/* This file is auto-generated from the Discourse core database schema. Instead of editing it directly, please update the `schema.yml` configuration file and re-run the `generate_schema` script to update it. */ CREATE TABLE users ( id INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, active BOOLEAN NOT NULL, admin BOOLEAN NOT NULL, approved BOOLEAN NOT NULL, created_at DATETIME NOT NULL, staged BOOLEAN NOT NULL, trust_level INTEGER NOT NULL, username TEXT NOT NULL, views INTEGER NOT NULL, approved_at DATETIME, approved_by_id INTEGER, date_of_birth DATE, first_seen_at DATETIME, flair_group_id INTEGER, group_locked_trust_level INTEGER, ip_address TEXT, last_seen_at DATETIME, locale TEXT, manual_locked_trust_level INTEGER, moderator BOOLEAN, name TEXT, previous_visit_at DATETIME, primary_group_id INTEGER, registration_ip_address TEXT, silenced_till DATETIME, suspended_at DATETIME, suspended_till DATETIME, title TEXT, uploaded_avatar_id TEXT );