var originalTemplates, originalMobileViewFlag;

var lookup = function(lookupString, expectedTemplate, message) {
  // {singleton: false} prevents Ember from caching lookup results (what would make them persistent across multiple tests, breaking test isolation)
  equal(Discourse.__container__.lookup(lookupString, {singleton: false}), expectedTemplate, message);

var setTemplates = function(lookupStrings) {  
  lookupStrings.forEach(function(lookupString) {
    Ember.TEMPLATES[lookupString] = lookupString;

module("Discourse.Resolver", {
  setup: function() {
    originalTemplates = Ember.TEMPLATES;
    Ember.TEMPLATES = {};

    originalMobileViewFlag = Discourse.Mobile.mobileView;
    Discourse.Mobile.mobileView = false;

  teardown: function() {
    Ember.TEMPLATES = originalTemplates;
    Discourse.Mobile.mobileView = originalMobileViewFlag;

test("finds templates in top level dir", function() {

  lookup("template:foobar", "foobar", "by lowcased name");
  lookup("template:fooBar", "fooBar", "by camel cased name");
  lookup("template:foo_bar", "foo_bar", "by underscored name");
  lookup("", "", "by dotted name");

test("finds templates in first-level subdir", function() {

  lookup("template:foo/bar_baz", "foo/bar_baz", "with subdir defined by slash");
  lookup("template:foo.bar_baz", "foo/bar_baz", "with subdir defined by dot");
  lookup("template:fooBarBaz", "foo/bar_baz", "with subdir defined by first camel case and the rest of camel cases converted to underscores");
  lookup("template:foo_bar_baz", "foo/bar_baz", "with subdir defined by first underscore");

test("resolves precedence between overlapping top level dir and first level subdir templates", function() {

  lookup("", "foo/bar", "preferring first level subdir for dotted name");
  lookup("template:fooBar", "fooBar", "preferring top level dir for camel cased name");
  lookup("template:foo_bar", "foo_bar", "preferring top level dir for underscored name");

test("finds templates in subdir deeper than one level", function() {

  lookup("template:foo/bar/baz/qux", "foo/bar/baz/qux", "for subdirs defined by slashes");
  lookup("", "foo/bar/baz/qux", "for subdirs defined by dots");
  lookup("template:foo/bar/bazQux", "foo/bar/baz/qux", "for subdirs defined by slashes plus one camel case");
  lookup("template:foo/bar/baz_qux", "foo/bar/baz/qux", "for subdirs defined by slashes plus one underscore");

  lookup("template:fooBarBazQux", undefined, "but not for subdirs defined by more than one camel case");
  lookup("template:foo_bar_baz_qux", undefined, "but not for subdirs defined by more than one underscore");
  lookup("", undefined, "but not for subdirs defined by dots plus one camel case");
  lookup("", undefined, "but not for subdirs defined by dots plus one underscore");

test("resolves mobile templates to 'mobile/' namespace", function() {

  Discourse.Mobile.mobileView = true;

  lookup("template:foo", "mobile/foo", "finding mobile version even if normal one is not present");
  lookup("template:bar", "mobile/bar", "preferring mobile version when both mobile and normal versions are present");
  lookup("template:baz", "baz", "falling back to a normal version when mobile version is not present");

test("resolves templates with 'admin' prefix to 'admin/templates/' namespace", function() {

  lookup("template:adminFoo", "admin/templates/foo", "when prefix is separated by camel case");
  lookup("template:admin_foo", "admin/templates/foo", "when prefix is separated by underscore");
  lookup("", "admin/templates/foo", "when prefix is separated by dot");

  lookup("template:adminfoo", undefined, "but not when prefix is not separated in any way");
  lookup("template:adminBar", "adminBar", "but not when template with the exact camel cased name exists");
  lookup("template:admin_bar", "admin_bar", "but not when template with the exact underscored name exists");
  lookup("", "", "but not when template with the exact dotted name exists");

test("returns 'not_found' template when template name cannot be resolved", function() {

  lookup("template:foo/bar/baz", "not_found", "");