import { acceptance } from "helpers/qunit-helpers"; import PreloadStore from 'preload-store'; import { parsePostData } from "helpers/create-pretender"; acceptance("Password Reset", { setup() { const response = (object) => { return [ 200, {"Content-Type": "application/json"}, object ]; }; server.get('/users/confirm-email-token/myvalidtoken.json', () => { //eslint-disable-line return response({success: "OK"}); }); server.put('/users/password-reset/myvalidtoken.json', request => { //eslint-disable-line const body = parsePostData(request.requestBody); if (body.password === "jonesyAlienSlayer") { return response({success: false, errors: {password: ["is the name of your cat"]}}); } else { return response({success: "OK", message: I18n.t('password_reset.success')}); } }); } }); test("Password Reset Page", () => {'password_reset', {is_developer: false}); visit("/users/password-reset/myvalidtoken"); andThen(() => { ok(exists(".password-reset input"), "shows the input"); ok(find('.password-reset .instructions').html().trim().includes(`${Discourse.SiteSettings.min_password_length} char`), "shows correct min length"); }); fillIn('.password-reset input', 'perf3ctly5ecur3'); andThen(() => { ok(exists(".password-reset .tip.good"), "input looks good"); }); fillIn('.password-reset input', '123'); andThen(() => { ok(exists(".password-reset .tip.bad"), "input is not valid"); ok(find(".password-reset .tip.bad").html().trim().includes(I18n.t('user.password.too_short')), "password too short"); }); fillIn('.password-reset input', 'jonesyAlienSlayer'); click('.password-reset form button'); andThen(() => { ok(exists(".password-reset .tip.bad"), "input is not valid"); ok(find(".password-reset .tip.bad").html().trim().includes("is the name of your cat"), "server validation error message shows"); }); fillIn('.password-reset input', 'perf3ctly5ecur3'); click('.password-reset form button'); andThen(() => { ok(!exists(".password-reset form"), "form is gone"); ok(exists(".password-reset .btn"), "button is shown"); }); });