import Controller from "@ember/controller"; import I18n from "I18n"; import { ajax } from "discourse/lib/ajax"; import bootbox from "bootbox"; import { empty } from "@ember/object/computed"; import { observes } from "discourse-common/utils/decorators"; export default Controller.extend({ /** Is the "send test email" button disabled? @property sendTestEmailDisabled **/ sendTestEmailDisabled: empty("testEmailAddress"), /** Clears the 'sentTestEmail' property on successful send. @method testEmailAddressChanged **/ @observes("testEmailAddress") testEmailAddressChanged() { this.set("sentTestEmail", false); }, actions: { /** Sends a test email to the currently entered email address @method sendTestEmail **/ sendTestEmail() { this.setProperties({ sendingEmail: true, sentTestEmail: false, }); ajax("/admin/email/test", { type: "POST", data: { email_address: this.testEmailAddress }, }) .then((response) => this.set("sentTestEmailMessage", response.sent_test_email_message) ) .catch((e) => { if (e.jqXHR.responseJSON?.errors) { bootbox.alert( I18n.t("", { server_error: e.jqXHR.responseJSON.errors[0], }) ); } else { bootbox.alert(I18n.t("")); } }) .finally(() => this.set("sendingEmail", false)); }, }, });