_POST) do |chat_messages| create_post( ChatTranscriptService.new( chat_channel, chat_channel_archive.archived_by, messages_or_ids: chat_messages, opts: { no_link: true, include_reactions: true, }, ).generate_markdown, ) { delete_message_batch(chat_messages.map(&:id)) } end kick_all_users complete_archive rescue => err notify_archiver(:failed, error_message: err.message) raise err end end private def create_post(raw) pc = nil Post.transaction do pc = PostCreator.new( Discourse.system_user, raw: raw, # we must skip these because the posts are created in a big transaction, # we do them all at the end instead skip_jobs: true, # we do not want to be sending out notifications etc. from this # automatic background process import_mode: true, # don't want to be stopped by watched word or post length validations skip_validations: true, topic_id: chat_channel_archive.destination_topic_id, ) pc.create # so we can also delete chat messages in the same transaction yield if block_given? end pc.enqueue_jobs end def ensure_destination_topic_exists! if !chat_channel_archive.destination_topic.present? Rails.logger.info("Creating topic for #{chat_channel_title} archive.") Topic.transaction do topic_creator = TopicCreator.new( Discourse.system_user, Guardian.new(chat_channel_archive.archived_by), { title: chat_channel_archive.destination_topic_title, category: chat_channel_archive.destination_category_id, tags: chat_channel_archive.destination_tags, import_mode: true, }, ) if topic_creator.valid? chat_channel_archive.update!(destination_topic: topic_creator.create) else Rails.logger.info("Destination topic for #{chat_channel_title} archive was not valid.") notify_archiver( :failed_no_topic, error_message: topic_creator.errors.full_messages.join("\n"), ) end end if chat_channel_archive.destination_topic.present? Rails.logger.info("Creating first post for #{chat_channel_title} archive.") create_post( I18n.t( "chat.channel.archive.first_post_raw", channel_name: chat_channel_title, channel_url: chat_channel.url, ), ) end else Rails.logger.info("Topic already exists for #{chat_channel_title} archive.") end if chat_channel_archive.destination_topic.present? update_destination_topic_status return true end false end def update_destination_topic_status # We only want to do this when the destination topic is new, not an # existing topic, because we don't want to update the status unexpectedly # on an existing topic if chat_channel_archive.new_topic? if SiteSetting.chat_archive_destination_topic_status == "archived" chat_channel_archive.destination_topic.update!(archived: true) elsif SiteSetting.chat_archive_destination_topic_status == "closed" chat_channel_archive.destination_topic.update!(closed: true) end end end def delete_message_batch(message_ids) ChatMessage.transaction do ChatMessage.where(id: message_ids).update_all( deleted_at: DateTime.now, deleted_by_id: chat_channel_archive.archived_by.id, ) chat_channel_archive.update!( archived_messages: chat_channel_archive.archived_messages + message_ids.length, ) end Rails.logger.info( "Archived #{chat_channel_archive.archived_messages} messages for #{chat_channel_title} archive.", ) end def complete_archive Rails.logger.info("Creating posts completed for #{chat_channel_title} archive.") chat_channel.archived!(chat_channel_archive.archived_by) notify_archiver(:success) end def notify_archiver(result, error_message: nil) base_translation_params = { channel_name: chat_channel_title, topic_title: chat_channel_archive.destination_topic&.title, topic_url: chat_channel_archive.destination_topic&.url, topic_validation_errors: result == :failed_no_topic ? error_message : nil, } if result == :failed || result == :failed_no_topic Discourse.warn_exception( error_message, message: "Error when archiving chat channel #{chat_channel_title}.", env: { chat_channel_id: chat_channel.id, chat_channel_name: chat_channel_title, }, ) error_translation_params = base_translation_params.merge( channel_url: chat_channel.url, messages_archived: chat_channel_archive.archived_messages, ) chat_channel_archive.update(archive_error: error_message) message_translation_key = case result when :failed :chat_channel_archive_failed when :failed_no_topic :chat_channel_archive_failed_no_topic end SystemMessage.create_from_system_user( chat_channel_archive.archived_by, message_translation_key, error_translation_params, ) else SystemMessage.create_from_system_user( chat_channel_archive.archived_by, :chat_channel_archive_complete, base_translation_params, ) end ChatPublisher.publish_archive_status( chat_channel, archive_status: result != :success ? :failed : :success, archived_messages: chat_channel_archive.archived_messages, archive_topic_id: chat_channel_archive.destination_topic_id, total_messages: chat_channel_archive.total_messages, ) end def kick_all_users Chat::ChatChannelMembershipManager.new(chat_channel).unfollow_all_users end end