# frozen_string_literal: true def brotli_s3_path(path) ext = File.extname(path) "#{path[0..-ext.length]}br#{ext}" end def gzip_s3_path(path) ext = File.extname(path) "#{path[0..-ext.length]}gz#{ext}" end def existing_assets @existing_assets ||= Set.new(helper.list("assets/").map(&:key)) end def prefix_s3_path(path) path = File.join(helper.s3_bucket_folder_path, path) if helper.s3_bucket_folder_path path end def should_skip?(path) return false if ENV["FORCE_S3_UPLOADS"] existing_assets.include?(prefix_s3_path(path)) end def upload(path, remote_path, content_type, content_encoding = nil) options = { cache_control: "max-age=31556952, public, immutable", content_type: content_type, acl: SiteSetting.s3_use_acls ? "public-read" : nil, } options[:content_encoding] = content_encoding if content_encoding if should_skip?(remote_path) puts "Skipping: #{remote_path}" else puts "Uploading: #{remote_path}" File.open(path) { |file| helper.upload(file, remote_path, options) } end File.delete(path) if (File.exist?(path) && ENV["DELETE_ASSETS_AFTER_S3_UPLOAD"]) end def use_db_s3_config ENV["USE_DB_S3_CONFIG"] end def helper @helper ||= S3Helper.build_from_config(use_db_s3_config: use_db_s3_config) end def assets cached = Rails.application.assets&.cached manifest = Sprockets::Manifest.new( cached, Rails.root + "public/assets", Rails.application.config.assets.manifest, ) results = [] manifest.assets.each do |_, path| fullpath = (Rails.root + "public/assets/#{path}").to_s # Ignore files we can't find the mime type of, like yarn.lock content_type = MiniMime.lookup_by_filename(fullpath)&.content_type content_type ||= "application/json" if fullpath.end_with?(".map") if content_type asset_path = "assets/#{path}" results << [fullpath, asset_path, content_type] if File.exist?(fullpath + ".br") results << [fullpath + ".br", brotli_s3_path(asset_path), content_type, "br"] end if File.exist?(fullpath + ".gz") results << [fullpath + ".gz", gzip_s3_path(asset_path), content_type, "gzip"] end if File.exist?(fullpath + ".map") results << [fullpath + ".map", asset_path + ".map", "application/json"] end end end results end def asset_paths Set.new(assets.map { |_, asset_path| asset_path }) end def ensure_s3_configured! unless GlobalSetting.use_s3? || use_db_s3_config STDERR.puts "ERROR: Ensure S3 is configured in config/discourse.conf or environment vars" exit 1 end end task "s3:correct_acl" => :environment do ensure_s3_configured! if !SiteSetting.s3_use_acls $stderr.puts "Not correcting ACLs as the site is configured to not use ACLs" return end puts "ensuring public-read is set on every upload and optimized image" i = 0 base_url = Discourse.store.absolute_base_url objects = Upload.pluck(:id, :url).map { |array| array << :upload } objects.concat(OptimizedImage.pluck(:id, :url).map { |array| array << :optimized_image }) puts "#{objects.length} objects found" objects.each do |id, url, type| i += 1 if !url.start_with?(base_url) puts "Skipping #{type} #{id} since it is not stored on s3, url is #{url}" else begin key = url[(base_url.length + 1)..-1] object = Discourse.store.s3_helper.object(key) object.acl.put(acl: "public-read") rescue => e puts "Skipping #{type} #{id} url is #{url} #{e}" end end puts "#{i} done" if i % 100 == 0 end end task "s3:correct_cachecontrol" => :environment do ensure_s3_configured! puts "ensuring cache-control is set on every upload and optimized image" i = 0 base_url = Discourse.store.absolute_base_url cache_control = "max-age=31556952, public, immutable" objects = Upload.pluck(:id, :url).map { |array| array << :upload } objects.concat(OptimizedImage.pluck(:id, :url).map { |array| array << :optimized_image }) puts "#{objects.length} objects found" objects.each do |id, url, type| i += 1 if !url.start_with?(base_url) puts "Skipping #{type} #{id} since it is not stored on s3, url is #{url}" else begin key = url[(base_url.length + 1)..-1] object = Discourse.store.s3_helper.object(key) object.copy_from( copy_source: "#{object.bucket_name}/#{object.key}", acl: SiteSetting.s3_use_acls ? "public-read" : nil, cache_control: cache_control, content_type: object.content_type, content_disposition: object.content_disposition, metadata_directive: "REPLACE", ) rescue => e puts "Skipping #{type} #{id} url is #{url} #{e}" end end puts "#{i} done" if i % 100 == 0 end end task "s3:ensure_cors_rules" => :environment do ensure_s3_configured! puts "Installing CORS rules..." result = S3CorsRulesets.sync(use_db_s3_config: use_db_s3_config) if !result puts "skipping" next end puts "Assets rules status: #{result[:assets_rules_status]}." puts "Backup rules status: #{result[:backup_rules_status]}." puts "Direct upload rules status: #{result[:direct_upload_rules_status]}." end task "s3:upload_assets" => [:environment, "s3:ensure_cors_rules"] do pool = Concurrent::FixedThreadPool.new( ENV["DISCOURSE_S3_UPLOAD_ASSETS_RAKE_THREAD_POOL_SIZE"] || Concurrent.processor_count, ) assets.each { |asset| pool.post { upload(*asset) } } pool.shutdown pool.wait_for_termination end task "s3:expire_missing_assets" => :environment do ensure_s3_configured! puts "Checking for stale S3 assets..." if Discourse.readonly_mode? puts "Discourse is in readonly mode. Skipping s3 asset deletion in case this is a read-only mirror of a live site." exit 0 end assets_to_delete = existing_assets.dup # Check that all current assets are uploaded, and remove them from the to_delete list asset_paths.each do |current_asset_path| uploaded = assets_to_delete.delete?(prefix_s3_path(current_asset_path)) if !uploaded puts "A current asset does not exist on S3 (#{current_asset_path}). Aborting cleanup task." exit 1 end end if assets_to_delete.size > 0 puts "Found #{assets_to_delete.size} assets to delete..." assets_to_delete.each do |to_delete| if !to_delete.start_with?(prefix_s3_path("assets/")) # Sanity check, this should never happen raise "Attempted to delete a non-/asset S3 path (#{to_delete}). Aborting" end end assets_to_delete.each_slice(500) do |slice| message = "Deleting #{slice.size} assets...\n" message += slice.join("\n").indent(2) puts message helper.delete_objects(slice) puts "... done" end else puts "No stale assets found" end end