# frozen_string_literal: true module Chat class Message < ActiveRecord::Base include Trashable include TypeMappable self.table_name = "chat_messages" BAKED_VERSION = 2 attribute :has_oneboxes, default: false belongs_to :chat_channel, class_name: "Chat::Channel" belongs_to :user belongs_to :in_reply_to, class_name: "Chat::Message" belongs_to :last_editor, class_name: "User" belongs_to :thread, class_name: "Chat::Thread", optional: true has_many :replies, class_name: "Chat::Message", foreign_key: "in_reply_to_id", dependent: :nullify has_many :revisions, class_name: "Chat::MessageRevision", dependent: :destroy, foreign_key: :chat_message_id has_many :reactions, class_name: "Chat::MessageReaction", dependent: :destroy, foreign_key: :chat_message_id has_many :bookmarks, -> { unscope(where: :bookmarkable_type).where( bookmarkable_type: Chat::Message.polymorphic_name, ) }, as: :bookmarkable, dependent: :destroy has_many :upload_references, -> { unscope(where: :target_type).where(target_type: Chat::Message.polymorphic_name) }, dependent: :destroy, foreign_key: :target_id has_many :uploads, through: :upload_references, class_name: "::Upload" has_one :chat_webhook_event, dependent: :destroy, class_name: "Chat::WebhookEvent", foreign_key: :chat_message_id has_many :chat_mentions, dependent: :destroy, class_name: "Chat::Mention", foreign_key: :chat_message_id scope :in_public_channel, -> { joins(:chat_channel).where( chat_channel: { chatable_type: Chat::Channel.public_channel_chatable_types, }, ) } scope :in_dm_channel, -> { joins(:chat_channel).where( chat_channel: { chatable_type: Chat::Channel.direct_channel_chatable_types, }, ) } scope :created_before, ->(date) { where("chat_messages.created_at < ?", date) } scope :uncooked, -> { where("cooked_version <> ? or cooked_version IS NULL", BAKED_VERSION) } before_save { ensure_last_editor_id } validate :validate_message def self.polymorphic_class_mapping = { "ChatMessage" => Chat::Message } def validate_message self.message = TextCleaner.clean(self.message, strip_whitespaces: true, strip_zero_width_spaces: true) WatchedWordsValidator.new(attributes: [:message]).validate(self) if self.new_record? || self.changed.include?("message") Chat::DuplicateMessageValidator.new(self).validate end if uploads.empty? && message_too_short? self.errors.add( :base, I18n.t( "chat.errors.minimum_length_not_met", count: SiteSetting.chat_minimum_message_length, ), ) end if message_too_long? self.errors.add( :base, I18n.t("chat.errors.message_too_long", count: SiteSetting.chat_maximum_message_length), ) end end def excerpt(max_length: 50) # just show the URL if the whole message is a URL, because we cannot excerpt oneboxes return message if UrlHelper.relaxed_parse(message).is_a?(URI) # upload-only messages are better represented as the filename return uploads.first.original_filename if cooked.blank? && uploads.present? # this may return blank for some complex things like quotes, that is acceptable PrettyText.excerpt(cooked, max_length, strip_links: true) end def censored_excerpt(max_length: 50) WordWatcher.censor(excerpt(max_length: max_length)) end def cooked_for_excerpt (cooked.blank? && uploads.present?) ? "


" : cooked end def push_notification_excerpt Emoji.gsub_emoji_to_unicode(message).truncate(400) end def to_markdown upload_markdown = self .upload_references .includes(:upload) .order(:created_at) .map(&:to_markdown) .reject(&:empty?) return self.message if upload_markdown.empty? return ["#{self.message}\n"].concat(upload_markdown).join("\n") if self.message.present? upload_markdown.join("\n") end def cook ensure_last_editor_id self.cooked = self.class.cook(self.message, user_id: self.last_editor_id) self.cooked_version = BAKED_VERSION invalidate_parsed_mentions end def rebake!(invalidate_oneboxes: false, priority: nil) ensure_last_editor_id previous_cooked = self.cooked new_cooked = self.class.cook( message, invalidate_oneboxes: invalidate_oneboxes, user_id: self.last_editor_id, ) update_columns(cooked: new_cooked, cooked_version: BAKED_VERSION) args = { chat_message_id: self.id } args[:queue] = priority.to_s if priority && priority != :normal args[:is_dirty] = true if previous_cooked != new_cooked Jobs.enqueue(Jobs::Chat::ProcessMessage, args) end MARKDOWN_FEATURES = %w[ anchor bbcode-block bbcode-inline code category-hashtag censored chat-transcript discourse-local-dates emoji emojiShortcuts inlineEmoji html-img hashtag-autocomplete mentions unicodeUsernames onebox quotes spoiler-alert table text-post-process upload-protocol watched-words ] MARKDOWN_IT_RULES = %w[ autolink list backticks newline code fence image table linkify link strikethrough blockquote emphasis ] def self.cook(message, opts = {}) # A rule in our Markdown pipeline may have Guardian checks that require a # user to be present. The last editing user of the message will be more # generally up to date than the creating user. For example, we use # this when cooking #hashtags to determine whether we should render # the found hashtag based on whether the user can access the channel it # is referencing. cooked = PrettyText.cook( message, features_override: MARKDOWN_FEATURES + DiscoursePluginRegistry.chat_markdown_features.to_a, markdown_it_rules: MARKDOWN_IT_RULES, force_quote_link: true, user_id: opts[:user_id], hashtag_context: "chat-composer", ) result = Oneboxer.apply(cooked) do |url| if opts[:invalidate_oneboxes] Oneboxer.invalidate(url) InlineOneboxer.invalidate(url) end onebox = Oneboxer.cached_onebox(url) onebox end cooked = result.to_html if result.changed? cooked end def full_url "#{Discourse.base_url}#{url}" end def url "/chat/c/-/#{self.chat_channel_id}/#{self.id}" end def create_mentions insert_mentions(parsed_mentions.all_mentioned_users_ids) end def update_mentions mentioned_user_ids = parsed_mentions.all_mentioned_users_ids old_mentions = chat_mentions.pluck(:user_id) updated_mentions = mentioned_user_ids mentioned_user_ids_to_drop = old_mentions - updated_mentions mentioned_user_ids_to_add = updated_mentions - old_mentions delete_mentions(mentioned_user_ids_to_drop) insert_mentions(mentioned_user_ids_to_add) end def in_thread? self.thread_id.present? end def thread_reply? in_thread? && !thread_om? end def thread_om? in_thread? && self.thread.original_message_id == self.id end def parsed_mentions @parsed_mentions ||= Chat::ParsedMentions.new(self) end def invalidate_parsed_mentions @parsed_mentions = nil end private def delete_mentions(user_ids) chat_mentions.where(user_id: user_ids).destroy_all end def insert_mentions(user_ids) return if user_ids.empty? now = Time.zone.now mentions = [] User .where(id: user_ids) .find_each do |user| mentions << { chat_message_id: self.id, user_id: user.id, created_at: now, updated_at: now, } end Chat::Mention.insert_all(mentions) end def message_too_short? message.length < SiteSetting.chat_minimum_message_length end def message_too_long? message.length > SiteSetting.chat_maximum_message_length end def ensure_last_editor_id self.last_editor_id ||= self.user_id end end end # == Schema Information # # Table name: chat_messages # # id :bigint not null, primary key # chat_channel_id :integer not null # user_id :integer # created_at :datetime not null # updated_at :datetime not null # deleted_at :datetime # deleted_by_id :integer # in_reply_to_id :integer # message :text # cooked :text # cooked_version :integer # last_editor_id :integer not null # thread_id :integer # # Indexes # # idx_chat_messages_by_created_at_not_deleted (created_at) WHERE (deleted_at IS NULL) # idx_chat_messages_by_thread_id_not_deleted (thread_id) WHERE (deleted_at IS NULL) # index_chat_messages_on_chat_channel_id_and_created_at (chat_channel_id,created_at) # index_chat_messages_on_chat_channel_id_and_id (chat_channel_id,id) WHERE (deleted_at IS NULL) # index_chat_messages_on_last_editor_id (last_editor_id) # index_chat_messages_on_thread_id (thread_id) #